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From the library of
Jay Backus Woodworth
Transferred to
June 2005
These chromo-lithographs are reproduced from a series of six crayon sketches
made on the bank of the Thames, a little west of London, on the evening of
November 26th, 1883, by Mr. W. Ascroft, of Chelsea.
They represent the general colouring of the western sky from shortly after
sunset (3h. 57m. p.m.) to the final dying out of the after-glow at about 5.15 p.m.
The increase of light after the cessation of ordinary twilight — that is to say,
between Nos. 2 and 4 — is very marked, and the gradual change iu the tone of
Nos. 3, 4, 5, and 6 very instructive.
Nov 2Q'r 1883.
VIZ.: —
Abkrcromby, The Hon. Ralph.
Archibald, E. Douglas,
BoNNEY, Pbof. T. G., F.R.S.
Evans, (the late) Sm F. J., F.R.S.
Geikie, De. a., F.R.S.
JuPD, Prof. J. W., F.R.S.
LocKYffii, J. Norman, F.R.S.
Russell, The Hon. F. A. Rollo.
Scott, R H., F.R.S.
Stokes, Prof. G. G,, Fres. R.S.
Strachey, Lt.-General, R.E., F.R.S.
Symons, G. J., F.R.S., Chairman.
Wharton, Capt. W. J. L., RN.,
Edited by G. J. SYMONS, F.R.S.
TRt)BNER & Co., 57 and 59, LUDGATE HILL.
Price Thirty Shillingt.
The extremely violent nature of the eruption of Krakatoa on August 26th-27th,
1883, was known in England very shortly after it occurred, but it was not until a
month later that the exceptional character of some of the attendant phenomena was
reported. Blue and green suns were stated to have been seen in various tropical
countries ; then came records of peculiar haze ; in November the extraordinary
twilight glows in the British Isles commanded general attention, and their probable
connection with Krakatoa was pointed out by various writers.
At the meeting of the Royal Society, on December 13th, a paper by Mr. Scx)tt,
and a note by General Strachby, gave the first details of the great air- wave, and
indicated its nature and extent.
On January 10th, 1884, papers by Commander the Hon. F. C. P. Vereker and
by Mr. Kennedy, BLB.M.'s Consul at Batavia, describing the remarkable changes in
the physical configuration of the district, were read before the Boyal Society. In
the course of the discussion upon them, it was suggested that it would be well to
collect and coordinate all the information obtainable respecting the mruption; and
the President (Professor Huxlet) promised that the subject should be brought
before the Council.
On January 17th, the Coundl passed the following resolution : — ^'* That a
" committee, to consist of Sir F. Evans, Prof. Judd, Mr. Nobman
" Locrteb, Mr. R. H. Scott, General Strachey, and Mr. G. J.
** Stmons, with power to add to their number, be appointed, to collect
'' the various accounts of the volcanic eruption at Krakatoa, and
*' attendant phenomena, in such form as shall best provide for their
'* preservation, and promote their usefulness/'
The first meeting of the Committee was held on February 5th, all the members
being present. It was resolved that a letter inviting assistance should be prepared
[ iv J
for inflertion in ' The Times ' and other periodicak. The following is a copy of that
letter : —
'' Sir, — ^The Coundl of the Boyal Sociefy has appointed a committee for the
purpose of collecting the various accounts of the volcanic eruption at Erakatoa, and
attendant phenomena^ in such form as shall best provide for their preservation and
promote their usefulness. The committee invite the conmmnication of authenticated
facts respecting the fall of pumice and of dust, the position and extent of floating
pumice, the date of exceptional quantities of pumice reaching various shores,
observations of unusual disturbances of barometric pressure and of sea level, the
presence of sulphurous vapours, the distances at which the explosions were heard,
and exceptional effects of light and colour in the atmosphere. The committee will be
glad to receive also copies of published papers, articles and letters bearing upon the
subject. Correspondents are requested to be very particular in giving the date,
exact time (stating whether Greenwich or local), and position whence all recorded
facts were observed. The greatest practicable precision in all these respects is
essential. All communications are to be addressed to —
" Your obedient servant,
'^ Chairman, Ejukatoa Conmiittee.
'' Royal Society, Burlington House,
'* February 12th, 1884."
A secretary also was appointed who attended daily at Burlington House
for about twelve months, searching many hundred periodicals, and parts of
* Proceedings,' ^ Transactions,' &c., copying out and classifying the various state-
ments, as well as attending to the correspondence received in reply to the published
At the meeting on March 27th, 1884, a letter was read which had been received
from the Royal Meteorological Society, stating that on January 16th that Society had
appointed a committee to investigate the cause of the remarkable sunrises and
sunsets, and had already issued circulars of inquiry over the greater part of the globe,
and suggesting that therefore that branch of the inquiry should be left to them.
Eventually it was arranged that all the data collected by the Royal Meteorological
Society should be handed over to the Erakatoa committee, and that the members of
the committee of the Royal Meteorological Society should be made members of the
Erakatoa committee. The Hon. Ralph Absbobombt, Mr. E. Douglas Abchibald,
and the Hon. F. A. Rollo Russell, were so elected.
[ y ]
Coloured drawings of the twilights were submitted to the committee on March
27th, 1884, by Mr. J. S. Dyason, and on June I9th, 1885, by Mr. W: Ascjeoft ; six
of those submitted by the latter artist have been reproduced as a Frontispiece to this
At the meeting on June 18th, 1884, Dr. Geikie, and on November 20th, 1884,
Prof. BoNNEY, were added to the committee.
At the end of November, 1884, it was considered expedient to commence the
discussion of the great mass of data collected, and it was divided into five portions,
each going to a separate sub-committee as follows : —
Including descriptions of the Eruption, Earthquakes, and the Geological features
relating to Dust and Pumice-
Prof. JuDD, Dr. Geikib,
Prof. BoNNEY, Mr. E. H. Scott.
Including Air- Waves, Sounds, and the geographical distribution of Dust and
Pumice —
General Strachey, Prof Stokes, Mr. R. H. Scott,
Including Twilight Effects, Coronal Appearances, Cloud Haze, Coloured Sun,
Moon, &c. —
Mr. E. Douglas Archibald, Mr. J. Norman Lockyee,
Hon. RoLLO Russell.
Sir F. Evans (and subsequently Captain Welarton), General Strachey.
The Kew Committee.
(G. M. Whipple, B.Sc, Superintendent.)
The extraction of data being then nearly finished, it was not considered necessary
to retain the services of the secretary, and all the routine work for the subsequent
two years was conducted by the Chairman.
On the death of Sir F. Evans, the President and Council of the Royal Society
nominated Captain Wharton as a member of the committee, and he has completed
the investigation of the Seismic Sea Waves.
[ vi ]
Thus it will be seen that 28 months elapsed between the distribution of the data
to the various sub-committees and the completion of the report and its transmission
to the Council. But it is to be remarked that the optical phenomena did not entirely
fade from view until the early part of 1886, and that besides the great mass of
material originally distributed, a constant flow of additional literature, including the
very valuable report by Mr. Yeebeek, has been received and transmitted to the
writers of the various Parts.
As regards the mass of material, it may be mentioned that it has included —
Barograms firom 50 observatories,
Magnetograms from 1 1 „
Tidal Becords ,, 50 stations.
Between 300 and 400 letters have been received, most of them enclosing bulky
reports. Many, being written in foreign languages, have required translation, and
all have required the conversion of their local times into 6.M.T., and of course the
answering and forwarding of these letters has involved much clerical labour.
The printed literature on the subject has been very extensive, as is shown by the
appended list of books and papers consulted, and the work altogether has been very
heavy, for it has not only extended back to the year 1500, but it has ramified
through many branches of physics, and has involved extensive correspondence with
all parts of the globe.
In the spring of 1887 the MS. was completed and submitted to the Council of
the Boyal Society, together with estimates of the cost of publication. The Council,
while of course expressing no opinion upon the work, authorised the committee to
proceed with the printing.
I hope that I may here be permitted on behalf of the committee to acknowledge
the constant and great help which we have received throughout from the President,
Ofl&cers, and Council.
The volume itself wiU show the amount of heavy work done by the various
authors, and who is responsible for the several arguments and opinions. I wish,
however, to point to one unusual feature, viz., the hundreds of references which
are given. The committee's first duty (and desire) was to collect facta This duty
we have all tried to discharge, and we have not only collected the facts, but have
done our utmost to enable everyone to verify theiu.
G. J. Symons.
Burlington House, W., December^ 1887.
[ vii ]
List of some op the Principal Books and "Papers published i^especting
THE Phenomena reported upon in this Volume.
Aitken, John. The Remarkable Sunsets. 'Proc. Royal
Society of Edinbui^h,' vol. zii.
Second Note on the Remarkable Sunsets. * Proc.
Royal Society of Edinburgh,' voL xii
AxLffot, A. . Sur les cr6pu8cules color^ 'Coraptes
Rendus/ vol zcviii., p. 164.
JkTWLgo, P. The Comet : Scientific Notices of Comets in
general, translated by Col. Gold. 1833.
Aaainaim, Dr. B. Die Dammerungs-Erscheinungen und
der braune Ring um die Sonne im dies-jahrigen Winter
nnd Friihjahr, nach Beobachtungen in Magdeburg und
im Harze. * Meteor. Zeita,' vol. i., pp. 196-198. 1884.
B aixd, Vajor, B.B. On the Tidal Disturbances caused by
the Volcanic Eruptions at Java. * Proc. Royal Soc,'
vol. xxzvi., pp. 248-253.
Report on the Volcanic Eruptions at Java in
August, 1883. Sm. fol., Dehra Dun. 1884.
Bealixy, J. T. The Java Eruption and Earthquake Waves.
•Nature,' vol. xxix., pp. 30-32. 188a
Beaold, ProflBMor von. Ueber die ausserordentlichen Dam-
merungs-Erscheinungen. * Zeits. fUr Met.' (1884), p. 72.
Biffffs, A. B. Mercury (Hobart Town). March 19, April
3, July 12 and 22, 1884.
Bishop, 8. E. The Equatorial Smoke-Stream from
Krakatoa. ' Hawaiian Monthly,' May, 1884.
Origin of the Red Glows. 'American Met.
JourV July ftnd August, 1886. (Printed also as one
of the Prize Essays in ' History and Work of the
Warner Observatory,' voL i. 1887.)
Bouquet da la Grye. Sur la propagation des lames pro-
duites par T^ruption des volcans de Java. (Ao&t, 1883.)
* Comptes Rendus,' voL xcvii, pp. 1228-1230.
BoixUUa O. O. Water Waves from Krakatoa. ' Science,
voL iii., pp. 776, 777. 1884.
Br6oii «t Korthals. Sur r6tat actuel du Elrakatau.
^ Comptes Rendus,' vol. xciz., pp. 395-397. 1884.
Bni«mans, 8. J. Natuurkundige verhandeling over een
Zwavelagtigen Nevel den 24 Juni, 1783, in de Pro-
vintie van Stad en Lande en naburige landen waar-
geuoiuen. 8vo., Groningen. [1783.]
Burton, Captain, B. F. The Volcanic Eruptions of Ice-
land in 1874 and 1875, with two maps of Icelaud. ' Proc.
Royal Society of Edinburgh,' Session 1875-76, vol. ix.
COark, J. Edmund. The Recent Sky-Glows. Warner
Prize Essay, 'Hist and Work of the Warner Obs.,'
voL I 1887.
Oomu, A. Observations relatives a la coiu-onne visible
actuellement autour du SoleiL 'Comptes Rendus,'
vol. xciz., pp. 488-493. 1884.
Cotteau et Korthals. Mission Fran^aise aii Krakatau.
*Compte Rendu, Soc. G6og.,' No. 15, pp. 452-455. 1884.
Dall, W. H. A new Volcano Island in Alaska. ' Science,
vol. iii., pp. 89-9a
Daubree. Ph^nomdnes volcaniques du d6troi t de la Sond e,
examen min6ralogique des cendres. ' Comptes Rendus,'
vol. xcvii, pp. 1100-1105(1883); voL xcviiL, p. 1303
Davidson, Geo. Notes on the Volcanic Eruption of Mt. St
Augustin. ' Science,' vol. iiL, pp. 186-189, and 282-286.
Davy, lCari»- Sur les oscillations barom^triques. ' Com ptes
Rendus,' voL xcviii., pp. 246-248. 1884.
De lok Bive. Note sur la seconde coloration du Mont
Blanc. ' Bibliothdque Universelle,' Nouvelle S^rie,
voL xxiii., p. 383 ; vol. xxiv., p. 200. 1839-40.
Dellale, Dr. Les secousses de tremblement de terre a la
Reunion et k Maurice comme consequence de I'^ruption
volcanique du d^troit de la Sonde. 'Bull. Soc. G6og.
pp. 524-526. 1883.
Deaoroiz, Leon. L'oecillation atmosph^rique produite par
r^ruption de Krakatoa. ' L' Astronomic,' 3rd Ann6e,
pp. 183, 184. 1886.
Diller, J. S. Report on Atmospheric Sand-dust from
Unalaska. ' Nature,' voL xxx. (1884), pp. 91-93.
Divers, Trot, B. The Remarkable Sunsets. 'Nature,
vol xxix. (1884), pp. 283, 284.
Doom, K. O. van. (Captain of ffydrograaf). The Eruj -
tion of Krakatoa. 'Nature,' voL xxix. (1884), pp. 268,
Dufour, Ch. Les lueurs cr^pusculaires de I'hiver 1883-
1884. ' Bibliothdque Univer.,' 15th Fev., 1885.
[ viii J
Bufour, Ch« Sur les luears cr^pusculaires et aurorales de
rhiver de 1883-4. * Ck>mpte8 Bendus,' voL xcviii., pp.
617-620. 1884.
Faye. Sur les troubles physiques de ces demiers temps.
*Comptes Rendus,' vol. xcviii., pp. 179, 180.
Flgnier, Ii. Les lueurs cr^pusculaireB de 1883-84.
' L'ann^e Scieutifique et Industrielle,' 1884 and 1885.
F[lammarion], O. Les illuminations cr6puaculaires.
* L'Astronomie.' 3rd ann6e, pp. 19-27. 1884.
Forbes, H. O. The Volcanic Eruption of Krakatau,
* Proc. Royal Geog. Soc,' voL vi., pp. 142-152. 1884.
Forbes, J. D. On the Colour of Steam under certain cir-
cumstances, * Trans. Royal Soc., Edin.' 4to., 1839.
Forel, F. A. Sur quelques ph6nomdnes lumiueux parti-
culiers observes en Suisse autoar du SoleiL ' Comptes
Rendus; vol. xcix., pp. 289, 290, 423-425. 1884.
LaCouronne Solaire de V6i6 de 1884. *Biblio-
th^que Universelle,' 15th September, 1884.
Bruits souterrains entendus le 26 AoAt^ 1883,
dans I'tlot de CaYman-Brac, mer des CaraXbes. * Comptes
Rendus,' vol. c, pp. 755-758. 1885.
Forster, Prof. Die durch den Ausbruch des Yulkans
Krakataua verursachten atmospharischen Wellen.
' Klein's Wochenschrift,' February 13, 1884.
Foumet, J. Note sur un effet de Coloration des
Nuages observ6 le 9 Mai, 1852, a Oullins. ' Annuaire
de la Soc. Nationale d'Agriculture de Lyon.* 1853.
[Freeden, W. von.] Der vulkanische Ausbruch anf Kra-
katoa bei Java am 27 August, v. J. und die Dammer-
ungserscheinungen der letzten Monate. * Hansa,'
January 27th, 1884.
Oasparin, P. de. Sur les lueurs cr^piisculaires observ^es
dans les mois de Nov. et de Dec, 1883. * Comptes Ren-
dus,' vol. xcvii., pp. 1400-1402 (1883); xcviii., pp. 280, 281
Oelpke, Dr. 8. *Bat. Handelsblad,' September 8, 1883.
Reprinted in * Times of Ceylon,' October 1, 1883.
Hall, MaxweU. The Java Earthquake Wave. * Monthly
Weather Report for Jamaica,' November, 1883; January,
Hann, J, Die aussergewohnlichen Dammenmgs-Erschein-
ungen von Ende November und Anfang December,
1883. *Zeitschrift fUr Met.,' vol xix. (1884), pp.
20-30, 72-79.
Haugrhton, Bev. S. Remarks on the unusual sunrises and
. sunsets which characterised the close of the year 1883.
* Proc. Royal Dublin Soc.,' vol. iv., pp. 203-205. 8vo.
Dublin. 1884. '
Hasen, H. A. The Sun-glows. *Am. Joum. Science,'
vol. xxvii., pp. 201-212, 1884.
Hellmann, Dr. O. Beobachtungen iiber die Damraerung.
'Zeite. fur Met.,' vol. xix., pp. 57-64, 162-175. 1884.
Hemmer, J. J. Ephemerides Soc. Met. Palat; Obser.
Hopkixui, O. The Remarkable Sunsets. 'Nature,' voL
xxiz. (1884), pp. 222, 223.
Howard, Luke. ' Climate of London,' 3 vols. 1833.
Jdy, J. Notes on the Microscopical Character of the
Volcanic Ash from Krakatoa. * Proc. Royal Dublin
Soc.,' vol. iv., pp. 291-299. 1884.
Judd, Prol J, W., F.&.S. Krakatoa. *Proc. Royal
Inst.,' May 2, 1884.
Karsten, Q., und Floffel. Feste RUckstande im Regen-
waaser. * Schriften d. Naturwis, Vereins f iir Schleswig-
Holstein,' vol. v., pp. 137-141, 1884.
Kennedy, H. Q. Report from H.M. Consul at Batavia,
enclosing extract relating to the volcanic outbursts in
the Sunda Strait, from the log-book of the steamship
O, O, Loudon. *Proa Royal Soc.,' voL xxxvi., pp.
199-205. 1884.
KieasUnr, Prof. J. Zur Erklarung des braunrothen
Ringes um die Sonne. * Das Wetter,' voL i., p. 48.
Beobachtungen des rothen Sonnenringes. * Daa
Wetter,' vol. L, p. 172.
Ueber die Geographische Verbreitung des
Bishop'schen Sonnenringes. * Das Wetter,' voL iL, p. 81.
Ueber die Entstehung des zweiten Purpurlichtes
und die Abhangigkeit der Dammerungsfarben von
Druck, Temperatur und Feuchtigkeit der Luft * Das
Wetter,' vol. ii, pp. 161-172.
Nebelgliih-Apparat. 'Abhand. d. Naturwis.
Vereins von Hamburg,' vol. viii. 1884.
Ueber den Einfluss kUnstlich erzeugter Ncbel
aufdirektesSonnenlicht *Met.Zeits.,' pp. 117-126. 1884
Ueber Diflfractionsfarben in kilnstlich erzeugtem
Nebel und deren Zusammenhang mit den Dammer-
ungserscheinungen, 'Tageblatt d. 57. Yersamm.
deutacher Naturforscher u. Aerzte,' September 23, 1884.
Die Dammerungserscheinungen im Jahre 1883,
und ihre physikalische Erklarung.' 8vo., Hamburg.
Ueber die Bewegung des Krakatau-Rauches im
September, 1883. 'Sitzungsb. der K. Preussiacben
Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin,' vol. xxx.
(1886), pp. 529-533.
On the Cause of the Remarkable Optical Atmos-
pheric Effects in 1883 and 1884. Warner Prize Essay,
* History and Work of the Warner Observatory,' vol. i
Klooa, Dr. J. H. Die Yulcanische Eruption. * Badische
Landeszeitung,' February 16, 1884.
lAffrangre, E. L'Aurore et le Crepuscule. 'Ciel et Terre,'
5th year (1885), pp. 129-140.
Le Oonte, J. Atmospheric Waves from Kratatoa.
'Science,' vol. iii., pp. 701, 702. 1884.
Iieaseps, F. de. Propagation marine de la commotion du
tremblement de terre de Java. * Comptes Rendus,'
vol. xcvii, pp. 1172-1174. 1883.
[ i^ J
Uala, XL Sur la hauteur de Tatmosphdre d6duite d'obeer-
vatioDs de polarisation, &c. *Comptes Rendus,' vol.
xlviiL (1869), pp. 109-112.
Lias, B. de St. Pol. Sur cette mdme Eruption volcanique
du d^troit de la Sonde. * Bull. Soc. G6og./ Stance
Nov. 9, pp. 526-529. 1883.
Iiockyer, J. N., F.B.S. The recent Sunrises and Sunsets.
'Times,' Dec. 8, 1883.
Xaine, H. C. The Red Light. Warner Prize Essay,
'Hist, and Work of the Warner Obser.,' vol. i. 1887.
ICaaley, W. B. A Green Sun in India. * Nature,' vol.
xxviii., pp. 676, 577 ; 611. 1883.
ICaskelyne, N. Story-. The remarkable Sunsets. ' Nature/
vol. xjax.y pp. 286, 286. 1884.
Xeldlnffer, Prot Ueber die Dammerungserscheinungen.
'Badische Landeszeitung,' Feb. 2, 1884.
Xeldmin, Br. Charles, F.B.S. A Tabular Statement of
the Dates at which, and the Localities where, Pumice
or Volcanic Dust was seen in the Indian Ocean in
1883-4. * British Association Report,' 1885, p. 773.
Proc. Mauritius Meteor. Soc., Meetings of Oct.
27, 1883, and May 22, 1884.
XetBK«r, E. Gleanings from the Reports concerning the
Eruption of Krakatoa. * Nature,' vol. xxix., pp. 240-
244. 1884.
Xnrray, John, and Benard, X. A. Volcanic Ashes and
Cosmic Dust * Nature,' voL xxix., pp. 585-690.
Ketimayer, Dr. O. Bericht liber die vulkanischen Aus-
bniche des Jahres 1883, in ihrer Wirkung auf die
Atmosphare. * Meteor. Zeits.,' Jan. to Aug., 1884.
Ueber die jiingsten vulkanischen Ausbruche in
der Sundastrasse in ihrer Einwirkung auf die Atmos-
phare. * Verhandl. Gesells. f. Erdkunde,' Berlin, vol. xi.,
pp. 87-94.
Oebbeke, K. Ueber die Kratatoa-Asche. ' N. Jahrb. f.
Min.' Bd. il, pp. 32, 33. 1884.
Paul, H. X. Krakatoa. 'Science,' vol. iv., pp. 135, 136.
Electric Potentials and Gaseous Pressure. * Am.
Meteor. Journal,' Aug., 1884.
Barometric Waves of very Short Period. *Amer.
Met Jour.,' voL L, No. 1.
Pelagaud. Nouvelles Observations d'illuminations cr6-
pusculaires k I'Ue Bourbon. 'Comptes Rendus,' vol.
xcviiL, pp. 1301-2. 1884.
Perrotlii et ThoUon. Note sur les cr6puscules extra-
ordiualres de 1883-4. ' Ann. de Chimie,' 6e Ser., t. 1,
pp. 433-449. 1884.
Perry, Bov. 8. J., 8. J., P.B.S. The Upper Glow, &c.
Results of Met and Mag. Obs. at Stonyhurst Ck>llege,
PfSail, Ii« Or., von. Spiegelungen mit besonderer Beriick-
sichtigung der doppelten Morgen- und Abendr3theu
erklart Zweite Auflage, Berlin. 1884.
Prince, C. L. The Summary of a Meteor. Journal kept
at Crowborough, Sussex, 1883.
Baffona, Prof. Domlnioo. Sui Crepuscoli Rossi dell' Au-
tunno, 1883, e dell' Invemo, 1883-84. 'Mem. d. R.
Accad. di Sci. Lett, ed Arti di Modena,' vol. iiL, p. 66.
Banyurd, A. C. The Extraordinary Sunsets. * Know-
ledge,' pp. 341, 342, 1883 ; pp. 155, 156 ; 177, 178 ; 261-
263. 1884.
Benard, A. Les cendres volcaniques de I'^ruption du Kra-
katoa tomb^es a Batavia, le 27 Ao&t, 1883. 'Bull
Acad. Roy. Belgique,' 3rd ser., vol. vi., pp. 495-506.
Benou, E. Sur les oscillations barom6triques produites
par r^ruption du Krakatoa. * Comptes Rendus,* vol.
xcviii., pp. 160, 161 ; 245, 246. 1884
Biccb, Prot A. Riassunto delle osservazioni dei crepus-
coli rossi. Nota i., ii., iii., iv. ' Reale Accad. d. Lincei,
Sur la singuli^re couronne qui entoure le Soleil.
* Comptes Rendus,' vol. xcviii., pp. 1299, 1300. 1884.
Osservazioni e studii dei Crepuscoli rosei 1883-
1886. ' Estratto dagli Annali della Meteorologia Ital-
iana, parte i., 1885. Roma, 1887.'
Biffffenbaoh, Dr. Albert. Beobachtungen Uber die Dam-
merung insbesondere Uber das Purpurlicht und seine
Beziehungen zum Bishop'schen Sonnenring.' 12mo.
Basel, 1886.
Wittenmgsiibersicht des Jahren 1883-4. * Ver-
handlungen der Naturf orschenden Gesellschaft in Basel.
8vo., 1885.
BinfiTwood, A. Red Sunsets. * Nature,' vol. xxx., pp.
301-304. 1884
Bbttger, B. ' Die Dammerungserscheinungen. ' Mainziger
Journal,' March 11, 1884.
Bussell, Hon. F. A. BoUo. The Sunsets and Sunrises of
November, 1883, to January, 1884 * Q. J. Royal Met
Soc.,' vol. X., pp. 139-152. 1884
Bykatohew. Note sur les ondes atmosph6riques pro-
duites par I'eruption de Krakatoa. ' Bull. Acad. Imp.
Sci, St Petersburg/ vol. xxix., cols. 389-404 1884
Sandlok, Van. irruption du Krakatoa. ' Cosmos,' vol.
viii., p. 677. 1884.
Soott, B. H Note on a series of barometrical disturb-
ances which passed over Europe between the 27th and
the 31st of August, 1883. * Proc. Royal Soc.,' vol. xxxvi.,
pp. 139-143. 1884 (Abstract printed in * Zeits. f.
Met,' 1884, pp. 97-102.)
Shaler, N. 8. The Red Sunsets. ' Atlantic Monthly ' for
April, 1884.
Smyth, C. Plaszi. The remarkable Sunsets. 'Nature,'
voL xxix., pp. 149, 150. 1883.
Spitta, E. J. Observations of . . . the Moon during the
Eclipse of October 4, 1884 Mon. Notices, R.A.S.,'
January 7, 1886.
6 2
[ X ]
Stanley, W^ F. On certain EffecU which may have beoa
produced in the Atmosphere by floating Partidea of
Volcanic Matters from the eruptions of Krakatoa and
Mt. St Augustin. ' Q. J. KoyaL Met. Soc./ vol. x., pp.
187-194. 1884.
Stone, E. J. Total Eclipse of the Moon, October 4, 1884^
* Mon. Notices, RA.S.' November, 1884.
Straohey, I«t.-Oen. B. Notes on R. H. Scott's Paper on
Barometrical Disturbances of August, 1883. *Proc.
Roya ISoc,' vol. xxxvi., pp. 143-151. 1884.
Taoohini, P. Sur les oscillations barom6triques produites
par r6ruption du Krakatoa. 'Gomptes Bendus,' voL
xcviii, pp. 616, 617. 1884.
Thirion, P. J. Les illuminations cr6pusculaires. ' Bevue
des questions scieutifiques,' Bruxelles, April, 1884.
Thcllon, I<. Sur certains changements observe k Nice
dans Taspect du cieL 'Comptes Rendus,' voL xcviii.,
pp. 760, 761.
Sur les couronnes solaires. * Comptes Bendus,'
vol. xcix., p. 446. 1885.
Verbeek, B. D. X. ' Kort Yerslag over de Uitbarsting
van Krakatau.' 1884. Translated in * Nature,' voL
XXX., pp. 10-15. 1884.
* Krakatau.' 1885-6.
Vereker, Capt. Hon. F. O. P. (H.M.S. Magpie.) Extracts
from a Report on the Volcanic Eruption in Sunda Strait.
Proc. Royal Soc.,' vol xxxvL, pp. 198, 199. 1884.
Wa]k«r,r J. T., Iit.^aettanU. The Earthquake o£ Slst
December, 1881. Extract from Report of the Survey
of India for the year 1881-2.
Earthquake Disturbances of the Tides on the
Coasts of India. * Nature,' voL xxix., pp, 358-360.
Watson, Oapt. (of the Charles Bed), The Java Disaster.
•Nature,' voL xxix. (1883), p. 140.
Weston, B. P. Atmospheric Waves from Krakatoa.
* Science,' voL iiL, p. 531. 1884.
Whymper, B. The remarkable Sunsets. 'Nature,' voL
xxix., pp. 199, 200. 1883.
Winlook, W. O. The long continued bad seeing. 'Sdenoe,'
voL iv., pp. 94, 95. 1884.
Wolf; O. Sur les ondulations atmosph^riques attributes
4 r^ruption du Exakatoa. 'Comptes RenduSy' voL
xcviii, pp. 177-179. 1884.
Woods, Bev. J. B. Teaiaon-. The Earthquake in the Strait
of Sunda. 'Sydney Morning Herald,' January 16, 17,
18, 1884
Wraffffe, Caement Ii. Remarks on the "Red Glow."
'Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia.'
The Sun-gbw. ' English Mechanic,' September
12, 1884
Zenker, Br. von. Der braune Ring um die Sonne bei
totalen Sonnenfiostemissen. 'Met Zeits.,' ppi 400-406.
Explanation op Coloubbd Fbontispiece.
Prefatory and Historical ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Hi.
List op some Books and Papers published rbspbcting the Phenomena reported upon ... vii.
JuDD, 1*.J3.S., President of the Geological Society ... .. ... ... ... 1-56
Introduction ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1
Sketch of the History of the Volcano op Krakatoa ... ... ... ... ... 3
Eruption of 1680 (10) ; Eruption of May, 1883 (11) ; Eruption of August 26tli, 27tli,
1883 (14) ; Smoke column, estimated as 17 miles high (19) ; Rain of pumice' (19) ; Sul-
phurous smell (19) ; Phosphorescent mud rain (21) ; Two- thirds of the island disap-
peared (22); Vessels stranded by seismic waves, and 36,380 persons washed away or
otherwise killed (26) ; Darkness extended 150 miles from volcano (27) ; Great fall of dust
and mud (27) ; Eruption compared with those of other volcanos in 1772, 1783, and
1815 (29).
The Materuls ejected from Krakatoa ... ... ... ... ... 29
Geological structure of EIrakatoa (29).
TheLavas ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. 30
Analysis of pumice (32) ; Other analyses (33).
ThePwnice,,, ... - ... •• ... ... .. ... ... ... 36
Mr. Waller's analysis (38).
The Volcanic Dust ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 38
Analyses of dust which fell at Krakatoa, and 100 and 900 miles from it (40).
General Oonclwions ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 42.
Mr. R. H. Scott, F.E.S., on the Pumice . . ... ... ... ... ... 47
A Tabular Statement of the Dates on which, and the Localities where, Pumice or Volcanjo
Dust was seen in the Indian Ocean in 1883-4. By Charles Meldrum, LL.D., F.B,8, 48
Explanation of Plates II., IIL, and IV. ... ... .. ... ... follow 56
[ ^ii ]
KRAKATOA IN AUGUST, 1883. Prepared in the Meteorological Office, and pre-
sented by Lieutenant- General R. Strachky,, Chairman of the MeteoVological
Council ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 57-88
Section I. — Air Wavks ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 57
Station.s from which barometrical or other observations have been received, with a
description of the recording instruments and dates (58) ; Geogi'aphical position of
Krakatoa, and of the principal stations from which data have been supplied (62) ;
Times of passage of air-waves over each station (65) ; Probable moment of great
explosion (69) ; Batavia gasometer indicator (69) ; Velocities of air waves (70).
Skction II. — Sounds ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 79
Detonations heard over nearly one-thirteenth of the surface of the globe (79) ;
Sounds heard at Rodriguez, more than 2,500 miles from Krakatoa (79) ; List of places
at which sounds were heard (80).
AUGUST 26th and 27th, 1888. Bj Captain W. J. L. Wharton, E.N,, KB.S., in
Completion of the Unfinished Notes of Captain Sir F. J. Evans, B,N,^ K.CB.y FM.S. 89-151
Account of the phenomena relating to sea disturbance in the immediate vicinity of
Krakatoa (90) ; Chinese" camp at Merak swept away, village of Sirik submerged, Anjer
swept away, Telok Betong submerged, Tyringen destroyed (90) ; 1^ cubic miles of
Krakatoa blown away, the Peak of Krakatoa shorn in two (93 ) ; Former surveys
untrustworthy (91) ; Verlaten Island increased threefold. Two new islands of mud
and pumice (92) ; A wave 135 feet high. A man-of-war carried 18 miles inland up the
valley and left 30 feet above the sea-level. The great wave, how formed. The island
shrouded in smoke and fire (93) ; Batavian tide-gauge (94) ; The record of the seismic
sea waves (95) ; The cause of the great waves (97) ; The missing mass of Krakatoa
estimated at 200,000,000 ^cubic feet (98) ; The experimental explosions at Spithead (99) ;
A wall of water 150 feet high (99) ; Wave movements in connection with the Krakatoa
eruption (100) ; Table showing height of wave (106) ; Tidal diagrams (107) ; The Sur-
veyor General's Report on the tidal waves at Ceylon (116) ; Sea ebbed and flowed
sixteen times in three hours (319) ; Bones' Island partly washed away (122) ; The time
between the crests of the long waves (126) ; Main conclusions (148) ; Speed of free
waves, by Sir George Airy (149) ; List of tidal diagrams (150); Tabular result of
discussion of seismic sea- waves from Krakatoa (150).
[ Jf'" ]
COLOURED SUNS, MOONS, Ac. By the Hon. F. A. Rollo Russell and Mr. E.
Douglas Archibald ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 161-463
Section I. (a). — Descriptions op the Unusual Twilight Glows in various parts of the World. 152
Selections from correspondence (153) ; DijSerences between tke nnnsnal twilight
glows and the ordinary sanset effects (172).
Section I. (b). — Proximate Physical Cause of the Unusual Twilight Glows ... ... 178
The eruption of Cotopaxi (183) ; Fragments of babbles of glass so small that from
4000 to 25,000 were required to make a grain in weight (183) ; 1,000,000,000
to 10,000,000,000 cavities in a cubic inch (183) ; Arago on the prolonged twilights of
1831 (191) ; Summary of evidence respecting the particles of dust (195) ; Professor
Kiessling on the after-glows (196) ; Professor Bicco on the after-glows (198).
Section I. (c). — The Blue, Green, and other Coloured Appearances of the Sun and Moon 199
list of places at which the sun was observed to be blue, green, or silvery (204) ;
Professor Michie Smith on the green sun in the tropics (210) ; Professor Piazsi Smith
and others on coloured suns as seen through various media (213) ; Summary (217).
Section I. (d). — ^The Skt-haze and some or its Effects ... ... ... ... 219
Peculiar features of the haze (223) ; Colour of the moon during the total eclipse on
October 4th, 1884 (225) ; Secular duration of the haze (227) ; Summary (229).
Section I. (e). — ^The large Corona round the Sun and Moon in 1883-4-5, generally
KNOWN AS "Bishop's Ring" ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 232
Table giving date, observer's name, locality, and remarks (234) ; Table giving the
angular diameter of corona round the sun (235) ; Table giving the angular diameter of -
corona round the moon (236) ; Diurnal and secular duration of the large corona (238) ;
Table giving the period of its continuance, observer, or authority, and locality (239) ;
Dates on which the corona has been seen since the summer of 1884 (240) ; Mean
intensity of the Corona (241) ; Peculiar features of the corona (242) ; Disappearance
of Bishop's Ring id Colorado (246) ; Connection between Bishop's Ring and the unusual
twilights (247) ; Professor Ricc5's opposition to the views of Drs. Riggenbach and
Eliessling (249) ; General opinions regarding the corona (251) ; Summary (255).
Appendices to Corona Section 1. (e). — Discussion and account of experiments in connection
with diffraction coronas and Bishop's Ring, by Professor Kiessling (258) ; Polari*-
BGopic observations, by M. Comu (261).
Section II. — General List of Dates of First Appearance of all the Optical Phenomena 263
Seotton III. (a). — General Geographical Distribution of all the Optical Phenomena in
Space and Time ; including also VELOCiTr of Translation of Smokb Stream ... 312 -
Geographical distribution of peculiar sky phenomena (312) ; Summary (323).
[ xiv ]
Section III. (b). — Connection between the Propagation of the Sky-uaze with its accom-
panying OpriCAL Phenomena, and the General Circulation of the Atmosphere ... 326
Table of districts east of Krakatoa, with distances, and daration of darkness, ashes,
&c, (327) ; Ditto west of Elrakatoa (328) ; Tables of mean velocity of ash stream in
miles per hoar (330 and 333) ; Rev. S. £. Bishop on the equatorial Fmoke stream (333) ;
Materials from Krakatoa shot obliquely to a distance of from 30 to 70 miles (334), and
vertically to a height of 31 miles (334).
Section III. (c). — Spread op the Phenomena roond the World, with Maps Illustrative
thereof ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 334
The spread of the phenomena round the world (334) ; Statistical details connected
therewith (335) ; Speed of progp:%ssion of blue sun phenomena ; of the haze, and of the
red fore-glows and after-glows (337).
Section IV. — Diurnal a^d Secular Variation in the Duration and Brilltancv of the
Twilight Glows, and the Height above the Earth of the Stratum which caused them 340
Prof. Story-Maskelyne on the twilight glows (340) ; List of observers of two glows
at sunrise or sunset (344) ; Duration of the twilight glows (345) ; Height of stratum
which produced the glow effects, estimated by different observers (348) ; FormulsB and
calculations respecting the altitude (350) ; Summary (380).
Section V. — Previous Analogous Glow Phenomena, and corresponding Eruptions ... 384
List of principal ascertained volcanic eruptions from 1500 to 1886 (384) ; List of
remarkable atmospheric phenomena, such as blue suns, dry fogs, and red twilights (384) ;
Notes respecting detailed accounts of twilight phenomena m some particulai's similar
to those of 1883 (404).
Section VI. — Individual Opinions expressed and Hypotheses suggested to account for the
ABNORMAL OPTICAL PHENOMENA... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4G6
List of authorities quoted in this section (425).
Section VII. — General Analysis of the Connection between the unusual Meteorological
Phenomena of 1883-6, and the Eruptions of Krakatoa in May and August, 1883 ... 426
Discussion of various objections (426) ; Diagram of atmospheric circulation (432) ;
Summary of the evidence in favour of the connection of all the optical phenomena with
the eruptions of Krakatoa (45G).
PANYING THE KRAKATOA EXPLOSION. Prepared at the request of the
Kew Committee, bj G. M. Whipple, B.Sc.y Superintendent of the Kew Observatory,
Richmond, Surrey
Index of Places mentioned in the Report
Index of Persons mentioned in the Report
Index of Ships mentioned in the Report
[ '^v ]
J Pbontispiece. — Golonred Ckromo-Lithographs of Sunset-Glows as seen at Chelsea, NoTember
26th, 1883. Precede Title.
• Plate L — View of EZrakatoa during the May Eruption ... ... ... ... faces 1
Fig. 1.— Sketch-Map of the Sunda Strait, showing the Lines of Volcanic Fissure which appear
to traverse the District ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4
Fig. 2. — Sketch of the Island of Sebesi, as seen from the north-east... ... ... ... 5
Fig. 3. — Map of the Islands of the Krakatoa Group (from the Admiralty Chart) ... ... 6
Fig. 4. — Outline Section, viewed from S.W., showing the position of the Volcanic Cones upon the
Island of Krakatoa previous to the Eruption ... ... ... ... ... 6
Fig. 5. — Probable Outlines of the Volcano of Krakatoa, at the period of its maximum dimensions 7
Fig. 6. — Probable Outlines of the great Crater Ring ("basal wreck") of Krakatoa Volcano,
after the paroxysmal outbursts ... ... ... ... ... ... . 8
Fig. 7. — Probable Outlines of the Krakatoa Volcano after the great Crater had been filled up by
the growth of numerous small Cones within it ... ... ... ... ... 8
Fig. 8. — Form of Krakatoa in Historical Times after the Formation of the great Lateral Cone of
Rakata, and the growth of other Cones within the great Crater ... ... ... 9
Fig. 9. — Chart of Sunda Strait to illustrate the Positions of the Towns and the Tracks of the
Vessels, where the most important observations, bearing on the great final outburst
at Kraktaoa, were made
Fig. 10. — Outline of the Crater of Krakatoa as it is at the present time, and showing, by dotted
lines, the portions blown away in the paroxysmal outburst of August, 1883...
Fig. 11. — ^Map of Krakatoa and the surrounding Islands, from the Chart prepared immediately
after the Eruption ...
' II. — Two views of Krakatoa after August ...
'III. — Sections of Rocks ...
^ rV. — Sections of Pumice
• V. — Chart showing Sites of Pumice in the Indian Ocean, August-December, 1883
VI. — Chart showing Sites of Pumice in the Indian Ocean, January-November, 1884
^VII. — Enlarged copies of selected Barograms
• VIII. — Barometer Curves from forty stations ...
^ IX. — Record of Batavia Gasometer
^ X. — Passage of Air- Waves I. and II.
^ XI. — Passage of Air- Waves III. and IV. ...
[ xvi ]
> XII. — Passage of Air- Waves V. and VI.
XI II.— Passage of Air- Wave VII.
XIY. and XY. — Diagrams Ulastrating Variations in velocity of air- wave
XVI. — ^Area over which the sounds were heard
Fig. 12.— Map of Ceylon
XVII. to XXXI. — Beprodnction of Tidal Diagrams (for list see p. 150)
XXXII. — Snnda Strait 66/bre the Eruption...
XXXIII.— Sunda Strait a/fer the Eruption ...
XXXIV.— Java Sea
XXXV. — Mercator's Chart of the World, showing Path of Seismic Sea- Waves ..
Fig, 13. — Diagram of Sunset Colours ...
Fig. 14. — Diagram of Twilight Glows ...
XXXVI. — Distribution of Optical Phenomena over the Globe ...
XXXVII. — Distribution of Optical Phenomena at various dates
XXXVIII. — Measurement of the height of Sun-glow Stratum ...
Fig. 15. — ^Diagram of Height of Glow Stratum ...
XXXIX. — Curves illustirative of Altitude of Glow Stratum
Fig. 16. — Diagram of Atmospheric Circulation ...
XL. —Copies of traces produced by Magnetographs at the time of the Ejakatoa
XDI. — Eral{ atoa Magnetic Disturbance. Declination
XLII. — „ „ ,, Horizontal Force .. .
XLIII. — „ „ „ Vertical Force ...
follow 88
follow 474
ffr'aJcatoou. Rep. Roy. Soc. Com .
♦ h
1 M' J I
*> I
v-^"''.^/- ^^iJ^^Lf*-^
Parksr & Coward. lUh.
West JSrvwrnau It Co ianf
View of Ki-akatoa. d';j.rirj.^ the Eaur-lier Stage of Lhe .triiption.
•ProTTu ou PhxftoqroLpJv uxke^n., otu Svun,4Lcu/ thue 21^ of May, 1883.
By Professor J. W. Judd, F.RS., President of the Geological Society.
During the closing days of the month of August, 1883, the telegraph-cahle from
Batavia carried to Singapore, and thence to every part of the civilised world, the
news of a terrible subterranean convulsion — one which in its destructive results to
life and property, and in the startling character of the world-wide effects to which it
gave rise, is perhaps without a parallel in historic times.
As IS usual in such cases, the first reports of this tremendous outburst of the
volcanic forces appear to have been quite misleading and altogether unworthy of
credence. Nor is this to be wondered at. The towns and villages along the shores
of the Sunda Strait were, during the crisis of the eruption, enveloped in a terrible
darkness, which lasted for many hours, and, while thus obscured, were overwhelmed
by a succession of great sea- waves ; those who succeeded in saving their lives amid
these appalling incidents were, it need scarcely be added, not in a position to make
trustworthy observations upon the wonderful succession of phenomena occurring
around them.
For some time after the eruption, the Sunda Strait Was almost impassable ; light-
houses had been swept away, all the old familiar landmarks on the shores were
obscured by a vast deposit of volcanic dust ; the sea itself was encumbered with
enormous masses of floating pumice, in many places of such thickness that no vessel
could force its way through them ; and for months after the eruption one of the
principal channels was greatly obstructed by two new islands which had arisen in its
The first accounts brought to Europe stated that Thwart-way Island, situated at
the ed|tern entrance of the Strait, had been split into five portions ; that the Cape
of Ar^r had been sundered by a great fissure ; that a number of small islands
had subsided ; and that no fewer than sixteen volcanoes had burst into eruption
within the Strait. Subsequently, however, it was found that those who had first
made their way into the Strait after the great convulsion, had been altogether misled
by the hasty and imperfect glimpses which they had obtained of the desolated district,
and that the real centre of the volcanic disturbance was at Krakatoa, the actual
eruptions being confined to that island and the district immediately surrounding it.
The first efibrts of the Dutch Indian Government were, of course, directed to taking
measures for the safety and relief of the survivors of this terrible catastrophe, and
for restoring the navigation of the great marine highway between Java and Sumatra. A
man-of-war was despatched to the Strait to visit the ports, and penetrate as far as pos-
sible into the great bays on both sides of the Strait ; while a surveying vessel was ordered
to make first a preliminaiy and then a detailed examination of the changes which had
taken place, and which had rendered the existing charts almost useless. But no sooner
was this accomplished, than the Government determined to undertake a complete
scientific investigation into the effects of the eruption, and of the phenomena which
accompanied it, as far as these could be ascertained by the inquiries of a Commission
visiting the whole of the district chiefly affected by it. The Dutch Indian Govern-
ment were fortunate in having at their disposal the services of the eminent geologist,
Mr. R. D. M. Verbeek, whose surveys of Java, Sumatra, and of the actual scene
of the outbreak, are widely known to the scientific world. The Dutch Scientific
Commission, for inquiry into the nature and results of the Krakatoa eruption, was
appointed on October the 4th, 1883 ; a preliminary report of its proceedings appeared
on February the 19th, 1884 ;* and subsequently, the complete report, illustrated by
an atlas of plates, and containing a very valuable permanent record of the event, was
published in both the Dutch and the French languages.t
At the commencement of 1884, the French Minister of Public Instruction, on
the motion of the *' Commission des Voyages et Missions," directed MM. K£n£ Br6on
and W. C. Korthals to visit the scene of the eruption, and to make a report as to the
result of their enquiries upon the spot. Only a preliminary report of this Comnais-
sion, dated May the 30th, 1884, has yet been published,^ but an interesting accoimt
♦ * Kort verslag over de uitbarsting van Krakatau,' door R. D. M. Verbbek.
t * Krakatan, par R. D. M. Verbbek, Ing^nienr en clief des Mines, Chevalier du Lion N^erlandais.
Public I)ar ordre de son Excellence le Gouvernenr- General des Indes N^rlandaises.' Batavia. The first
part of the Datch edition appeared in 1884, and o£ the French in 1885. The second part appeared in
Dutch in 1885, and in French in 1886.
+ ' Comptes Rendus,' torn, xcix., p. 395.
of the proceedings of its members, from the pen of M. Bk^n, has appeared in a
French periodical.*
The Sunda Strait, where this great convulsion occurred, connecting, as it does,
the China Seas with the Indian Ocean, is one of the most important commercial
highways of the globe, and many hundreds of vessels pass through it every year.
During the time that the eruption of Krakatoa was in progress, a niunber of ships
passed within sight of the volcano, and even at the crisis of the eruption several
vessels were actually within the Strait, while others were in its immediate proximity.
The observations made by captains or passengers in these vessels, as well as in others
at greater distances, and recorded in log-books, diaries, letters to journals, &c,, are of
very great value and interest ; for, those on shipboard were not exposed to the dangers
incurred by the witnesses on the land, seeing that the destructive sea-waves passed
harmlessly, and in some cases unobserved, by them. Inasmuch, however, as many
months had to elapse before these ships could reach the various ports of Europe and
America to which they were bound, it was long before all the facts and observations
could be collected and compared. The members of the Krakatoa Committee of the
Royal Society are under great obligations to the numerous captains and owners of
merchant vessels, who, in response to an appeal made by them through the ' Times ' and
other newspapers, have furnished them with copies of logs and other documents,
and with specimens of pumice and dust collected at a great niunber of different
To those who, like Herr Metzger, of Stuttgart, and Dr, Kloos, of Carlsruhe,
have collected from Dutch and other newspapers statements bearing upon the
eruption, and to journals which have opened their columns to correspondence on the
subject, the Committee is likewise indebted for many interesting details which might
otherwise have been lost. Very great value attaches to the mass of useful materials
collected in the pages of ' Nature ' during the months which followed the eruption.
To Mr. H. O. Forbes, also, who was at Batavia after the commencement of the
eruption, and who took much pains in collecting information bearing on the subject, t
the Committee's thanks are largely due.
The whole of the circumstances attending the great catastrophe of the Sunda
Strait have been so carefully investigated, and so faithfully recorded by Mr. Verbeek,
in his able and comprehensive work, * Krakatau,' that it will only be necessary in the
present part of this report to give a general srunmary of the order of events, dwelling
especially upon those questions a right understanding whereof is necessary for the
interpretation of the remarkable phenomena displayed in distant countries, which
in the following parts of the report are shown to have been more or less directly
connected with the volcanic disturbance at Krakatoa.
The scene of this terrible catastrophe lies in the very heart of the district which
♦ ' La Nature,' April 4 and 25, and May 16, 1885.
t ' Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society,' vol. vi. (1884), p. 129.
B 2
has long been recognised as being at the present epoch the greatest focus of volcanic
activity upon the globe. The Island of Java, with an area about equal to that of
England, contains no fewer than forty-nine great volcanic mountains, some of which
rise to a height of 12,000 feet above the sea-level. Of these volcanoes, more than
half have been seen in eruption during the short period of the European occupa-
tion of the island, while some are in a state of almost constant activity. Hot
springs, mud-volcanoes, and vapour- vents abound in Java, while earthquakes are by
no means unfrequent. The chain of volcanoes which runs through the whole of Java
is continued in Sumatra on the west, and in the islands of Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa,
Flores, and Timor on the east.
The marked linear arrangement in this immense chain of volcanic moimtains
points to the existence of a great fissure in the earth's (;rust, along which the subter-
ranean energy has been manifested. The Strait of Sunda, which separates Java from
Sumatra, is a shallow one, having a depth of rarely more than 100 fathoms. Along
the line of this Strait we have evidence of a transverse fissure crossing the main
one nearly at right angles {See Fig. 1). Upon this transverse fissure a number of
Fig. 1. — Sketch-map of the Sunda Strait, showing the lines of volcanic fissure which appear to traverse
the district.
volcanoes have been thrown up, namely — Pajung, in Java, with a height of 1,500 feet ;
the cone of Princes Island, 1,450 feet ; Krakatoa, 2,623 feet ; Sebesi, 2,825 feet ; and
Bajah Bassd, in Sumatra^ 4,398 feet.
In spite of the significance of its position at the point of intersection of these
two great lines of volcanic fissure, Krakatoa had, until the year 1883, attracted but
little attention. Amid so many volcanoes of more striking appearance and more
firequent activity, it, in fact, remained almost unnoticed.
Krakatoa does not present the regularly conical outlines characteristic of
volcanoes, a form which is so well exhibited by the neighbouring island of Sebesi (See
Fig. 2) ; it is, indeed, only a fragment of a great crater-ring rising out of the Sunda
Fig. 2,— Sketch of the Island of Sehesiy as seen from the north-east (after Verheek),
Strait. The general relations of the islands of the Krakatoa group and the outlines
which they exhibited prior to the great eruption are illustrated by the accompanying
sketch-map and section (Figs. 3 and 4, page 6).
By the great eruption of August, 1883, the volcano of which Krakatoa and the
adjoining islands form parts was completely eviscerated. The admirable descriptions
given by MM. Verbeek and Br£on of the splendid sections now exposed enable us
not only to determine the nature of its materials, but to study all the details of the
internal structure of the volcanic mass. Guided by the principles which have been
established by the study of numerous volcanoes in different stages of their develop-
ment, we are able from the data thus obtained to re-construct the whole history of
this interesting example of volcanic architecture.
I. — Sketch of the History op the Volcano of Krakatoa.
No principle of vulcanology is better established than that of the alternation,
in the history of most volcanoes, of periods during which constant ejections take place,
whereby great mountain masses, having the beautiful conical forms characteristic
of Chimborazo and Fusiyama, are slowly and gradually built up, and of violent
paroxysms, by which in the course of a comparatively short period, the whole centre
of the great volcanic mass is blown away, and scattered in the form of scorisB and
dust ; only the lowest and peripheral part being left behind in the form of a crater-
ring, or " basal wreck," as Darwin so aptly called the ruins of an eviscerated
The great volcanic mountain, of which Krakatoa, Verlaten Island, Lang Island,
and Polish Hat are portions of a basal wreck rising above the waters of the ocean,
* r
•mite Rock
I 7 I
En^UsK Miles.
Fig. 3. — Map of the islands of the Krakatoa Group before the eruption (from the Admiralty Chart) . The
nearly circular line indic<ites approximately the submerged edge of the great crater,
««f» ft
Fig. 4. — Outline'Section viewed from south-west showing the position of the volcanic cones upon the Island of
Krakatoa previous to the eruption,
must have origiually been one of considerable dimenBions. Its circumference at what
is now the sea-level could not have been much less than twenty-five miles, and its
height above the same datiun plane was perhaps not less than 10,000 to 12,000 feet ;
so that, as might have been expected from its position at the intersection of two great
earth-fissures, this volcanic cone must have rivalled in its dimensions the largest among
the volcanoes of the East -Indian Archipelago. The general form of the volcano at
this period of its history is illustrated in Fig. 5.
That this great volcanic mountain was entirely built up by eruptions which have
taken place in very recent times, geologically speaking, is shown by an interesting
fact which has been ascertained by Mr. Verbeek, namely, that beneath the mass of
materials of which the volcano is composed there occur deposits of post-tertiary age,
and that these in turn rest on the widely distributed tertiary rocks which are so
Fig. 5. — Probable outlines of the Volcano of KraTcatoa^ at the period of its maximum dimensions.
well known in Java, Sumatra, and the adjoining islands. The original volcano, as far
as can be judged by the fragments which remain of it, appears to have been almost
entirely built up of lava-streams of the remarkably interesting rock known as
enstatite-dacite,* consisting of the same minerals which characterise the andesitic
lavas so abundant in Java and Sumatra ; it nevertheless differs from the bulk of these
by the higher percentage of silica which it contains. During the outwellings of these
massive lavas there is scarcely any trace of explosive action on any considerable scale
having taken place, and few, if any, tuffs were produced.
At some unknown period this volcano became the scene of an eruption, or series
of eruptions, which, judging from the effects they have produced, must have been on
even a far grander scale than that which four years ago attracted so much interest.
By these outbursts the whole central mass of the volcano seems to have been blown
away, and only an irregular crater-ring left behind. The gi-eat crater thus formed
must have had a diameter of three or four miles, and its highest portions could have
risen but a few hundreds of feet above the present level of the sea. (See Fig. 6, p. 8.)
The next stage in the history of the volcano consisted in the gradual filling up
of the crater by a series of comparatively quiet eruptions, taking place at the bottom
of the crater-ring, and building up small volcanic cones within it. By this means the
crater was, to a great extent, filled up, and portions of it raised above what is now the
sea-level. [See Fig. 7, p. 8). Whether the tract now constituting the Strait of Sunda
was then dry land imiting the present islands of Java and Sumatra we have no means
of determining ; but I may point out that there are some grounds for believing that
♦ This rock lias been called by many authors ** enstatite- " or " hypersfcliene-andesite ; " but although
the minerals present in the rocks are the same as those found in the *' enstatite-andesites " it has a
silica-percentage of over 70, and it, therefore, belongs to the class of acid lavas. It bears, in fact, the
same relation to the andesites that the rhyolites do to the trachytes, and on this account the name
" dacite " may be convenieutly applied to it.
the formation of the depression occupied by the straits was subsequent to the
evisceration of the volcano.
In a great number of cases it has been shown that the piling up of materials
upon a portion of the earth's crust to form volcanic mountains is accompanied or
FiQ. 6. — Probable outlines of the great crater-ring (" basal wreck '*) of the Krakatoa VolcanOy after the
ancient paroxysmal outbursts. The dotted line indicates the mass which was blown away.
followed by a depression of the surface, so that the strata all round the volcano
acquire a downward dip towards the centre of eruption.* The cause of this depres-
sion of the volcanic mass appears to be iwofo\(i— first, the removal of the support
afforded by the vast masses of material removed from below the vent during erup-
tions ; and, secondly^ the weight of the gradually increasing mountain-mass which
Fig. 7. — Trobable outlines of the Krakatoa Volcano after the great crater indicated by the dotted line had
been filled up by the growth of numerous small cones within it.
rests on the flexible crust. It seems not improbable that the depression between the
islands of Java and Sumatra may have resulted from subsidences accompanying or
following the ejections taking place at the great central volcanic focus of Krakatoa.
Subsequently to the partial in-filling of the great crater, a lateral or parasitical
eruption seems to have taken place on the southern edge of the great crater-ring, and
this outburst is remarkable for a very striking change in the nature of the materials
ejected. The materials forming the cones inside the crater-ring were composed of
materials similar to that of the latter itself, namely, the lava known as enstatite-
dacite, but the new parasitical cone was built up of basaltic lavas and scoriae. The
ejections from this lateral vent must have been abundant and long-continued, for they
♦ Darwin, * Volcanic Islands,' p. 9 ; Heaphy, * Qnart. Journ. Geol. Soc.,' vol. xvi. (1800), p. 244 ; Scrope,
'Volcanoes,' 2ud ed. (1872), p. 225; and the author, * Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc.,' vol. xxx. (1874), p. 257.
resulted in the piling up of a cone which, standing on the edge of the old crater-ring,
rose to the height of 2,623 feet above the sea. (Fig. 8.)
N.W. y^-V S.E.
Fig. 8. — Form of KraJeatoa in historical timesy after the formation of the great lateral cone of Bakata,^ and
the growth of other cones within tJie great crater.
It was this conspicuous basaltic cinder-cone that was called by the natives the
peak of Bakata, which in the old Kawi or Javanese language signifies a crab. The
name, under the Dutch form, Krakatau, the Portuguese KrakatSo, and the English
Krakatoa, has been extended to the whole island on which this striking cinder-cone
stood. It is convenient to employ the same name also for the entire volcano of which
this island constitutes the largest part rising above the ocean.
Amid the numerous, lofty, and strikingly conical volcanic mountains of this
district, the insignificant masses of Krakatoa and its neighbouring islets naturally
attracted but little attention. The early voyagers in these seas describe the four
small islands of the group, like the others in the Strait, as being clothed with the most
luxuriant vegetation, and as affording a wonderful relief to eyes long accustomed to
the monotony of a waste of waters. None of the islands of the Krakatoa group
appears to have had at any time permanent inhabitants. The natives living in the
towns and villages along the shores of the Strait merely visited the islands from time
to time, in order to collect the produce of the magnificent forests which covered them ;
while the anchorages and places of shelter around their shores were resorted to by
the native fishermen. Consequently, while hundreds of vessels every year passed
within a short distance of these remarkable islands, the characters of their interior
remained almost unknown ; indeed, such phenomena as the outbm'st of hot springs
and the occurrence of earthquake-shocks might, and probably did, occiir without
attracting attention, although the outbreak of any considerable volcanic eruption would
have given rise to steam-clouds that could not fail to attract the attention of those
on board passing vessels.
Unfortunately, neither the Dutch nor the English charts give any very exact
details concerning the forms and contours of the islands. The two great channels to
the north and south of the Krakatoa-group were carefully sounded, but of the islands
themselves we have only the outlines rudely laid down (and these differ very greatly
in the several published charts), with sketches of their form as seen from ships, and
indications of their heights above the sea-level. A sketch of the island of Krakatoa
was made by P. J. Buijskes, the captain of a Dutch man-of-war, in 1849, and another
drawing of the islands of the group by Mr. Verbeek in 1880. The English chart, with
sketches of some of the islands as seen from the sea, was made in 1854, and the
Dutch chart in 1874; but additions and corrections to both these charts were made
from time to time by the surveying officers of both navies Nothing, however, in
the shape either of a complete topographical or of a geological survey of the islands
was ever undertaken ; and the absence of the information which would have been
aiforded by such surveys, is very seriously felt in all attempts to estimate the exact
nature and amount of the changes wrought by the late eniption.
From all the information available, it appears that Krakatoa consisted of the regular
basaltic cone known as Rakata, rising from the southern end of the island to the
height of 2,623 feet, and having a small depression, probably marking a crater, at its
summit. The northern part of the island seems to have consisted of a number of
more or less regularly conical masses, two of which only had received distinct names.
Near the centre of the island was the cone called Danan, and this, or a neighbouring
peak, had a height of 1,496 feet, and is said to have had a crater at its top ; at the
northern end of Krakatoa was the smaller cone called Perboewatan, with a height of
399 feet, having a crater breached on its western side, fi'om which a stream of very
glassy enstatite-dacite lava descended to the sea-level. Verlaten and Lang Islands
were isolated portions of the old crater-ring, and rose to only a moderate elevation
above the sea-level, while Polish Hat formed part of the masses ejected within the
crater. {See Figs, 3 and 4, p. 6,)
The native traditions collected by M. BntoN point to the conclusion that eruptions
had taken place at Krakatoa during the time that the district had been inhabited by
the Malayan tribes. Authentic history in this case, however, commences only about
three centuries ago.
In May, 1680, an eruption appears to have broken out at Krakatoa, of which we
have unfortunately only very meagre accounts in the wi^itings of Vogel and Hesse.
Great earthquakes are said to have been felt in the neighbourhood, and vast quantities
of pumice to have been ejected, which covered all the surrounding seas. The eruption
seems to have continued with little intermission till the November of the following
year, and to have destroyed the rich tropical forests that covered the island. Which
of the volcanic cones composing Krakatoa was then in eruption is not certainly known,
but it may be plausibly conjectured that it was Perboewatan, upon the slopes of which
conspicuous and very fresh lava-streams of enstatite-dacite are recorded as being seen
by seyeraj later authors. The eruption at this time seems to have been of the
conitiinual moderate character by the repetition of which the small cones occupying the
grea{ter part of Krakatoa, and filling up the vast submerged crater, had been formed
From the effects of this outburst, however, Krakatoa soon recovered, and the
evei>i; smms to have been so far forgotten that doubts have even been expressed as to
the accura^jy of the narratives recording it. For these doubts there do not seem to
be any very good reasons. The rich vegetation which clothed the island made the
inhabitants of the neighbouring shores and the passers in ships forget the terrible
forces which were slumbering beneath a scene of so much beauty. Some, however,
who landed on the island and made their way into the almost impenetrable forests
declared that they had met with hot springs, and one such spring is indicated on the
Admiralty chart of the island.
Six or seven years ago it became evident that the volcanic forces, which for
nearly two centuries had remained dormant beneath the Sunda Strait, were once more
awakening into activity. Earthquakes were of frequent occurrence, and during one
of these, on September the 1st, 1880, the lighthouse on Java's First Point was
seriously injured. These earthquakes were felt as far away as North Australia.
On the morning of Sunday, May the 20th, 1883, booming sounds like the firing
of artillery were heard at Batavia and Buitenzorg, which towns are situated nearly
100 English miles from Krakatoa, and for many hours a rattling of the doors and
windows was maintained in these towns and in all the neighbouring villages ; on'
board a mail-steamer passing through the Strait, it was noticed that the compass-
needles were violently agitated.
On the morning of May the 21st a sprinkling of ashes was noticed to fall at
Telok Betong and Semanka, on one side of the Strait, and at Buitenzorg and the
mountains around that place on the other. But it was not till the evening of the
same day that a steam-column, issuing from Krakatoa, revealed to the inhabitants of
the district the true locality of the disturbance which had been going on for two days.
On the 22nd of May, at 8 p.m., the captain of a vessel passing close to Krakatoa was
able to see that the dome-shaped mass of vapour issued from the lower parts of the
island, and not from the top of the peak of Bakata ; a succession of fiery flashes, each
followed by a loud explosion, accompanied the discharge of fragments of pumice and
dust into the atmosphere, while vivid flashes of lightning were seen playing around
the vapour-column. Much of the pumice and dust fell beyond the limits of the
island, and on May the 23rd a ship encountered a large quantity of this pumice off"
Flat Cape, in Sumatra, which was found to increase in amount until Krakatoa was
passed. The pumice was then floating' out into the Indian Ocean.
It is evident from these accounts that Krakatoa had re-entered on a phase of
moderate (Strombolian) activity, similar to that which it had exhibited for some
months during the years 1680 and 1681. That the outburst was one of considerable
violence, however, especiaUy at its commencement, was shown by the fact that the
commander of the German war- vessel, Elisabeth, estimated the height of the dust-
column issuing from the volcano as 11 kilometres (36,000 feet, or 7 miles) ; and falls
of dust were noticed at the distance of 300 miles.
Mr. H. O. Forbes, then resident at Timor, 1,350 English miles distant, relates
that on May the 24th a small quantity of greyish dust fell there ; but it is possible
that this may have come from some other and much nearer volcano than Krakatoa.
It seems that the eruption, which was so violent at its first outburst, soon
became of a more moderate character — so much so, indeed, that the residents in
Batavia and other portions of the surrounding district, who are accustomed to hearing
of earthquakes and volcanoes in their vicinity, soon ceased to pay much attention
c 2
to the subject. Mr. Yerbeek has, however, collected from the lighthouse-keepers on
the shores of the Strait, and from the captains of the mail-steamers and other passing
vessels, many very interesting details of this preliminary outbreak.
On May the 26th an excursion party was formed at Batavia, and proceeded
in a steam-vessel to the scene of the eruption. They reached the volcano on the
Sunday morning. May the 27th, after witnessing, during the night, several tolerably
strong explosions, which were accompanied by earthquake-shocks. Krakatoa and the
adjoining islands were seen to be covered with fine white dust like snow, while the
trees on the northern parts of Krakatoa and Verlaten Islands had been, to a great
extent, deprived of their leaves and bmnches by falling pumice— =-a fate which those
on Lang Island and Polish Hat, as well as on the Peak of Rakata, had to a great
extent escaped.
It was then seen that it was the cone of Perboewatan which was in activity —
explosions occurring at intervals of from 5 to 10 minutes, and each of these explosions
being attended with the uncovering of the liquid lava in the vent, whereby the over-
hanging steam-cloud was lighted up and glowed for a few seconds. The column of
vapour was estimated as rising to a height of less than 10,000 feet, and the fragments
of pumice as being shot to the height of about 600 feet. It appears from these
accounts that the violence of the eruption had somewhat diminished since the first
detonations, which were heard so far off and were accompanied by so lofty a vapour-
cloud. From some of the accounts, however, it appears that certain of the
explosions were of exceptional violence, and that pieoes of pumice were thrown to
very great heights in the atmosphere ; for it is said that they were caught by the
upper currents of the air and carried away in a direction opposite to that towards
which the wind was blowing at the time. The noise made by the explosions and the
hurtling of the ejected fragments in the air, is said to have been so great that when
a rifle was discharged its sound might be compared to " the popping of a champagne-,
cork amid the hubbub of a banquet."
Ascending ankle-deep in loose pumice over the slopes of the low depressed cone
of Perboewatan, which was found to have a height of something over 300 feet above
the sea, the visitors to the island found at the top a large crater 8,000 feet in
diameter, and sloping down to a flat bottom which had about one-half that diameter,
and was covered with a black crust. The crater-floor, which was about 150 feet from
the upper edge, showed in its centre a cavity about 150 feet in diameter, from which
the great steam-column issued with a terrific sound. The western side of the crater
was seen to be breached by the obsidian lava-stream descending to the sea. It is
conjectured that this was formed in 1680-81.
The material ejected was pumice with fragments of black glass ; it is desci-ibed
by some as containing crystals of plagioclase felspar, pyroxene and magnetite. A
specimen brought away by one of the visitors was, however, given to Mr. H. O,
Forbes, and by him brought to England ; and this specimen, which was handed
to me by that gentleman, proved to be of a somewhat peculiar character and quite
different from most of the pumice ejected during the later stages of the eruption, as
will be shown in the sequel.
A photographer on board the steamer succeeded in obtaining a satisfactory view
of the eruption at that time, and this photograph, which was coloured by an eye-
witness of the eruption, is reproduced in Plate I.
After the period of this visit, although there was no intermission in the eruption,
there appeared to be a decline in the volcanic activity, as far as can be judged from
the reports obtained from the lighthouses of the Strait, and from the captains of
passing vessels. It was ascertained at Anjer on June the 19th, that the height of the
vapour-column and the force of the explosions were again increasing ; and on the 24th
of the same month it was distinctly noticed that a second column of vapour was ascend-
ing from the centre of the island. At Katimbang, from which place the Island of
Krakatoa can be seen, it was noticed that the appearance of Perboewatan had entirely
changed ; the conspicuous summit had disappeared, having probably been blown away
during the enlarging and deepening of the crater.
During the month of July, the eruption from the two points in the island was
observed and described, both by witnesses on the shores and by others on vessels
making the passage of the Strait. Some detonations of exceptional violence, and
several small earthquakes, were from time to time recorded alike from the Java and
Sumatra shores ; but in a district where earthquakes and volcanic outbursts are so
frequent, this eruption of Krakatoa during the summer months of 1883 seems to
have been regarded as nothing more than a nine-days' wonder, and soon ceased to
attract any particular attention.
On August the 11th, however, the island was visited by Captain Ferzenaar, the
chief of the topographical staff of Bantam. Sailing along the north-east side of the
island in a native boat he was able to make a sketch of that part of the island, the
heavy masses of vapour and dust driven by the wind preventing him from examining
the other portions of the island By this time the forests of the whole of Krakatoa
appear to have been completely destroyed, only a few trunks of trees being left
standing above the thick covering of pumice and dust. This mantle of dust near the
shores W£U9 found to be 20 inches in thickness.
Three large vapour-columns were seen ascending and carrying up immense clouds
of dust and pumice from as many craters, one of these being the original crater of
Perboewatan, while the other two were in the centre of the island. Of the latter, one
was probably the original crater of Danan, enlarged and deepened by the explosive
action so as to diminish the height of the cone, while the other crater seems to have
been opened at the northern foot of Danan. But besides these three principal
craters no fewer than eleven other foci of eruption could be observed on the visible
portions of the island, from which smaller steam-columns issued and ejections of
dust took place.
It is evident, therefore, that at this period the activity of the volcanic forces in
the island had increased in a remarkable manner, and that from all portions of the
lower -lying parts of the island situated to the north of the Peak of Rakata, that is
from the area within the walls of the original crater, outbursts were going on.
This account of the state of the volcano on August the 11th is very interesting
indeed, oa being the last which we have before the great paroxysm which occurred
towards the end of the same month.
The vessels which passed close to Krakatoa between the 11th of August and the
time of the great catastrophe reported a heavy rain of pumice and dust and constant
loud explosions as taking place. On the 25th the dust had been carried to such a
height as to begin to fall at Telok Betong, nearly fifty miles distant.
The eruption which began on May the 20th, and culminated in the tremendous
explosion of August the 27th, thus appears to have exhibited the following vicissi-
tudes : — Bursting out with somewhat sudden violence, the eruption from Perboewatan
seems to have had sufficient force to carry the volcanic dust to various points along the
shores of Java and Sumat ra. After this sudden outburst, there was a rapid and marked
decline in violence, and then a gradual increase till June the 24th, when a second
crater had opened in the centre of the island. The eruptive force still increasing, a
third crater made its appearance^ and innumerable smaller vents were originated all
over the surface of the fiUed-up crater of the great volcano. From this time the
activity seemed still constantly to increase, till its grand culmination on the 27th of
The Eruption of August 2(jth and 27th, 1883.
On the afternoon of the 26th of August, and through the succeeding night and
day till the early morning of the 28th of August, it was evident that the long-
continued moderate eruptions (Strombolian stage) which had for some days been
growing in intensity, had passed into the paroxysmal (Vesuvian) staga In order to
weigh the evidence which we have concerning the nature of this critical and most
interesting period of the eruption of Krakatoa, it may be well to consider what were
the facilities for observation possessed by the several individuals from whom the
reports concerning the eruptions were obtained.
Situated respectively at a distance of 94 and 100 English miles to the east of
Krakatoa are the two important towns of Batavia and Buitenzorg. In both these
places, numerous Europeans capable of making accurate observations were resident ;
there were also self-recording instruments, the tracings of which have proved of the
greatest value in these enquiries. At numerous small towns and villages along the
Javan and Sumatran coasts of the Strait of Sunda, and in the five lighthouses, two of
which were destroyed, European officials were located. Many of these fled during the
terrible night of the 26th of August, and others were drowned by thei great sea-
waves which submerged all the coast-towns on the morning of the 27th. Very
admirably has Mr. Yerbeek collected and discussed the reports made by the officials
of the coast- towns and villages who survived that night of horrors.
Perhaps, however, the most important evidence of what was actually going on at
Krakatoa during the crisis of the eruption is that derived from witnesses on board
ships which sailed between Java and Sumatra while the great outburst was in
progress, or those that were at the time in the immediate vicinity of either the
eastern or western entrance of the Sunda Strait. From many more distant points,
however, valuable confirmatory or supplementary evidence has been obtained, for
which we are indebted to the captains or passengers of vessels passing through the
eastern seas during that period.
Only three European ships appear to have been actually within the Sunda
Strait during the height of the eruption on the night of the 26th of August and the
early morning of the 27th, and to have escaped destruction, so that those on board
could tell the tale of what they witnessed.
The greatest opportunities for observation seem to have been those which were
afforded to Captain Watson of the British ship Charles Bed, then on its voyage to
Hong Kong. This vessel passed Princes Island at 9 a.m, on Sunday the 26th of
August; at noon she was on the south-west side of Krakatoa ; and at 4.15 p.m. she
reached a point nearly due south of the volcano, and about 10 miles distant from it.
The darkness being too great to permit of safe navigation, sail was shortened, and
through the whole night the vessel was kept beating about on the east of the volcano,
and within a dozen miles from it. At 6 a.m, on the 27th, the Java shore was sighted,
and the vessel was enabled to continue her voyage.
The Batavian steamship Oouvemeur-GeneracU Loudon, Commandant T. H.
liiNDEHAN, left Batavia on the morning of the 26th of August, and reached Anjer at
2 p.m. the same day. Leaving that port at 2.45 p.m., she sailed for Telok Betong,
taking a number of coolies and women as passengers, and passing about 80 miles
north of Krakatoa, reached her destination at 7.30 p.m. Finding at midnight
that it was impossible, on account of the storm which was raging, to communicate with
the shore, the vessel steamed out into the bay and anchored. She thus escaped being
stranded by the great sea-waves of the early morning, like the unfortunate Govern-
ment steamer Berouw, which was at this time anchored close to the pier-head at
Telok Betong. At 7 30 a.m. on the 27th, the steamer G. G. Loudon started to return
to Anjer, but had to come to anchor at 10 o'clock on account of the rain of pumice,
and the storm that was raging. During Tuesday, the 28th, she steamed round the
west and south sides of Krakatoa, called at the part of the coast where Anjer formerly
stood, and then proceeded to Batavia.
The Dutch barque Marie, engaged in the salt- trade, was, during the whole time of
the eruption, anchored off Telok Betong. On the morning of the 27th of August, thanks
to the precaution of putting out a third anchor, she rode safely, and was able to avoid
being stranded by the gigantic sea- waves, which swept on to the land the Government
steamer Berouw, three schooners, and many smaller craft lying off the same port.
The vessel appears to have been at times in imminent danger, but only four of the
persons on board of her were drowned.
During the whole of Sunday, the 26th of August, two vessels, the barque
Norham Castle, Captain O. Sampson, and the ship Sir Robert Sale, Captain W. T.
WooLDRiDGE, were at the eastern entrance of the Strait, and about 40 miles from
Krakatoa. On the morning of Monday, the 27th, both these vessels entered
the Strait, but owing to the darkness, neither made much progress till the morning
of the 28th, when, falling in with each other, they made their way in company,
but with much difl&culty, through the Strait.
The Dutch hopper-barge, Tegal, which sailed from Batavia for Merak early on
Monday, the 27 th of August, remained at anchor near the eastern entrance of the
Strait during the great darkness, but on Tuesday, the 28th, entered the Strait
On the morning of Sunday, the 26th of August, the ship Berhice, of Greenock,
Captain William Logan, was at the western entrance of Sunda Strait, and about
40 miles from Krakatoa. This vessel remained beating about the entrance till
Wednesday, the 29th, when she was able to sail through the Strait.
These are the vessels which, during the crisis of the great eruption, were in the
most favourable positions for those on board of them to make observations concerning
what was taking place at Krakatoa. The approximate positions of these vessels are
shown in the accompanying chart (Fig. 9). Let us now turn our attention to some
other vessels which were at greater distances from the scene of eruption, but, from
the captains or passengers on board which, valuable information has been received.
The Norwegian barque Borjild, Captain Amundsen, was at anchor near Great
Kombuis Island, 75 miles east-by-north of Krakatoa, during the 26th and 27th of
The British ship Medea, Captain Thomson, was, at 2 p.m. on the 26th, in the
vicinity of the last-mentioned vessel, and sailing eastward came to anchor about 89
miles from Krakatoa.
The American barque William H. Besse, Captain Baker, on its way from
Manilla to Boston, U.S.A., having called at Batavia, was in the same neighbourhood,
and on Wednesday, 29th, and Thursday, 30th of August, was passing through the
The British steamer Anerley, Captain Strachan, bound from Singapore to
Mauritius, was, on the 26th of August, in Banca Strait, 250 English miles north of
Krakatoa. During the 27th the steamer remained at anchor near North Watcher
Island, 92 English miles north-east of the volcano.
The Siamese barque Thoon Kramoom, Captain Andersen, bound from Bankok to
Falmouth, lay, on the 27th and 28th of August, in the Strait of Banca, 230 English
miles north of Krakatoa, and, sailing southwards, passed through the Strait of Sunda
on the 31st of August.
Several vessels, among which was the barque Hope, were lying in Batavia Bay
during the great paroxysmal outburst.
The mail steamer Frinses Wilhelmina, which passed through the Strait on the
23rd of August, coming from the west, remained at anchor at Batavia during the
time of the great eruption.
Among vessels which were at still greater distances from the volcano during the
time of the great outburst, the following may be mentioned as those from which
information and specimens of the falling pmnice and duet have been received : —
The British ship Bay of Naples, Captain TroiiARSH, was, during the eruption,
about 138 English miles south of Java's First Point, and the barque Luda was
about 300 miles to the south-east of Krakatoa.
From the seas to the west of the Strait of Sunda we have information from the
steamship SimUiy Captain M. Nicholson, where dust, falling at a distance of about
1,150 English miles from the volcano, was collected, and from the barque Jonc^
Captain L. Reid, at about 600 English miles from the Strait. On board the British
ships Earl of Beaconsjield, and the Ardgotvan, Captain Isbisteb, and the German
brig Catheriney dust fell when they were between 900 and 1,100 English miles
from Krakatoa ; and on board the British barque Arabella, Captain Williams, when
about 1,100 English miles from Krakatoa.
The mail steamer Frins Frederik, on its way to Holland, passed near Krakatoa
on the 25th of August, and the steamer Batavia sailed from Padang to Vlakke
Hoek on the evening of the 27th.
The Frins Hendrik, a Dutch man-of-war, was ordered to the Strait of Sunda
immediately after the eruption, in order to succour the survivors.
H.M.S. Magpie, Commander the Hon. F. C. P. Vereker, was at Sandakang,
N. Borneo, at the time of the eruption, and on the 18 th of October visited the Strait
for the purpose of examining the changes which had taken place. Somewhat later
H.M.S. Merlin, Commander R. C. Brunton, visited the locality, and sent in a report
to the Admiralty.
From various ports, accounts have been received, sent by British Consuls and
by residents, and many of these have proved to be of great service to the Krakatoa
The log-books of the different vessels mentioned, and narratives written by the
captains and passengers on board of them, taken in conjunction with the reports
collected with so much care by Mr. Vgirbeek, have afforded the means of compiling
the following account of what occurred at Krakatoa during Sunday, the 26th, and
Monday, the 27th, August.
The vessels passing through the Strait, as well as the observers on land, all
reported a very marked though gradual increase in the violence of the eruption
during the three days which preceded Sunday, the 26th of August.
On that day, about 1 p.m., the detonations caused by the explosive action
attained such violence as to be heard at Batavia and Buitenzorg, about 100 English
miles away.
At 2 p.m. Captain Thomson, of the Medea, then sailing at a poiut 76 English
miles E.N.E. of Krakatoa, saw *' a black mass rising up like a smoke, in clouds," to an
altitude which has been estimated as being no less than 17 miles. If this estimate be
correct, some idea of the violence of the outburst can be formed from the fact that
during the eruption of Vesuvius in 1872 the column of steam and dust was pro-
pelled to the height of from only 4 to 5 miles.
The great detonations at this time were said to be taking place at intervals of
about ten minutes.
By 3 p.m. the sounds produced by the explosions at Krakatoa had so far increased
in loudness that they were heard at Bandong and other places 150 miles away; and at
5 p.m. they had become so tremendous that they were heard all over the island of
Java, and at many other equally distant localities. At Batavia and Buitenzorg they
were, during the whole night, so violent that few people in the district were able
to sleep ; the noise is described as being like the discharge of artillery close at
hand, and as causing rattling of the windows and shaking of pictures, chandeliers,
and other hanging bodies. Nearly all observers agree that there was nothing in the
nature of earthquake-shocks, but only strong air-vibrations.
Captain Watson, of the Charles Bal, who was only 10 miles south of the
volcano during this Sunday afternoon, describes the island as being covered with a
dense black cloud ;" clouds or something were being propelled from the north-east
point with great velocity ; " sounds like discharges of artillery at intervals of a second
of time, and a crackling noise, probably due to the impact of fragments in the
atmosphere, were heard ; the whole commotion increasing towards 5 p.m., when it
became so intense that the Captain feared to continue his voyage, and began to
shorten sail. From 5 to 6 p.m. a rain of pumice in large pieces, quite warm, fell upon
the ship.
Captain Wooldridgk, of the Sir R. Sale, viewing the volcano from the north-
east at sunset on Sunday evening, the 26th, describes the sky as presenting "a most
terrible appearance, the dense mass of clouds being covered with a murky tinge,
with fierce flashes of lightning.'' At 7 p.m., when the dense vapour and dust-clouds
rendered it intensely dark, the whole scene was lighted up from time to time by the
electrical discharges, and at one time the cloud above the mountain presented " the
appearance of an immense pine-tree, with the stem and branches formed with volcanic
lightning." The air was loaded with excessively fine ashes, and there was a strong
sulphurous smell. Captain O. Sampson, of the Norham Castle, who was in the same
neighbourhood, gives a similar account of what he witnessed. The steamer
G. G. Loudon passed to the north-west and west of the volcano, within a
distance of 20 or 30 miles ; it was seen to be " casting forth enormous columns
of smoke," and the vessel passed through "a rain of ashes and small bits
of stone."
During the night, while the Charles Bed remained beating about on the east of
Krakatoa, and within about a dozen miles of the island, Captain Watson records
the phenomena of ** chains of fire, appearing to ascend " between the volcano and the
sky, while on the south-west side there seemed to be " a continual roll of balls of
white fire." These appearances were doubtless caused by the discharge of white-
hot fragments of lava, and their roll down the sides of the peak of Kakata, which
was still standing.
The air at this distance, though the wind was strong at the time, was described
by Captain Watson as being "hot and choking, sulphurous, with a smell as of
burning cinders ; " masses like " iron-cinders " fell on the ship, and the lead firom a
bottom of 30 fathoms came up quite warm. From midnight till 4 a.m. explosions
continually took place, " the sky, one second intense blackness, the next a blaze of
All these details prove conclusively that Krakatoa had arrived at the paroxysmal
phase of eruption. The explosive bursts of vapour beginning on the afternoon of
Sunday and continuing at intervals of ten minutes, increased in violence and rapidity,
and from sunset till midnight there was an almost continuous roar, which moderated
a little towards early morning. Each explosive outburst of steam would have the
effect of removing the accumulating pumice from the surface of the melted lava, by
blowing it into the atmosphere, and the cauldron of white-hot lava would then have
its glowing surface reflected in the clouds of vapour and dust hanging above.
The numerous vents on the low-lying parts of Krakatoa, which were recorded as
having been seen by Captain Ferzenaar on the 11th of August, had, doubtless, by
this time become more or less united, and the original crater of the old volcano was
being rapidly emptied by the great paroxysmal explosions which commenced in the
afternoon of the 26th of August.
All the eye-witnesses are in agreement as to the splendour of the electrical
phenomena displayed during this paroxysmal outburst. Captain Wooldridge, viewing
the eruption in the afternoon from a distance of 40 miles, speaks of the great
vapour-cloud looking like **an immense wall with bursts of forked lightning at times
like large serpents rushing through the air," After sunset this dark wall resembled
a ** blood-red curtain, with the edges of all shades of yellow ; the whole of a murky
tinge, with fierce flashes of lightning." Captain O. Sampson, viewing the volcano
from a similar position at the same time, states that Krakatoa " appeared to be alight
with flickering flamea rising behind a dense black cloud ; at the same time balls of
fire rested on the mastheads and extremities of the yard-arms."
Captain Watson states that during the night the mastheads and yard-arms of his
ship were *' studded with corposants,'' and records the occurrence of "a peculiar pinky
flame coming from clouds which seemed to touch the mastheads and yard-arms." From
the G. G. Loudon, lying in the Bay of Lampong, 40 or 50 English miles north-west
of the volcano, it was recorded that " the lightning struck the mainmast-conductor
five or six times," and that ** the mud-rain which covered the masts, rising, and
decks, was phosphorescent, and on the rigging presented the appearance of St. Elmo's
fire. The natives engaged themselves busily in putting this phosphorescent light out
with their hands, and were so intent on this occupation that the stokers left the
engine-rooms for the purpose, so that the European engineers were left to drive the
machinery for themselves. The natives pleaded that if this phosphorescent light, or
any portion of it, found its way below, a hole would burst in the ship ; not that they
feared the ship taking fire, but they thought the light was the work of evil spirits,
and that if the ill-omened light found its way below, the evil spirits would triumph
in their design to scuttle the ship."
This abundant generation of atmospheric electricity is a familiar phenomenon in
all volcanic eruptions on a grand scale. The steam-jets rushing through the orifices
of the earth's crust constitute an enormous hydro-electric engine ; and the firiction of
ejected materials striking against one another in their ascent and descent also does
much in the way of generating electricity.
Up to late in the afternoon of the 26th of August, the phenomena exhibited by
Krakatoa were precisely similar to those witnessed at every great paroxysmal volcanic
eruption. But at that time the effects of the somewhat peculiar position of the
Krakatoa crater began to be apparent. Lying as it does so close to the sea-level, the
work of evisceration by explosive action could not go far without the waters of the
ocean finding their way into the heated mass of lava from which the eruption was
taking place.
It is often assumed that if a mass of water come into contact with molten lava
a terrible outburst of steam, producing a great volcanic eruption, must be the conse-
quence, and some vulcanologists insist that the admission of water by fissures into
subterranean reservoirs of lava is the determining cause of all volcanic outbreaks.
But careful observation does not give much countenance to this view. Lava-streams
have frequently been seen to flow into the sea, and although a considerable generation
of steam occurred when the molten mass first came in contact with the water, yet
none of the prolonged effects which are popularly supposed to result from the
conflict of fire and water were found to occur. The surface of the lava-current
becoming rapidly chilled, a layer of slowly conducting rock is formed at its surface,
and then the gradual cooling down of the whole mass ensues, without further
By the lowering of the mass lying within the old crater-ring of Krakatoa, and
the diminution in height of the crater- walls, water would from time to time find a
way to the molten lava below ; each such influx of water would no doubt lead to the
generation of some steam with explosive violence, and the production of small sea-waves
which would travel outwards from Krakatoa as a centre. From the reports made by
the oflScials at Anjer and other places on the shores of Java and Sumatra, the produc-
tion of such waves, which were only a few feet in height, began to be observed about
5,30 p.m. on Sunday, the 26th of August, and continued at irregular intervals all
through the night. Towards morning, however, the chilling effects of the water which
had from time to time found its way to the molten materials below the volcano
began to be felt, and as a result a diminution in the activity of the volcano is recorded.
If, as I shall show when I proceed to discuss the nature of the materials ejected
from Krakatoa, the cause of the eruptive action was due to the disengagement of
volatile substances actually contained in those matenals, the checking of the activity,
by the influx into the molten mass of vast quantities of cold sea water, would have
the same efiect as fastening down the safety-valve of a steam-boiler, while the fires
below were maintained in full activity.
The constant augmentation of tension beneath Krakatoa, in the end gave rise to
a series of tremendous explosions, on a far grander scale than those resulting directly
from the influx of the sea-water into the vent ; the four principal of these occurred,
according to the careful investigations of Mr. Verbeek, at 5.30, 6.44, 10.2,* and
10.52, Krakatoa time, on the morning of August the 27th. Of these, the third,
occurring shortly after 10 o'clock, was by far the most violent, and was productive
of the most wide-spread results.
Although no one was near enough to Krakatoa during these paroxysmal out-
bursts to witness what took place there, a comparison of the condition of the volcano
and of the surrounding seas before and after these terrible manifestations of the
subterranean forces, leaves little doubt as to the real nature of the action.
In the first place, we find that the whole of the northern and lower portion of the
Island of Krakatoa disappeared, with the exception of a bank of pumice and one small
isolated rock, about ] 0 yards square, which was left sttinding above the ocean with deep
water all round it. This rock consists of solid pitchstone, and probably represents a
dyke or plug filling the throat of one of the volcanic cones that formerly occupied
the old crater. At the same time a large portion of the northern part of the basaltic
cone of Kakata was destroyed and a nearly vertical cliff formed, giving rise to a
magnificent section which afforded a perfect insight into the internal structure of the
volcano. {See Plate 11. , Fig. 2.) The depth of the great crateral hollow which was
produced, where the northern part of Krakatoa formerly rose to heights of from 300
to 1,400 feet above the sea level, in some places exceeds 1,000 feet below that same
level. {See Fig. 10, p. 23.)
In attempting to judge of the effects produced around the flanks of the great
crater of Krakatoa, we have the two new and very detailed charts prepared by the
Royal Dutch surveying vessel Hyclrograaf, under Commandant C. van Doorn.
The first of these was the result of a careful survey made immediately after the
* GorrespondiDg to the wave mentioned on p. 69 as 9 b. 58 m. Krakatoa time = 2 h. 56 m. G.M.T.
eruption, and was published on October the 26th, 1883, while the second appeared
somewhat later, after the new Islands of Steers and Calmeyer had been reduced to
Pig. 10. — Outline of the crater of Krakatoa as it is at the present time. The dotted line indicates the
portions blown away in the paroxysmal outburst of August, 1883, and the changes in form of
the flanks of the mountain by the fall of ejected materials upon them,
sandbanks. These are reproduced as Plates XXXII. and XXXIII. following Part
III. ; but it is a very unfortunate circumstance that the old charts of the Strait of
Sunda are far from accurate, and thus considerable difficulty arises when we attempt
to make an exact estimate of the changes produced by the eruption. {See Fig. 1 1, p. 24.)
Certain it is that the portion of the Island of Krakatoa which disappeared
during the eruption was equal to about two-thirds of the original area, the part that
remained consisting only of the southern moiety of the volcanic cone of Rakata.
Of this fragment the southern outline, according to the new charts, differs considerably
from that of the southern shore of the original island, and its height, if the old
charts can be depended upon, was increased from 2,623* to 2,750 feet. But the top
and sides of this fragment of the cone of Rakata are so covered by masses of ejected
materials that the alteration in its form and height are, it appears to me, sufficiently
accounted for without requiring us to call in any theory of general upheaval of the mass.
Of the other islands of the group, Poolsche Hoedje (Polish Hat) has entirely
disappeared; Lang Island has been increased by an addition to its northern extremity,
and its height above the sea seems to have been augmented, the whole of the
vegetation that formerly covered it being deeply buried by ejected matters; and
lastly, Verlaten Island has, by accretions on the side farthest away from the central
crater, been enlarged to more than three times its former area, while a considerable
addition has been made to its height.
In judging of the alterations in the form of the sea-bottom around the Krakatoa
group, we have to rely upon the few and not very accurate soundings in the old
chart of the Strait. From a comparison of these with the depths given in the new
chart, we can scarcely doubt that over a circle with a radius of 10 or 12 miles from
the centre of the Krakatoa volcano, the sea-bottom outside the great crater has been
raised by an amount which varies from 10 to 60 feet. Mr. Verbeek concluded
however, that along a line 8 or 9 miles in length, and extending westward from the
great crater, an increase of depth has taken place, and this is not improbably due to
the opening of a fissure on the flanks of the submerged cone.
• According to Verbeek, the height previous to the eruption was 2,697 feet. After the eruption he
sajs the height was 2,730 feet, but was reduced by June, 1886, to 2,677 feet.
In the so-called New or Sebesi Channel, between Krakatoa and Sebesi Islands,
the original depth of water was much less than on the other sides of the Krakatoa
Sea Rwk^> \^.j^
|:-- •••••-•'?T««T* »«~~«~»,,;,^^^^^ ^JkfM$Un RmL
Enftlitli Miles.
Fio. 11. — Map of Krakatoa and the surrounding ulandsj from the Chart prepared immediately after the
Eruption, Later charts show the islands of Steers and Galmeyer reduced to sandbanks. The shaded
areas show the form of the islands a^ccording to the old chart. Much of the discrepancy between
the southern limit of Krakatoa in the two maps is due to the imperfection of the old survey.
Dotted lines show sand-hanks and lines of breakers,
group, seldom, indeed, exceeding 20 fathoms ; and several rocks in this channel rose
above the sea-level. After the eruption it was found that this channel was com-
pletely blocked by banks composed of volcanic materials, and two portions of these
banks rose above the sea as islands, which received the name of Steers Island and
Calmeyer Island By the action of the waves, however, these islands were, in the
course of a few months, completely washed away, and their materials distributed over
the sea bottom.
The changes which took place in the forms of the islands and in the depth of
the sea around them, have been supposed by some to indicate a general elevation of
the islands of the Krakatoa group, accompanied by a great subsidence of the central or
crateral area. A careful study of these changes in the light of what is known to have
taken place at other volcanic centres leads me to adopt a wholly different conclusion.
The action going on within a volcanic vent during eruption is in all essential
features identical with that which takes place in the throat of a geyser. In both
cases we have a mass of heated liquid, in the midst of which large quantities of
gaseous materials are being disengaged so as to escape into the atmosphere as the
pressure is relieved, and these escaping gases carry up with them portions of the
liquid in which they have been confined. Now just as the throwing of sods and
earth into the tube of a geyser, by causing a check in the escape of steam and water
and thereby leading to an augmentation of the tension of the elastic fluids below,
gives rise to a more than usually violent explosion, so the interruption to the regular
ejections going on at Krakatoa, consequent on the chilling of the surface of the lava
in the vent by inrushes of sea-water, caused a check and then a rally of the pent-up
force of gases seeking to escape from the molten mass. The serious catastrophic
outbursts that produced such startling effects both in the air and in the ocean
appear to me to have been the direct consequences of this " check and rally " of the
subterranean forces.
In these last terrible outbursts, in which the volcano rapidly expended its
remaining force, we are evidently dealing with the breaking up and ejection of solid
lava constituting the framework of the volcano, and not with the simple dissipation of
the lava-froth (pumice) as during all the earlier stages of the eruption. That the
materials were not carried far from the centre of ejection is shown by the fact that
no falls of coarse materials are recorded from any of the vessels that were within or
near the Strait at the time, but the bulk of the solid fragments thrown out during these
great explosions must have fallen back into the sea, upon and immediately around the
flanks of the volcano itiself. This is proved by the alteration in the forms of the
islands of the Krakatoa group, and by the change in the height of the floor of
the surrounding ocean. By these grand explosive outbursts the old crater was
completely eviscerated, and a cavity formed, more than 1,000 feet in depth, whUe
the solid materials thrown out froln the crater were spread over the flanks of the
volcano, causing the alterations in their form which have been noticed.*
It was the rush of the great sea- waves over the land, caused by the violent
* It is probable that lateral eruptions contribnted to the alterations produced bj the ejection of
materialfl from the central crater.
eviscei'ation of the crater of Krakatoa aided by the impact upon the water of the
Strait of the enormous masses of falling material, that caused the great destruction
of life and property in the Strait of Sunda. By the inrush of these waves on to
the land, all vessels near the shore were stranded, the towns and villages along
the coast devastated, two of the lighthouses swept away, and the lives of 36,380 of
the inhabitants, among whom were 37 Europeans, sacrificed. The first waves
reached both the Javan and the Sumatran coasts between 6 and 7 on the evening of
August the 26th, and these probably mark the time of the first influx of water into the
igneous focus. A succession of small oscillations of the sea continued all night, but
the waves that followed the four great explosions of 5.30, 6.44, 10.2, and 10.52 in
the morning of August the 27th, were undoubtedly the highest and most destructive of
all. The question of the nature and height of these waves, and the phenomena which
accompanied them, are discussed in a subsequent part of this report. The areas
submerged by these great waves is shown on the Chart, Fig. 9, p. 17.
Early on the morning of August the 27th, another phenomenon began to manifest
itself. The vast quantity of watery vapour thrown into the atmosphere during
the afternoon of the 26th and the night of the 26th and 27th of August, had reached
an excessive height. This height has been estimated by Mr. Joly at 17 and possibly
even 23 miles, and by M. Fulmmariox at 12]^ miles. This mass of vapour and dust,
as so graphically described by Captain Wooldridge, of the Sir R, SalCy on reaching
the limit of its elevation spread itself out laterally, giving rise to the '" pine-tree "
appearance so familiar to the Itjdians, who are in the habit of watching the
paroxysmal outbursts of Vesuvius. All night long this great cloud spread itself
laterally, the particles of dust slowly descending through the atmosphere. Between
10 and 11 a.m. the three vessels then at the eastern entrance of the Strait
encountered the fall of mingled dust and water, which soon darkened the air and
covered their decks and sails with a thick coating of mud. Some of the pieces
of pumice falling on the Sir R. Sale were said to have been of the size of a pumpkin.
Between 10 and 10.30 a.m. the same state of things is reported in Lampong Bay,
the G. G. Loudon being compelled at the latter hour to come to anchor on account of
the darkness.
At Batavia, situated about 100 English miles from Krakatoa, the sky was clear
at 7 a.m., but began to darken between that hour and 10 a.m. ; at 10.15 the sky
became lurid and yellowish, and lamps began to be required in the houses ; about
10.30 the first falls from the overhanging clouds took place in the form of fine
watery particles, and this was succeeded by a few grains of dust ; at 1 1 a,m. this
increased to a regular dust-rain, becoming heavier till 11.20, when complete
darkness fell on the city. This heavy dust-rain continued till 1, and afterwards
less heavily till 3 p.m. The dust fell in small rounded accretions, containing about
10 per cent, of water. A similar phenomenon is recorded as having been observed
during the recent eruptions of Tarawera in New Zealand.
At Buitenzorg, a little farther from the volcano, similar phenomena were
recorded but were of shorter duration. The dust-fall commenced at 11, but
darkness did not begin till noon, and it passed away as the dust-fall ceased at 2 p.m.
The darkness, however, extended- in the country eastward as far as Tjandjer, about
130 English miles, and Bandong, nearly 150 miles from the volcano.
The air-waves produced by the great explosions appear to have been of three
kinda Those which were of sufficient rapidity of alternation to give rise to sounds,
are recorded as being heard as far away as Rodriguez and Diego Garcia, which
are respectively 3,080 and 2,375 English miles distant from the volcano. Other
waves of larger dimensions caused the bursting in of windows, and even the cracking
of walls 100 miles away at Batavia and Buitenzorg. Lamps were thrown down,
gas-jets extinguished, and a gasometer, under the influence of one of these great
waves, leaped out of its well, causing the gas to escape. Even at much greater
distances cracks were produced in walls, and all accounts agree in ascribing the
result to air-vibrations and not to earthquakes.
The air-vibi-ations of still greater w6,ve-length which travelled several times
round the globe, as was first shown by General Strachey and Mr. Scott, are fully
discussed in another part of this report, in which also details are given respecting
the air-waves producing sound. (See Part II., p. 58.)
Eruptive action appeared to continue in the neighbourhood of Krakatoa during
the whole of Monday, the 27th, though the darkness which prevailed over the Strait
of Sunda prevented the exact nature of the operations going on there from being
determined. Three vessels, the Charles Bal, the Sir R. Sale, and the NorJiam Castle^
were all day beating about in the darkness at the eastern entrance of the Strait, the
pumice-dust falling upon them in such quantities as to employ the crews for hours in
shovelling it from the decks and in beating it from the sails and rigging. On board
the G. G. LoudoUy anchored in Lampong Bay, it is recorded that, after the rain of
pumice-stone in the early morning, only dust and water fell in the form of mud, which
accumulated on the deck at the rate of 6 inches in 10 minutes. Frequent explosions
and vivid lightning in the neighbourhood of Krakatoa are recorded. After the great
outbursts of the early morning of the 27th, however, it appears that there was
a lull for a time, as at Buitenzorg no explosions were heard during the afternoon
till 7 p.m. At this latter hour the explosions, as heard from Buitenzorg, recom-
menced, increasing in violence till 10 or 11 p.m., when they again declined, and finally
ceased to be heard at 2.30 a.m. on Tuesday, the 28th of August.
On Wednesday, the 29th of August, the G. G. Loudon forced her way through
the pumice-laden seas passing from the Bay of Lampong through the Strait of
Lagoendie, and then sailed round the west, south, and east sides of Krakatoa, and
thence on to Anjer, which place was reached at 4 p.m. They found that the whole of
the northern part of the island of Krakatoa had disappeared, and that no smoke was
at that time issuing from it. It was seen, however, that between Krakatoa and Sebesi
E 2
" a reef had formed, and that various craters planted on that reef were sending columns
of smoke on high."
On Wednesday, 29th, and Thursday, 30th, the Sir R. Sale and Norham Castle
were working through the Strait from the east, afud on the latter day were within
ten miles of Erakatoa. Neither of the captains reports any kind of activity at
Krakatoa, nor did either perceive the changes which had taken place in the island.
The steamer Anerley passed through Sunda Strait from the east on Tuesday the
28 th ; she kept close to the Java shore, and reports no eruptions as taking place at
Exakatoa. The peak of Krakatoa was seen to he in its usual position, and no change
was noticed in its form, or in that of other parts of the island.
Neither the captain of the Berhice, nor of the Wm. H. Besse, which passed
through the Strait from the west and east respectively on August the 29th and 30th,
reports any kind of action as being heard on those days in the direction of Erakatoa.
Those on board the Prins Hendrik, which entered the Siuida Strait on
September the 3rd, noticed that from the part which remained of £j:ukatoa, from
Lang and Verlaten Islands, from Steers and Calmeyer Islands, smoke continually
arose, and now and then a flame was seen at night.
Commander Doorn of the Hydrograaf has suggested, from his inspection
of the locality at a later date, that the steam proceeding from the hot pimiice
had been mistaken for eruptive outbursts, but there are some grounds for believing
that lateral eruptions did take place on the flanks of Erakatoa after the outburst
from the central crater had entirely ceased.
The soundings after the eruption indicate, as already pointed out, that a great
depression or fissure had been formed in the sea-bottom, extending eastward of
Erakatoa for a distance of about 7 or 8 miles, and extending nearly in the direction
of the great line of volcanic activity which traverses Java and Sumatra. The
formation of the islands of Steers and Calmeyer appears to be most naturally
accounted for if we imagine that two or more parasitical volcanic cones had grown
up on the northern flank of the Erakatoa volcano and had increased in size till
they rose above the sea-level. In this state they appear to have been seen by
those on board the G. O. Loudon on August the 28th ; and in a later stage of
degradation by those on board the Prins Hendrik, on the 3rd of September*
These cones of loose pumice on rising above the sea-level were soon attacked by
the waves, and as in the analogous well-known cases of Graham's Island and
Sabrina, were gradually reduced first to sand-banks and then to shoals.*
* The excessive quantity of material which mnst have been deposited in the channel between
Erakatoa and Sebesi, to cause the formation of the two new islands and the snrroTmding shoals, has
given rise to the suggestion that large portions of the volcano were actually hurled bodily into the air,
and fell into the chfumel in question. But it is not necessary to adopt so improbable an hypothesis
as this, when we remark the frequency of lateral eruptions upon volcanoes, and that we have in this
case some direct evidence that small parasitical cones did actually exist at this point immediately
after the great outburst.
There is considerable doubt as to whether several small eruptions did not occur
in and about Krakatoa after the great outburst had died out on the 28th or 29th
of August. The investigations by Mr. Verbeek, however, have established the fact
that a not inconsiderable explosion, accompanied by a rumbling sound, the ejection
of large quantities of black mud, and a heavy sea- wave certainly took place at 9.30 p.m.
on the 10th of October. The materials thrown out in this last exhibition of activity
were afterwards clearly seen covering the slopes of the peak of Krakatoa, and the
Island of Calmeyer, and the outburst must have been a by no means insignificant one.
Judged of by the quantity of materials ejected, or by the area and duration
of the darkness caused by the volcanic dust, the eruption of Krakatoa must have
been on a much smaller scale than several other outbursts which have occurred
in historic times. The great eruptions of Papandayang in Java, in 1772, of
Skaptar JokuU (Varmdrdalr) in Iceland, in 1783, and of Tomboro in Sumbawa, in
1815, were aU accompanied by the extrusion of much lai^er quantities of material
than that thrown out of Krakatoa in 1883. The special feature of this last
outburst of the volcanic forces was the excessively violent though short paroxysms
with which it terminated. In the terrible character of the sudden explosions
which gave rise to such vast sea and air-waves on the morning of the 27th of
August, the eruption of Krakatoa appears to have no parallel among the records
of volcanic activity. The peculiarity of the phenomena displayed during this
eruption is, I believe, to be accounted for by the situation of the volcano, and its
liability to great inrushes of the waters of the sea, as the evisceration of the
crater opened a way to the volcanic focus. The manner in which these influxes
of cold water would first moderate the volcanic action, and as a consequence
give rise in the end to tremendous and exhaustive explosions of abnormal violence,
I have already endeavoured to explain.
II. The Materials ejected from Krakatoa.
As some very remarkable atmospheric phenomena appear to have followed the
great outburst of Krakatoa, and these have been thought by many authors to have
owed their origin, either directly or indirectly, to materials thrown into the higher
strata of the gaseous envelope of our globe by these prodigious explosions, it may be
well to inquire as to the exact nature and state of division of the substances which
are known to have been ejected from the volcano.
Great facilities are afibrded to us for studying the rocks of which Krakatoa was
built up, by the magnificent sections produced during the great final outbursts. A
fine volcanic cone, between 2,000 and '3,000 fe^t in height, had nearly half of its
mass blown away, and the almost perpendicular precipices which were thus fortned
exhibit a wonderM succession of lavas and tufis, the whole bound together by a
network of vertical and oblique dykes. Never, perhaps, have geologists had so
splendid an opportunity of studying the internal architecture of a compound
volcanic cone, as that which has been afforded to them in the splendid ruin of Rakata.
{See Plate II., Fig. 2.) The remaining slopes of the cone of Rakata are thickly
buried under masses of pumice and other ejected materials, in which streams have
cut deep radiating ravines. {See Plate II., Fig. I.)
Underneath this ruin of the cone of Eakata, the older rock-masses of the island
are seen making their appearance. I am much indebted to M. Reni^ Br^n, who
visited the district a few months after the great eruption, for carefully selected
specimens of all the different types of rock exhibited in the interior of Krakatoa.
T/ie Lavas.
The great bulk of the old crater-ring of Ejrakatoa is made up of massive
outflows of an enstatite-dacite, which was found, on analysis, to contain 6 9 '7 4
per cent, of silica. While the minerals contained in this rock are, on the whole,
similar to those of the enstatite-andesites so abundant in Java and Sumatra —
namely, plagiodase felspar, ferriferous enstatite (hypersthene), augite, and magnetite
— the proportion of the base to the included crystals appears to be very different
in the two cases. The Krakatoa-rock contains at least 90 per cent, of base to
10 per cent, of crystals ; and as this base is of a much more acid character than
the crystals themselves, the Krakatoa rock has a silica percentage of 70, while the
ordinary andesites of Java and Sumatra, which contain a very much smaller
proportion of base to included crystals, contain only between 52 and 6 1 parts in
100 of silica. {See Plate III., Fig. 1.) We have here a very instructive illustration
of the necessity of taking into account, not only the species of minerals contained
in a rock, but the propoi*tions in which they are present. A rock of very similar
character to that so abundant at Krakatoa was described as occurring at Java's
First Point and Princes Island by MM. Vbrbebk and Fennema, and such highly
acid varieties were, perhaps, characteristic of the ejections from the transverse
fissures of the Strait of Sunda.
These older lavas are sometimes compact and at other times vesicular. In
the latter case the cavities are remarkable for the fine crystals of tridymite,
sometimes accompanied by hornblende and quartz, which they contain; these
have been described and %ured by Professor VoM Rath. * The crystals of
tridymite appear to me to be of secondary origin, and to have been developed in
the cavities of the rock by the passage of acid vapours.
The base of these old lavas, which is of a reddish-brown colour, is seen under the
* ' VerhandluBgen des natnrli. Vereitis de preuss. Rheinl. tl. Wesfcf.,' 1884, pp. 326-333. Taf.
v5., flg. 18
microscope to consist of glass crowded with microlites of felspar, augite, enstatite and
magnetite, the latter often converted into flecks of hydrous-brown oxide which give
the rock its peculiar tint. What are believed to be microlites of tridymite have also
been described as occurring in the base of the rock. {See Plate III., Fig. 2.) The
porphyritic crystals of felspar, enstatite, augite, and magnetite are similar to those
found in the later rocks of Krakatoa, which will be noticed more ftdly hereafter.
In the walls of the old crater-ring of Krakatoa (as at Polish Hat and the
south end of Lang Island), and among the materials that have been ejected
within it, there are found also some very interesting porphyritic pitchstones of a
velvety-black colour. These rocks are proved by analysis to have precisely the
same chemical composition as the associated stony lavas. The included porphyritic
crystals are also precisely the same. These rocks, except for the proportion of the
glassy base to the crystals, bear a very striking resemblance to the "porphyritic
pitchstones" of the Cheviot Hills which have been made so well known to
petrologists by the descriptions of Mr. Teall and Dr. Peterssen. The glassy
base of these rocks is of a rich brown colour by transmitted light, and is crowded
with microlites, a beautiful fluidal structure being often exhibited in it. {See Plate III.,
Fig. 4.) In certain parts of the Cheviot Hills I have found a stony lava very
similar in appearance to that forming the bulk of the crater-ring of Krakatoa,
passing at the surfaces of the lava-streams into the well-known velvety -black
porphyritic pitchstone of the district, and it is probable that similar relations exist
between the analogous rocks at Krakatoa. With these lavas only very insignificant
beds of tuff have been found associated.
The next lavas ejected at Krakatoa present a very striking difference from those
just described. They are seen in the great lateral peak of Rakata, which was built up
by a succession of eruptions from a vent opened on the edge of the great crater.
The unconformity of these basaltic lavas, and of the tuffs of the same composition
alternating with them, to the older dacites is well seen in the great natural section
produced by the eruption of 1883. {See Plate II., Fig. 2.) These basalts do not offer
much subject for remark ; some appear to contain much greater proportions of olivine
than others, and there are variations in the degree of crystallization of the materials.
A specimen which was analysed gave a percentage of 48*81 of silica.
With the eruption of the materials which covered the lower and northern part
of Krakatoa we find a return to the earlier types of lavas. They all consist of
enstatite-dacites with about 70 per cent, of silica. Indeed the ultimate chemical
composition, and the nature of the porphyritic crystals embedded in these youngest
lavas are so similar to those of the earliest period, that the re-fusion and outwelling
of some of the lower portions of the mass are very strongly suggested by their
Concerning the materials thrown out during the last eruption of Krakatoa, we
have fortmiately a large number of valuable observations made both by chemists and
by mineralogists ; and the study of these materials is, I believe, calculated to cast
much new light upon certain vulcanological problems.
Mr. Verbeek computes that of the materials thrown out between May the 20th
and the period when the whole solid framework of the interior of the volcano was
blown up, at least 95 per cent, consisted of pumice and dust, and not more than 5 per
cent, was made up of compact lava and of fragments torn from the side of the vent.
As the pumice and dust were all formed, as we shall see, from the compact lava, it
will be convenient to describe this at the outset.
The compact lava of 1883 presents itself under two diflferent forms, the distinc-
tions between which are worthy of the most carefiil study. These two rocks may
be characterised as porphyritic pitchstone, and porphyritic obsidian. In both these
the crystalline elements are the same, and constitute only about 10 per cent, of the
whole bulk of the rock. Of these crystalline elements felspar constitutes about
two-thirds, crystals of pyroxene about one-third as much as the felspar, and magnetite
about half the bulk of the pyroxenes. The crystals do not appear to be scattered
by any means uniformly through these rocks, but little groups, each containing a
number of crystals of felspar, pyroxene, and magnetite are found at intervals in the
ground-mass. The pyroxenes include the two different forms, a rhombic pyroxene or
enstatite, and a monoclinic form or augite ; the former appearing to be about twice
as abundant as the latter. In addition to the essential minerals of the rock, apatite,
pyrite, and pyrrhotine (magnetic pyrites) were found to occur in small quantities as
accidental or accessory constituents. Perhaps the most striking feature of these
rocks is the large proportion borne by the base to the crystalline elements diffused
through it.
The average composition of this rock is probably well represented by an analysis
made by Professor C. Winkler, of Freiberg, in Saxony, of a mass of the Krakatoa
pumice, collected by Mr. Verbeek upon the island on October the 16th, 1883. Its
specific gravity was found to be 2-329. Omitting the moisture and substances soluble
composition was loi
ana to
be as ic
allows :—
Titanic acid
Alumina .,
Ferric oxide
Ferrous oxide
Manganous oxide.
Lime • •
Magnesia . .
100 00
Mr. J. W. Retgebs, of Buitenzorg, taking the dust which fell at that place,
which was very carefully collected so as to avoid accidental admixtures, and employing
the most delicate and refined methods for separating the particles of glass from those
of crystalline minerals, and the several varieties of the latter from one another, has
been able to isolate and analyse the several constituents of these rocks. His results
are given in the following table. The optical and other characters of the minerals of
these rocks, as exhibited in the dust derived from them, also have been studied by
Richard,* RENARD,t Sauer,J H. H. Reusch,§ OebbkkeJ Von Lasaulx,! Carvtll
Lewis,** JoLY,tt Waller,^!: R. BRfiON,§§ and myself, |||! as well hs by MM. Verbeek,
Rexgers, and Winkler. If H
(All materials
having a
Average of
all kinds
gi^avity less
than 2G.)
Titanic Acid
Alumina . .
Ferric Oxide
) 5-01
— .
Ferrous Oxide
Manganoas Oxide
Magnesia . .
— :
With respect to the felspars of those rocks, MM. Verbeek and Retgebs have
arrived at the interesting conclusion that all the varieties of plagioclase are present
together in the same mass. They conclude that 85 per cent, of the felspar-crystals,
• ' Comptes Rendus.' Seance du 19 Novembre, 1883.
t 'Bnll. de I'Acad. Royale de Belgique/ 3itoe Ser., t. vi., 1883.
X * Berichte der Natnrf . Gesellsch. zn Leipzig,' 1883, p. 87.
§ *Nenes Jahrb. fiir Min.,* Ac, 1884, I. Bd., p. 78.
II * Nenes Jahrb. liir Min.,' Ac, 1884, II. Bd., p. 32.
T *Sitzg. d. niederrh. Ges. in Bonn' (Sitzg. vom 3 December, 1883).
•• ' Proc. Acad. Nat. So.,' Philadelphia, 1884, p. 185.
tt * Royal Dablin Society,' N.S., vol. 4, p. 291.
XX * Birm. Nat. Hist, and Microscop. Soc, Rep. and Trans, for 1883,' p. vi. (March 4th, 1884J.
§§ 'La Nature,' 13«^« Annee (1885), p. 373.
nil 'Nature,' vol. xxix., p. 595.
It * Krakatau,' pp. 185-324.
however, are llrae- soda felspars, intermediate between the very acid and the very basic
types, and would, according to the ordinary mineralogical nomenclature, be ranked
as labradorite, andesine, or oligoclase. Smaller quantities of anorthite, albite, and
potash-plagioclase (anorthoclase of Rosenbusch), also are found in the rock. These
results are of very great interest to petrographers. Many rocks have been shown to
contain felspars belonging to more than one species ; the felspars of the first and
second consolidation in a rock, indeed, usually differ considerably in composition. In
the same crystal, too, we may find a number of successively formed zones, having
different chemical composition and optical properties ; and crystals of plagioclase mar
be found actually surrounded by a zone of orthoclase. Never, however, as far bs I
am aware, has so great a diversity of felspar-crystals been recorded in the same rock
as in that of Krakatoa. It must be remembered, however, that the conclusion of
MM. Verbeek and Retoers is founded, not on the study of a rock itself, but on
the dust produced by the comminution of great masses of rock in which considerable
diversity of mineralogical constituents may have existed The felspar-crystals of the
Krakatoa-rocks are usually remarkable for the striking zoned structure exhibited by
the individual cr}-stals.
The enstatite of these rocks is of a deep tint and highly pleochroic According
to the analysis of M. Ketgers, indeed it must be regarded as containing a higher
percentage of iron than the ordinary hypersthenes ; and if we follow the nomen-
clature which I have suggested for the varieties of enstatite, it should be classed
as an amblystegite.
The augite, which is aluminous and contains a high percentage of lime, is of a
pale olive-green tint and exhibits only a very feeble pleochroism. Examples of
intergrowth of the monoclinic augite and the rhombic enstatite, the corresponding
axes of the two crystals being in parallel positions, are not unfrequent.
In addition to magnetite, in these rocks there have been found ilmenite, pyrite,
pyrrhotine, apatite, and some secondary products.
There ia often a marked contrast between the porphyritic felspar-crystals embedded
in the two types of glassy dacite rocks. In the obsidians, the crystals of felspar
have sometimes perfectly sharp outlines ; they contain glass-cavities, often with the
rectangular outlines of negative crystals, containing gas bubbles. The broMTi glass
filling these cavities is much darker in colour than the glass of the ground-mass,
though traces of a similar brown glass are often seen adhering to the sides of the
knots of crystals {See Plate III., Fig. 5). The crystals are not unfrequently broken,
and are sometimes bent; in the latter case the development of the lamellar twinning in
them is seen to have been determined by the strain to which they had been subjected.
In the pitchstones, the felspar-crystals more frequently have their angles and edges
rounded, and through the whole of their interior a great amount of corrosion has
taken place, so that the crystals now appear as mere skeletons, the glass which has
eaten into the crystals being much greater in bulk than the crystalline material that
remains. In eating into the substance of the crystals the corrosive material has
evidently taken advantage of planes of chemical weakness in the crystals ; but it
is remarkable that in many cases there is an outer zone which remains almost intact.
{See Plate III, Fig. 3.*)
Let us now turn our attention from the crystals scattered through these rocks,
to the base, or ground-mass, in which they are embedded.
The porphyritic pitchstone of the 1883 eruption appears to be almost absolutely
identical in its characters with the older material already referred to as forming Polish
Hat Island, and also occurring at the south end of Lang Island and other points in the
old crater-ring. (See p. 31.) It is black and perfectly opaque, except in very thin sec-
tions, and has a resinous lustre. Under the microscope the base of the pitchstones
is seen to be formed of a felted mass of microlites of felspar and pyroxene, with grains
of magnetite, and the whole mass has its interstices filled with a yellowish or brown
glass. The base often exhibits a banded or fluidal structure. {See Plate III., Fig. 4.)
The porphyritic obsidian on the other hand has a strikingly vitreous lustre. By
reflected light it is of a very dark brown, nearly black, colour ; by transmitted
light, of a rich yellowish-brown tint ; while in thin sections it is almost colourless.
In the midst of this glass may be seen a very few scattered microlites of ftkpar
and pyroxene, these bearing but a very small proportion indeed to the glass in
which they are enclosed, and in this respect the obsidians offer a very striking contrast
to the pitchstones above described, {See Plate III., Fig. 6.)
Occasionally, however, rocks are found which are intermediate in the characters
of their base between the obsidians and the pitohstones.
The most striking differences between these two rocks are seen, however, when
they are subjected to a high temperature. Before a gas-flame, urged by a foot-blast,
the pitchstone is found to decrepitate, but to undergo fusion only with the greatest
difficulty. The obsidian, on the other hand, is fused with comparative ease, and
during fusion, bubbles and swells up into cauliflower-like masses, which will float on
water. These white cauliflower-shaped masses have exactly the colour and appearance
of the pumice ejected from Krakaloa, and on making thin sections of them and
comparing them with sections of the Krakatoa-pumice, their structtu'e is found to be
almost absolutely identical. {See Plate IV., Fig. 4.) The loss suffered by the pitch-
stones on ignition is almost nil, while the obsidians lose from I, to 5 or 6 per cent, of
their weight.
In the case of the curious marekanite of Siberia, and of a mica-dacite glass
from Fifeshire, I have already pointed out the tendency of glasses containing large
quantities of water to undergo fusion at comparatively low temperatures, and while
doing so to part with their volatile ingredients, becoming thereby converted into
• The Plates IT., III.,' and IV. will be found at the end of tbis Part, i.e., after p. 56.
t ' Quart. Jour. Geo. Soc.,' vol. xlii. (1886), p. 429 ; * Gaol. Ma^.,' Doc. iii., vol. iii. (1S86), p. 243.
F 2
Tfie Pumice.
The pumice which was thrown out in such enormous quantities during the latest
eruption of Krakatoa, was evidently formed by the disengagement of volatile matters,
throughout the whole substance of this obsidian. The formation of this pumice can
indeed be exactly imitated if we take a strong solution of bicarbonate of soda,
rendered slightly viscous by the addition of gum, and made neaily opaque by the
addition of some brown colouring matter, and allow an acid to diffuse itself through
the mass. The carbonic acid, as it becomes disengaged, will distend the whole
mass to five or six times its original bulk, owing to the formation of gas bubbles
in its midst, and we get a white mass of froth exactly resembling pumice. Nothing
can be more certain than the fact that the volatile substances which, escaping in
puch quantities from the vent of Krakatoa, gave rise to the last eruption, were
originally imprisoned in every part of the glassy mass. The whole of the pumiceous
substance is penetrated with the finest vesicles produced by the disengagement of
gas. Those fragments of the lava which had cooled so far as to become con-
solidated before ejection, only require ^to be heated in order to give off their volatile
ingredients ; and in doing so the melting glass is converted into a true pumice. In
what condition water and other volatile substances exist in these glassy rocks is still
to some extent an unsolved problem. Such rocks may lose from 1 to 10 per cent,
on ignition. It is certain, however, that the water or other substances do not exist
in any cavities visible under the highest powers of the microscope, and it is probable
that they are in actual combination with the glass or colloid body.
The presence of from 3 to 16 per cent, of water in opals or colloid silica, is probably
a perfectly similar case. Colloid bodies appear to have this power of taking up
and of retaining large quantities of water and other volatile substances. The diflSculty
of removing the last traces of water from precipitated colloid silica is very well
The pumice of Krakatoa is found presenting two different varieties. By far the
rarest of these is a perfectly white material of very fibrous texture, closely resembling
the well-known pumice of Lipari. In this variety porphyritic crystals do not appear
to be present. I received a specimen of this variety from Mr. H. O. Forbes, to whom
it was given by one of the party from Batavia that visited Krakatoa on May 27th,
1883 ; the mass, which was about 2 J inches in diameter, was among the frag-
ments thrown out during the earliest stage of the eruption. (See Plate IV., Figs.
1 and 2.)
The great mass of the pumice thrown out during the eruption, however, presented a
dirty greyish-white tint, the air-pores in it being very irregular in size, and sometimes
large. Scattered all through the mass are little knots of crystals of felspar, pyroxene,
and magnetite, distributed at somewhat wide intervals. When, as wa^ usually the
case, the pumice was rounded, either by the striking of fragments in the air or by
their attrition while floating on the ocean, the little knots of crystals, on account of
their superior hardness, stand out like warts on the surfaces of the masses. In
addition to these knots of crystals there are sometimes found little fragments of
black glass, and these, when examined in thin sections, are seen to be composed of
the pitchstone already described, often containing the usual porphyritic crystals,
which are in such cases remarkably coiToded. (See Plate IIL, Fig. 3.)
The formation of this pumice by the escape of imprisoned volatile matters in the
obsidian, while it was still in a viscous condition, is abundantly illustrated if we
examine its structure microscopically ; the glass is seen to be drawn out into plates
and threads of all dimensions. {See Plate IV., Figs. 1, 2, 3.) In specimens of pumice
wluch were collected on Krakatoa, and had not been immersed in the sea-water, the
microscope often reveals delicate fibres of spun glass running from one side of a
cavity to the other, and these are frequently of the smallest dimensions which can
be recognised by the microscope. In this connection we may recall the ingenious
experiments of Mr. C. V. Boys, who has managed to draw out threads of glass of
ultra-microscopical dimensions ; the existence of which could be proved, however, by
their diffraction effects.* That similar ultra-microscopical threads were formed in the
cavities of the Krakatoa -pumice we have every reason for believing.
In order to determine the amount of distension which the ol^sidian underwent in
its conversion into pumice, rectangular blocks of the latter substance were cut and
careftiUy measured and weighed. The tine-grained, very dense, white pumice was found
to have nearly three and a half times the volume of the glass out of which it was
formed ; and the much more common dirty-grey pumice was found in average
examples to have undergone a dilatation to five and a half times its original bulk, and
this in spite of the fact that something like one-tenth of the original lava consisted
of undilatable crystals, which remained to weight the mass. Owing to the existence
of the heavy crystals diffused through it, and the fact that water enters it to some
extent by the large open pores, the ordinary Krakatoa pumice was found to float
with two-thirds of its bulk submerged and one-third above the water. Much of
the pumice, in which the air-cells were exceptionally large, was far more bulky in
proportion to its weight ; and some of these pieces projected to enormous heights
in the atmosphere, appear to have been swept great distances by air-currents before
they finally fell into the sea.
The study of the pumice of Krakatoa shows that the greater part of the glass of
which it is composed depolarises light to a greater or less extent. It is evident,
therefore, that it is in a condition of intense strain, the result of the rapidity with
which it cooled. To the same cause must probably be ascribed its extreme brittleness,
for it can be easily crumbled between the fingers.
In addition to the analysis of the pumice of Krakatoa published by Professor C.
•- * Phil. Mag.,' Series V., vol. xxiii. (1887), p. 489.
Winkler, of Freiberg, I add the following, which has been kindly furnished to me
by Mr. T. H. Waller, of Birmingham : —
69 4
Ferric oxide
Ferrous oxide
Magnesia . .
Loss on ignition
The chloride of sodium and other soluble matter with which the pumice was
impregnated from floating in sea water was removed by washing before this analysis
was made.
As far as I have been able to determine, the pumice ejected from Krakatoa
before and during the last violent stage of the eruption was identical in character.
As this material was being thrown into the sea during nearly four months, it is
impossible to determine at what date any particular specimen found in the ocean may
have started on its journey, and consequently the hope of determining the direction
ami rate of the marine currents by which they were distributed must be abandoned.
It may be added, that as the Krakatoa- pumice floats with so large a portion of its
mass above the water, prevalent winds might have much influence in determining or
modifying its movements.
Dr. C. Meldrum, F.RS., of Mauritius, had special facilities for collecting
observations on the subject of the distribution of this pumice, and his notes on the
subject, which were presented to the British Association, were published in 1885.
They are reproduced as an Appendix to this report, together with a Memorandum on
the subject by Mr. Robert H. Scott, F.RS. (pp. 47, 48).
The Volcanic Dust.
Let us now proceed to the study of the volcanic dust which was formed in
such enormous quantities during the Ejrakatoa eruption.
That steam escaping from a mass of molten glass may carry off fine particles of
the substance, often dragging it out into threads, appears highly probable. That such
is actually the case I was able to prove by heating the little obsidian-balls known as
" marekanite," when clouds of finely-divided particles were seen to be driven off from
its mass. But the great bulk of the volcanic dust of Krakatoa was undoubtedly formed
by the striking together of fragments of pumice as they were violently ejected from
the crater and fell back again into it. The noise made by this hurtling of fragments
in the air was remarked upon by several observers, and as I have myself noticed at
Stromboli, is often more striking than the sound of the explosions. The action of
this " dust-making " mill, as an active volcano undoubtedly is, was well illustrated
during the Vesuvian eruption of 1822. Mr. Scrope, who was an eye-witness of that
eruption, describes how day after day as the eruption proceeded ^the dust-particles
became finer and finer, till at last they were able to penetrate the finest cracks, finding
their way into and filling all locked boxes, drawers, and similar receptacles.
The extreme brittleness of the glass of the pumice, which I have before remarked
upon, as the result of its sudden cooling, would facilitate its pulverization ; and as
it was reduced to powder it would remain longer in the atmosphere, and be swept
ferther away from the central ascending steam-column. The large fragments of
pumice would be re-ejected again and again as they fell back into the crater, each
time being* reduced in bulk and weight. All the ejected blocks of pumice bore
obvious marks in their rounded form of this attrition in the air, and the work of
rounding and reduction in bulk went on after they reached the ocean, and were swept
by currents and driven by winds.
If a piece of the Krakiatoa pumice be pounded in a mortar, and the dust so formed
be mounted and examined microscopically, it will be found to agree in the form of
its particles and its general characters with the volcanic dust which fell at so many
points around the volcano. (See Plate IV., Fig. 6.)
Through the kindness of many correspondents I have had the opportunity of
studying a very large number of samples of the Krakatoa-dust, collected from many
points, ranging from 40 to 1,100 English miles away from the volcano.
Even to the naked eye, striking differences are manifest among these various
specimens. Those collected nearest to the volcano obviously consist of coarser
particles, and they are of a somewhat darker tint owing to the greater abundance in
them of fragments of crystals, especially those of magnetite and other dark -coloured
minerals. Those dusts which were collected at the greatest distance from the volcano
were excessively fine and almost perfectly white in colour. Professor Winkler
describes the dusts which fell at Krakatoa as having a darker tint and a higher
specific gravity than those which fell at Buitenzorg.
Under the microscope the differences between the dusts collected at different
points come out in a very striking manner.
A considerable number of analyses of the Krakatoa dust have been made by
different observers, and for the sake of comparison I have placed three of these side by
side. I have in each case rejected the volatile matters and calculated the totals to 100,
Analyses of the Dust of Krakatoa which fell at different distances from Krakatoa,
Dust which fell
Dust which fell
Dnfit which fell
at points within
nearly 900 mites
at Krakatoa.
100 miles from
ihe Volcano.
the Volcano.
Collected by Cap-
tain Ferzeuaar.
8. Barbarosea,
Prof. C. Winkler.
Prof. C Winkler.
A. Schwager.
Titanic Acid
Alamitia ....
Ferric Oxide
Ferrous Oxide
ManganouH Oxide . .
Lime. .
Magnesia . .
Soda. .
Let us now consider the causes which would affect the composition of the
dust which fell at different points, and at varying distances from Krakatoa.
By the influence of the great upward currents of steam, an immense mass of
comminuted particles of pumice would be carried to the height of many miles into
the atmosphere. Nine-tenths of this material consisted of a glass having a specific
gravity of less than 2*3, drawn out into fine threads and thin plates, often hollow and
containing bubbles of air, and sometimes, in all probabiUty, reduced to particles of
ultra-microscopic dimensions. These particles of glass would tend to float by the
adhesion between them and air, and, in the higher and rarer portions of the atmo-
sphere, their suspension may not improbably have been aided by their mutual re-
pulsion resulting from a highly electrified condition.
The crystalline particles in the mass would consist of fragments of felspar, with
a specific gravity ranging from 2*54 to 2*75, of fragments of pyroxene with densities
of 3*3 to 3 "5, and of magnetite, with a density of 5 0. The crystals of felspar,
hypersthene and augite were, in the original pumice, of much greater size than the
magnetite. But the easy double cleavage in the felspars, and to a smaller extent in
the pyroxenes, would facilitate the reduction of these minerals to finer particles than
the magnetite.
As the particles travelled outwards from the centre, they would tend to fall,
therefore, in the following order: — 1. Magnetite (the hecxviest and least friable
material) ; 2. Pyroxenes (next in weight and only moderately cleavable) ; 3. Felspar
(lighter and very cleavable) ; and 4, and last, the very light and friable glass.
At all points, therefore, the dust which fell would have a tendency to differ in
composition from the pumice out of which it was formed. Near the volcano the
abundance of the crystalline materials falling, and especially of the magnetite and
pyroxenes, would render the dust darker in colour and more basic in composition ;
while farther away the glass- and felspar-particles which fell would have a smaller
admixture of the more basic materials. A certain proportion of the glass, including
the Tiltra-microscopical, the elongated, and the very thin particles, would float almost
indefinitely, and would not find any place in the masses of dust coUected around the
Besides this it must be recollected that there are always particles of both
Clonic and inorganic dust floating in the atmosphere, and these would be carried
down mingled with the volcanic materials. In every sample of Krakatoa-dust
which I have examined, these ordinary constituents of the atmosphere could be
Further than this, the steam issuing fi-om the volcano was mingled with both
hydrochloric and sulphurous acids, the latter taking up oxygen and passing into
sulphuric acid. By these powerful acids the finely-divided particles of crystals and
glass would be easily attacked, sulphates and chlorides of lime, magnesia, iron, and
the alkalies being formed. All these substances were found in greater or less
abundance in the specimens of dust from various localities.
Concerning the quantity of dust thrown into the air during the Krakatoa
eruptions, we have no data for forming any trustworthy estimate. The continuance
for more than three months of the work of trituration among the masses of pumice,
of so particularly brittle a character as that ejected from Krakatoa, must have
given rise to a large quantity of tine particles which would be gradually diffused in
the higher regions of the atmosphere. The last violent outburst, however, was of but
short duration, and the area over which the dust-cloud spread, and the time during
which darkness prevailed, were small as compared with the area and duration of the
dust-cloud during the Tomboro and some other great eruptions.
On the other hand, it may be remarked that there is i-eason for believing that
the last paroxysmal discharges from Krakatoa were of altogether exceptional violence,
and that water- and lava-dust may have been forcibly carried into those higher
atmospheric strata which are characterised by extreme rarefaction and great electrical
repulsion — strata into which, in ordinary circumstances, such particles have no chance
of finding their way.
What was the percentage of ultra-microscopical particles which remained in the
atmosphere afber the larger ones had fallen it is impossible to determine^ but it waa
not improbably very considerable. It is for physicists to determine whether such
particles were capable of producing the wonderful optical phenomena which followed
the eruption of Krakatoa, either acting by themselves, or performing the part of
condensers of watery vapour, in the manner which Mr. Ajtken has shown such
particles to be capable of doing.
A question which has often been asked is : — If the optical phenomena in question
resulted from the presence of fine particles floating in the atmosphere, might not
these be carried down by rain and detected after they had fallen ? I am indebted to
a very large number of correspondents, who, ever since the great eruption, have been
sending to me specimens of dust, of materials scraped fi*om freshly fallen snow, and
the sediments found in rain-gauges. But although the study of these was very
interesting in itself, yet as far as aiding to establish the presence of the Exakatoa-
dust in the atmosphere went, the results have been altogether negative.
Nor is this result different from what might have been anticipated, as a little
consideration will serve to show. The most characteristic substance in the Erakatoa
dust is the rhombic pyroxene (enstatite). But this is one of the substances which, from
its high specific gravity and its slight friability, woidd be among the first to fall.
Moreover, this mineral occurs much more widely than was at one time supposed,
being found very commonly in many of the andesites, which are the most widely
diffused of all lavas, except perhaps the basalts.
None but those who have had occasion to study the matter for themselves can
have any idea of the quantity of mineral particles which are everywhere floating
about in the atmosphere ; but those of local origin of course usually largely predomi-
nate, and serve to mask the particles which have come from great distances. If the
optical phenomena which followed the eruption of Ki*akatoa are rightly regarded as
being due to dust in the atmosphere, they would probably result from the action of
ultra- microscopical particles, for it is these, which, by scattering light, have the power
of producing colour-effects. Such particles it is of course hopeless to attempt to seek
for in the manner described.
General CoNOiiUSiONS.
The thoughtful consideration of some of the facts which have been detailed in the
foregoing paragraphs is calculated, I believe, to afford an important insight into the
nature of the forces which give rise to volcanic outbursts, and to the causes of
the variation in character of these phenomena, in different places and at various
All the materials ejected from the central vent of Krakatoa have been wonder-
fully similar in their chemical and mineralogical constitution. At one period of the
volcano's history, it is true, basaltic lavas and tuffs were thrown out from a lateral
vent, and of these the parasitical cone of Rakata is built up ; but both before and since
this episode in the history of Erakatoa, the materials ejected from the central crater
have always belonged to the remarkable class of enstatite-dacite rocks. The composition
of these rocks may be represented by the following general averages :—
Silica (with Titanic Acid)
Alumina . .
Oxides of Iron . •
Lime and Magnesia
Potash , .
.. 100
In this magma apparently, by a first consolidation, well-developed crystals, equal
to about 10 per cent, of the whole mass, seem to have been separated, these crystals
consisting of 6 per cent, of felspar, 2 per cent, of ferriferous enstatite and augite (the
former mineral* being twice as abundant as the latter), and 2 per cent, of magnetite.
Making a calculation on the basis of the composition actually found by analysis for
the whole rock, and the several minerals present, the base or ground-mass of these
rocks would have the following composition : —
Silica (with Titanic Acid)
. . 72-8
. . 147
Oxides of Iron..
Lime and Magnesia . .
Total ..
.. lOO-O
This magma exhibits a greater or less degree of devitrification iu different cases,
microlites of felspar, pyroxene, and magnetite belonging to a second period of
consolidation, separating from it sometimes in small quantities, at other times to
such an extent as to convert the glassy base into a stony one.
It is scarcely possible to doubt that the separation of the larger and porphyritic
ciystals from the magma, must have taken place under totally different conditions
from those of the second consolidation ; in all probability, when the mass existed at
great depth and under intense pressure. And it is by no means certain that the
proportion of glassy matrix to the included minerals has not been altered since the
crystallization of the latter.
Now the startling fact which comes into prominence when the lavas of the
earlier and later periods of eruptive activity at Krakatoa are studied in the field is
that, in spite of this identity in chemical composition and of the included minerals,
their mode of behaviour has been strikingly dissimilar.
During the earlier period, massive lava-streams flowed firom the central vent,
almost unaccompanied by any explosive action, and these lavas gradually accumulated
to build up a bulky cone. In these massive lavas the slow cooling down of the
molten rock permitted of the imperfect crystallization of the felspar, pyroxene, and
magnetite from the base; where the cooling was somewhat rapid, magnetite and
felspar were the chief minerals formed, as in the pitchstones; where less rapid,
felspars and pyroxenes, as in the stony lavas.
But during the later period a lava having precisely the same chemical composition
exhibited perfect liquidity. Occasional lava-streams composed of this material are
found, as at Perboewatan, but the greater portion of it, on being relieved from
pressure by coming into the outer atmosphere, at once became distended into
pumice, through the escape of the volatile materials imprisoned in its midst.
Now, what is the cause of the diflFerence of behaviour of the same chemical
compound in these two cases ? It might, at first sight, appear that the cause of
this difference is to be sought in variations of temperature, and that the later lavas
were more liquid because at a higher temperature, and more thoroughly fused than the
earlier ones.
But if we examine the porphyritic crystals of the same minerals which have
floated about in the magma in both cases, we shall find that all the evidence points to
exactly the opposite conclusion, namely, that the pitchstone-rock was actually at the
higher temperature, for the crystals of felspar in the obsidian-rock are often almost
uncorroded, while in the pitchstone they have been attacked by the fluid in which
they floated, and have indeed been to a great extent dissolved by it.
If we now try the actual fiisibilities of the magmas in the two cases, we shall
find the inference derived from the condition of the felspar-crystals to be strikingly
confirmed. In the case of the pitchstone, portions of the substance held in the flame
of a jet urged by a strong blast are hardly affected, while in the case of the obsidian
the material under the same conditions rapidly becomes liquid.
But this production of liquidity in the obsidian is attended with the disengage-
ment of a large quantity of volatile materials by which the rock rapidly passes into
the condition of a pumice. It is, therefore, impossible to avoid connecting the presence
of these volatile matters in the rock with the production of its liquidity.
I have in another place * pointed out that the leucite-basalts of similar com-
position ejected from Vesuvius at different periods exhibit just the same differences.
When, as in the lavas of 1872, the quantity of steam and gas ^ven off from them
• See * Geol Mag-.,' Dec. li., vol. ii. (1875), p. 68 ; also • Volcwioes,' p. 92.
was large, their liquidity was perfect; when, as in 1858, the quantity of volatile
matter was small, the lavas exhibited the greatest viscosity.
That by admixture with varying quantities of water many salts have their
fusion-points proportionately reduced has long been known. Indeed, the late Dr.
GuTHME, F.R.S., by his interesting experiments upon nitre, was able to demonstrate
that there is actual continuity between the two states of fluidity known by the names
of solution and fusion respectively. For, as there is a perfectly gradual rise in the
temperature at which liquidity is produced when more and more nitre is added to a
definite quantity of water, it becomes impossible to decide when the proportion of the
water becomes so small that we can no longer regard the case as one of " solution,"
and we must begin to call it " fusion.''*
That the silicates, like other salts, have their fusion-points lowered by admixture
with water, we have many proofs. Most of the felspars are minerals of difficult
fusibility, while the zeolites, which are analogous compounds of the silicates of
alumina and the silicates of potash, soda, and lime, with the addition of water, are
remarkable for their easy fiisibility and for the manner in which they swell up and
lose their waters at a comparatively low temperature. And this is true, not only
of definite hydrous silicates, like the zeolites; the colloids of indefinite chemical
composition, such as tachylyte, hydrotachylyte, and palagonite, appear, to have their
fusion-points lowered according to the proportion of water that they contain.
In the case of the Krakatoa-lavas we have the clearest evidence that when the
mixtures of silicates of which they consist contain water, then very fusible glasses
are formed. In these circumstances, the earlier formed porphyritic crystals are
but little hable to be attacked by the liquid magma in which they float. As the
interesting synthetic researches of MM. Fougu^ and L^VY have shown that any
particular mineral is liable to separate from a magma when the latter is kept for a
long time at a temperature just below the point of fusion of the mineral, we can
understand how small is the chance of devitrification taking place in magmas which
are liquified at low temperatures, and which, by a small reduction of temperature,
become solid.
In other magmas, however, consisting of precisely the same admixture of sili-
cates, but without water, we find the fusion-point far higher. The excessively heated
magma in such cases exercises the strongest solvent action on the crystals of felspar
immersed in it ; and in cooling down, much magnetite, augite, enstatite, and felspar
separate out from it before it solidifies.
I am convinced that this is a class of questions to which petrologists will have
to give much greater attention than they have hitherto done. The characters
assumed by an igneous rock depend not only on the peculiar admixture of silicates
which compose it, but also on the temperature at which liquefaction and solidification
♦ * Phil. Mag.,' vol. xviii. (1884), p. 22.
could take place in the mass; this being to a great extent dependent on the quantity
of water that was present. The temperature at which fusion could take place would
largely determine not only the minerals which separated out from the magma, but
also the degree and nature of their crystallization. In other words, the texture as
well as the mineralogical constitution of the rock would be greatly influenced by the
proportion of water present in the magma from which it was formed.
In the same way the actual nature of the volcanic manifestations at any
particular vent are seen to be determined, not so much by the mineralogical
constitution of the lava, as by the circiunstance of the quantity of water contained
in the magma. Where this is great, the lava will be perfectly liquid, and will be
almost wholly thrown out in the form of pumice and dust. On the other hand, lavas
containing little water will require a very high temperature for their Aision, and they
wlQ be characterised by great viscosity rather than perfect liquidity.
If, as seems highly probable, the younger ejecta of Krakatoa were formed by the
re-fusion of the older lavas, then we can trace the cause of the introduction of water
by which their liquefaction by heat was rendered more easy. These older lavas, by
the presence in them of hydrous compounds, and by the existence in their cavities of
tridymite and other secondary minerals, betray the fact that they have been greatly
acted upon by percolating waters. It is through the introduction of the sea and
other surface-waters into rock-masses by slow percolation from above, and the
consequent formation of new compounds, more readily acted upon by subterranean
heat, that I am disposed to regard volcanic phenomena as being brought about. In
this we find an explanation of the proximity of volcanoes to great bodies of water,
which it seems to me is far more in accord with the actual phenomena than the
supposition that water finds access to volcanic foci by means of actual open fissures.
NoTR. — It is very greatly to be regretted that no accurate survey of Krakatoa, and of the sarronnding
seas was made prior to the great eruption of 1883. Had such been done, a splendid opportunity would
have been afforded us for determining whether elevation and sabsequent subsidence of the whole mass
of the volcano actually occurred. The existing statements concerning the height of the peak of Bakata
before and after the eruption are so confused and contradictory (see p. 23 and foot-note), while both the
outlines and soundings on the old charts appear to be so untrustworthy, that I fail to detect certain
evidence of any movements of the kind. As the phenomena observed at Krakatoa seem to be reconcil-
able with principles already well established by the study of other volcanoes, I have felt it incumbent
on me to adopt such interpretations in preference to those which depend on movements of the volcanic
mass which are of a conjectural character.
The theoretical questions, suggested by the study of the Kitikatoa-lavas, have been more fully
discupsed by the author in a paper read before the Geological Section of the British Association at tlie
meeting in Manchester in 1887. The paper is published in the ' Geological Magazine,' Dec. iii., vol. t.
(1888), p. 1.
Meteorological Officey
116, Victoria Street, LoiidoUy S.W.
I have examined the various statements as to the meeting of pumice in the
Indian Ocean in the course of the years 1883 and 1884.
With the exception of the masses of floating pumice, often bearing uprooted
trees, &c., vehich blocked the Strait of Sunda and the adjacent harbours of Java
and Sumatra, the great majority of entries of the substance come from the region
reaching in latitude from the Equator to 20° S., and in longitude from 70° to 100° E.
One observer. Captain Reeves, of the barque Umvoti, speaks of two masses —
one between 20° and 25° S., the other between 10° and 5° S. These are separated
by an interval of clear sea.
Furthermore, a coasting vessel which arrived at Sydney, August 4, 1884, from
a vQyage round Australia, reported that *' all along the north and west coasts of the
continent vast shoals of pumice were passed through," This was probably in June
or July, 1884.
As the observers almost without exception found the pumice thickly coated with
barnacles {Lepa^ ansi/era, the common southern species), the material must have been
a long time in the water.
We know that Krakatoa was in eruption in May, 1883, and continued more or
less active for three months, and as pumice was met with by H.M.S. Magpie in
6° S. and 61° E., April 22, 1884, it seems impracticable to trace the course of any
particular deposits of this material on the sea surface.
It is, however, interesting to learn that the precise dates of the arrival of pumice
on the coasts of Natal, and on the Chagos Islands, were as follows : —
Natal, September 27th and 28th, 1884.
Diego Garcia (Chagos), October 1st, 1884.
As Diego Garcia is in 7° S. and 73° E. (approximately), while Durban is in
30^ S. and 31° E., it is not likely that the pumice which reached these two distant
stations nearly simultaneously could have been ejected at the same time.
In all discussions of the movements of the pumice it must be remembered that
floating bodies will be much affected by the wind, and wiU not drift solely in accord-
ance with ocean currents.
The deposits of pumice near the coast of Australia may have drifted there before
the north-west monsoon, which would prevail in those seas from November, 1883, to
March, 1884.
A Tah\dar Statement of the Dates on which, and the Localities where, Pumice or
Volcanic Dust was seen in the Indian Ocean in 1883-84. By Charles
Meldrum, LL,D., F.RS.
(Reprinted, by peionission, from the ' British Association Report/ 1885, p. 773.)
Names of Vessels.
Barque Actcsa (Capt.
Ship Idomene (Capt.
Barqne West Auttra-
lian (Capt. Thomas)
S.S. Anerley (Capt.
Barque County of Flint
(Capt. J. Rowland)
French brig Brani
(Capt. E. Perrot)
Day of
May 20
n 21
n 21
Aug. 11
„ 17
„ 18
„ 19
M . 27
„ 28
„ 28
„ 28
at Noon.
2 p.m.
9 a.m.
8 a.m. to
2 p.m.
6 50 8.
6 23 S.
noon 8 35 S.
9 41 S.
11 08 S.
101 02
88 31
91 53
90 28
88 03
North Watcher
Anjer Roads
8 20 S.
4 22 S.
92 04
91 34
Very fine dust commenced
to fall about 2 p.m.
The fall continued all
night, and stopped about
9 a.m. on the 21st.
Small quantities fell
again during the night.
Passed through large fields
.of pumice.
Passed a great amount of
floating lava or pumice.
Passed a great amount of
lava to-day.
Large quantities of pumice ;
some pieces about 3 feet
in diameter.
Ashes began to fall at
10.24 a.m. Showers of
ashes and pumice lasted
till midnight.
Immense quantities of
pumice and debris of
all sorts.
Great quantity of dust
falling ; supposed to be
coral dust.
L'atmosph^re surcharge de
sable. De minuit ^11
heures du matin une
tr^s grande quantity de
sable tr^ blanc et tree
fin a courert toutes les
parties accessibles, m^me
presque dans la chambre.
Je crois que c'est le
resultat d'un orage que
Names of Vessels.
Day of
at Noon.
f^rench brig Brani —
• 1
O i
nous avions observe ceg
jours derniei*s sur Su-
matra, pendant lequel
le tonnerre avait des
roulements pareils k une
canonnade, et le sable
enlev^ par cette tour-
mente a ^t6 renvoy^ sap
nous par la petite brise.
Aug. 29
5 50 S. ' 91 20
II tombe continuellement
du sable tr^ fin au
point d*obscurcir ratmos-
Barque Catileton
(Capt. Dior6)
„ 28
2 a.m.
5 58 S.
1 93 30
After a shower of rain the
air became loaded with
a fine dust, which fell
in great quantities on
deck. At noon dust still
failing. At 2 p.m. dust
still falling.
,, 29
6 a.m.
2 p.m.
6 66 S.
93 01
Collected dust off the deck.
Pumice-stone floating in
the water. At 2 p.m.
dnst still falling : large
quantities of pumice
floating past.
Brigantme Airlie
(Capt. Knight)
Sept. 9
6 a.m.
2 p.m.
7 31 S.
103 11
Large quantities of lava.
Passing through large
quantities of lava.
French barqne Qipsy
(Capt. Martin)
9 a.m.
4 57 S.
82 06
Grand banc flottant de
pierre-poDce pendant
toute la journee, suivant
le Tent comme dans la
mer de Sargosse.
Frencli barque Marie
Alfred (Capt. Br6.
,. 20
6 a.m.
7 02 S.
101 15
Noas passons dans des
bancs succcssifs et tr^s
rapproch^s de pierre-
Barqne Hottenhura
(Capt. Chichester)
Oct. IS
4 p.m.
Tremendous fields of pum-
ice stopped the yessel.
„ 14
4 a.m.
Lots of pumice alongside.
„ 15
7 19 S.
104 00
Passing large fields of
Namea of Yesgels.
Day of
at Noon.
S.S. Oaronne
LS. Countess of Errol
(Capt. Taylor)
Barqne Bollo (Capt.
Barqne lEva Joshua
(Capt. Florentin)
Fiencli barqne Hen-
riette (Capt. A. de
Barqne Ta Lee (Capt.
6 a.m.
8 a.m.
6 a.m.
6 a.m.
6 a.m.
9 a.m.
4 p.m.
l5 15 s.
o /
78 07
7 01 S.
8 44S.
6 19 S.
8 04 S.
9 36 S.
6 24 S.
6 42 S.
104 49
102 40
88 66
87 26
86 46
64 46
89 07
7 14 S.
8 44S.
6 07 S.
8 69 S.
87 32
81 66
82 14
Passed throngh aeyend
fields of pnmice-stone of
varions sizes. Some
pieces that were picked
np had barnacles nearly
one inch long adhering
to them.
Vast qnantities of pnmice
all ronnd the ship.
Sailing throngh vast qnan-
tities of pnmice.
Since daylight sailing
throngh large qnantities
of pnmice. At midnight
still lai^e qnantities of
pum ice floating on water.
Still large qnantities of
pnmice floating past.
Sailing all day throngh
floating pnmice covered
with barnacles.
An jonr nons avons re-
marqn^ qne noas ^Uona
environues de pterre-
ponce. A 9 henres nons
sommes tonjonrs enton-
r^s de pieire-pouoe.
II y a encore de pierre-ponce.
Nons avons encore ren-
contre de pierre-ponce.
Nons recontrons encore
beanconp de pierre-
Passed a bank of pnmloe
extending abont twenty-
five miles ; some pieces
abont two feet square.
Still passing p amice-stone
and a kind of ashes.
Names of Vessels.
Position at
8hip Shah Jehan
(Capt. Williams)
Ship Ifwereauld (Capt.
Barque Evelyn (Capt.
Barque May Queen
(Capt. Hngon)
Sch. Lord Tredegar
(Capt. Clarke)
Deo. 9
6 a.m.
Jan. 5
8 a.m.
10 a.m.
2 p.m.
^ 26 S.
13 47 s:
15 03 &
15 80 S.
11 45 S.
9 54 8.
a.m. 7 56 i
9 40 S.
7 30 S.
2 14 N.
6 35 S.
12 12 S.
14 56 S.
17 34 S.
M 58
82 00
81 42
80 51
87 09
87 56
89 32
88 11
88 26
85 35
68 25
66 59
65 18
63 04-
Noticed the sea ooyered
in streaks with what
appeared to be pnmice-
stone in pieces and iu
powder ; lowered the
boat and picked up some ;
some of the stones
covered with barnacles.
Throughout the day the
sea covered in streaks
with some kind of lava
and ]arg8-sized lumps of
Passed a great deal of
pumice and lava this
Passed a lot of pumice and
Passed through a quantity
of dnst seemingly floating
on the surface.
Passed through a quantify
of pumice-stone.
Passed large quantities of
Passing great quantities of
Still passing quantities of
Une infinite de parcelles
de roche brdlee sur Teau.
Passed throngh a quantity
of lava.
Passed throngh a great
quantity of pnmice to-
H 2
Names of Vessels.
Position at
French barque Besolu
(Capt. Monton)
? 06 S.
Trayers^ plosienrs bancs
de pieire-ponce.
Barqae May Queen
(Capt. Hagon)
7 COS.
83 13
Une infinite de roche br6l^
11 23 S.
75 46
Une infinite de debris voU
Ship Argomene' (C9,pt.
H. Williams)
8 p.m.
7 51 S.
87 06
Fusing through large
quantities of pumice.
Ship Boderick DM
(Capt. Boldchild)
4 p.m.
13 34 S.
90 j;0
Passing through large
quantities of pumice.
9 25 S.
90 26
>i « »
French barqae Eugenie
(Capt. A. Amaad)
6 14 S.
81 40
Beaucoup de pierre-ponce
formant de lis allong6 a
Barqne Star of Greece
(Capt. W. Legg)
7 a.m.
18 49 S.
85 45
Tjarge quantities of pumice
in separate streams from
S.E. toN.W. At 6 p.m.
still passing large quan*
tities of pumice.
2 a.m.
13 21 S.
86 06
The streams of pumice-
stone stopped*
10 45 S.
86 60
A large stream of pumice-
Barque Eva Joshua
(Capt. Florentin)
13 05 S.
66 40
Sighted pumice-stone.
Sch. aienesk (Capt.
3 19 S.
81 05
Benoontr^ & chaque instant
des bancs form6s par
des pierres-ponoe.
Sch. Mary Whitridge
(Capt. Howfts)
7 a.m.
9 41 S.
88 26
Passing lots of floating*
5 a.m.
8 lis.
89 24
n )> 9*
5 a.m.
5 06S.
90 11
» »> »J
2 a.m.
2 43S.
91 26
Passing large fields of
Names, of Vessels.
Position at
Barqne County of Flint
(Capt. J. Rowland)
Feb. 26
i 27 S.
86 63
Great quantities of pumice,
which appears to have
been long in the water.
„ 27
1 SOS.
87 48
Pumice-stone passing.
March 1
4 a.m.
2 21 S.
86 21
Great quantities of pumice-
stone in sight.
2 a.m.
2 40 S.
84 31
Great quantities of pumice
„ 3 1 2 p.m.
2 36 S.
84 10
» »> »>
„ 5 3 a.m.
4 01 S.
83 57
» »> >»
2 p.m.
)' »» jt
Ship FaHhenope (Capt.
1 36 S.
87 21
Sea strewed with pumice*
stone covered with
2 14 S.
87 21
>i >» »
3 36 S.
88 04
9J 7) >f
„ 10
5 52 S.
88 16
>> >9 )f
,, 12
10 38 S.
86 09
Sea covered with lava and
pumice 2 feet thick.
„ 15
17 49 S.
70 40
Sea strewed with lava and
Ship Kelvinside (Capt.
14 40 S.
81 56
Since 7th been sailing
through floating pumice
in pieces from the size
of a cocoanut to pieces
almost like dust.
Barque Excelsior
(Capt F. Fidgar)
„ 12
6 p.m.
20 27 S.
78 09
Great quantities of floating
Sch. Iris (Capt. Shaw)
M 22
9 35 S.
76 39
Passing vast quantities of
„ 25
16 33 S.
72 11
>» 5» «
Sch. Northern Bell
(Capt. L. Moiris)
,, 24
26 33 S.
70 00
For four hours passing a
vast quantity of pumice-
stone covered with
Namefrof Vessels.
Position at
Noon. (
Ship Inverccmld (Gapi.
(K> 06 S.
Passing through aquantilTf
of pumioe.
4 40S.
91 13
During last five days passed
through a quantity of
pumice - stone, of a
greenish colour and
covered with barnacles
and crabs.
Barqne Evelyn (Capt.
2 10 S.
90 13
Passing quantities of
Barque Peggie Boy
(Capt. Hill)
11 34 S.
69 02
Passed large quantities of
16 65 S.
68 22
Passed quantities of
S.8. Madagasear (Capt.
A. Vielle)
18 22 S.
67 16
Several pieces of pumice
floating alongside.
Ship Knight Com-
mander (Capt. BeU)
16 38 S.
72 19
Passed through fields
of pumice-stone and
Barque Caller Ou
(Capt. Rae)
11 07 S.
62 41
Sailing through quantities
of lava.
Lug^r Success (Capt.
10 16 S.
62 35
Depuis plusieurs jours la
mer est couverte de
pierre et de sable vol-
canique d*une couleur
Ship Knight Com-
panion (Capt. Davis)
10 32 S.
88 53
Passing through quantities
of pumice.
Barque Tris (Capt.
5 21 S.
94 44
A great quantity of floating
French barque Louise
Collet (Capt. Beck-
12 43 S.
81 29
On rencontre tonjours des
Brig Flora (Capt.
10 18 S.
68 09
Le capitaine tombe a la mer
en p^chant des pierres-
•Ship Broomhall (Capt.
2 p.m.
5 29 S.
89 39
Passing through quantities
of pumice covered with
Names of Yessels.
Position at
Brig Bio Loge (Capt.
Sch. Iris (Capt. Shaw)
Ship Beigate (Capt.
Barque Northern Btaa-
(Capt. Evans)
Barqae Ciiy of Tetnjore
(Capt. Sinclair)
Sch. Catherine Marie 210
(Capt. Stabingtou)
1884 '
Jane 17 noon
Aug. 9
„ 10
„ 12
4 p.m.
6 a.m.
6 p.m.
5 p.m.
6 p.m.
2 a.m.
7 a.m.
4 a.m.
4 a.m.
7 a.m.
4 p.m.
5 a.m.
8 a.m.
4 p.m.
4 p.m.
11 29 S.
14 39 S.
15 16 S.
16 07 S.
17 08 S.
4 25 S.
13 42 S.
14 46 S.
23 36 S.
126 29
113 36
110 08
106 51
114 33
93 47
113 42
109 43
59 40
Passed large quantities of
14 45 S.
Ill 20
15 28 S 1 108 12
16 05 S.
16 00 S.
16 04 S.
16 06 S.
104 53
101 56
99 05
96 16
Passing vast quantities of
Passed throngh large quan-
tities of pumice.
liarge quantities of pumice
floating on the water.
Passed through quantities
of pnmice varying in size
from an orange to a
walnut shell. Picked
up some pieces covered
with barnacles and lim-
Passed small pieces of
Sailing through large quan-
tities of pnmice floating
in streaks like Gulf-
Still sailing through quan-
tities of pumice.
Still sailing through
»» >> «
Less pumice to-day.
Narne^ of Vessels.
Position at
Sch. Jdsper (Capt.
Barque Marion Neil
(Capt. Patereon)
Barque Jane Maria
(Capt. Griffiths)
Sch. Coleridge (Capt.
Barque Caller Ou
(Capt. Rae)
S.S. Castlehank (Capt.
Barque Jane Maria
(Capt. Griffiths)
French barque France
CJufrie (Capt.
Aug. It5
„ 17
» 27
„ 30
Sept. 1
„ 17
» 19
» 27
„ 28
Oct. 10
„ 13
Nov. 11
8, a.m.
8 a.m.
a.m. to
4 p.m
8 a.m.
3 p.m.
5 a.m.
5 p.m.
23 06 S.
20 56 S.
14 09 S.
14 36 S.
15 19 S.
9 ION.
21 16 S.
20 39 S.
20 04 S.
7 20 S.
8 39 S.
6 58 S.
10 44 S.
12 .33 S.
15 09 S.
20 21 S.
O §
61 47
61 01
108 06
106 39
100 30
112 11
50 20
51 10
52 24
93 02
68 31
102 54
93 57
90 19
109 59
58 55
Passed several pieces of
floating pa mice.
A lot of pumice-stone
floating past.
Passed through a quantity
of very small pumice-
Several pieces of floating
Passed large quantities of
pumice which, apparent-
ly, had been a long time
in the water.
Much lava floating about.
Passed through large quan-
tities of pumice, which
seems to have been a
long time in the water.
Passed a large quantity of
floating pumice.
Passed a large quantity of
very small pumice.
Large and small pieces of
pumice seen frequently
during the afternoon.
Depuis plasieurs jours la
mer est couverte de
J'ai parcouru environ une
^tendue de 1,200 milles
par latitude sud ou j'ai
rencontr^ beauoonp de
Fig. 1. — This drawinf^ is reproduced from one in Yebbbek's 'Atlas/ which was
taken in October, 1883. It shows the slopes of the portion of the peak
of Rakata which remained standing after the great outburst, covered
with enormous masses of pumice and dust. In this covering, streams
have already cut out a series of anastomosing channels, while the action
of the sea has given rise to the formation of a cliff.
Fig. 2. — This is based in part on the beautiful coloured drawing in Yerbeek's
'Atlas,' also made in October, 1883, and in part on the photograph
subsequently obtained (June, 1886), when some details before invisible
were rendered apparent by the washing of the surface by rain* It
must be remembered that the surface looked at is not a vertical plane
lying in one azimuth, but consists of two planes meeting in the central
line at an angle of about 135^, and inclining from the vertical by about
30°. The lowest, nearly horizontal, beds belong to the oldest ejections of
the volcano, andesite with tridymite. The lava-currents, tuff beds, and
dykes of the mass of the volcano are composed of different varieties of
basalt. A study of these shows that lateral eruptions must have taken
place on the flanks of the cone, and that, as in the case of Etna, there
must have been a shifting in the axis of the cone. The central dyke
seems to indicate that the last eruption from this cone must have con-
sisted of an andesitic material.
For the skiMul drawing of this Plate, and of Plate III., I am indebted to
Mr. A. E. TuTTON.
Krakaioa, Rep. Boy. Soc, Com.
rMiS^- ttff1f|
Ttpo-Etobiik> Co., Scolpt.
Sections of the Lavas of Krakatoa.
Fig. 1. — Section of the older andesite of Krakatoa, as seen when magnified 25
diameters. A portion of the slide has been chosen where the crystals of
felspar, enstatite, augite, and magnetite are more crowded together than
is usually the case. The reddish tint of the base when seen by reflected
light is due to the incipient decomposition of magnetite grains and the
formation of the hydrated ferric oxides.
Fig. 2. — Portion of the base of the same rock, as seen when magnified 250 diameters.
Microlites of felspar, tridymite (?), and magnetite abound, and with some
of pyroxene and hornblende (?), make up a stony base. Cavities lined
with tridymite, quartz, and hornblende are seen in this base.
Fig. 3. — Zoned and much corroded crystal of felspar, magnified 35 diameters, from
the porphyritic pitch stone of Krakatoa. Such crystals, in xyhich the
glass inclusions are in great part, if not entirely, of secondary origin,
abound in this i-ock. In some cases, as shown by the figure, their con-
tinuity with the enveloping glass is clearly apparent
Fig. 4. — Glassy base of the porphyritic pitchstone magnified 250 diameters. The
abundant separation of granules of magnetite all through the glass
which envelopes the microlites of felspar and magnetite is very well seen
in this section.
Fig. 5. — Section of the porphyritic obsidian of Krakatoa, as seen magnified 25
diameters. The pale brown glass, with a few scattered microlites, has in
its midst a group of crystals, felspar, enstatite, augite, and magnetite,
with some of the darker-coloured and less fusible glass still adhering to
Fig. 6. — Portion of the base of the same rock as the last, as seen magnified 250
diameters. The sparsity of the microlites of felspar, pjnroxene, and
magnetite in the very glassy base is well illustrated by this section.
Krakcuboo: Rep. Roy. Soc. Com.
Mate 3.
P T uif. H«,dal. I'ax-kM- ^ Oow«rdi, lath.
Sections of the Rocks of Krakatoa.
The Pxtmice Ain> Dust of Ebakatoa.
Fig. 1. — Section of pumioe thrown out during the earlier portion of the Erakatoa
eruption (May, 1883), cut in the direction of the drawn-out fibres of the
mass. This pumice was much finer in grain than the bulk of the Krakatoa
pumice, and contained no porphyritic crystals. It is represented as seen
with a magnifying power of 50 diametera
Fig. 2. — Cross section of the same pumice, magnified 50 diameters.
Fig. 3. — Section of common pumice of Erakatoa, as seen with a magnifying power
of 50 diameters. In. the midst is seen a group of crystals of felspar,
eustatite, and magnetite. In this pumice the structure is much coarser
than in that represented in Figs. 1 and 2, and large irregular air-cavities
abound in it.
Fig. 4. — Section of artificial pumice, as seen magnified 50 diameters, made by fusing
the porphyritic obsidian of Erakatoa. The escaping gases distend the
mass, producing a pumice quite similar in appearance to the common
pumice of Erakatoa. A porphyritic crystal of felspar is seen near the
middle of the slide.
Fig. 5. — Pumice-dust, which fell on board the Arabella when about 1,100
English miles distant firom the volcano. The forms of the particles of
pumice are well seen. In this dust, which fell at a great distance
from the volcano, fragments of the crystallised minerals become few and
inconspicuous. The particles are shown as seen with a magnifying
power of 250 diameters.
Fig. 6. — Similar material, formed by triturating the common Erakatoa pumice in a
mortar, as seen with magnifying power of 250 diametera
KrakatocL. Rep . Roy. Soc. Cotrv.
^"arkBrScCarmr^ dd stlitli
¥fc«t.Nvmn«yi&Ca imp.
Fumice and DiiBt of KraLkatost.
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Prepared in the Meteorological Office,
Presented by lAeut-General K. Strachey, F.R.S., Chainnan of the Meteorological
Section L— AIR WAVES.
Notes on this subject were presented to the Royal Society in December, 1883,* but
since that date observations made at many other places, besides those first discussed^
have been obtained, and the available records may now be regarded as complete.
At the desire of the Committee appointed by the Boyal Society to collect
information relating to the eruption of Erakatoa, which occurred in August, 1883,
the present report has been drawn up in the Meteorological OflGlce, under the general
supervision of the Chairman of the Meteorological Council, the details having been
worked out by Mr. R. H. Curtis, one of the senior clerks in the Meteorological
Office, Mr. C. Thompson assisting him in the preparation of the accompanying
curves and diagrams.
The stations from which barometrical or other registers supplying evidence
of the disturbance, have been received, with the nature of the register and of
the recording instrument, the general character of the data, and the period over
which the observations extend, .in each case, are shown in the annexed Table I.
* ^* Kote on a Series of Barometrical DiBturbanceB which passed over Europe between the 27th and
3l8t of August, 1883,'* by Bobt. H. Scott, F.K.S., Secretary to the Meteorological Council; and ''Note
on the Forgoing Paper,'* by Lieutenant-General Strachey, F.K.S. Printed io the 'Proceedings of the
Royal Society,' No. 229, vol. xxrvi., pp. 139-16].
Stations from which barometrical or other observations have been received, with a
description of the recording instrunients and data.
South Georgia
Data received, and nature of
recording instrument.
Continuous automatic record
of gasometer indicator.
Hourly observations of baro-
meter and thermometer.
Hourly observations of pres-
sure, temperature, wind, ^.
Photographic copy of record
from a **Kew pattern "photo-
barograph, and also tracing
of record of a ** King " baro-
Tracing of record obtained
from an electrical baro-
graph (two copies).
Tracing of a "Richard"
barograph record.
Tracing of a "Richard"
barograph record.
Tracing of a "Sprung"
barograph record.
Tracing of a "Richard"
barograph record.
Photographic copy of record
obtained from a "Kew
pattern " photo-barograph.
Photographic copy of record
obtained from a "Kew
pattern " photo-barograph.
Tracing of record from a
" Kew pattern " photo-
barog^ph; also zinco-
graphed copy of curve.
General character of data.
Open scale and clear record .
Time, scale, dbc., very open,
and copies carefully made.
Very open scale, showing
clearly some small move-
ments; trace carefully made.
Scale not very open, and
tracing rather roughly
Scale not very open, and
tracing rather roughly
Time scale leather contracted ;
tracing carefully made.
Scale small, but oopy care-
fully made.
Time scale, ^., sufficiently
open, and copy very good.
Time scale, &c., good, and
copy very good.
Time scale, &c,, good ; trac-
ing carefully made.
Duration of Record —
Greenwich Civil Time.
2 p.m.,
26th Aug.
1 a.m.,
21st Aug.
1 a.m.,
20th Aug.
10 a.m.,
25th Aug.
24th Aug.
9 a.m.,
27th Aug.
27th Aug.
9 a.m.,
26th Aug.
10 a.m.,
27th Aug.
26th Aug.
10 a.m.,
26th Aug.
10 a.m.,
26th Aug.
28th Aug.
81st Aug.
10th Sept.
10 a.m.,
30th Aug.
9 a.m.,
Slst Aug.
3rd Sept.
10 a.m.,
3rd Sept.
7 a.m.,
2nd Sept.
10 a.m.,
3rd Sept.
7 a.m.,
1st Sept.
10 a.m.,
1st Sept.-
8 a.m.,
1st S^t.
Table I. — continued.
Zi-Ka-Wei .,
Tokio. .
Tiflis . •
PawlowBk . .
St. Petersburg,
Buda-Pesth . .
Magdebnrg • .
Milan. •
Data received, and natare of
recording instrament.
Tracing of record from a
" Kew pattern " photo-
barogitiph for 1st and 2nd
oscillations, and also of re-
cord from a " Secchi "
balance barograph for Ist
to 3rd oscillations.
Tracing of record from a
"King" barograph.
Honrlj readings of the baro-
Tracing of the curve from
a " E^ler " barogragh.
Tracing of the curve from a
'* Hasler " barograph.
Lithographed copy of trace
from a " Kreil " barograph.
Lithographed copy of baro-
Original barograms from a
"Kreil "barograph.
Copy of barograms . .
Copy of barograms .
Lithographed copy of a
" Sprung " barograph re-
Lithographed copy of a
"Richard" barograph re-
Hourly readings of baro-
meter and wind.
Lithographed enlarged copies
of barometer curves.
General character of data.
Scale of " Secchi " instru-
ment very open, except for
time, which is contracted ;
scale of photo curve good ;
tracings carefully made.
Very open scale, and tracing
very carefully made.
Trace not continuous, instru-
ment registers only at 10
min. intervals ; carefully
Trace not continuous, scale
open, and tracing ap-
parently carefully made.
Scale not very open ; trace
shows scarcely any signs of
Scales open, and oscillations
clearly shown.
Record at 5 min. intervals ;
scales fairly open.
Record at 15 min. intervals ;
time scale rather contracted.
Very open scales
Good, but time scale rather
Good record, but time scale
very contracted.
Curves have been very much
enlarged from the originals,
and have very open scales.
Duration of Record —
Greenwich Civil Time.
2 a.m.,
22nd Aug.
9 a.m.,
27th Aug.
1 a.m.,
26th Aug.
26th Aug.
6 p.m.,
26th Aug.
27th Aug.
26th Aug.
27th Aug.
26th Aug.
11 a.m.,
27th Aug.
26th Aug.
26th Aug.
25th Aug.
26th Aug.
6 p.m.,
29th Aug.
9 a.m.,
2nd Sept.
2nd Sept.
30th Aug.
30th Aug.
1st Sept.
30th Aug.
29th Aug.
5th Sept.
5 p.m.,
3l8t Aug.
1st Sept.
3 a.m.,
31st Aug.
11 a.m.,
1st Sept.
3rd Sept
Table I. — continued.
Rome. • •
San Fernando .
Serra da Es-
Paris —
Montsonris. .
Greenwich • •
Eew • • • •
Armagh ••
Data receiredy and natnre of
recording instrument.
Tracing of a "Richard"
barograph record.
Tracing of a " Secohi " baro-
graph curve*
Photographic copy of record
Salleron, of Paris,
from barograph made by
Tracing of a "Redier" baro-
Tracing of a "Richard"
barograph record.
Original curve of a "Kew
pattern " photo-barog^ph.
Tracing of curve of a " Re-
dier " barograph, with
hourly readings of baro-
Trace of record obtained
from a balance barometer.
General character of data.
Lithographed copy of record
from a photo-barograph.
Tracing and photographic
copy of record of photo-
Original curve from a " Kew
pattern " photo-barograph.
Tracing of record from a
"Re£er" barograph.
Original curve of a " Kew
pattern " photo-barograph.
Original curve of a " Kew
pattern " photo-barograph.
Original curve of a "Kew
pattern ** photo«barograph.
Original curve of a "Kew
pattern ** photo-barograph.
Very clear, but scales small
Trace carefully made, but
time scale very contracted.
Open scale and very good
curve, but the time is
Very contracted time scale,
but clearly traced.
Small time scale
Very good curves, and open
Time scale rather contracted,
but movements clearly
shown and trace carefully
i Oscillations very well shown,
I but time scale rather con-
] tracted.
Good clear trace
Open scales, and very good
Open scales, and good curves
Open scales, and traces care-
fuUy made.
Open scales, and good curves
Open scales, and good curves
Open scales, and good curves
Open scales, and good curves
Duration of Record —
Greenwich Civil Time.
20th Aug.
7 a.m.,
24th Aug.
10 ajn.»
26th Aug.
25th Aug.
8 a.m.,
27th Aug.
26th Aug.
25th Aug.
25th Aug.
8 a.m.,
26th Aug.
26th Aug.
26th Aug.
25th Aug.
10 a.m.,
25th Aug.
26th Aug.
26th Aug.
26th Aug.
2nd Sept.
7 a.m.,
5th Sept.
10 a.m.,
dOth Aug.
80th Aug.
31st Aug.
30th Aug.
30th Aug.
29th Aug.
8 a.m.,
1st Sept.
2nd Sept.
1st Sept.
2nd Sept.
10 a.m.,
31st Aug.
1st Sept.
1st Sept.
1st Sept.
Table I. — continued.
New York
Hastings -on
Hudson, N.Y.
Washington . .
Data received, and nature of
recording instrument.
Tracings of record of a
"Bang** barograph.
Original curve of a " Kew
pattern *' photo-barograph.
Original curve of a "Kew
pattern *' photo-barograph.
Original curve of a "Kew
pattern " photo-barograph.
Photographic copy of record
of a " Kew pattern **
Copies of record obtained
from a "Draper" pencil
Copy of record obtained
from a " Draper ** baro-
Copies of trace from a
" Gibbon ** electric baro-
.Copy of trace from baro-
graph, apparently an ane-
roid recording only hourly.
Original records of baro-
graph, anemograph, ther-
mograph, &o.
Curve of hourly readings
obtained from an hourly-
recording aneroid.
General character of data.
Very open scales, and care-
fully traced copies.
Open scales, and good curves
Open scales, and good curves
Open scales, and good curves
Open scales, and good copies
of traces.
Open scale, and clear trace. •
Very contracted time scale ;
clear trace.
Very open scales, and careful
Very small time scale ; trace
not continuous, given at
the hours only.
Time scale very contracted,
and barometer trace some-
what thick, but the earlier
oscillations are well shown.
Trace interpolated between
the hours.
Duration of Record —
Greenwich Civil Time.
9 a.m.,
27th Aug.
26th Aug.
26th Aug.
26th Aug.
26th Aug.
25th Aug.
3 p.m.,
26th Aug.
26th Aug.
1 a.m.,
26th Aug.
23rd Aug.
25th Aug.
9 a.m.,
4th Sept.
1st Sept.
1st Sept.
1st Sept.
3rd Sept.
Ist Sept.
3 p.m.,
2nd Sept.
2nd Sept.
11 p.m.,
2nd Sept.
6th Sept.
2nd Sept.
The geographical position of the stations from which the continuous barometric
registers have been received, and which supply the data now exclusively dealt witlj,
their latitudes, longitudes, and distances from Erakatoa, in degrees of a great circle,
are shown in the following Table U.
Geographical position of Erakatoa, and of the principal Stations from which data
have been supplied.
Distance in Degrees of a Great
Circle from Krakatoa.
6 9 8.
105 22 8.
O /
• •
o /
• a
Batavia . .
6 9 s.
106 48 E.
1 22
358 88
37 60s.
144 68 E.
47 53
312 7
Sydney ..
33 54 8.
161 14 E.
50 33
309 27
45 52 8.
170 37 «.
68 27
291 83
Wellington, N.Z
41 16 8.
174 47 b.
70 31
289 29
South Georgia .
54 31s.
36 6w.
111 22
248 38
Loanda ..
8 49 s.
13 7e.
91 17
268 43
20 6 8.
67 33 E.
48 29
311 31
Bombay . .
18 64 N.
72 49 E.
40 42
319 18
Calcutta . .
22 33 N.
88 21 E.
33 8
326 62
81 12 N.
121 26 E.
40 22
319 38
Tokio . .
. 35 41 N.
139 46 E.
62 41
307 19
59 41 N.
30 29 E.
87 49
272 11
St. Peterabnrg .
59 66 k.
80 18 E.
87 57
272 3
Bnda-Pesth .
47 30 H.
19 2e.
92 5
267 55
Vienna ..
48 12 N.
16 22 E.
93 68
266 2
Berlin . .
52 30 N.
13 19 E.
96 7
263 53
Leipsic ..
51 20 N.
12 24 E.
96 36
263 24
52 9n.
11 88 E.
97 10
262 60
Munich ..
48 9 k.
11 34 s.
97 6
262 54
Modena . .
44 38 N.
10 55 E.
97 30
262 30
. 41 54 N.
12 29 X.
96 15
268 45
Palermo . .
88 7h.
13 21 E.
96 20
264 40
San Fernando .
36 28 N.
6 13 w.
111 1
248 59
Lisbon . .
38 42 N.
9 8w.
112 52
247 8
40 13 N.
8 26 w.
112 3
247 57
Serra da Estrella
40 25 H.
7 35w.
111 25
248 86
Paris —
Pare St. Manr
48 48n.
2 31 E.
103 10
256 50
48 49 N.
2 20 E.
103 10
266 50
Brussels . .
50 52 k.
4 21 E.
101 48
258 17
51 29 N.
0 0
104 20
255 40
51 28 k.
0 19 w.
104 32
265 28
52 28 k.
1 32 E.
103 16
256 44
Oxford ..
51 46 N.
1 16 w.
105 2
254 58
50 9 k.
5 4w.
107 45
252 15
51 55 H.
10 18 w.
110 29
249 31
Armagh . .
54 21 N.
6 89 w.
107 44
252 16
53 24 k.
3 4w.
105 52
254 8
53 51 K.
2 28w.
105 24
254 36
55 63 k.
4 18 w.
106 2
253 58
67 10 k.
2 6w.
104 32
255 28
Toronto . .
43 39 k.
79 23 w.
142 12
217 48
New York
40 43n.
74 Ow.
146 24
214 86
38 64 k.
77 2w.
147 12
212 48
Havana .. .
23 10 k.
82 22 w.
161 20
198 40
Mexico . .
19 25 k.
99 6w.
153 24
206 36
The general features of the remarkable atmospheric disturbance caused by the
great explosion on the morning of August 27th, which appears to have been the effect
of the final paroxysm of the volcano, and of which alone well-defined indications
susceptible of identification and measurement have been preserved by the barometric
registers, will be seen from Plate VII., which reproduces, on an enlarged scale, the forms
of the trace obtained at selected stations where the record is most nearly perfect, on
the several successive repetitions of the great aerial oscillation, of which, in many
cases, seven were distinctly observed. For some time before the great catastrophe,
minor explosions occurred, of which indications may be found in many of the
photographic registers, especially those from the stations least removed from Krakatoa,
the trace being, so to speak, roughened by many small irregularities, giving it an
appearance very different from that of the smooth line which is its usual character.
In the communication on this subject before made to the Royal Society, it was
shown that the observed facts clearly established that the successive repetitions of
the disturbance at the numerous stations, after varying intervals of time, were caused
by the passage over them of an atmospheric wave or oscillation, propagated over the
8ur£eice of the globe from Krakatoa as a centre, and thence expanding in a circular
form, tni it became a great circle at a distance of 180° from its origin ; after
which it advanced, gradually contracting again, . to a node at the antipodes of
Krakatoa; whence it was reflected or reproduced, travelling backwards again to
Ejukatoa, from which it once more returned in its original direction ; and in this
manner its repetition was observed not fewer than seven times at many of the
stations, four passages having been those of the wave travelling from Krakatoa, and
three those of the wave travelling from its antipodes, subsequently to which its
traces were lost.
The barometric disturbance caused by the great explosion began with a more or
less sudden rise, on the summit of which two or three minor oscillations are visible,
followed by a deep depression, which was succeeded by a less well marked rise, and by
other depressions and rises, the whole disturbance extending over a period of nearly
two hours. Such are the characters of the traces of almost all the self-recording instru-
ments on the occurrence of the first two waves, and they are very clearly seen in the
photographic barograms obtained at Bombay, Melbourne, Mauritius, and the British
Observatories. The traces of these two passages of the wave are, in many instances,
remarkably alike, although the second oscillation must have crossed the first at or
near the Antipodes of Krakatoa. The wave, however, gradually became deformed
during its progress from and to the point where it originated, and eventually lost the
characters above described. On the third and fourth recurrence the disturbance is
commonly indicated by a sudden rise, which has the appearance of replacing the
deep central depression of the first and second passages.
From the irregularity of the form of the wave, and its want of persistency,
together with the considerable time over which it extended, there has been some
unavoidable uncertainty in fixing the exact moment of the passage of the same phase
of the disturbance in the several waves over the various stations ; but the deep
depression which immediately followed the initial rise appears, on the whole, to be the
most persistent and easily recognised feature in the first two passages of the wave ;
and where it can be identified it has been taken as the standard to which reference
has been made, especially in fixing the time of the occurrence of the great explosion.
There can, however, be no doubt that the rise of the barometer, indicating a
sudden increase of pressure, was the first and direct result of the explosion, and that
the succeeding fall of the barometer, or decrease of pressure, together with all the
subsequent oscillations, were mechanical consequences of the original shock, which
in the nature of the case required some considerable time for their development.
These remarks have an obvious bearing on the manner in which the exact time of the
final explosion may be inferred from the observed times of the atmospheric disturb-
ances, a point to which attention will subsequently be given.
It may here be remarked that the theoretical investigations of Lord Rayleigh
indicate that the sudden expansion of an elastic gas, supposed to be confined in a
spherical envelope, would cause an oscillation which begins with a wave of compression,
followed by one of expansion ; a form which appears to correspond with that of the
disturbance now under consideration. According to the same authority the amplitude
of the wave diminishes as the square root of the distance travelled by it. The data
do not admit of any positive opinion being formed as to whether this held good in the
present case, but there is at least nothing to suggest any departure from such a law.
Plate VIII. gives a representation, on a reduced and uniform scale of time and
vertical extent, of the observed disturbances as shown on the various barograms, at
the different stations at which the registers are sufficiently well defined for reproduc-
tion in this manner. The positions on the traces which have been taken to indicate
the standard point of the oscillation, selected as before explained, are marked for
facility of reference ; but it must be explained that the reduction of the trace in most
cases renders the identifications far less obvious than they actually are on the original
The times at which the successive passages of the wave were observed at the
several stations (reckoned in all cases in hours and minutes from 0 hours of the 27th
of August, 1883, Greenwich Mean Time, civil reckoning) are shown in the annexed
Table III. gives the times of passage of the waves travelling from Krakatoa
towards its antipodes. These passages of the waves are, for convenience, numbered
as I., Ill, v., and VII.
Observed times of the successive passages of the waves travelling from Krakatoa
towards its Antipodes; reckoned fix)m 0 hours of August 27th, 1883, Greenwich
Mean Time, civil reckoning.
Passage of Wave.
- --
hrs. min.
hrs. min.
43 12
• •
• •
Sydney . .
Dnnedin. .
43 18
45 15
• •
WeUiniflon, N.Z
45 45
• ?
Soath Georgia . .
48 24
Loanda . .
47 15
117 23
42 60
112 10
44 0
43 22?
42 54 P
• «
• •
44 12?
49 18
• •
St. Petersburg . .
48 39
• «
48 55
• •
Vienna . .
49 9?
• •
• •
49 37
122 .37?
Leipsic ..
• •
49 28
49 30
, ,
49 11*
121 86»
Bome . . . . . . . .
48 55
37 ?t
San Fernando . .
49 12
• •
• •
Lisbon ..
50 12
• • .
Serra da Estrella
50 0?
• •
Coimbra. .
50 10
, ,
Pare St. Manr
50 1
• •
49 54
, ,
• •
50 5
60 13
124 6P
50 12
124 10
50 2
123 31
50 15
• ■
50 25
60 51
Armagh . .
50 45
124 30?
Liverpool ..
50 25
124 5P
50 27
124 10
• Times given by Professor Bagona, Director of Bojal Observatory, Modena.
t This time differs slightly from that given by Professor Cacciatore of Palermo Observatory.
time scale of the enrve is very contracted.
Table III. — continued-.
Passage of Wave,
Toronto . .
New York
Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y
Mexico • .
Havana . .
hi*8. min.
14 2
hrs. min.
50 38
hrs. min.
87 15
92 11
hrs. min.
124 20
* This oscillation occurred a little after 19 honrs, but the time scale is too contracted to allow of
the time being obtained with much exactness.
Note. — ^A ? inserted alone in the column indicates that the ''Wave" cannot be identified in the
trace. When a blank is inserted in the column it indicates that no trace has been received for that
Table IV. gives the times of the passage of the waves returning towards
Erakatoa from its Antipodes. These are numbered as II., IV., and VI.
Observed times of the successive passages of the waves returning towards
Erakatoa^ after having passed its Antipodes; reckoned from 0 hours of August
27th, 1883, Greenwich Mean Time, civil reckoning.
Melbourne •
Sydney . .
WeUington, N.Z
South G^rgia •
Loanda •.
Bombay . .
Passage of Wave.
hrs. mill.
• •
102 ' 23
105 55
• •
Table IV. — continued.
of Ware.
hrs. min.
hrs. min.
hrs. min.
34 20
29 28
63 53
• •
St. Petersburg
29 24
63 49
• •
28 20
64 10
• •
29 9
• •
, ,
28 37
63 14
28 40?
28 36
63 18?
98 8?
Mnnich . .
28 30
63 40
28 16*
62 36»
97 31»
28 55
29 27?t
San Fernando . .
27 0
62 2
• •
27 17
62 32
• •
Serra da Estrella
27 30?
62 0?
Coimbra ..
27 15
62 23
• ♦
Paris: —
Pare St. Manr
28 21
63 4
• •
28 21
• •
« •
Bmssels . .
28 23
62 40?
97 53
27 68
62 45
98 0
28 5
62 42
98 0
28 6
62 44
98 4
28 5
62 35
27 43
62 27
98 0
Valencia. .
27 15
62 10
97 13
Armagh . . . . . . . . , .
27 32
62 22
97 7
27 41
62 40
97 10?
27 45
62 35
97 10
27 45
62 26
97 8
27 52
62 32
98 20
25 48
57 53
91 18
25 26
58 18
Hastings-on-Hadson, N.T. . .
25 26?
58 16?
f9l 81
25 20
57 61
\ or \?
1.90 23j
Mexico ..
Havana ..
24 15?
67 0?
* Times given by Prof. Bagona, Director of "BiOjal Observatory, Modena.
t This time differs slightly &om that given l^ Prof. Cacdatore, of Palermo. The time scale of
the cnrve is very contracted.
NOTK. — ^A ? inserted alone in the colamn indicates that the "Wave" cannot be idoitified in the
trace. When a blank is inserted in the column, it indicates that no trace has been received for that
From the times thus recorded may be deduced the probable precise moment of
the oocurrence of the great explosion, of which there is otherwise no satis&ctory or
complete evidence, as well as the velocities of the wave's transmission in its course
round the earth.
But, as will be more fully shown hereafter, the velocity of transmission was not
uniform in all directions, nor did it remain constant as the wave advanced. In
order, therefore, to determine the most probable moment of the origin of the wave,
it has been considered best to deal only with the data obtained from the stations
nearest to, and immediately surrounding, Krakatoa: — ^viz., Calcutta, Zi-Ka-Wei
(Shanghai), Bombay, Melbourne, Mauritius, and Sydney ; at all which the records of
the first passage of the wave are well defined and satisfactorily comparable, while
their distances from Krakatoa are not so great as to make it likely that important
variations of the velocity of the wave took place during the time occupied in
reaching them.
If T is the time of the origin of the wave, which is to be determined ; t, the
time of the passage of the wave at any station ; c?, the distance in degrees from the
point of origin ; and V, the velocity of the wave's transmission, assumed to be the
same in all cases ; then
V =
and representing by d^^ c^^, • . • • d^^ the several distances of the six stations fi*om
Krakatoa ; by t^, tg, . . . • <6> tbe several observed times of passage of the wave ; and
by ^{d) and ^{t) the sums of the distances and times, we shall have for the most
probable values of T and V.
T = ^')' ^^^J^^f^''^ = 3.54 hours = 3hrs. 32min. G.M.T.
V = ^t^^f^zWf,J^ = 10'31 degrees, or 713 English miles per hour.
6 2\at) — S \t). A \d)
The residual errors of observation, assuming the above values, are shown in the
following Table V.
Error in
Error in
+ •01
+ 01
+ 06
+ 15
+ 04
+ 09
From which it may be concluded that the probable error of the deduced time of
origin of the wave is ± '04 hour, or about 2^ mins. ; and that of the velocity of
the wave ± '09 degree, or 6 miles per hour.
As was before observed, however, the phase of the oscillation taken as the
standard, in reckoning the times of the wave's passage over the several stations, is
not the initial extraordinary rise, but the lowest part of the depression following it.
It is not easy to define precisely the true commencement of the disturbance which
precedes the passage of the standard phase of the oscillation over the several stations,
and there may be an error of at least 5 minutes in the determination that has been
adopted as most probable. This, however, gives for the mean of five of the last-
mentioned stations 36 minutes earlier, and all agree within 4 minutes of that value.
Sydney is excluded from this determmation, as the trace is too irregular to admit
of a satisfactory result being obtained.
Consequently the probable moment of the great explosion was 3 hrs. 32 mins.,
mtntuf 36 mins. = 2 hrs. 56 mins. G. M. T., or 9 hrs. 58 mins. local time.
A corroboration of the conclusion thus arrived at, is afibrded by the register of
the gasometer indicator at Batavia, which fortunately is available, and which in the
absence of a continuous barometric record, supplies a fairly trustworthy indication of
the atmospheric pressure at the time in question. Plate IX. is a slightly reduced
facsimile of a portion of this register for the first half of August 27th.*
The distance of Krakatoa from Batavia being 1^ 22', the wave, with the velocity
before calculated, would reach the latter place in 8 mins., so that it would have been felt
there at 3 hrs. 4 mins., G. M. T., or 10 hrs. 11 mins., local time. The gasometer shows
a sudden and most extraordinary increase of pressure at some time between 10 hrs. 15
mins. and 10 hrs. 20 mins. a.m., local time, agreeing as exactly with that above arrived
at ajs could be expected from the somewhat rough character of the trace, the inertia
of the recorder, and the possible error of the clock at a non-scientific establishment.
The oscillations of the gasometer indicator were very numerous and violent on
the day of the great explosion, but following the maximum increase just referred to,
there appears to have been a maximum reduction of pressure between 10 hrs. 40 mins.
and 10 hrs. 50 mins. local time, corresponding therefore with the maximum fall shown
in the barometric traces of the wave. It has not been possible to connect any other
of the gasometer indicator oscillations with any available recorded barometric disturb-
ances, and from this it must be inferred that the explosion at 2 hrs. 56 mins., G. M. T,,
was far more violent in its character than any of the others.
The intervals of time between the origin of the great wave and its^r^^ passage
over the several stations, direct from Krakatoa ; as well as the time intervals between
the successive subsequent recurrences bf the wave in its progress round the earthy
* On the original the trace at about 10 hrs. 15 mins. passes beyond the limits of the diagram, and
it is quite possible that the atmospheric pressure on the gasometer at that moment may have been
snfficient to have caused the pencil to rise even higher than it did, had the construction of the recording
apparatus allowed of its doing so. The ^gures on the right of the diagram gi^e the indicated pressure
on the gasometer in millimetres of water, while those on the left give the equivalent pressures in
inches of mercury. It must b^ remembered, however, that, in order to get the absolute pressure on
the gasometer, the figures must in each case be doubled.
after passing through the Antipodes and again returning through Krakatoa ; together
with the deduced velocities of the wave's transmission, are shown in Table YI.
Time intervals, and velocities between the origin and jirst passage of the wave,
and between its successive recurrences travelling in the same direction.
The velocities are expressed in degrees of the Equator and decimals, per hour.
Melbourne • •
Danedin • •
Wellington, N.Z.
South ueorgia
St. Petersburg
Magdeburg . .
San Fernando
Serra da Estrella . .
Paris: — Pare St. Maur
Greenwich . .
Oeldeston . .
Falmouth . .
Liverpool . .
Stonyhnrst . .
Aberdeen . .
New York . .
Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y.
Between time of
origin and
I. andlll.
V. and VII.
10- 19
• •
• •
• •
e •
35 00
• •
, ,
, ,
• •
35 -42
• •
• •
, ,
• •
, ,
• •
• •
, ,
, ,
• •
• «
, .
• •
, ,
36 45
10 16
, ,
. •
, ,
35 -36
, ,
, ,
, ,
, ,
, ,
, ,
• .
36 83
• •
, ,
, ,
• •
• •
, ,
• •
, ,
• •
• •
• •
• •
35 -05
• •
• •
10 14
• •
• •
86 17
10 16
10 02
• •
• •
• •
, ,
• •
• •
. ,
, ,
• •
, ,
, ,
, ,
, ,
10 02
, ,
, ,
• •
• •
• •
• •
, ,
10 16
36 33
, ^
10 03
• •
, ,
• •
, ,
10 18
10 12
• •
, ,
• •
• •
, ,
• •
, ,
• •
, ,
10 16
37 17
10 08
• •
• •
• •
, ,
e •
• •
86 -82
• •
• •
• •
• •
The corresponding time intervals between the origin of the wave and its second
passage over the several stations, after having travelled from Ejrakatoa through its
Antipodes; as well as the intervals between the successive subsequent passages of the
wave, after travelling in the same direction round the earth, through Krakatoa, and
again returning through its Antipodes ; together with the deduced velocities of the
wave's motion, are shown in Table VII.
Time intervals and velocities between the origin and second passage of the wave,
and between its successive recurrences travelling in the same direction.
The velocities are expressed in degrees of the Equator and decimals, per hour.
Between time of origin and
Hoorir nt».
Hoorif ntt«.
Hoorly rwe.
10- 11
10 -21
* •
Dunedin • • . • • .
. •
Wellington, N.Z.
South Georgia
Maoritins • •
Bombay . .
Calcutta ..
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
• «
• •
• •
• •
Pawlow&lc • •
^ «P WW *^^ WW 9^m^ • ■ • » » •
St. Petersburg
, ,
Vienna • .
• .
• •
• •
• •
• •
Leipsio •.
Magdeburg . ,
26 07
• •
Modena • .
• •
• •
• •
Palermo • • - . . • • • •
• •
Snn Fernando
TiiaVkOIl . . . . • . •
10 21
Serra da Estrella
■ •
Coimbra • •
Paris :— Pare St. Maur . .
• •
• •
Armagh . .
Lirerpool - .
Glasgow . .
Toronto • • • • • • • *
35 -25
• •
34 92
24 15
10 62
10 -37
10 OG
32 08
New York
• •
a •
Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y.
/ 32*63
lor 33 -28
32 52
or 10 -82
L 2
The velocities of the wave thus obtained will be seen to range from about ^^'7i
per hour to lO'^^ per hour, or from 674 to 726 English miles per hour. The velocity of
sound in air, of a temperature of 50° Fahrenheit, is 757 miles per hour, and at 80° Fahren-
heit it is 781 mDes; at a temperature of zero Fahrenheit it is reduced to 723 miles
per hour. Thus it appears that the atmospheric disturbance now in question had very
nearly the characteristic velocity of sound, and that its mode of propagation by an
aerial oscillation, of comparatively short duration, was also closely analogous to that
of sound. Moreover, although there is no direct evidence that the great final
explosion, which produced this atmospheric disturbance, was accompanied by sounds
heard at any considerable distance, it is well established that during the progress of
the eruption the sounds of some of the explosions were heard at very great distances ;
certainly at Ceylon, about 2,000 English miles from the volcano, and at many places
between 1,000 and 1,500 miles distant; and probably at Bodriguez, about 3,000
English miles distant. Further details on this subject will be found in the subsequent
section upon Sounds.
The results given in Tables YI. and VII,, when examined more closely, indicate
that there were sensible variations in the velocity of the wave's transmission in the
same direction over the various stations, and that the velocity of the waves moving
in different directions over the earth's surface likewise diflPered considerably. Some of
the apparent variation is, no doubt, due to the imperfection of the data, and the
difficulty before mentioned of identifying the standard phase of the wave, on the
moment of the occurrence of which such calculations as these must be based. But
the differences are too great and too consistent to be entirely, or even mainly, attri-
buted to these causes.
This will be made apparent from the following considerations. The velocity of
the wave, in degrees per hour, in passing round the earth, is 360^ divided by the time
of transit. If this time be assumed to be approximately 36 hours, and the variation
from it, whether positive or negative, be called x, in hours, the velocity will be
o^^ =10°— y, where y is the corresponding variation of the velocity from 10°
per hour. Consequently, y=Q^ ■ > and hence an error of 10 mins. in the time
would produce a change in the deduced velocity of only 0°*046 per hour, and
an error of half an hour would change the velocity by only 0°137 per hour.
The probable limits of error in the estimation of the times are, in almost all
cases, well within thirty minutes, and the few exceptions that are found have no
practical influence on the general conclusions adopted.
It will be seen that there is great general similarity in the respective time
intervals and velocities for the whole series of stations, comprised in the two tables
between Pawlowsk and Aberdeen, which includes all the European stations on
which the most confidence can be placed. The paths of the portions of the
wave that passed over these places do not vary greatly in azimuth, and, pre-
sumably, the general conditions of temperature also will not have varied greatly
among them.
Now, from Table VI. it will be found that the mean velocity of the wave for
twenty-nine of these stations, in passing for the first time from Krakatoa to them, is
10°'23 per hour. The average velocity in the same dii-ection between the first and
third passages, over twenty-seven of the same stations, during which the wave com-
pleted the circuit of the earth, was reduced to 9°'89 per hour ; the mean time
occupied in the passage being 36 hrs. 24 mins. For the next passage round the
earth the mean velocity for eighteen of the stations was 9°*86 per hour, and the time
occupied 36 hrs. 30 mins. ; while, for the last observed passage over ten stations
the mean velocity was 9°77 per hour, and. the period which elapsed was 36 hrs.
50 mins.
The corresponding quantities for the alternate passages of the wave, extracted
from Table VII., are as follows : — The mean velocity of the wave, while travelling from
Krakatoa through its Antipodes, to the same twenty-nine stations as before dealt
with, is 10^*47 per hour ; for twenty-four stations the mean velocity between the second
and fourth passages, during which also the circuit of the earth was completed, is 10*^*3 5
per hour, the mean time occupied being 34 hrs. 46 mins. ; while, for the next passage,
which is also the last observed in this direction, thirteen stations give a mean velocity
of 10°'27 per hour, with a period of transit of 35 hrs. 4 mins.
It will further be seen that the velocities derived from the observations at
Calcutta and Bombay, which lie within the zone traversed by the portion of the wave
that passed over the European stations, correspond generally in character with those
that have just been described, and that the reduction of the velocity between the first
and third passages was almost the same.
On the other hand, at the Australian and New Zealand stations which lie within
the same zone of the earth's surface, but to the eastward of Krakatoa, and over which,
therefore, the movements of the several passages of the wave were in almost directly
opposite directions to those over the European stations, the velocity between the first
and third passages hardly differs from that between the origin and the first passage,
in both which the motion of the wave was ivith the earth's rotation ; while between
the origin and the second passage, as well as between the second and fourth passages,
during which the wave travelled round the earth against the direction of rotation, the
velocity is sensibly less than that observed over the European stations, where, between
the same passages of tlie wave, its motion was in the opposite direction.
The difference of the velocities of the waves that travelled with and against the
direction of the earth's rotation amounts to about four-tenths of a degree, or 28 English
miles per hour, and it may probably be accounted for by the circmnstance that the
winds along the paths of this portion of the wave would, on the whole, have been
westerly, which would have caused an increase of velocity in the wave moving with the
earth's rotation, and an equal diminution in that moving in the opposite direction, so
that the observed difference of 28 miles could be produced by an average westerly
current of 14 miles per hour, which is not imlikely.
There is some appearance of a greater retardation of the wave in passing in a
direction opposed to the earth's rotation over the northern European stations as com-
pared with those in the south of Europe, which may possibly be due to the lower
temperature of the more northern part of the zone traversed. This difference is not
to be traced in the wave n\oving in the opposite direction, which may be accounted for
by the path of the wave, when approaching Europe from the vest, having lain for a
long distance over the Atlantic, where the differences of temperature between the
northern and the southern borders of the zone traversed would have been relatively
The velocities observed at Mauritius and Loanda, the paths of the waves passing
over which lie respectively within 20° and 10® of the Equator, are very nearly alike ;
the wave travelling to the west not being sensibly retarded, while that travelling to
the east is so retarded. This may be caused by the paths pf the waves falling entirely
within the zone of the Trade Winds, which both north and south of the Equator blow
from the east, and would therefore cause a relative retardation of the wave travelling
with the earth's rotation.
The path of the wave that passed over the Canadian and United States stations,
and Havana, lies nearly on the meridian drawn through Krakatoa, and must have
crossed both the polar circles very near the poles. The velocities obtained from these
stations are peculiar. The dbect wave from Krakatoa, which travelled nearly due
north and close to the north pole« and its repetitions after passing round the earth in
the same direction, had nearly the same velocities as those observed at the European
stations, with an apparent decided retardation in the intervals between the first and
third passages, and (but to a less extent) between the third and fifth. The wave
that passed through the Antipodes before reaching the North American stations went
nearly due south, close to the south pole ; and its velocity on this its first partial
passage round the earth was very decidedly reduced ; but in its next complete circuit,
that between the second and fourth passages over the stations of North America^ the
velocity appears to have been much increased, almost reaching the full rate of the
true sound-wave. It is difficult to account for this, but the fact seems to be indis-
The peculiarities affecting the velocity of the waves will be subsequently again
referred to ; and diagrams are given which show graphically the manner of their
occimrence, and supply further evidence of the truth of the conclusions that have now
been stated.
The variations of velocity in the waves moving in opposite directions are clearly
shown by the following Table VIII., which gives the time intervals between the
passage of the successive waves, irrespective of their direction. When the time
interviews increase, either the first, third, and fifth passages are accelerated, or the
second, fourth, and sixth are retarded ; and when the intervals diminish, the converse
holds good.
Time intervals between the passages of the successive waves, irrespective of
their direction.
Interval between Passages.
Kj %ftm VA\ja •
ht. min.
hr. min.
hr. min.
14 36
21 45
St. Petersburg
16 10
21 56
Aberdeen . .
12 0
24 40
26 0
11 48
24 49
27 12
Armagh • .
11 37
25 0
27 23
12 8
24 25
27 0
Liverpool • •
12 15
24 40
26 66
13 37
23 0
12 42
24 15
26 27
Magdeburg . .
J3 60
21 13
Valencia . .
11 19
25 32
12 20
12 32
24 17
26 6
12 30
24 28
26 10
12 35
23 56
Falmonth . .
12 2
Fare St. Maar
13 3
23 47
Montsonris . .
Munich . .
14 10
21 20
15 15
20 35
Modena . .
13 26
22 50
24 6
Serrs da Estrella
12 0
Coimbra . .
12 13
12 20
Palermo . .
San Fernando .-.
12 50
12 61
23 28
26 15
25 33
Mean . .
26 33
Table VIII. — continued.
Interval between Passages.
Manritius . .
Loanda • .
Dunedin . •
Wellington, N.Z...
Mean .
Mean .
South Georgia ..
Toronto . .
New York
Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y
Havana. .
hr. min.
26 13
i 18 15
8 15
7 33
7 30
7 20
7 40
5 15
hr. min. hr. min.
8 20 27 50
16 42 ! 19 23
30 13
29 58
31 35
2 18
2 36
1 10
hr. min.
6 45
15 45
11 15
9 14
9 14
34 7
34 20
34 14
hr. min.
28 30
20 0
24 15
*0 42
•1 3
1 48
hr. min.
6 15
15 0
10 38
36 25
36 52
37 37
36 39
37 1
• The order of the waves had been reversed here, so that the sixth wave arrived before the fifth.
From a comparison of twenty -four European stations, it appears that the mean
interval between the second and first passages is greater than that between the fourth
and third passages by 2 hours ; and, similarly, for twelve stations the mean of the
first of these intervals is greater, by 3 hrs. 40 mins., than the mean interval between the
sixth and fifth passages. At two of the American stations, Toronto and Washington,
the mean interval between the first two passages of the wave exceeded that
between the second pair by 5 hrs. 22 mins., and the first of these intervals exceeded
that between the smaller mean of the third pair of passages by 8 hrs. 41 mins. The
result of this great variation in the velocity of the waves was that at last the two
waves from the opposite directions became confused, and must have crossed each other;
and some doubt therefore exists as to the precise time that should be assigned to their
respective passages.
In order to illustrate the manner in which the disturbance travelled round the
earth, a series of projections, Plates X., XL, XII., and XIII., have been prepared, on
which the position of the wave is marked for each successive even hour of Greenwich
mean time, beginning with 4 hrs. of August 27th, civil reckoning, till its traces were
lt)st. The projection or development, which is quite coiiventional, shows Krakatoa
and its Antipodes in the centres of two circles, representing the two hemispheres, of
which those points are the poles. The geographical features of the earth are projected
on the hypothesis that distances from the centres of the two circles are the distances
of the points to be represented, measured over the earth's surface on the arc of a great
circle, from Krakatoa or from its Antipodes, as the case may be. The diameters of
the circles represent great circles passing through Krakatoa, and therefore indicate
the paths of the various points of the wave as it advanced.
The wave of atmospheric disturbance, if it had been propagated without intet-
ference, would have spread outwards from Krakatoa, in a gradually expanding small
circle, until it reached a distance of 90° from its origin, and thus have formed a great
circle ; beyond which it would have contracted as it advanced, till it once more
coalesced into a point or focus at the Antipodes. Thence it would return in like manner,
and again be concentrated at its starting point ; and so on, until it gradually died out.
The departure of the curved lines (which represent the successive positions of the
wave) from a true circular form, indicates the irregularity in the velocity of the various
points of the wave's front, and the distortion naturally increases gradually with the
prolonged duration of the wave's progress.
The phenomena are otherwise represented in Plates XIV. and XV., which show
more clearly the variation of the velocities of the wave's movement over the several
stations, and contrast the velocities of the motion in directions which may be spoken
of, in geperal terms, as being in conformity with, or in opposition to, that of the
earth's rotation.
In these two plates the time-intervals are represented by the ordinates, or
vertical distances from the base line, which corresponds with the assumed origin of
the reckoning, viz., 0 hrs. of August 27th, G.M.T., civil reckoning. The distances
of the several stations from Krakatoa, as measured on arcs of great circles, are the
abscissse or horizontal distances from the central line, supposed to represent the
origin of the wave ; those on the right of the central line, Plate XV., being the dis-
tances measured to the westward, or against the earth's rotation ; those on the left',
Plate XIV., being the distanceB measured in the opposite direction. An addition of
360^ is made for each complete passage of the wave round the earth.
The inclined lines drawn through the point where the central line cuts the
assumed moment of the origin of the wave, and the points on the proper ordinates
which represent the time of passage of the wave at the several stations, indicate the
Velocity of the wave's transmission ; an increased inclination showing reduced velocity,
and the converse. To distinguish between the waves that passed over different places,
the lines of velocity are differently drawn, as is explained on the Plate itself.
The retardation of that portion of the wave which travelled by way of the South
Pole to the North American stations, already referred to on page 74, is very well
shown by the diagram, Plate XIV., illustrating the progress of the wave travelling
with the earth's rotation. The line drawn from Krakatoa to Toronto has at first a
greater inclination than any other line, indicating that the velocity of the wave was,
in this part of its course, the least of all ; but afterwards the inclination becomes
less than that of any other line, showing that the velocity of the wave had changed
and become the greatest of all.
The observations at South Georgia, which, speaking in a general manner, lies in
the same track, confirm those at the American stations ; and indeed it seems that the
greatest retardation took place in the Southern Ocean, since (as the diagram will
show), the inclination of the velocity line would have had to be still further increased
to make it pass exactly through the point representing South Georgia.
Probably an explanation of this peculiar feature of the phenomena may be found
in the conditions of the wind and weather in the Southern Ocean, during the days on
which the wave passed over it, which are not known to us.
Section II.— SOUNDS.
In Table IX., p. 80, will be found a list of places at which the sounds of the
explosions were heard ; and although the list is not a complete one, it is as nearly
so as it was possible to make it with the information available. The repetition,
howevw, of places comparatively close to the Strait of Sunda could have given but
little additional value to the list, which, as it stands, contains all the more distant
places at which it has been reported that the sounds were heard.
No sounds were heard before the 26th ; and all the reports agree that the most
violent detonations occurred on the morning of the 27th. Owing, however, to the
great uncertainty which is attached to the times at which it is stated that the sounds
were heard — from the somewhat general way in which they are sometimes given, e,g.^
'^^t about 10 a.m.," or *' between 9 and 10 a.m./' &c., the unreliability of the clocks,
or from other causes — the exact times at which the explosions occurred cannot safely
be deduced from them ; although, as far as they bear upon the conclusions already
deduced from other sources as to the time of origin of the great air-wave^ so far from
their being opposed to those conclusions they appear to support them fairly welL
The sounds were heard with great distinctness over the most distant parts of
Java and Sumatra throughout the morning of the 27th, but it is very remarkable that
at many places in the more immediate neighbourhood of the volcano they ceased to be
heard soon after 10 a.m., although it is known that the explosions continued with
great intensity for some time longer. Very probably this peculiar phenomenon was
caused by the large amount of solid matter which at about that time (10 a,ra, local
time) was ejected into the atmosphere by the volcano, and which formed in the lower
strata of the air a screen of suflBcient density to prevent the sound waves from
penetrating to those places over which it was more immediately suspended.
The principal places mentioned in the Table have been marked upon Plate XVI.,
which is a map constructed upon a projection similar to that used for showing the
progress of the air-wave, and having Krakatoa as its centre.
Small circles have been drawn upon this map with radii of 10"^, 20^. , . , 50^ ■ and
it will be seen that the 30° line is touched, or closely approached, by places almost
entirely surrounding Krakatoa ; viz., Ceylon to the north-west, Perth and other
stations in West and South Australia to the south-east. New Guinea to the east,
and Manila to the north-east. • Diego Garcia, in the Chagos Group, almost due west
of Krakatoa, and Alice Springs, in South Australia, are beyond the 30'' line ; while
Rodriguez, to the south-west of Krakatoa, still more remote, lies beyond the 40^ line*
The shaded portion of the map represents approximately the area over which the
sounds of the explosions were heard, and is roughly equal to rather less than one-
thirteenth of the entire surface of the globe.
A special interest is attached to the report from Rodriguez, owing to the
fiict that it is not only the most remote place at which the sounds of the explosions
were heard, being very nearly 3,000 English miles from Krakatoa, but that it is
also the only instance on record of sounds having been heard at anything like
so great a distance from the place of their origin. It may, therefore, be well to
quote here the account given by Mr. James Wallis, Chief OflScer of Police, who is
responsible for the following narration : —
" On Sunday the 26th the weather was stormy, with heavy rain and squalls ;
the wind was from S.E., blowing with a force of from 7 to 10, Beaufort scale.
Several times during the night (26th — 27th) reports were heard coming from the
eastward, like the distant roars of heavy guns. These reports continued at intervals
M 2
of between three and four hours, until 3 p.m. on the 27th, and the last two were
heard in the directions of Oyster Bay and Port Mathurie."
At Diego Garcia, upwards of 2,250 English miles from Krakatoa, the sounds
were very distinctly heard, and were supposed to be those of guns fired by a vessel
in distress ; a belief which likewise prevailed at Port Blair in the Andaman Islands,
and at several places less remote from Krakatoa. In Ceylon, and also in Australia,
the sounds were heard at many diflTerent places fer removed from each other ; while
at Dorey, in New Guinea, they were clearly heard, and their occurrence was recorded
at the time, long before it was known to what cause they were due. These
circumstances are of value as confirmatory evidence of the sounds having been really
heard at those distant places.
That the detonations were heard so much further to the westward than they
appear to have been to the eastward of Krakatoa, was most probably due to the
westward motion of the lower strata of the atmosphere in tlie region of the Trades,
within which the most distant station, Rodriguez, lies.
It may be noticed also that a communication was made to the " Academic des
Sciences," and published in the Comptes Rendus in March, 1885 (vol. c, p. 755),
giving an account of sounds said to have been heard in the Cayman Islands in
Lat. 20^ N. Long. 80° W. from Greenwich, South of Cuba, on August 26th, 1883,
which were* attributed to the eruption at Krakatoa. The evidence, however, is of
so indefinite a nature that it has not been inserted in the tabular statement annexed.
List of Places at which the Sounds of the Explosions at Krakatoa were heard
on the 26th and 27th of August, 1883.
Distance from
in English miles.
Anjer . . . •
Tiie sounds of the explosions were heard from the
afternoon of the 26th.
'' At 7 26th, heavy detonations and violent
shocks, but no earthquake."
St. Nicholas Point
Sounds heard on 26th and 27th,
Chikandie Udik
"The reports grew louder and louder, until the
gronnd shook sensibly. When evening set in
(26th), the detonations, far from diminishing,
increased in violence." Report by an English
Batavia .. .. ..
" On 26th, about 4 p.m., a series of detonations was
heard; towards night they grew louder; till in
the early morning the reports and concussions
were simply de«3ening." Report by Lloyd's
agent at Batavia.
.Table IX. — continued.
Serang . .
Caiimon Java Island
Near Toelong Agong, 100 miles
from Soarabaja.
Sonrabaya (also on board the
Sea Witch, ashore in the bay).
Distance from
in English miles.
Banjos Wangi, Straitg of Bali
Yngya Karta
Katimbang, north-east coast of
Snnda Strait.
Dell • . •
Acheen • •
Eotta Radja
Padang . .
Krod • .
About 400 (?)
The loudest sounds were heard shortly after 10 a.m.
on the 27th. . .
A low rumbling sound heard at 1 p.m., 26th, in-
creasing in intensity soon afterwards, and con-
tinuing all through the night, with occasional
"violent explosions.
Sounds were heard from the evening of the 26th
till the afternoon of the 27th.
Under the belief that a vessel was in distress, several
native boats were despatched to render assistanc^b
on the evening of the 26th.
" The noise sounded like great guns being fired at
irregular intervals, and it continued all through
the night, 26th-27th." Extract from letter of
Mr. Edward St. George.
The detonations were heard on the 26th and 27th
so distinctly that it appeared impossible they
could have come from such a distance as
The sounds were heard on the 26th and 27th.
The soands were heard on the 26th and 27th.
The loudest report was at about 10 a.m., 27th.
"When it had become quite ^ark on the 26th,
fearful detonations were heard, like thunder and
reports of guns." The loudest report was heard
at about 10 a.m. on 27th.
The atrial vibrations were so strong as to cause the
walls of houses to shake. The soands were
heard from the aflernoon of the 26th till the
morning of the 27th.
The sounds were heard from the afternoon of the
26th till 11 a.m. 27th. '
The sounds were heard on the 26th and 27th.
It was supposed that a fort was being attacked, and,
in consequence, the troops were put under arms.
The sounds, were not heard after the night of the
*' At 8.30 a.m., 27th, a heavy explosion, repeated
five minutes afterwards. .... During aU this
time a fearful noise was heard from afar, which
became stronger after 11 a.m." The soun^:^
were first heard at 5 p.m. 26th.
The sounds were heard from the afternoon of the 26th.
The sounds were heard on the 26th and 27th. A
report was heard on the morning of the 28th also.
.Table IX. — continiied.
Lepa Island
Tanjong Pandang
Distance from
in English miles.
277 (abottt)
Cape St. Jame8,10* 19' N., 107'
Saigon ,
The detonations were most violent during the
night of the 26th.
The loudest reports were heard near mid-day on
the 27th. It was thought that a vessel was in
Loudest shortly before noon on the 27th.
Two steamers were sent on the 27th to look for the
vessel which was supposed to be firing guns as
signals of distress.
" Till 3 p.m. on Monday, the 27th, conversation was
utterly impossible on the Ishore telephone line.
On raising the tubes a perfect roar, as of a
waterfall, was heard, and by shouting at the top
of one's voice the clerk at the other end heard
the voice, but not one single sentence was under-
stood. The same noise, but to a less extent, was
noticed on eveiy line here, and sometimes, while
listening to the Ishore line instruments, a report
like a pistol was heard." (The telephone line
crosses the strait between Singapore and Ishore
by a short cable about one soile in length.)
The sounds were heard from 4.30 p.m. 26th till
5 p.m. 27th.
The sounds were thought to be distant salvos of
artillery. Reports were heard on the 26th and
At 11 a.m. 27th the sounds were mistaken for a salute
from an American corvette, which, however, had
sailed four hours previously.
The reports were heard on the 27th, and are also
said to have been heard 100 miles in the interior.
The sounds were heard on the 27th.
The sounds were heard on the 27th
Table IX. — continued.
Distance from
in English miles.
Bandjermasin . .
Jampaga • •
Labuan • .
Bangaej Island. .
Elopara . .
St. Lncia Bay . .
Samarinda, Koetei
Palawan . •
Manila, Luzon . .
Manado, V 30' N., 124** 47' E.
Island of Lombock
Island of Timor. •
1,460 (about)
First heard on 26tli.
First beard on the 26tb.
The sounds were heard on the 27th.
The sounds were heard on the 26th and 27th.
First heard at 7 p.m. 26th; loudest at 11 a.m. 27th.
The sounds appear to have been heard only on the
See also the note, page 88, by Commander Hon. F.
Vereker, R.N., H.M.S. Magpie.
'* It seemed as if heavy guns were being fired, at a
distance of not over four or five miles away *'
" The noise of the eruption was plainly heard all
over Borneo. The natives inland, who murdered
poor Witti, when they heard the noise, thought
we were coming to attack them from the east and
west coasts, and bolted away from their village "
(26th-27th). Letter of L. von Donop, North
The sounds were heard on the 26th and 27th.
** The detonations were heard on the 27th, half-way
up the Palawan coast."
The sounds were imagined to be signals from a ship
in distress, and preparations were made to render
assistance (27th).
The sounds are said to have been heard not only in
the town, but over the entire province in which it
is situated (from the evening of the 26th to the
Two steamers were sent to sea on the 27th to
ascertain the cause of the reports. The sounds
were heard over the whole province.
The reports were heai*d in all parts of the island, as
well as in the adjoining one of Bali (26th-27th).
The sounds were heard all over the island. A
Government steamer was despatched to ascertain
their cause (26th-27th).
Table IX. — continu^^
Distance from
in English miles.
Salwatty Island, North-west
Dorey, Geelvink Bay
Perth . .
• . • •
CoBsack ..
Victoria Plains ..
•1,700 (about)
Alice Springs, 23** 41' S., 133°
37' E.
Undoolga, 25 miles east of Alice
Daly Waters, 16^ 18' S., 133^
25' E.
Elsey Creek, 15* 10' S., 133°
23' E.
2,250 (about)
* The Rajah of Salwatty, whom I met at the village
of Samatu, told me that the noise of the eruption
had been audible there.** Dr. F. H. Guillemard,
M.A., F.L.S. (No date given.)
* The reports were heard on the 27th by M. van
Hasselt, residing at Dorey, and recorded at the
time in his diary. The natives reported to him
that they had heard similar sounds on the 26th.
He described the sounds as being like distant
cannonading.** Extract from letter of Dr. F. H.
Guillemard, M.A., F.L.S.
" This coast has been visited (27th) by ... . sounds
as of the firing of guns inland.'* Staff-Commander
Coghlan, R.N.
At Geba^ldton and at Cossack the meteorological
observers reported that sounds were heard on tha
27th resembling heavy guns, the reports at
Geraldton being preceded by a rumbling noise.
The observer at Cossack says that similar report<s
were heard along the coast from the Ash burton
to the Sherlock rivers, and inland as far as the
Hamhebsley range.
" People were startled by hearing a series of loud
reports, resembling those of artillery at a distance
in a north-westerly direction. The first sounds
were heai*d by a few persons at 11 p.m. on Sunday
(26th), continuing at irregular intervals till
about 4 p.m. on Monday ; sometimes as many as
three reports occurred in a minute, but generally
there was a few minutes' interval." Western
Australian, September 4.
•' Two distinct reports, similar to the discharge of a
rifle, were heard on the morning of the 27th, and
similar sounds were heard at a sheep camp nine
miles west of the station, and also at Undoolga,
25 miles east.'* Report by Mr. Skinner.
" On Sunday, the 26th, at midnight we were
awakened by an explosion resembling the blasting
of a rock, which lasted for a few minutes. Next
morning, between 9.30 and 10 o'clock, a similar
noise, with slight vibration, was heard and felt, oon-
tinaing for 15 minutes. Men camped ^ve miles
south of Daly Waters also heard it, and the noise
was heard also at Elsey Creek and other places on
the overland telegraph." Report by Mr. Kemp.
Table IX. — continued.
BiBtAnoe from
in English miles.
Port Blair
Dutch Bay
Hambantota . ,
Tissa Mab& lUma (near Ham-
North Namona Koolie, Badalla,
Tumpalancholai and Mabd
Oja (on the Badalla road).
1,870 (abont)
The sounds were heard on the 26th and 27th.
** All day on August the 27th unusual sounds were
heard, resembling the boom of guns. Thinking
there might be a wreck or a ship in distress, the
Tavoy Superintendent sent out the police launch,
but they could see nothing."
'* Extraordinary sounds were heard, as of guns
firing" (26th-27th), Extract from report by
officer in charge.
*' At 9.30 p,m. on the 26th a report was heard as of a
distant signal gun. Steamer was sent round the
coast to search for the vessel supposed to be
firing as signals of distress. Similar sounds
were heard at irregular intervals during the two
following days." Extract from letter of Mr. E.
g. Man.
** Several reports were heard in Port Blair, sup-
posed to be from some ship in distress. Weather
between August the 27th and 29th very unsettled,
and heavy rain and wind prevailed." Extract
from Port Offiper's report,
The sounds were heard from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m., 27th.
" Reports heard by three persons from 7 a,m. on the
26th, and by many persons during the 26th, on the
night of the 26th'27th, and during the 27th.
The usual style was a steady sequence of reports,
and then a rapid saccession of them, ending, very
often, in a loud bu?«t of two or three, or half a
dozen, almost together, which was generally fol-
lowed by a lull. The intensity of the sounds
varied greatly." — Letter from Mr. H. Parker.
Heard at noon on the 27th, and continued for half
an hour, ** I thought it might be some volcano
in action out at sea, or else ships firing heavy guns."
** Captain Walker and Mr. Fielder were puzzled at
various times during the forenoon of the 27th,
by hearing noises as if blasting was going on,
though there was nothing of the sort for a very
considerable distance, if anywhere in the district."
Table IX. — continued.
Distance from
in English miles.
Kotinalie Valley
Bogawanialawa .
Galle ..
Mann&r ..
'' The District Mudalijar reported that sonnds were
heard, as if cannon were being fired, from
midnight, Aagost 26th, till noon, Augnst 27th.
The sounds seemed to come from the east, and
from no g^reat distance. The apparent proximity
of the explosions reported from the Mnlliyayalai
Patta may have been due to the hilly nature of
the country there.*' Report by Mr. S. Haughton,
Assistant Qoyemment Agent.
Sonnds, resembling distant guns, were heard«
At first the sounds were thought to be those of
guns fired at Trincomalee. First heard on the
^' At about midnight, 2Gth, I heard about five or six
times a noise as of a cannon, at intervals of 15
minutes, towards the east. On the morning of
the 27th, too, about three times I noticed a noise
similar to that of the discharge of a cannon over
the sea towards the east." From Signaller's
report. ^' The Sub-Collector states that at about
6 p.m. on the evening of the 26th he heard a loud
report, as if a cannon was discharged down
southward, which he and the people near him
thought to be thunder.*' Report by Mr. Elliott,
Acting Governn^ent Agent.
''Mr. Christie, of the Public Works Department,
told me he had heard loud explosions seawards
that morning (27th), and that, as they seemed
like the discharge of heavy artillery, he presumed
some man-of-war was practising with her big
guns out of sight of land, as he could see no
ships." Report by Mr. Elliott.
Sounds as of firing of cannon at Trincomalee.
The sounds were heard on the 27 th.
'' The sounds were heard here most distinctly. They
were like blasting on the BillhuUoya side, and
kept on all day, from 7.30 a.m. till 4p.m." (27th).
The sounds were heard on the 27th.
"Loud sounds, resembling the report of distant
cannon, were heard to the eastward on the 27th."
Report by Mr. Fowler, Assistant Government
Table IX. — continued.
Distance from
in English miles.
1,900 (about)
Diego Chu'cia
Barque Wm, H. Besse— Oft
Northern portion of Java.
Ship Charles Bal
Ship Barjild
SS. Anerley — ^Prom the Strait
of Banca to near the North
Watcher Island.
Ship (? name) — Off Lepa
From about 40 to
toa. Vessel ap*
preaching the
From aboat 11
south to 67 N.E.
of Krakatoa.
About 75 east of
From about 250
to 90 N.E. of
About 230 N.N.E.
of Krakatoa.
" I heard distinctly, at about 6 p.m. on the 26th
(local time), a loud report, as if a cannon was
discharged down southward." Report bj Mr.
Alfred Koch.
Like heavy guns fired at sea in the direction of
Hambantota on the 27th.
" Le lundi 27 Aoiit entre 10 et 1 1 heures du matin,
pendant le dejeuner, nous avons entendu des
detonations sourdes mais violentes. Nous avons
cru tellement k Tappel d*un navire en d^tresse
oue nous avons couru et que j'ai envoye plusieurs
homnies ve1*s le rivage exterieur de Tile sur
plusieurs points diff^rentes, en observation. Le
Capitaine Florentin, de VEva Joshua, et son
second M. Daniel Sauvage, venaient de quitter
Pointe de Test pour aller mouiller k Pointe
Marianne, lorsqu'ils ont entendu les m^mes
d^touations. lis ont aussitot envoy^ des hommes
en observation k reztremit^ des mAts. Mais
comme les miens ils n'ont rien vu." Extract from
letter of M. Lecomte.
^* Several times during the night of the 26th~27th
reports were heard coming from the eastward,
like the distant roars of heavy guns. These re-
ports continued at intervals of between three and
four hours, until 3 p.m. on the 27th (= 5*48 p.m.
local time at Krakatoa), and the last two were
heard in the direction of Oyster Bay and Port
Mathurie." Report by Mr. James Wallis, Chief
of Police.
" Throughout the afternoon and night of the 26th
we heard heavy reports, like the discharge of
heavy artillery. At 10 a.m. on the 27th we heard
some terrific reports."
"The sounds were very intense, and continuous
from 3.30 p.m., 26th, to 1.30 p.m., 27th.
At anchor near Great Kombuis Island throughout
the 27th.
" Noise on the 27th resembled distant cannonading."
" The detonations were heard all over the Ishmd
of Banca during the 26th-27th."
The sounds were first heard on the 26th.
N 2
Table IX. — contintied.
Distance from
in Engliflh miles.
Brig Airlie — LsLt 0** 30' S.,
Lon. lOS'' 54' E.
**At 3 p.m. 26th. Sonndfl like those of heavy
artillery, which continued till about 10 p.m.
The last report made the ship tremble all over."
Ship Ida— Lat. 2'' 42' K, Lon.
108° 12' E.
The sounds were heard on the 27th to the south*
H.M.S. Magpie— Ls^t.y 52' N.,
Lon. 118^22' E.
"The noise of the detonations caused by Mount
EIrakatoa, resembling distant heavy cannonading,
was distinctly heard by us, and by the inhabitants
of this coast as far as Banguey Island, on August
27th." Conunander Hon. Foley C. P. Vereker,
Barque Charlotte— Trom Lat.
11" 42' S. and Lon. 107° 54'
B., to Lat. 8* 18' S. and Lon.
106° 42' E.
414 to 166 •
The sounds of the explosions were heard from 5 p.m.
26th tiU 10 a.m. 27th.
Brigantine Adriatio — ^Lat. 10**
S., Lon. 106° E.
The sounds of the explosions were heard on the
26th and 27th.
Barque Jbnc—Lat. 4" 46' S.,
Lon. 90° E., to Lat. 7" 45' S.,
Lon. 93° E.
1,072 to 865
Sounds were heard on the 26th and 27th.
Brig Catherine— Ls,t 6° 31' S.,
Lon. 86° 46' E., to Lat. 9** S.,
Lon. 87° 19' E.
1,291 to 1,268
The sounds were first heard on the evening of the
Brig Pmm— Lat. 1° 39' S.,
Lon. 92' 17' E, to Lat. 2° 59'
S., Lon. 92° 11' E.
944 (mean)
" Constant peals of thunder were heard on the 26th
and 27th in the direction of Sumatra, but with-
out any appearance of lightning."
Ship Lennox Ocwrf/e— Lat. 0° 0',
Lon. 91° 23' E.
The sounds were heard on the 26th.
Ship Barfcarowo— Lat. 1° 42' S.,
Lon.93M2'E.,to Lat. 2'* 36'
S., Lon. 92° 54' E.
Sounds heard on the 27th in south-east like gnns or
distant thunder, but no lightning visible.
Kjvkatoa, Rep Hoy. Soc. Con\,
Flate W.
Copies of the record, of
-were received fbr the
another instrument
South. Georgia,
Majby & SoTUi, l.irh .
Z^a]caZoa,.B^.B^y.SocCom. BAROMETER CURVES
AUGT & SEPT^_1883.
Plate Vm
-■) +
\. ^- ^_
V !
-f -
- -i
- I
n ■ H
1 1 1 1 1 J
. 1.
Nen IbrJc
^Mo/ife I
Zi-l w-H et
JheMark \ indicator Iht part of the tnart seiectod for Measta-ement.
caca.Rep. Roy. Soc. Com..
Plate IX.
27"?^ AUGUST, 1883.
- lEowr.
^lOmnu \Oriffirua. ScaUs.
Malb/ & Sons.Lith.
Stt note, in text p. 73.
The Scale onihe originxxL drngrairvteTnanja^ aJbthe point mxxrked. mtJh cv dotted Une.
sr.m Rep. Roy. Soc. Com,.
Maib^'- <fc Sons, Lttm
X Eep Roy. Soc. Corrt
WAVE ]S° ni .
Plate JU.
MaJtry * Sons, Jjth
^ccoion,R.ep. Roy. Soc. Com.
Fixite xn.
Mailry & Sonr., lafh
liatoa. Rep. Roy. Soc. Com,.
1 ^^
1 ^
X i**,^-
\ J/\
j\f Ic
\ y^/
/ ^
/ W ^-'-"'r^
\ j/y^
/ \ r^
/ vC'^^^ s
\ yy'^ jt
/ \J
\ yy/
\y' j^
' \
Mallry & Soils. JAxl^
KfixJcaZoa,. Rep. jj
j- American
^ Australian
\ Tropics
Maloy ^ Sons, JitK.
PlaU^ M
ilaiixy £c Sons, -Lith
KraJcatocu, R&p Roy. Soc. Com..
PART ni.
By Captain W. J. L. Whabton, E.N.^ F.R.S., in completion of the unfinished Notes
of Captain Sir F. J. Evans, RN., KC.B., F.E.S.
[In this Part Oeographical miles alone are naed.]
On the lamented death of Sir Frederick Evans, an examination of the papers
connected with the sea disturbance consequent upon the eruption of Krakatoa,
on which he was at work, revealed a number of notes showing that he had made
considerable advance with their discussion. I was requested to look at these
unfinished notes ; and at first I came to the conclusion that a small amount of labour
would suffice to complete them. When, however, I took upon myself to do this, I soon
found that I had miscalculated the task, and that the notes left, though very clear,
were but the preliminary foundation of the report ; and, moreover, that it would be
impossible to carry it on where Sir F. Evans had left off, as many points presented
themselves which required a thorough examination of the mass of original matter.
Sir F. Evans had commenced to form a table of the speed of the waves, and his
notes related principally to the selection of the crests marked on the different
diagrams as those identical with the first arrival of the great wave from Krajtatoa.
These I have verified, and in nearly every case have come to the same conclusion as
Sir F. Evans.
For the text of the report and the deductions which I have made I alone am
responsible, as no cliie was left as to any opinion Sir F. Evans may have formed
on the different points raised.
The time used throughout is civil mean time in days of 24 hours, counting fi-om
midnight. In the text, local time is referred to. For the calculation of the periods
of translation of the waves, the time is reduced to Greenwich civil time, but this is
given only in the tables showing the net results of the investigation.
Accouvt of the Phenomena relating io Sea Disturbance in the immediate vicinity of
Mr. R. D. M. Verbeek, a Dutch mining engineer resident at Buitenzorg, a
town situated in the interior of Java, about 30 miles south of Batavia, has collected
all the evidence forthcoming of the details of the eruption of Krakatoa which com-
menced on May the 20th, 1883, and culminated on August the 27th. This he has
published in his work " Krakatau" Parts I. and II., which, accompanied by charts
and sketches, forms a complete history of the outbreak and its effects in the
immediate vicinity.
As this is accessible, a comparatively brief statement of the leading proven
or accepted facts in connection with the great sea disturbance in the immediate
neighbourhood of the eruption will probably suffice as an introduction to the con-
sideration of the question of its propagation to distant shores. {See also Part I.)
During the earlier eruption in May, and up to August, no remarkable movement
of the water was observed. The violence of the explosions recommenced diuring the
early afternoon of the 26th of August, a particularly heavy detonation being heard
at about 17.30 on that day.
This was marked by the pressure gauge of the gas works at Batavia at about
the same time; and, between 18 and 19 hours, the first large wave reached
the Java shore at Tyringin, 24 miles from Krakatoa, where it destroyed many
houses near the sea. At about the same time a wave caused considerable damage
at Telok Betong, at the head of Lampong Bay in Sumatra, 44 English miles from
At about 19 hrs., or 19 hrs. 30 mins., the low-lying Chinese Camp at Merak was
swept away. At Anjer this wave was only about 5 feet high.
From this time the sea in the Strait of Sunda was much agitated, but no further
large wave is recorded until the morning of the 27th.
On the 27th at 1 hr. the village of Sirik, 6 miles south of Anjer, was
submerged ; and one account mentioas a wave at Telok Betong at 1 hr. 30 mins.
At about 6 hrs. 30 mins. a wave swept away nearly the whole of Anjer, which
lay low, and this was followed at about 7 hrs. 30 mins. by another, which completed
the destruction. At the same time the lower part of Telok Betong, in Sumatra, was
overwhelmed. Two heavy air waves are recorded on the gas pressure gauge at
Batavia at 5 hrs. 43 mins. and 6 hrs. 57 mins., which are probably connected with
the explosions causing these waves.
At some time a^ter 10 o'clock an immense wave inundated the whole of the
foreshores of Java and Sumatra, bordering the Strait of Sunda, and carried away
the remaining portions of the towns of Tjrringin, Merak, and Telok Betong, as well
as many other hamlets and villages near the shore.
To this wave, undoubtedly the largest, must be attributed the disturbance which
spread so far over the surface of the ocean.
At places comparatively near and immediately exposed to the direct disturbance
emanating from Krakatoa, no mention is made of waves after this great one, nor is
even the great wave itself recorded. The darkness, and the fact of all the survivors
of the 6 hrs. 30 mins. and 7 hrs. 30 mins. waves having fled from the shore, are
sufficient to axscount for this omission. At the lighthouse at Vlakke Hoek alone, the
great wave is said to have repeated itself three times at intervals of about half-an-
At one or two places outside the Strait the waves were observed to continue.
Thus at Tjabang, about 90 miles to the north, in Sumatra, eleven waves were counted
between 15 hours on the 27th and 6 hours on the 28th. At Batavia, the disturbance
lasted from noon on the 27th to midnight on the 28th ; and fourteen waves, with a
steady period, were marked on the tide gauge. As the explosions of the volcano
•continued during the whole of the 27thj it may fairly be assumed that some other
waves were generated subsequent to the 10 o'clock one.
After 16 hrs. ao mins. the detonations are mentioned as gradually diminishing in
force until 6 hours on the 28th.
Several ships were in the Strait during the great eruption and experienced
terrible weather, heavy squalls from different directions, confused sea, lightning, and
a rain of mud, ashes, and pumice. None of these ships mention any particularly
large waves, nor was any damage done by the sea. One vessel at anchor six miles
from St. Nicholas Point, mentioned a rapid current of 10 knots an hour (estimated)
running towards the volcano some time after the great explosion*
It is specially worthy of remark that no earthquake shock is recorded at any
time during the eruption, except on the evening of the 26th, when, at Anjer, the
earth is said to have trembled.
When the site of the eruption could be examined^ it appeared that the following
changes had taken place : —
Of the north part of the island of Krakatoa, an area of nearly six miles, with
an average height of 7oO feet, had disappeared, on which the sea rolled of a depth
not yet ascertained, but over 150 fathoms in some places. Taking the average height
of the missing portion to be 700 feet, and the present depth at 300 feet, the mass of
matter thus blown away may be considered as 1^ cubic miles.
The portion of the island that remained seems to have received, according to
Mr. YfiEBEEK, an addition of about 'one square mQe, by upheaval on the side remote
from the portion which disappeared. This cannot be considered very certain, seeing
that the former sm^vey by Mr. J. Richards, R.N., did not pretend to be accurate, as
the original in the Hydrographic Department shows.
The Peak, 2,647 feet high (Richards's Survey), had been shorn in two, leaving on
the north face of the remaining portion a precipitous cliff of the same height
Verlaten Island, which lay close to the north-west of Krakatoa, had a super-
ficies of about one square mile before the eruption. It now has an area of nearly
three miles.
Lang Island, to the north-east, and also close to Krakatoa, was little changed, but
had received a slight addition on its northern side.
Two smaU new islands of mud and pumice, almost a-wash, standing on extensive
banks, had made their appearance seven miles to the northward of Krakatoa, where
formerly a depth of 80 feet existed.
The depths over an area of 140 square miles around Krakatoa had undergone
alterations; in most cases upheaval having taken place, but in some, subsidence. The
precise amount is difficult to estimate, as the old sounduigs were in many parts
scanty, but the general fact of change may be taken for granted,
Eeyond this area, no alteration has yet been discovered in the depth of the sea,
so that the movement is assumed to have been comparatively local. The first reports,
to the effect that the whole of the Strait of Sunda had been altered, were exaggera-
In one part the change is very marked, and materials exist for more detailed
statements. Between Lang Island and Sebesi, over an area of about 72 square
miles, the depths are greatly reduced. The bank, 18 mile^ ia area, on which the two
new islands. Steers and Calmeyer, stood, has now an average depth of 12 feet, where
formerly it had 120 feet. Over the remainder of this area, or p,bout 59 square miles,
the reduction in depth averages about 30 feet. The Chart^^ Nos, 1 md 2, show the
condition of the Strait before and after the eruptiou.
The times of arrival of the waves at different plitces on the shores of the Strait
are but vaguely noted, and this is especially the case with the great wave after
10 o'clock of the 27tb. Terror and dismay reigned everywhere, and darkness had
settled over the land. At Anjer, also, where this wave must have come, no one was
left to see it, the few survivors having fled to the hills.
To some extent the same uncertainty attaches to the height of the waves.
All who observed the wave after 10 o'clock, however, agree that it was the largest,
and this is supported by all the evidence forthcoming. As this wave alone appears
to have travelled to places at great distances, it is the most important. All observa-
tions founded on measurements of the marks left by the water are considered as
relating to this wave.
The inundated portions of the shores of the Strait of Sunda are indicated on
map, p. 17, and Mr. Yerbeek also mentions, in his account of the disaster; the
maximum height in different localities. It is not, however, stated by whom the
contours on Mr. Verbeek's maps were obtained, nor is the means of obtaining the
limit reached by the water stated in every case. As far as can be gathered, the
following were the altitudes to which the wave attained at places on each shore of
the Strait of Sunda, and in the immediate vicinity of the volcano.
Java Shore.
At Merak, 33 miles from Krakatoa, the height of the wave was estimated by
Mr. McCoLL to be 135 feet ; by Mr. Nieuwenhuys, an engineer, 100 feet. It does
not appear on what these estimates are based. The greatest height measured at which
buildings were washed away was 47 feet. Mr. Verbeek, on his plan, shows the hill
sides to have been washed by the water to a height of 115 feet. The peculiar
position of Merak, standing at the head of a funnel-shaped strait formed by the
island of Merak, may have caused the wave to be higher there than elsewhere.
At Anjer, 26 miles from Krakatoa, the height of the wave at 6 hrs. 30 mins. is
stated to have been over 33 feet. The subsequent and higher waves are not appraised.
At Tyringin, 24 miles from the volcano, 50 feet is mentioned as the measured
height of the water at one spot. As people who gained the hills at the back of the
plain, stated to be 67 to 100 feet high, were saved, it does not appear that the wave
could have been much over 70 feet.
At Princes Island, 25 miles distant, the water is said to have attained a height
of 50 feet.
Surtiaira Shore.
At Katimbang, 19 miles from Krakatoa, the wave is stated by Mr. Verbeek to
have reached a mean height of 80 feet.
At Telok Betong, the water reached within 6 feet of the top of the hill on which
the Residence stands at a height of 78 feet, and was consequently 72 feet high. This
seems the most accurate measurement of aU those given. The man-of-war, " Berouw^^
was carried 1 '8 miles inland up the valley, and left about 30 feet above the level of
the sea.
At the lighthouse on Vlakke Hoek the water rose 50 feet.
From these different measurements I have assumed that the actual height of
the wave, before it reached the shore, was about 50 feet.
To ascertain the time of the genesis of the great wave is not, at first sight, easy,
nor can it by any means be arrived at with certainty.
How the wave was formed, whether by large pieces of the mass of the island
falling into the sea ; by a sudden submarine explosion ; by the violent movement of
the crust of the earth under the water ; or by the sudden rush of water into the
cavity of the volcano when the side was blown out — ^must ever remain, to a great
extent, uncertain; but more of this hereafter. What precisely took place during this
tremendous outburst no one knows. The island was shrouded in smoke and fire, and
was never clearly seen ; nor did any vessel approach near enough to note any changes
in its outline during the eruption. It is, however, evident that the three larger waves
were intimately connected with the three great explosions, for, though the testimony
of ear-witnesses is not clear on the point of the comparative force of the different
detonations, as measured by the sound, happily the pressure gauge at the gasworks at
Batavia, before mentioned, gives no uncertain evidence.
This has already been referred to also in Part II., p. 69, and the record is
reproduced in Plate IX., whence it will be seen that the three largest movements.
Viz., those at 5 hrs. 4^ mins., 6 hrs. 57 mins., and 10 hrs. 18 mins., were all apparently
connected with the highest three waves recorded. As far as that at 10 hrs. 18 mins.
is concerned, there is reason to believe that the sea and air waves were formed
practically synchronously.
Batavia is distant 83 miles in a straight line from Krakatoa. Thus, deducting
8 minutes for the time taken by the air wave to travel this distance, and 5^ minutes
for the difference of longitude, the time of genesis of the air wave would be 10 hrs
4^ mins. of Krakatoa time.*
The tide gauge at Batavia also affords valuable evidence and an independent
means of arriving at a time for the starting of the great wave. This automatic
instrument has recorded the idrst great wave at 36 minutes past noon. The time
taken, according to the formula, V=\/^, by a wave in travelling the distance
between the two places (100 sea miles), and in the depths shown by the excellent
chart which exists, is 2 hrs. 80 mins. Deducting this and the 5^ minutes' difference
of longitude, we get 10 hrs. 0 min., Krakatoa time, as the hour at which the great
wave left the island. This I have adopted, and I find that Mr. Verbeek has come
to the same conclusion.
On account of the intricacy of the route, this result can be considered approxi*
mate only, but the agreement with the other determination is sufficiently near to
corroborate the substantial accuracy of tlie time assumed.
In calculating the time of the propagation of the wave to Batavia, Mr. Verbeek
has estimated the height of the volcanic wave in various sections, and calculated
his speed for those sections, by the formula, V= a/ ^{^+€) (2 A+e), where g iB
gravity, h the depth of water, and e the height of the crest above the normal level
of the water. I have contented myself with the formula, V= ^gh. My result for
the time of propagation agrees exactly with that of Mr. Verbeeb:, which is to be
accounted for by the different routes which we have assumed the wave to take,
among the numerous islands and shoals, and also by the different depths which we
have calculated for the various sections ; for, though I have styled the chart excellent,
the bottom is so uneven that any attempt to arrive at a very accurate estimate of
mean depths can be only deceptive.
To Anjer the wave would have taken 37 minutes, to Tyringin 30 minutes, to
Merak 45 minutes, and to Telok Betong 61 minutes.
* See p. 69, where General Strachey, from the discussiou of several barograph diagrams, arrives
at a slightly diflferent conclusion.
Assuming that waves were generated at some or all of the great explosions
registered by the pressure gauge at the gasworks at Batavia, the following table
shows the time of arrival of such waves at the above places on the shores of the
Strait of Sunda. The second column gives the measure of the force of the air waves
as registered by the pressure gauge : —
Air wave at Batavia. '
Water wave
. left
Arrive at
ExcMs of ladi-
. catorreadinff
above estimated
h. m.
h. m.
h, m.
h. m.
h. m.
26th— 17
17 07
17 37
17 44
17 52
18 08
27th— 1
1 42
2 12
2 19
2 27
2 43
2 25
2 55
3 02
3 10
3 26
4 43
6 13
5 20
5 28
5 44
5 30
6 00
6 07
6 15
6 31
6 44
7 14
7 21
7 29
7 45
.. 9
9 29
9 59
10 06
10 14
10 30
„ 10
10 02
10 32
10 30
10 47
11 02
„ 11
10 52
11 22
11 29
11 37
11 53
We have, however, records only of certain sea waves, which may be connected
with some of the air waves.
Air wave at Batavia.
Sea wave at
h. m.
26th-— 17 20 p.m.
Between 18 and 19.
Telok Betong.
19 or 19.30.
27tli— 1 55 a.m.
"About" 1.
„ 5 43 „ ... ...
„ 6 57 „
Telok Betong.
„ 6.30.
Between 6 and 7.
*' About*' 7.30.
One fact in connection with these inundations on the coasts exposed to the direct
waves from Krakatoa is worthy of notice ; and that is, that the earlier waves,
though of no insignificant height, were partial. Thus, the wave between 18 hrs. and
19 hrs. of the evening of the 26th was scarcely noticed at Anjer, although on the same
shore, to the north and south, considerable damage was done. The village of Sirik,
only 6 miles from Anjer, was destroyed at 1 hr. on the 27th ; but this wave is not
mentioned at any other place.
Krakatoa stands in the centre of the Strait of Sunda, the shores of which form
a rough elongated semi-ellipse. The outward, or western, portion of the ellipse being
absent, permits free outlet for waves in that direction into the Indian Ocean. The
eastern smaller end of the ellipse also is missing ; and permits waves to travel in that
direction through a passage 12 miles in width.
o 2
To the west, the water is clear and deepens regularly to the Indian Ocean ; as
far as the imperfect nature of the survey admits of estimation.
To the east, the water is comparatively shallow : a large island blocks the
already narrow channel, reducing it to 9 1 miles, which opens into the stiU shallower
Java Sea, encumbered with reefs and shoals, and hemmed around by the far extending
islands of the Eastern Archipelago.
To the west, therefore, the waves from Erakatoa, which we have seen were
probably 50 feet in height on leaving the island, have freely spread. To the east,
friction among the shoals has rapidly reduced them ; so that their extension in that
direction has been comparatively small.
The indications of the tide gauge of the harbour of Tanjong Priok at Batavia
are most valuable, as giving the nearest and most unmistakable record of the
Krakatoa waves, A glance at the diagram will show the character of the dis-
From 20 hrs. of the 26th, the curve begins to show signs of oscillations of level,
which are, however, small until noon of the 27th, not averaging more than 3 inches.
Notwithstanding, waves may be traced corresponding to the explosions of 1 hr.
42 mins., 2 hrs. 25 mins., and 5 hrs. 30 mins. of the 27th, of which the best marked is
that corresponding to the 5 hrs. 30 mins. explosion, which aiTived at Batavia at
8 hrs. 20 mins.
At 11 hrs. 30 mins. the water began quickly to rise ; and at 12 hrs. 15 mins. a
perpendicular line shows that the final rise was almost a wall of water, as the first
great wave arrived and inundated the shore. This attained a height of 7^ feet above
water level at the time, at 12 hrs. 36 mins. It then fell as rapidly to 10 feet below
the level. These measurements are those given by Mr. Verbeek, who states that
the gauge would not register the full range of the wave. The diagram shows only
+ 1*60 m., and — 0*23 m„ but Mr. Vebbebk states that the measurement for high
level was taken on the stones of the pier as + 2*35 m.
That for low level he gives as — 3*15 m. The gauge would register — 1*10 m. ;
but Mr. Yebbeek gives as his explanation of the lower minimum which he adopts, that
the water had already begun to rise under the influence of the second wave, before
the level could fall below — 0*23 m. It is not easy to understand, if this was so,
how the water could have been noted at — 3*15 m., and the shape of the curve does
not give any justification for the assumption. He does not say how the observations
for the minimum were taken, beyond the statement that they were made to fixed
points in the port. This figure therefore for the minimum appears doubtful, and I
am inclined to think that the range of this first wave cannot be considered as
very exact, and is probably under the amount given by Mr, VEltB]BEK, which is
18 feet.
The second wave als9 was above the highest point the gauge would mark, and
may be taken as Mr. Verbeek gives it, 1'95 m. This wave attained its maximum at
14 hrs. 48 mins., or 2 hra. 12 mins. after the first. Its crest was therefore 80 miles
distant when the first wave arrived.
It is to be remarked that at Batavia the first phenomenon was a rise unpreceded
by any faU of level, which appears to indicate that the wave leaving Krakatoa was
a positive one.
The first wave is followed by waves of gradually diminishing height, 14 of which
are at tolerably regular intervals, and give a mean period of 2 hrs. 02 mins. from crest
to crest. These are : —
h. m. h. m. h. m. H. m. h. m. lu m. h. m.
Times .. 12 36 14 48 16 43 18 58 20 25 22 20 0 40
b. m. li. m. H. m. h. in. h. m. h. m. h, m.
Intervals.. 2 12 1 55 2 15 1 27 1 55 2 20 2 30
Height in feet* 6^ i^ If 1^ i 1^ 1
b. m. h. m. b. m. b. m. b. m. b. m. b. m. b. nu
Times .. 3 10 5 10 7 20 9 10 11 00 13 10 14 55 17 05
b* m* b* in* b» m* b. m. b. m. b. m. b. nu
Intervals ,. 2 00 2 10 1 50 1 50 2 10 1 45 2 10
Height in inches 91194 4 2 3 3
This period of 2 hrs. 02 mins. is very reiTiarkable if the circumstances are con-
sidered. If the wave was caused by any sudden displacement of the water, as by
the falling of large masses of ejected m^^tter, and huge fragments of the missing
portions of Krakatoa, or by the violent rush of st§am from a submarine vent through
the water, it is hardly to be conceived that two hours would elapse before the
following wave, the second of the series, started after it.
K the supposition that the wave was caused by the opening of a great chasm in
the earth, by the bursting of the si4es of the hollowed Krakatoa, into which the sea
rushed, cpuld be inaintained, a wave of long period might also be explained ; but,
though some such inrush must have occurred when the water flowed over the site of
the island, to set up a long wave, as is now recjuired, two things appear necessary :
First, — that the chasm was large enough to permit water to flow into it con.
tinuously for an hour at a rate sufficiently rapid to cause a great lowering of the
water level in the vicinity of the island, in prder to set up a wave.
Secondly, — that the first effect reaching the shore was a negative wave.
Now, the first supposition is so improbable that it certainly requires evidence
before it can be adopted ; and the second is contrary to the record of the Batavi^
gauge, which shows a distinct positive wave as the earliest phenomenon.
If, however, upheaval of the bottom of the sea, more or less gradual, and lasting
^ These heights are, as all others of waves in this Part, measured from the normal level ot the
water At the time, as deduced from the tidal diagrams.
for about an hour, took place, we should have a steady long wave flowing away from
the upheaved area, which as it approached the shore would be pUed up considerably
above its normal height. Thus these waves of long period would be set up ; and
this would also account for the rapid current recorded by the ship " William H.
Besse/' which is described as 10 miles an hour, though probably that is au
exaggeration. The water would flow back on the motion ceasing.
If we now turn to the condition of the area round Erakatoa and compare it
with the previous state of things, we find that, as summarized at page 92, upheaval
has taken place over a large surface. Two entire islands have appeared where
formerly the water was deep. Verlaten Island has been increased by two square
mQes, and extensive banks have been raised.
I should have been inclined to consider this as the sole caiise of the great waves,
more especially as it would entirely explain the somewhat remarkable &Lct that ships
not far from the volcano at the time the wave was travelling from it, felt nothing of
the stupendous undulation which rushed so far up the slopes of the hills.
We find, however, as wQl be seen when the eye observations at distant places
are Considered, that, besides the waves of long period, which after travelling
thousands of miles were not of sufficient height to attract much notice, waves were
observed by eye-witnesses following one another at rapid intervals of from five to
fifteen minutes, and of heights of from two to three feet, though, from their short
duration, they were not marked upon the gauges.
These seem to demand another cause, and it appears to me that they may be due
to the large masses of the island blown away by the force of the explosions and
falling into the sea, or, possibly, to the sudden displacement of the water over a
submarine vent.
The missing mass of Ki*akatoa may be roughly estimated to be at least two hundred
thousand million cubic feet (200,000,000,000). A fiftieth part of this mass dropping
suddenly into the water would, by its displacement alone, furnish sufficient liquid to
form a wave circle of 100 miles in circumference, 20 feet high, and 350 feet wide.
The surrounding islands and shoals would, however, prevent a perfect circle being
formed, and the wave might therefore be concentrated on certain parts of the arc, and
be at some places higher than at others, varying according to the direction in which
the masses fell. It has been remarked that this partiality of the waves was noticed.
I incline then to the opinion that the destructive waves in the Strait of Sunda
were mainly due to these masses falling into the sea, or to sudden explosions under
the sea after it flowed freely over portions of the former site of the island, possibly to
both causes ; but that the long wave which was recorded on so many tide gauges had
its origin in upheaval of the bottom.
It does not appear unreasonable to assume that at tha time of the great
explosion of 10 o'clock, waves of both characters would be more or less synchronously
I advance this hypothesis of the origin of the waves with some diffidence, but
it appears to me not improbable from the known facts, and it would explain away
some difficulties.
I cannot find any accurate observations bearing on the subject of the descriptions
and heights of waves originating from a violent displacement of water on a large
Two explosions have recently (October, 1886) taken place at Spithead. The
first of 6,000 lbs. of gun-cotton in 10 fathoms water occurred on a very calm day.
Ujafortunately I knew nothing of it beforehand, and no one was on the look out for
waves. Two officers, however, standing on the beach 4^ miles distant, noticed a wave
approaching, and estimated its height at about two feet. It was followed by others at
short intervals, but the number was not noted.
The tide gauge in Portsmouth Harbour, a very delicate instrument by Sir
William Thomson, showed on its diagram no disturbance. The distance is 4 miles,
but shoals and a narrow channel intervene, which possibly killed the wave, otherwise
this failure to mark the wave might be taken as evidence that these short waves did
not afiect the gauge.
The second explosion of six mines of 500 lbs. of gun-cotton each, 45 feet below
the surface in 60 feet of water, took place on 5th November, 1886. The mines were
laid in a line about 100 feet apart. The day was stormy, and the- surface of the sea
much troubled.
The explosion threw up a wall of water extending a^long the line of mines, and
estimated to be 150 feet high.
Only one observer on shore recorded any waves. He had provided himself with
a small tube, in which a float carrying a light rod worked. The float worked
incessantly from the action of the short wind waves, but he noticed that the whole
body of the surface was raised at regular intervals. As his float hung at a certain
point when falling, he was not able to register the depressions by it, but the observa-
tions for the crests were as follows : —
Explosion at
Crest at
• 8,
The height fix)m crest to trough he estimates at one foot.
The first wave arrived at 4 mins. 45 sees, after the explosion, the site of which
was 1-j^ miles distant. The intervening mean depth is 6 fathoms. Theory gives a
time of 4 mins. 12 sees, to traverse this distance.
It is to be remarked that the observer had no pre-conceived ideas as to the time
the wave should arrive. His observations are therefore quite independent. He
reports that the first phenomenon was a fall in the surface immediately followed by
the first crest.
Genebal Account of Data available, and the Mode of theib Discussion.
To follow the movements of the wave which spread to distant shores, we have
the indications of self-registering tide gauges and eye observations. The former only
can be considered as accurate, but in some cases the latter give fair results* The
tidal diagrams available are as follows : —
To the west of Exakatoa —
Andaman Islands
East coast of Hindostan
In River Hoogly • .
West coast of Hindostan
South coast of Arabia • •
South coast of Africa . .
South Georgia Island . .
Tierra del Fuegp
East coast Central America
West coast of France • .
North coast of France , .
South coast of England. .
Port Blair.
False Point.
^ Dublat.
f Diamond Harbour.
I Kidderpore
r Port Alfred.
. . i Port Elizabeth,
I Table Bay.
Moltke Harbour.
Orange Bay.
L Rochefort.
. Devonport.
^ Dover.
To the east of Krakatoa —
North and East coasts of Java. . ^
South coast of Australia
New Zealand
Ed^t coast of Australia . .
Sandwich Islands
xxjasisLa • • • • • •
West coast of North America
Batavia (Tandjong Priok).
Ujong Pangka.
Karang Kleta.
rPort Adelaide.
r Port Lyttelton.
L Dunedin.
St. Paul's, Kodiak.
Saucelito, San Francisco.
Of eye observations, we have reports to the west of Krakatoa from —
West coast of Sumatra . .
South-west coast of Ceylon
East coast of Ceylon
Seychelles Islands
Cargados Garajos
Rodriguez Island
To the east of Krakatoa, from —
West coast of Australia
New Zealand ••
' L Colombo.
f Arugam.
t Point Pedro.
Avocaire Island
Mathurin Bay.
Port Louis.
r Cossack.
Various places.
Throughout this paper the following is the sense of diflferent terms : —
The height of the wave is the height of the crest above the normal level of the
water at the time.
The range of the wave is the vertical distance from crest to trough.
The length or amplitude of the wave is the distance in geographical miles from
crest to crest.
The original diagrams from the automatic gauges are on every conceivable scale,
for both height and time. Some are kept in civil, some in astronomical, time ; some
record the height in mHres, some in feet ; some work from left to right, others in the
opposite direction.
The copies accompanying this paper are reduced to one uniform scale, convenient
for publication, of ^ of an inch to a foot, and ^ of an inch to the hour, except the
curves for Socoa, Rochefort, Cherbourg, and Havre, which are on a larger scale, so
that the minute fluctuations may remain visible. These show the heights in feet, at
local civil time, counting from midnight to 24 hours. (See Plates XVII. to XXXV.,
p. 150.)
In calculating the time of translation in the tables I have reduced all the times
to Greenwich civil time ; but in speaking of the waves, I mention the local tima
The indications of the arrival of the wave on these diagrams are by no means
always precise ; and the variety in the appearance of the diagrams is very marked.
In all cases they show long continued disturbance ; but the complication of the waves
in some is as remarkable as the regularity of the series is in others. In all cases the
more prominent waves are, unlike those registered at Batavia, preceded by minor
oscillations, which in some instances merge so insensibly into the higher waves that it
is difl&cult to identify any one wave as the first of what may be called by comparison
the greater disturbance.
Seeing that several large waves reached the shores of Sunda Strait before the
great one of 10 o'clock, it would not be surprising to find that these earlier waves
occur on the diagrams, were it not for the very slight indications of them marked on
the Batavia gauge. The path, however, to the westward is so much more open that
these possibly shorter waves found their way across the Indian Ocean, while they
were killed by the sudden expansion into the Java Sea.
On the east coast of India the arrival of the greater disturbance is unmis-
takable ; which is probably due to the shorter distance and the unimpeded course of
the waves in deep water. Here also there appears to be but one series of the larger
waves for at least some hours ; but at places further removed, several series of long
waves can be made out, which much interfere with the regularity of the diagrams.
The position of some of the gauges, inside bars, up rivers, and in similar places
not open to free access from the sea, may have had some effect on the appearance of
the diagrams.
Another cause of variety is the difference in the construction of the gauges.
When the orifices in the tube which admit the water are too large, local waves appear
to affect the record.
Assuming fi-om the well-marked character of the waves shown on the Batavia
diagram that the period of the waves that left Krakatoa was about 2 hours, I have, in
my investigation of the diagrams, first examined them to see whether the same period
can be identified. In this I have met with imperfect success. Though in many cases
such a period can be found, it is fi-equently only to be arrived at by taking every
alternate wave, the intermediate ones being nearly half-way between those selected. It
thus appears either as if the original waves had in their long course divided and
doubled themselves, or as if the great wave reflected from the eastern shores of the
land bounding the Strait of Sunda was the cause of the intermediate waves, the
distance of these shores being such as would cause the time elapsing between the
primary and reflected waves to be roughly a moiety of the long period of 122 minutes
recorded at Batavia.
At the very distant stations, as Orange Bay, and the ports of the English
Channel, the wave period is, in some instances, roughly one-fourth of the original
period of Batavia ; which looks like a still further sub-division of the waves ; but
there are exceptions.
In all cases I have taken the first of a recognisable series of higher waves as
being identical with the great 10 o'clock wave from Krakatoa, though generally the
maximum wave follows at a longer or a shorter interval.
The speeds that are tbus deduced should be, therefore, those of the great wave ;
the previous undulations, though sometimes — as far as height is concerned — ^merging
somewhat insensibly into the accepted waves, not agreeing with them in period.
The speed, moreover, that would correspond with these earlier waves in most of the
diagrams would be so high as to place them beyond the bounds of probability.
I have given the speed calculated from the formula V = v^ grA, and the corre-
sponding depth in fathoms of the water over which the wave has travelled, as well
as the probable mean depth from the known soundings on the line.
A direct comparison can thus be made between the theory and the known facts ;
and although the soundings obtained are in some cases scanty, and in others altogether
wanting, it will be seen that in such instances where material exists, the comparison
is always to show that the wave has travelled at a slower velocity than theory
demands. Against this conclusion must be stated the consideration that any unknown
ridges would diminish the speed ; but these must be large, or the portion of the wave
overlapping them would still travel at the speed due to deeper water, and over a very
slightly longer course.
It will be seen that the first great wave is sometimes preceded by a considerable
fall, or negative wave. From the fact of the Batavia gauge showing as the first
indication an unmistakable sharp rise, I conclude that the original disturbance
propagated from Krakatoa was a positive wave, and that this depression is merely due
to the fact of smaller waves preceding the greater disturbance, whatever may have
been the reason of their existence.
In the discussion of each diagram, I have given the period of the series of waves,
both of those which seem to correspond with the two-hour period, and of the shorter
series of which these are made up.
I have presented in a tabular foi-m the main results of the investigation into the
time of translation of the distiurbance.
To arrive at the most probably accurate estimate of the velocity of the wave
P 2
between Krakatoa and the different places^ I have taken from the large scale charts
of each harbour and coast, when sufficient data are forthcoming, the distances over
which, in approaching the tide gauge, the wave would have to travel in shallow water,
that is, water under 1,000 fathoms.
For these distances I have calculated the time which the wave would occupy in
traversing them, according to the depths, by the formula V= "^'gh^ and subtracting
this time and distance from the total, the remainder will give the time taken by the
wave in crossing the deeper intervening space. This gives a better means of judging
whether the disturbance can be considered truly to have emanated from the volcano,
as the smaller depths, in which the change of velocity is most rapid, are thereby
Unfortunately, in many instances the soundings are not carried far enough from
the shore to show where the 1,000 fathom line is.
In one of the columns in the table I give the outermost soundings available.
It is to be regretted that at the outset, from Krakatoa itself, the soundings are so
sparse that it cannot be determined with any exactitude where the 1,000 fathom
depths begin, but I have taken it as 50 miles from the island, and have, from the few
depths given, calculated 16 minutes as the probable time when the wave would reach
this depth, and henceforth travel in deeper water over the Indian Ocean. I have
therefore subtracted this 50 miles and these 16 minutes from the distances and times
of every wave leaving Krakatoa by the west.
The distances have been in all cases taken as the shortest, i.e., have been
measured on a great circle, or on several arcs of great circles, when land, islands, or
banks intervene.
Though Sir G. Airy, in his article in the ' EncyclopsBdia Metropolitana,' states that
it is only when the amplitude of the wave is one thousand times the depth of the
water that the simplified form V = *y gh of his general equation can be taken as
accurate ; the difference between the depths thus calculated and those by the more
nearly exact equation, is so small, when dealing with these waves which appear to
have an amplitude of over one hundred times the depth, that, considering the
inexactness of the times and the doubt as to the identification of the right wave, I
have used the simpler form.
To the eastward of Krakatoa, or into the Java Sea, the wave does not appear to
have been noticed at any great distance. Thanks to the tide gauges, three in number
— erected in the Strait of Sourabaya — indications of its presence there exist ; but
its maximum height is only 10 inches, too insignificant a disturbance to be otherwise
We do not find that it was observed beyond Sourabaya, which is 440 miles from
To the great and sudden expansion of the area in which the wave would find itself
on emerging from the narrow portion of the Strait of Sunda, north of Merak ; to the
general shallowness of the Java Sea ; and to the interposition of banks and islands, is
doubtless due this small extension of the disturbance to the east and north.
The automatic tide gauge at Singapore showed no disturbance, nor was anything
remarked at Hong Kong.
The wave at Merak was, say, actually 50 feet high, having travelled over an
average depth of 29 fathoms for 34 miles.
Up to this point, however, the sea is open, and no interference by reflection or
otherwise would take place ; but a gradual closing of the passage towards the end
would probably tend to raise its height.
Immediately, however, after passing the strait, 10 miles wide, on one side of
which Merak is situated, the height of the wave must have rapidly diminished on its
expansion in the Java Sea. Thus we find at the North Watcher, a small island in
the open sea, 53 miles beyond Merak, and 82 miles from Krakatoa, that its height
was reduced to 8 feet, as reported by the lighthouse keepers in the island. The
average depth over which the wave would travel from Krakatoa to the North Watcher
is 22 fathoms, the course being nearly in a straight line. At Dindang, 240 miles
from Krakatoa, the wave was 4^ feet high, having travelled in a straight line over
an average depth of 16 fathoms. The same is found in the other direction jfrom
Krakatoa. At Vlakke Hoek Lighthouse, 54 miles in a straight line from Krakatoa,
the water rose 50 feet ; but at Benkunat, 36 miles further — ^but round the corner — ^it
was barely noticed.
Table I. gives the statistics for the places near Krakatoa, and Plate XXXIV.
will show their positions better than any description. The height of waves must,
however, be regarded as only approximate, as they are all from eye observations
and reports only.
Showing height of wave in the immediate vicinity of Sunda Strait.
Kalianda • •
Telok Betong
^Vlakke Hoek
North Watcher Id
Batavia (T. Prick)
TjilintiDg . .
Tji Lamaja
Bambatan . .
Ujong PaDgka
^Winkoops Bay
Tyliatiap • .
Benkunat . .
Pino. .
Bencoolen . .
sea or
depth in
of wave
in feet.
Situation as regards free access
for wave.
In open sea in straight line from
Open, but I'eefs.
Open, bnt reefs, in stright line from
Only 15 miles round the peninsula of
Merak, where the wave was 50
Open, but many reefs.
Close to east of Batavia, but protected.
Open bay, but screened to west.
Fairly open.
30 milesroundcomerof Ylakke Hoek.
60 milesroundcomerof YlakkeHock.
Open to wave.
Bay protected from direction of wave.
5 miles from Mann&, bnt exposed.
Protected by reefs.
Open to wave.
Bottom of bay open to wave.
Open to wave, but many reefs.
* An average geographical or sea mile is 2,025 yards, or about 1 * 15 English mile.
There are three automatic tide gauges east of Batavia, all in the island
of Java.
Ujong Pangha.
This is on the north coast of Java, 340 miles east of Batavia. The tide gauge
shows disturbaDce of an irregular character, in which no period can be recognised.
A small wave occurs at 17 hrs. 45 mins., but a decided rise is shown at 21 hours,
which I take to be the great wave. Its height is about 9 inches. This time will
give a velocity of 42 miles an hour, which agrees almost exactly with that deduced
from the formula V = ^yh. The depths from off Batavia, up to which spot the
track of the waves to the two places is identical, average about 25 fathoms, but
vary considerably. The disturbance lasts 19 hours.
It is rather astonishing that the regular waves which are registered at Batavia
should have entirely disappeared by the time the disturbance reached this gauge.
The long extent of shallow water and the strong currents which frequently prevail
off this coast may account for the breaking up of the regularity.
Ujong Sourahaya,
This gauge is placed on a point half-way through the narrow and shallow strait
of Sourabaya. The disturbance is as slight and irregular as at Ujong Pangka, and I
take the first distinct wave crest at 22 hrs. 25 mins. for comparison.
The distance from Ujong Pangka, which stands at the entrance of the strait, is
25 miles, with an average depth of i^ fathoms.
This should require 1 hr. 36 mins. to traverse, whereas the time registered is
1 hr. 24 mins. — a very close agreement when the circumstances of the channel
are considered.
Karang Kleta.
This gauge is on a small rock at the southern end of Sourabaya Strait. The
disturbance is again irregular, but bears a marked resemblance to Sourabaya, from
which it is distant 14 miles, with an average depth of 4 fathoms. The wave which
corresponds to that at Sourabaya is, however, registered 25 minutes earlier than at
that place, which makes it to have travelled over the strait from Ujong Pangka in an
hour, instead of 2 hrs. 27 mins., which is given by theory. Tliis discrepancy is not
easy to explain.
The report furnished in December, 1883, by Major Baird, R.E., in charge of the
tidal survey of India, has been already communicated to the Royal Society.*
The account of the disturbance at each tidal station in India, as taken from the
original diagrams, is given in great detail, and all the interesting points are discussed
by Major Baird. His report also contains statements of the phenomena noticed at
other places where no gauge was at work.
We now possess much fuller information on many of the occurrences external
to India than was available when Major Baird wrote his paper; and, with the
consent of the Committee, I do not purpose to reproduce the paper, as it would be
difficult, without destroying its connected character, to remove those portions
which are founded on insuflSicient data.
I have re-discussed the data furnished by the Indian gauges from a somewhat
different point of view from that adopted by Major Baird, founding my selection of
waves on the small-scale diagrams ftirnished by him, and checking the times of
arrival of the waves by his detailed account, taken from the originals as given in
his paper.
Port Blair.
This bay in the Andaman Islands, 1,480 miles from Krakatoa, is the nearest
place furnished with a gauge to the west of the Strait.
From 3 hours of the 27 th a very small oscillation is shown, which increases at
noon ; and at 13 hrs. 55 mins. a very distinct wave, with a height of 7 inches, appears.
This is the first of a long series given below —
h. m. h. m. h. m. ' h. m. h. m. h. m.
Times .. 13 55 14 53 16 03 17 09 18 05 19 14
Intervals . .
m. m. m. m.
58 70 66 56
20 02 21 12 22 35 23 15
0 12
1 20
Intervals . .
70 83 40 57
2 15 3 15 4 30 5 30
6 40
7 35
Intervals . .
60 75 60 70
The double intervals are —
128 122 117 153 97 123 135 130 minutes.
This gives' a. mean interval of 62 minutes, or, for every other wave, of 2 hrs.
06 mins. — ^nearly the Batavia interval.
Taking the 13 hrs. 55 mins. wave for comparison, the velocity for the distance
of 1,480 miles is 308 miles an hour from shore to shore. Unfortunately, in this case,
• * Proc. Roy. Soc.,' vol. xxxvi., pp. 248-253.
no data exist for eliminating the wave near the Andaman shore, but the wave has
probably travelled at about 320 miles an hour, which would give a mean depth
of over 1,500 fathoms.
The position of this gauge is just inside the bar of the river, but the coast is
straight and open. The diagram shows, as at Port Blair, a small oscillation from
midnight to 13 hours of the 27th, when a distinct wave of 9 inches in height is
registered as the first of a series of eleven waves, of a mean period of 68 minutes, or,
taking every alternate wave, 2 hrs. 10 mins., which again is not very different from
h. m. u. m. h. m. n. in. h. m. h. in.
14 40 16 05 16 48 17 50 18 52 19 43
Intervals . •
in. xn. xn. m. m. m.
85 43 62 62 51 67
20 50 21 50 23 09 24 00 1 32 3 10
Intervals ..
60 79 51 92 98
The double intervals are —
128 124 118 139 143 minutes.
The distance is 1,805 miles between the 1,000 fathom depth off the Sunda
Strait and 150 fathoms off Negapatam, the known soundings not extending to deeper
water. This, taking the 14 hrs. 40 mins. wave, gives a velocity of 357 miles an hour,
which corresponds to a mean depth of 1,880 fathoms.
Arselar River ^ Karihah
At this port, 10 miles north of Negapatam, there is no self-registering tide gauge,
but the attention of the Port Officer was called to the movement of the water.
He reports that at 2 o'clock in the morning of the 27th, a small disturbance was
visible in the river, which continued all the morning. After 1 1 o'clock the waves
succeeded one another with greater rapidity, and with gradually increasing height.
Between 13 hours and 15 hours they were of about 22 inches range, with a mean
interval of about 45 minutes. From 4 o'clock they began to diminish, disappearing
entirely by 11 hours of the 28 th.
The maximum height here corresponds with the record of the diagram at
Negapatam, though the mean interval mentioned is less, 45 minutes instead of 68.
This is the ' only case on the coast of India, in which eye observations can be
compared with a diagram at no great distance. As far as height goes they agree,
nor does the interval differ so much as do those of the waves observed in Ceylon.
The only waves, therefore, noted here appear to be of a similar character to those
recorded on the gauges.
This gauge is situated inside the artificial port, and is fitted with very small
inlet holes at the bottom of the tube, the local swell being ordinarily great. The
diagram is in consequence very smooth, and exhibits quite a different appearance from
the majority of the others. The disturbance begins abruptly at 14 hrs- 33 mius. on
the 27th, the first of a series of ten waves with very irregular periods, the mean of
which is 87 minutes. This is quite different from the period of the other gauges, and
is rather incomprehensible.
h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m.
14 33 16 27 17 48 19 33 21 00 22 20
Intervals . .
m. n* in. m. in. in.
114 81 105 87 80 67
23 27 0 40 2 30 3 54 5 07
Intervals ..
73 110 84 73
The distance is 1,863 miles from the 1,000 fathom line off Sunda Strait to the
100 fathom line off Madras ; and taking the 14 hrs. 33 mins. wave, the velocity
comes out 338 miles an hour, which gives a mean depth of 1,700 fathoms.
This diagram is remarkable for the large number of small oscillations shown
throughout. These are in all .probability due to the construction of the orifices
admitting the water to the tube, which permits waves of short period, whether local
or subsidiary to the seismic disturbance, to be registered. The result is to much
confuse the record. The first appearance of the larger waves on the diagram bears a
strong resemblance to those at Port Blair, but afterwards they lose their individuality
and it is difficult to recognise them. The first large wave of 6 inches in height is at
15 hrs. 14 min., and eight other waves may be selected with a mean period of
77 minutes, or a period for the double waves of 2 hrs. 34 mins.
h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. in. h. m. li. m. h. m.
Times.. 15 14 16 33 17 33 19 03 20 28 2145 22 55 0 10 130
m. in. m. m. m. m. m. m.
Intervals 79 60 90 85 77 70 75 80
The double intervals are —
h. in. h. m. h. m. h. m.
2 19 2 55 2 27 2 35
It is useless to try to follow the waves further, though the disturbance lasts to
21 hours on the 28th, or for 30 hours. The 15 hrs. 14 mins. wave gives a velocity ot
338 miles an hour for the distance of 1,909 miles, measured from the 1,000 fiithom
line off Sunda Strait to the 100 fathom line off Vizagapatam.
False Point.
This gauge is situated in shallow water on the inshore side of a long sandy spit,
which projects parallel to the main line of coast, and the wave has to travel over a
long distance in shallow water before it reaches the gauge. The outermost sounding
is 23 fathoms, and the bank probably extends much further to seaward.
The diagram is remarkably free from short waves of all kinds, and the only
ones r^pstered are those of a mean period of 2 hrs. 42 mins., of which six can be
k. m. h. m. h. m. h. rxu h. in. h. m.
Times .. 16 36 19 30 22 15 1 05 3 20 6 05
h. in. n. m. h. m. li. m. lu m.
Intervals .. 2 54 2 45 2 50 2 15 2 45
The height of the largest wave, the second, is 14 inches, which much exceeds
that at any of the other Indian stations. This is probably due to the long extent
of very shallow water.
The 16 hrs. 36 mins. wave gives a velocity of 808 miles an hour for the distance
of 2,003 miles, measured from the 1,000 fathom line off Sunda Strait to the
23 fathoms off False Point. This corresponds to a mean depth of 1,400 fathoms ;
but if the extent of the bank off False Point were known, this mean depth for the
ocean course would probably be indicated as considerably greater.
This gauge, at the entrance to the River Hoogly, is situated in a position fairly
open to the sea, but the coast is faced with wide banks over which the waves must
The diagram is free from short undtilations, which much fistcilitates the recogni-
tion of individual large waves.
Twelve waves of a mean period of 65 minutes, commenoing with a well marked
one of 8 inches at 17 hrs. 56 mins., can be followed. The period of the double
waves is 2 hrs, 7 mins., which brings us back to the Batavia period again.
Times .. 17 56 18
li. in. h. m. n. m. n.> m*
19 52 21 00 21 55 22 57
Intervals . • 54
m. m. nu m. m.
62 68 55 62 66
Times .. 0 03 1
2 15 3 25 4 30 • 5 05
Intervals . . 67
65 70 65 80
double intervals are —
k. m. h. in.
1 56 ,2 03
11. in. n. m. b. in.
2 08 2 12 .. 2 15
The distance, measured from the 1,000 fathom line off Sunda Strait to the 150
fathom depth off Dublat, gives a velocity of 851 miles an hour, which corresponds to
a mean depth of 1,820 fathoms.
Dtamand Harbour.
This gauge is situated in the Eiver Hoogly, 40 miles from Dublat.
Only one wave is marked on the diagram, which arrived at 20 hrs. 6 mins.
It took, therefore, 2 hrs. 10 mins. to travel this distance, which agrees exactly
with the time taken by the tide wave, the disturbance in each case occurring at
the local high water. The time required by theory to travel this distance over the
shallow water of the river, which averages 6 fathoms, at this time of tide, is
2 hrs. 0 min.
This place is close to Calcutta, on the Hoogly, and is 40 miles above Diamond
Here also only one wave is recorded, which, like that at Diamond Harbour, has
travelled at the same pace as the tide wave, and arrives at high water, or 2 hrs.
05 mins. after the wave at Diamond Harbour. The time required by theory is
1 hr. 45 mins. for the average depth of 8 fathoms, but the channel is narrow and
tortuous, and the depths vary from 11 fathoms to 3 fathoms, a change which would
doubtless tend to impede the wave. The wave was 3 inches high.
This gauge is situated on the west coast of Hindustan. The diagram is very
tree from waves of short period.
An irregular small oscillation, but of longer periods than at Negapatam, to which
this diagram bears a resemblance, is shown from the beginning of the diagram at
0 hour of the 27th to 15 hrs. 57 mins., when a large wave of 8 inches suddenly
makes its appearance. This is the first of a long series that can be followed for
nineteen waves. These have a ^eaoi period of 58 minutes, or, for the double waves,
1 hr. 56 mins,
h, m. h. m. li. in. h. m. h, m. K. m. h. m.
Times .. 15 57 17 00 17 40 18 40 19 48 20 35 21 35
Intervals . .
Times . . 22 32 23 26 0 25 1 30 2 20 3 05 4 20
Intervals . . 53 60 65 50 45 75 75
h. m.. h» m
Times .. 5 35 6 35
m, h. m. h. m.
30 8 25 9 20
in. m.
iDtervaJs*. 60 55
m. m.
55 55
The douHe intervals are —
^ 103 128 107 110
125 95 150
110 mills.
The distance, measured from the 1,000 fathom line off the Strait of Sunda,
to the 1,000 fathom line off Beypore, is 2,090 miles; and the 15 hrs. 57 mins.
wave gives a velocity of 326 miles an hour, corresponding to a depth of 1,600
fathoms. The largest wave is at 5 hrs. 35 mins., or 13^ hours after the first
one, and is 16 inches higlu The track of the wave is unfettered, but it has to turn
Cape Comorin.
This gauge is situated on the inner side of the peninsula forming the harbour,
which is, however, open to the south, whence the wave would come.
The wave, after passing Beypore, would travel inside the Laccadive Group, where
the depths are — as far as they are known — suflSicient to permit it by this route to out-
strip the undulation which would pass through the Nine Degree Channel and then
turn to the north ; a longer course, but in deeper water.
On approaching Bombay the wave must pass over a good deal of shallow water.
The diagram shows one crest only of any magnitude, at 18 hrs* 50 mins. This is at
high water, and a very small disturbance is recorded at the succeeding low and high
water. The distance from the 1,000 fathom line off Sunda Strait to the probable
position of the 1,000 fathom line off Bombay is 2,483 miles ; and the velocity is
336 miles an hour, corresponding to a depth of about 1,700 fathoms. The height of
the wave may be taken as 6 inches.
It is very remarkable that the disturbance should b? confined to this single wave,
but the run of the tidal streams is very strong in Bombay Harbour.
Here the tide gauge Is in the narrow estuary forming the harbour. A very
small oscillation appears at 5 hrs. 30 mins. on the 27th, which is continuous until the
first great wave at 18 hrs. 40 mins. This wave is preceded by a well marked
negative tvave, but the crest preceding is not in accordance with the subsequent
period, and is too small to be taken as the wave corresponding to those selected in
the other Indian Diagrams. The 18 hrs. 40 mins. is the first of a series of sixteen
waves, and is 12 inches high. The mean period, omitting the laat wave, is 69 mins.,
and for the double waves 2 hrs. 18 mins.
h. nu h. in. h.
m. h.
m. h.
ra. h.
18 40 19 56 20
50 21
55 23
35 1
m. m.
76 54
3 00 4 15 5
15 6
30 7 30
30 S
75 60
10 50 12 30
The double
intervals are —
h. m. h. m.
2 10 2 20
2 40
2 25
h. m.
2 15
h. m.
2 00
h. m.
2 20
The distance, measured from the 1,000 &thom line oif Sunda Strait to tho
probable position of the 1,000 fathom line off Karachi, piMSsing through the Nine
Degree Channel, and to the northward outside the Laccadive Islands, is 3,032 nules,
for which the 18 hrs. 40 mins. wave gives a velocity of 340 mil^ an hour. This
corresponds to a mean depth of 1,710 fathopos; whereas th@ probable depth &om,
existing soundings is 2,150 fathoms. In several parts of the route, however> the
chart is a blank, and notably in the Nine Degree Channel.
The disturbance lasts u^til the end of the diagram, or till %2 hours of the 28th.
The tide gauge is p,t Steamer Point, th^^t is, in the bay behind the peninsula of
Aden, protected from the advancing i^ave, which would hav^ to change its course
ISO^ to reach the gauge.
The wave would travel over 9 jniles of shallow Wftter in so doii^g, The diagram
is free from waves of jshort period.
The disturbance is inappreciable until 13 hours on the STth, whan a small wave
<>f 2 inches appears- After two others, a decided wave of 5 inches ia recorded at
17 hrs, 50 mm», '
This is the first of seventeen waves at fairly equal intervals, which can be
followed with a mean period of 67 minutes ; or for the double waves 2 hrs. 14 mins,
h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. in. h. m. h. m. h. m.
TinoBs .. 17 50 18 50 19 50 20 50 22 10 23 10 23 55 1 05
ID. ID. ID-. in. n. m. in. in.
Intervals,. 60 60 . 60 SO 60 45 70 70
Times .. 2 15 3 25 jS 00 6 00 7 18 8 10 9 00 10 15 11 45
Intervals.. 70 9§ €0 78 52 50 75 90
^he double intervals are —
Km. h. m. ^. m. h. m. h. m. 1*. m. b. m. h. n.
2 00 2 0 1 45 2 20 2 45 2 18 1 42 2 45
The distance, measured from the 1,000 fathom line off Sunda Strait, through
the Nine Degree Channel and north of Sokotra, to the 1,000 fathom line off Aden, is
3,642 miles.
The 17 hrs. 50 mins. wave gives a velocity of 347 miles an hour, corresponding
to a mean depth of 1,770 fathoma The prohable mean depth from known soundings
is 2,100 fathoms.
Eye Observations.
The report of the Surveyor-General of Ceylon, reproduced on pp. 116 to 124, is
interesting in many details. Unfortunately it does not furnish any precise data on
the points of time and height of the wave. In one respect, however, it is very
worthy* of consideration.
At all the places where the disturbance was remarked, the observers agree that
the period of the wave was comparatively short. From 5 to 20 minutes are named
as elapsing between successive crests. Nov^ this is quite different from all the
diagrams from gauges — which show only long waves ; and it is much to be regretted
that no gauge by which comparison might have been made between eye observation
and mechanical record was at work at any of these places.
At no Indian tidal station are any short waves shown, of any height greater
than 3 or 4 inches; and at Negapatam, which is only 100 miles further off, and
which, except for being inside a bar, is equally favourably situated for receiving the
waves — only one period of under an hour, viz., 43 minutes, is recorded.
Eye observationa of this description are very liable to error, especially in point
of height ; but when many independant observers at different places agree fairly,
the evidence is much strengthened.
The range at Galle is estimated at fi feet, at Colombo 7\ feet, at Valluwedditherai
4 feet, at Trincomalee 8 feet, Batticaloa 8 feet, Arugam 4 feet, Hambantota 12 feet.
These short waves must probably be regarded as super-seismic waves ; that is,
waves of short period, but of greater height, imposed on the longer wave that alone
affected the gauges. Their duration was brief compared with that of the long waves
recorded on the diagrams.
There does not seem to be any difficulty in assuming that these waves were in
their origin synchronous with the longer imdulations, and their speed of translation
would be about the same. It is, therefore, not surprising to Hnd the time of their
arrival agreeing very well with that of the longep waves, as far as the incomplete
information admits of comparison.
At Batticaloa, however, the first wave of 24 inches was noted at 7 hours on the
27th. This is 1 hr. 28 mins. Greenwich time, or one hour and a half before the
great wave left Krakatoa. It must, therefore, have been due to one of the earlier
Assuming that it travelled at a speed of about 350 miles an hour, this wave
must have left the Strait of Sunda at about 3.40 a.m. There is, however, no large
wave recorded in the Strait at or about this time, none being noted as reaching the
shores between 1.30 and 6.
To what this early disturbance at Batticaloa was due is therefore a mystery.
The largest wave is, however, stated to have occurred at about noon, which agrees
with the Galle observations.
2%6 Surveyor-GeneraVs Report on Tidal Waves on the Coast of Ceylon^ resulting fronk
the Eruptions in the Strait of Sunda on the 26th and 27th August, 1883.
Subveyoe-General's Office, Colombo,
10th April, 1884.
With reference to your notice of February 12th in 'Nature' of February 14th,
page 355, I have the honour to report to you the result of my inquiries regarding the
effects, as observed in Ceylon, of the eruptions at Krakatoa, in the Strait of Sunda, on
the 26th and 27th of August last. The various stations from which I have received
reports are marked on the accompanying map.
The questions asked were : —
(a.) The extreme rise and fall of tide, and the number of times the wave
appeared to come and go ?
(6.) Whether noises were heard or any motion of the earth felt ?
(c.) The exact time as near as obtainable ?
(d.) Whether any crack or fissure had been observed inland or along the
coast ?
Galle. — The Master Attendant reports that four unusual waves were noticed in
the port at the hours of one, two, three, and half-past four on the afternoon of August
the 27th, the last of which he witnessed hhnself, and recorded as follows : — " A
very unusual receding of the sea, the small boats at their usual anchorage being left
by it — a thing I had never seen before during my tenure of office, since 1860.
" It was about 1^ minutes in recession, and then about the same time in a sort
of suspensory standstill, when it commenced quietly to rise again, taking about the
same 1^ minutes to reach the level of our highest high water-marks, thus making,
from the lowest mark of recession to it, a diflference of 8 feet 10 inches.
*' The usual tide rise and fall here is about 2 feet, and so the great difiference
caused by this disturbance was palpably from unusual recession/'
Colombo. — The Master Attendant reports : — " I find it diflficult to get at the
exact hour of the commencement of the tidal, disturbance in this harbour, but I am
informed by the man in charge of the landing jetty that about 2.30 p.m. on the 27th
of August there was a suddeto rise of the sea to about 15 inches above the highest
spring tide, and that shortly afterwards, within 15 minutes, the sea fell to about
3 feet below the lowest spring tide. I witnessed between 3.30 and 4.30 p.m. four
rises and falls of the sea, and, as near as I can judge, there were 7 feet 6 inches
between the highest point to which the sea rose and the lowest point to which it fell.
Fig. 12.
During this time there was a strong cun*ent in the harbour, which carried away the
stern moorings of some of the steamers in port, and swung them roimd against the
wind. The tidal disturbance went on more or less till 8 p.m. of the 27th, and I
observed it again the next day about midday, but the rise and fall of the tide then
did not exceed 1 foot."
Negomho. — The information from this station is very meagre. The Mudaliyar
of Alutkuru Korale North reported to the Assistant Government Agent : — " No
changes in the sea or land occurred on the day in question.
^' I am informed that there had been an unusual ebb tide and flood tide twice
within half-an-hour in the mouth of the lake."
I have had no reports from Chilaw or Puttalam, but Mr. ViGOBS, the Police
Magistrate of Kalpitiya (Calpentyn), sent me an interesting and quaint report from
Mr. Vansanden, the Preventive Officer at Dutch Bay, which I give verbatim, as in
one paragraph, where he describes the wash-away of a belt of land about 2 or 3 chains
in extent, including the burial ground, it appears as if the dead had sought shelter
with the living in a neighbouiring cocoa-nut garden I
" The so-called tidal wave had been felt here, too, on the 27th ultimo, about
3 o'clock p.m. The tide is said to have been observed coming in and going out three
or four times in the space of one hour ; this had been witnessed by the fishers who had
been out at sea. The rise of the tide was so much above the usual water-mark that
many of the low morasses lying in close proximity to the seaside were replete with
water that flowed into them. However, the water thus accumulated did not remain
long, but, forming into a stream, wended its course in a southerly direction, through
low lands, to a distance of nearly a quarter of a mile, and found a passage back to
the sea ; thus the water that had so abruptly covered up such an extent of land did
not take many days in draining off.
" Eke, I must say that the receding waters were not slow behind in their action,
for they washed away a belt of land about 2 or 3 chains in extent, including the
burial ground situated on the coast to the south-west of the bay, designated as the
Parava's or Fisher's Quarters, compelling the inhabitants to seek shelter in a neigh-
bouring cocoa-nut garden.
'* On the above date noises were heard by several persons, resembling the rumb-
ling of distant thunder, or rather that of the booming of cannon, which lasted frt)m
7 to 10 a.m.
" No motion of the earth was felt, nor have I heard of any crack or fissure
having occuired either inland or along the coast in the vicinity."
Manndr. — The reports from this station are conflicting, and it is very doubtftd
whether any sudden rise or fall of the sea was actually witnessed there by anyone.
Mr. Fowler, the Assistant Government Agent, reported : — " I have caused carefril
inquiry to be made on the subject, but find that no rise or fall of the sea was noticed
here on the 27th ultimo, although loud sounds, resembling the report of distant cannon,
were heard to the eastward on that date.
" I may mention that there has been a curious change in the colour of the sun's
disc noticed in the early morning and in the evening since the 9th instant [Septem-
ber, 1883]. It has appeared to be of a bluish-green colour.*'
In reporting on the state of the Searchers' House at the South Bar, the Sub-
Collector of Mannllr wrete on September the 17th to the Collector of Customs at
Jaifiia as follows : — ** I went to see the house on Saturday afternoon, and found it
to be very much damaged, the sea having washed away a great part of the sand
put for the floor of the building, although the building is at a distance of about
255 feet from the sea. The sea appears to have risen all of a sudden, during the
latter part of last month/'
In forwarding a copy of this report, Mr. Twynam, the Government Agent, says :
— ^* It appears that there must have been something unusual in the tide off the southern
coast of Manner in August f but he adds : — " I was told by the gentlemen who came
up in the ' Serendib ' with Mr. Justice Clarence that they were informed that nothing
was observed at Paumben."
It may be inferred from this that the strength of the tidal wave had become
very much modified or exhausted by the time it reached the Gulf of Mann&r ; and
from a further report of the Assistant Government Agent I am inclined to the belief
that the damage done to the Searchers' House was not caused by the tidal wave.
Mr. Twynam goes on to say : — " Nothing unusual was noticed in Jaffna or at Kaits
in regard to the tide. No one seems to have heard any peculiar noises in Jaffna, or
to have felt any motion of the eartL
" I have not yet received any information of any crack or fissures having been
observed anywhere on the coast/'
Mr. Twynam has furnished me with reports also from the Sub-Collectors of
Elankesanturai, Valluwedditherai and Point Pedro, on the most northerly part of
Ceylon on the Bay of Bengal exposed to the north-west roll or wave from the Strait
of Sunda, from which I quote as follows : —
Kcmkesanturai. — " The extreme rise and fall of the tide, though not noted, was
about 2 to 3 feet ; and the number of times the tide appeared to come and go, though
not counted over at the time, would be about 3 or 4 times. No noises were heard,
nor was any motion of the earth felt on the occasion. Though the exact time cannot
be stated, it was first noticed about midday, when a boat with import cargo at the
wharf was said to have got aground all of a sudden.^'
Valluwedditherai. — " The usual rise and fall of the tide at this time of the year
is from 2^ to 3 feet ; on the 27th ultimo the rise was, at its maximum, 2 feet more
than ordinary ; the highest rise was at about 2.30 p.m The number of times the
waves appeared to advance and recede was about 10 or 12.
''A man of this place informed me that he counted 16 times from 12 to 3 p.m.,
in which the wave appeared to come and go.
" No noises were heard, nor was any perceptible motion of the earth felt.
^* The exact time was not noted, but it was about a quarter past 12 p.m. that the
rise in the tide was observed.
" No cracks or fissures have been observed either inland or along the coast."
Point Pedro. — August the 29th, 1883. — "A strange phenomenon, such as had
never been witnessed before by the oldest masters of vessels and others belonging to
this place, was observed in the sea on Monday last, the 27th instant, commencing in
the forenoon and ending about sunset. The tide rose and fell in rapid succession
B 2
more than a dozen times ; and one or two boats with cargo which were floating were
suddenly foimd to be high and dry. The wind at the time was blowing half a gale
fi-om south-west." And Mr. Maartensz, Sub-Collector, on September the 19th, wrote
again : — ''I have the honor in continuation of my report (August the 29th, 1883) to
inform you that from about the forenoon till sunset of the 27th ultimo, the rise and fall
of the sea was observed by me and the people in the wharf to have been (imlike the
usual rise and fall of the tides) of very frequent occurrence. The rush of water, both
when the sea rose and when it fell, was with some force, giving it a hissing sound ;
but only once, and that was between 3 and 4 in the afternoon, the sea rose and flowed
in beyond the ordinary limit and went down rapidly in a few minutes, so low as to
cause a boat, which had put off with a cargo, to get aground high and dry, and another
empty boat to capsize at the wharf. The extreme rise and fall of water was not noted
at the time, but it must have been about 2 feet above the ordinary level at the
tides ; and the rise and fall of the sea must have been over twenty times. The
wind at the tijne of the occurrence was blowing rather stiff from south-west, and
I could see, with the aid of a glass, that the vessels in the harbour were tossed
about in different directions, and the sea about their anchorage was rising in
" No noises were heard, nor was any motion of the earth felt here or in the
MuUaittivu. — Mr. Samuel Haughton, Assistant Government Agent, in forwarding
some interesting reports by several of his headmen, says : — " There can be no doubt
as to the phenomena, reported by the headmen along the coast, having been connected
with the recent fatal volcanic disturbance in the Strait of Sunda ; Mr. Parker's report
from Hambantota as to the occurrence of the phenomena so far south, shows that
they must have been experienced along the whole eastern coast of Ceylon.
" The reports of the sea -coast Vidahus of MuUaittivu and Kokkulai are of special
interest as showing that at sunrise on August the 27th the sky to the east was
murky, and the rays of the rising sim obscured by the smoke in the Strait of Sunda.
** The subsidence and return of the sea was noticed all along the coast.''
The Police Vidahu, of MuUaittivu, gives the foUowing particulars : — " The sea
receded to 16 fathoms distance, and came back to the shore, I am told. This took
place only once.
" No one heard any noise here.
" No one saw any cracks in any vUlages or in the jimgle.
*' It did not appear that the earth shook here.
" The sun was not bright in the morning at about 6 o'clock, and in the evening
from 4 o'clock its rays were green."
Similar reports were sent in by the Police Vidahus of Chemmalai and Kokkulai,
in which it is stated that the sea receded and rose again — ^that sounds as of firing of
cannon at Trincomalee were heard, and the Yidahu of Kokkulai states that from
August the 27th to September the 4th the sun and moon were blue-coloured. No
cracks or fissures were observed in the ground, and it did not shake.
TrincoTnalee. — The Chief Clerk of the Royal Engineers Department at this
station furnishes a report, from trustworthy information supplied by the head mason
who was building a sea-wall at Fort Frederick, from which I quote : —
" The extreme rise (of tide) 4 feet at an average.
»> lall ,} 9)
The number of times the wave appeared to come and go was about thirteen times,
of which the sixth, seventh and eighth were those that caused more or less the
extreme rise and fall above stated, and the rest were, of course, of a kind not to
attract so much the notice of the working men, bearing simply the appearance of a
little extraordinary ebb and flow of the sea-water. No noise heard (except what
would be heard when a heavy swell of the sea would all of a sudden overflow its
shore), nor any motion of the earth felt,
"The exact time was 1.30 p.m. on Monday, August the 27th, 1883.
" The sea receded three times and retiuned with force in a manner that would
attract anyone's notice on the spot ; and the ground from the shore to a distance of
about 30 feet, no sooner appeared bare and displayed its sediments with fishes
struggling about, and a few men (fishers) attempted to try their luck, than the sea
returned. In about 5 minutes the sea on that day receded and returned twice.
" A similar change I remember took place at Gun Wharf Pier, when work was
going on there, with a slight shock of an earthquake, on December the 31st, 1881,
at 8 o'clock am.*'
Batticaloa. — In forwarding reports by the Sub-Collegtor and Signaller at that
station, Mr. Elliott, Acting Government Agent, remarks : — " I was myself absent from
Batticaloa on that day, and observed nothing, but on the 27th ultimo, at Eoklmunai,
Mr. Chbistie, of the Public Works Department, told me he had heard loud explosions
seawards that morning, and that as they sounded like the discharge of heavy artillery
he presumed some man-of-war was practising with her big guns out of sight of land^
as he could see no ships.
^' Captain Walkeb and Mr. Fielder, at Tumpalancholai and Mah& Oya, on the
Badulla road, at various times on the forenoon of the 27th, were puzzled by hearing
noises as if blasting was going on, though there was nothing of the sort for a very
considerable distance, if anywhere, in this district.
** Mr. Smith, of the Public Works Department, observed the wave which came
up the lake, and rose at his jetty about 2 feet.
" I have not had any intimation of any fissure or crack or any motion of the
earth in this district."
The Sub-Collector states that about 6 p.m. on the evening of the 26th he heard
" a loud report as if a cannon was discharged down southward," which he and the
people near him thought to be thunder ; then, on the morning of the 27th, about
7 a.m., he saw the water receding rapidly, and it rose quite suddenly a few minutes
afterwards to about 2 feet over ordinary tide, which caused him to remark to the
people that what was going on was " the effect of an earthquake somewhere," as a
similar phenomenon occurred here on December the 31st, 1881, immediately after the
shock of earthquake had been felt.
" The rise and fall of water continued the whole of Monday at intervals of about
10 minutes, the extreme rise and fall being about 2 feet each time ; at about 3 p.m.
on Monday I heard the noise of water rushing in with some force, and on peeping
through the window I observed the water coming foaming near the causeway, and
this time the water rose fully 3 feet ; the rise and fall continued on Monday night too,
and was slightly perceptible till about 10 a.m, on Tuesday.
"At the Bar the rushing of water in and out caused several openings in the sand-
bank, washing away a small portion of * Bones' Island ' at the mouth of the lake, as
reported. People on boaixl the vessels at the anchorage mentioned to me that the
vessels were much shaken about and positions changed every quarter or half hour on
Sunday night."
Mr. Casinadeb, the Signaller at the Flagstaff, states that ^' about midnight on
Sunday, the 26th ultimo, I heard about five or six times a noise similar to that of a
cannon being discharged at intervals of 15 minutes, I believe, towards the sea in the
east. Very early in the morning I observed the cargo boats that were moored in the
lake just opposite to Mr. Athebton's bimgalow were on the move ; but when I noticed
it very closely, I found the rise and fall of water at intervals of about 10 minutes ;
and, in my opinion, the height of the wave in the sea near the Bar rose to about
8 feet about noon on Monday, and in the lake it was about 3 feet high ; and on
Monday morning, too, about three times I noticed a noise similar to that of the
discharge of a cannon in the sea towards the east, and after the highest rise of the
water at noon no such noise was heard."
The Acting Gk)vemment Agent, Eastern Province, gives further interesting
particulars obtained by him while on a tour in the southern part of his province in
October last, regarding the effects of the tidal wave at Arugam Bay, and of the death
of one Moorwoman, whom he believes to have been a *' solitary victim out of Java of
the recent earthquake."
Arugam Bay is the most easterly bay in which ships can anchor on the east coast
of Ceylon. It is situated nearly half-way between Batticaloa and Hambantota, and
is directly exposed to any tidaJ wave from the direction of the Strait of Sunda.
From the information given by the Batamahatmaya of Panama, the wave appears to
have been felt with greater force at Arugam Bay than at any other place on the coast
from which I have reports.
The Batamahatmaya says : — " On one day towards the end of July " [this must
be a mistake for August] '^ I was at Panama and heard of an accident at the Bar at
Arugam Bay.
" Three Moorwomen, three children, and a man were crossing it about 3 p.m. A
big wave came up from the sea over the Bar and washed them inland. Soon after
the water returned to the sea. The man said that the water came up to his chest : he
is a tall man. These people were tumbling about in the water, but were rescued by
people in boats who were fishing in the Kalapuwa (inland estuary). They lost the
paddy they were carrying, and one of the women died two days after of her
" I was further informed by the tindals [masters of vessels] in the ships anchored
at the Bay that they felt aU of a sudden their vessels go downwards \mtil they
plainly saw the ground, and the ships were drawn seawards, and the people on the
shore declared the anchors were exposed to sight. After this the wave came in
and raised the vessels and overflowed the Bar.
" Up the Navalaru (a stream further south) where the water was heretofore
sweet, it has been salt since that time to a distance of at least a mile and a half
in a direct line from the sea. In Panama similarly the salt water has come a long
way inland."
From the testimony of the tindals and the people on the shore at Arugam Bay it
is quite evident that the negative wave or general fall of the sea-level, was the first
to affect the shores of Ceylon, and this is corroborated by the more accurate and
tnistworthy information obtained by Major Baird, R.E., from the various self-
registering tide-gauges under his charge at the Indian tidal stations, which I shall
refer to hereafter.
Harnhantota. — This is the most southerly siation in Ceylon from which I have
received reports, and it completes the circuit of the island. Mr. E. M. D. Byrde, who
was acting Government Agent at the time, reported that on the afternoon of August
the 27th, "between the houre of 12 and 2 o'clock, the sea kept on rising several
feet above its ordinary level, and receding to a great distance, leaving the jetty almost
dry, the water at the extreme end of it not being more than knee-deep.
" About every 20 minutes the sea completely covered the jetty, and rose so high
that it washed away one of the old surf-boats that was high and dry near the main
road. I sent out a canoe to bring back the boat, but the current was so strong that
it was impossible to save it, as it was carried with great rapidity across the bay and
then dashed to pieces on the opposite shore.
" The waves did not, as is sometimes the case, break on shore with violence, but
the sea rose gradually and similarly receded, and I should say, judging from an
examination of the shore this morning, that it must have risen 12 feet, or more, above
its ordinary leveL
" The fishermen with some difficulty saved the canoe, and with the help of a
large gang of prisoners the cargo boat was saved from being carried out to sea.
'' The oldest inhabitants here never previously witnessed such an occurrence, and
they considered it worthy of notice."
I annex a list of the barometrical observations made on the 26th and 27th
of August last at —
Mean reading for the
9i A.M.
3^ P.M.
9i i..u.
3i P.11.
:g rColombo
•$ fColombo
+ •011
§5 Galle
+ •016
a ■{ Hambantota
■^ Batticaloa
+ •034
+ •050
O LTrincomalee
from which you will observe that there was a certain amount of disturbance visibly
recorded on these days.
I am, Sir,
Your obedient Servant,
Acting Sunjeyor-Genercd of Ceylon,
G. J. Symons, Esq., Chairman^
Krakatoa Committee,
Royal Society,
Eye Observations.
In none of the islands in the Indian Ocean are tide gauges at work. Dr.
Meldbtjm, however, has collected several interesting accounts of the phenomena of
rise and fall of the sea at Mauritius, Seychelles, Cargados Garajos and Rodriguez^
which are given in full below.
Port Louis, Mauritius^
" Opposite the gasworks, on the southern side of the harbour at Port Louis, Mr.
Darney observed that the sea water was going and coming the whole forenoon of
August 27th, but at first the movement did not attract much attention. The tide
did not rise as usual, and it was difficult to bring the lighters close enough to the
shore. At about 13 hrs. 30 mins. the water came with a swirl round the point of the
sea wall, and in about a couple of minutes returned with the same speed. This
took place several times, the water on one occasion rising 2^ feet. The water was
^ery muddy and agitated, and quantities of jelly fish were thrown on shore. Similar
phenomena occurred on the 28th, but to a less extent.
" On the northern side of the Trou Fanfaron, a narrow channel on the north-
eastern side of the harbour of Port Louis, Captain Ferrat observed at some time
between 13 hrs. 30 mins. and 14 hrs. on the 27th, that the water, which was then
unusually low, suddenly rushed in with great violence, rising fully 3 feet above the
former level. An alternate ebb and flow then continued till nearly 19 hours, and the
intervals in time between high and low water were about 15 minutes. There was no
high wave or billow, but strong currents, the estimated velocity of which was ftboiit
3 knots in 10 minutes, or 18 knots an hour. Vessels moored near the Dry Docks
swayed much, and at about 18 hrs. 30 mins. one of the hawsers of the * Touareg^
10 inches in circumference, parted. Buoys in the neighbourhood were at times seen
spinning round like tops. Disturbances were observed on the 28th also, and there
were unusual currents even on the 29th.
" Another observer, Mr. Isbesteb, on the opposite side of the Trou Fanfaron,
noticed, at 14 hours on the 27th, that the water around the ' 5^cZZa,' moored within a
few yards of him, had a boiling appearance. Suddenly the water receded about
20 feet, leaving. some boats partlj'^ on dry land. About a quarter of an hour after,
the water rushed back and advanced about 6 feet farther inland than where it was at
14 hours. The water then receded, and a series of oscillations took place, lastmg till
at least 18 hours. The intervals between high and low water were from 15 to 20
minutes, and the range of rise and fall, wiiich at first was about 3 feet, gradually
subsided after 16 hours. It was feared that the warps of the ^Stella' would give
way. Similar phenomena were observed on the 28th, and to a small extent on
the 29th.
, "The Trou Fanfaron is fi:om 200 to 300 feet in width, and about 1,600 in length,
running nearly east to west, except near its junction with the main harbour, where it
trends to S.W.
"As far as I can ascertaii), no disturbances were observed in the central part
of the main harbour, which runs nearly S.E. and N.W., and where there is a greater
depth of water. Nor does it appear that any were observed outside the harbour.
Tomheau Bay, Mauritius.
" At this bay, which is 3^ miles north of Port Louis, and lies east and west,
the sea suddenly receded at about 14 hours on the 27th, and numbers of fish were
caught on the exposed beach. Some time after, the water returned with great force.
A series of oscillations then took place.
Arsenal and Turtle Bays, MauHtius.
*' Mr. CoMMiNS reports that in the bays, which are l\ miles north from Tombeau
Bay, and which also lie east and west, similar phenomena commenced about noon on
the 27th, and lasted till at least 17 hours on that day, the sea rising and falling alter-
nately to the extent of 2 to 3 feet, and the maximum disturbance occurring at about
14 hours. Between the two bays there is a bar. * Arsenal' being the outer, and
.* Turtle ' the inner bay. A coaster of 1 5 tons burthen, while passing at 14 hours from
Arsenal to Turtle Bay, stuck on the bar ; about 5 minutes after, the sea rushed in
from Arsenal Bay and sent the boat flying into Turtle Bay, where, after having made
two or three rapid revolutions, it was thrown on the north shore."'
SoniUac, Mauritius.
** In this harbour, which is on the south coast of Mauritius, several coasters were
driven from their anchorage."
The most remarkable thing to be noticed in these reports is the time that is
stated to have elapsed between the crests of the long waves.
This is said to be about 30 or 40 minutes, which is much less than the interval
given by the nearest tide gauges at the South African ports, but more than the
interval of the Ceylon waves. From the position of Port Louis, on the western side
of Mauritius, or that farthest removed from Java, it is probable that the waves which
passed by the north and south points of the island would arrive separately at the
harbour, and that the phenomenon was doubled. The true periodic time would then
be from 60 to 80 minutes, which would agree better with the diagrams.
It appears possible, therefore, that the waves here recorded were the long wave^
felt by the gauges. The Trou Fanfaron being the narrow termination of the funnel-
shaped harbour, the effect of the wave would be considerably increased.
The time of the arrival of the first wave, given at about 14 hrs. 15 mins. of the
27th, corresponds to a velocity of 403 miles an hour for the 2,842 miles that
separate the 1,000 fathom line off Sunda Strait from the 1,000 fathom line off
Port Louis.
This is a higher speed than is given by other observations, but it is to
be remarked that the wave selected from the diagrams of self-registering gauges
for comparison, as the first of a regular series of higher waves, is. generally
preceded by other distinct though smaller undulations, and that there is nothing
in these eye observations at Port Louis to enable such comparatively small
distinctions to be made ; and that the time here recorded is that of the first
disturbance observed.
Mah6, Seychelles.
** Mr. EsTRTDGE, at 16 hours on the 27th, saw the sea rushing in at the rate of
about 4 miles an hour, and rising to the extent of 2 feet range. The water returned
and receded ; and this flow and ebb continued all night and all next day, but the
action was quicker and the rise less. From 10 hrs. 15 mins. to 12 hrs. 5 mins. on
the 28th, the following observations were made in a channel 23 feet wide and walled
on both sides : —
Water ran.
Water ran.
h. m.
h. m.
10 15
Water ran ont
Water ran in. .
10 27
„ in. •
12 10
„ out
10 35
„ ont
12 25
in. .
10 40
in. .
12 27
10 50
„ ont
12 45
11 20
„ in. .
12 50
11 25
„ ont
12 55
„ in. •
11 30
„ in. .
13 05
11 40
According to these observations, the mean interval in time between the epochs
of high water was 21 minutes. Mr. Estridge says that the action continued
throughout the rest of the 28th, and also during a part of the 29th, but less
The height of the waves is less than those observed at Mauritius, but the
journey over the long and shallow Seychelles bank probably killed the wave. These
seem to be short waves similar to those observed in Ceylon.
The time here mentioned by Mr. Esthidge would give 373 miles an hour for the
2,873 miles, measured from the 1,000 fathom hne off Sunda Strait to the outer
soimding on the edge of the Seychelles bank, of 200 fathoms, which is, however,
probably nearly identical with the 1,000 fathoms, as the bank is steep.
s 2
Cargados Garajos.
" On August 27th, the * Evelina/ Captain Elault, was at anchor on the west-
north-west coast of Avocaire Island (one of the St. Brandon islands, which are
between 16° 15' and 16° 57' S., and 58° 41' and 59° 26' E.) in 3f fathoms, a cable s
length off shore. At 15 hours on that day it was observed that the sea suddenly
advanced about 20 feet beyond the highest water-mark. As it was then ebb tide
this phenomenon appeared very strange. The water soon receded with a rapid
motion, and the shoal patches appeared quite dry to a very long distance from the
island Before fifteen minutes had elapsed, the water rose again with the same
velocity, coming up to the first mark. It was not a wave, nor a billow, nor a high
sea ; the water was smooth, except where there were heads of coral, and there only a
few wavelets were formed. This to and fro motion lasted up to 19 hours; at first
the intervals between high and low water were about 10 minutes, and towards
18 hours, 20 minutes. The current was setting towards E.N.E. of the compass at
the rate of ten miles an hour. The sea was not rough outside, nor at the anchorage,
nor eight miles N.N.W. from it, where two boats had been fishing from morning till
14 hours. At a quarter of a mile from Avocaire, these boats were caught at 16
hours by the receding tide, and left high and dry for 10 minutes. Similar phe-
nomena occurred between 4 hours and 7 hours on the 28th, but they were less
intense ; and only four alternate motions of the se^- water were observed.''
Here also the periods of the waves are reported as small, from 20 to 40 minutes.
The 20 feet, mentioned as being the distance above high water-mark, to which the
wave reached, would on the flat sandy shores of the island correspond to perhaps
18 inches or 2 feet of vertical height. The speed calculated from the recorded time
of 15 hours would be 370 miles an hour for the 2,662 miles, measured from the 1,000
fathoms off Sunda to the outer sounding of 40 fathoms off Cargados.
Port MathuHn, Rodiiguez.
" Serjeant-Major Walus observed at 13 hrs. 30 mins. on August 27th, a peculiar
appearance of the sea-water in the inner harbour. It was then ebb tide, and most
of the boats were aground. The sea looked like water boiling heavily in a pot, and
the boats which were afloat were swinging in all directions. The disturbance
appeared quite suddenly, lasted about half an hour, and ceased as suddenly as it had
commenced. At 14 hrs. 20 mins. a similar disturbance began ; the tide all of a sudden
rose 5 feet 11 inches, with a current of about 10 knots an hour to the westward,
floating all boats which had been aground, and tearing them from their moorings.
All this happened in a few minutes. The tide then turned with equal force to the
eastward, leaving the boats which were close in-shore dry oh the beach, and dragging
the Government boat (a large decked pinnace) from heavy moorings, and leaving it
dry on the reefe. The inner harbour was almost dry. The water in the channel was
several feet below the line of reefs j and, owing to the sudden disappearance of the
water, the reefs looked like islands rising out of the sea. The tides continued to rise
and fall about every half hour, but not so high, or with the same force, as the first
tide. By noon on the 29th, the tide was about its usual height, and appeared to be
settled. The water was very muddy, and not nearly so salt as sea-wate^ usually is ;
it was little more than brackish."
Here the wave of 14 hrs. 20 mina is stated to be the first high one, and is
therefore taken for comparison.
The velocity of the wave would, therefore, be 376 miles for the distance of
2,519 miles from the 1,000 fathom line from Sunda Strait to the outer sounding of
200 fathoms on the eidge of the steep bank off Rodriguez Island.
The height of 5 feet 1 1 inches appears precise, but it is so large compared with
other records at places at this distance from Krakatoa, that some doubt is permissible
as to its correctness. It is not stated how it was measured, and from my personal
knowledge of the island and of its flat, fringing reefs, 1 think that an eye estimation
would be liable to considerable error, and I do not fancy that any gauge has been
erected since my visit in 1874.
The remark on the brackishness of the wat6r may be taken as evidence of the
imagination of the observer.
Tidal Diagrams.
Port Alfred.
The first of the more distant tide gauges is that at Port Alfred, in South Africa,
4,624 miles, with an uninterrupted sweep from Krakatoa. This gauge, although
placed inside a bar, gives a very good diagram. It is on the scale of 1^ inches to
the foot, and 1 inch to the hour. The curve is quite smooth to 7 hrs. on the 27th,
when an irregular oscillation commences sharply. This gradually increases to a
height of 6 inches, when a distinctly higher wave, of a height of 1 foot 4 inches,
is shown at 17 hrs. 10 mins.
Eleven waves of an average interval of 65 minutes can then be traced, although
their height is much varied by interference. One cannot be sure that the 17 hrs.
10 mins. wave is that which should he taken as corresponding to the 10 o'clock wave
from Krakatoa^ hut it is apparently the commencement of a fresh series of waves,
no period of former waves falling in with it, and I have therefore selected it as the
comparison wave. The waves in this series are as follows : —
Times . .
h. m. h. 111. h. m.
17 10 18 17 19 22
h. m.
20 30
h. nu
21 28
Intervals .
m. in.
67 65
m. m.
58 76
Times . .
23 48 1 01 2 03
2 55
4 06
Intervals .
73 62
71 59
double intervals will be : —
n. m. h. m. h. m.
2 12 2 06 2 20
h. m.
2 15
h. m.
2 03
The distance, measured from the 1,000 fathom line off Sunda Strait to the 1,000
fathom line off Port Alfred, is 4,550 miles, and the velocity for the 17 hrs. 10 mins^
wave will be 388 miles an hour* This corresponds to a depth of 2,245 fathoms,
which is probably not far from the truth, though the few soimdings which exist on
the route, are all over 2,500 fathoms.
1'he first wave that appears at all, which is very well marked at 7 lirs. 09 mins.
on the 27th, can be followed for twelve undulations thus : —
h. m, h. m. h. in. h. ni. h. m. h. m.
Times ,. 7 09 8 18 9 29 10 40 11 50 13 02
m. m. m. m. m. m.
Intervals . 69 71 71 . 70 72 69
Times . , 14 11 15 20 16 35 17 45 miss 20 10 21 28
Intervals . 69 75 70 145 78
The mean interval is 71 minutes.
The second wave, at 7 hi-s. 21 mins., can be followed still further for seventeen
undulations, with a mean interval of 77 minutes, as folioM^s : —
Times ..
h. ni. h. m. h. m. li.
7 21 8 38 y 57 11
m. h. m. h. nu
16 12 35 13 41
Intervals .
m. m. ni.
77 79 79
m. m. m.
79 66 71
Times . ,
14 52 16 07 miss 18 33 19
52 21 11 miss 23 49
Intervals .
75 146 79
79 158 74
Times . .
1 03 2 23 miss 5 04
Intervals .
80 161
The second series of large waves, which commences with one at 18 hrs. 33 mms.,
can be followed for ten undulations, with a mean interval of 55 minutes, 843
follows : —
h. m. li. m. h, m. h. m.
19 23 20 14 21 12 22 08
Intervals . .
m. m. aft. m.
r.l 58 56 56
24 00 miss 1 52 miss 3 47
Intervals . .
m. ' m.
112 115
It will be seen that none of these series but that first given will coincide with
the wave at 17 hrs. 10 mins.
The maximum wave is at 23 hours on August 27th, with a height of 1^ feet ;
and the disturbance continues to 10 hours of tiie 29th of August
The complications of waves make this one of the most difficult diagrams to deal
with. To what are these earlier waves attributable ? This diagram should afford a
clue, as the abruptness of the first appearance of the disturbance at 7 hrs. 09 mins.
deserves remark, and differs from other diagrams.
But supposing the speed generally deduced from the waves to be approxi-
mately correct, the wave that caused this first disturbance must have left Krakatoa
at about 23 hrs. 30 mins. on the 26th, local time, at which time there is no record
of a wave of any height in the Strait of Sunda, The wave from Krakatoa of
1 hr. 42 mins. of the 27th was recorded faintly on the diagram at Batavia, but this
wave was, from the absence of corresponding damage effected on the coast near the
volcano, a small one, and it is hardly to be supposed that it could show so sharply
on the Port Alfred gauge. Supposing, however, that the 7 hrs. 09 mins. wave is
due to the 1 hr. 42 mins. wave, from Krakatoa, it travelled at a rate of 424 miles
an hour.
Port Elizabeth.
The Port Elizabeth gauge diagram is not satisfactory, the tracing having been
very carelessly made, so that the hour lines are very inaccurate.
The scale is 1 inch to the foot, and 1 inch to the hour.
The gauge is much more exposed than that at Port Alfred, and feels the local
waves more.
The diagram at noon, August 26th, begins with continuous oscillations of a few
inches, which get slightly larger till 16 hours of the 27th, when two waves of 9 inches
height follow one another at 1^ hours interval.
At 19 hrs. 54 mins. comes an unmistakably large wave of 4 feet range, which I
take for the comparison wave.
The disturbance is henceforth well marked with apparently but littie interference,
but, nevertheless, the intervals of series of waves do not come out well. Six waves
follow the comparison wave with periods of 70 minutes. Afterwards they cannot
be satis&ctorily followed for about 6 hours, when the same period can again be
Starting with the same wave at 1 9 hrs. 54 mins., twenty-two waves can be taken
with an average period of 2 hrs. 24 mins.
The 19 hrs. 54 mips, series is as follows :—
h. xn. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m.
Times .. 19 54 21 04 22 14 miss 0 33 1 46 2 57
m. m. m. . in. m.
Intervals.. 70 70 139 .73 71
The distance, measured from the 1,000 fathom line off the Strait of Suhda to
the 1,000 fathom line off Port £lizabeth, is 4,611 miles, for which the 19 hrs.
54 mins. wave gives a velocity of 3-20 miles an hour. The speed for Port Alfred,
only a few miles eastward, is 388 miles, and therefore these discordant results cannot
be considered satisfactory, as Port Elizabeth would give a mean depth of 1,505
fathoms, whereas Port Alfred gives 2,245 fathoms; the track of the waves lying dose
to one another.
It is not possible to make them agree without straining the evidence, if the
comparison wave be selected as being the first of a comparatively regular series ; but
if the 17 hrs. 52 mins. wave be taken, which might' be done by a mere eye selection,
the speed of the wave would stand at 371 miles, which would agree better with the
adjacent gauges of Port Alfred and Table Bay.
The series of longer periods, starting with the 19 hrs. 54 mins. wave, is as
follows : —
Times .
Times .
Times .
Times .
Ii. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. ni.
19 54 22 12 0 33 3 00 5 25 7 38
h. m.
h. m.
h. m.
h. m.
h. m.
h. m.
2 18
2 21
2 27
2 25
2 13
2 22
10 00 12 20 14 37 17 20 1942 22 lO
2 20 2 17 2 43 2 22 2 28 2 26
0 36 2 50 5 37 8 04 10 22 . 12 40
2 14 2 47 2 27 2 18 2 18 2 23
15 03 17 28 19 54 22 04
2 25 2 26 2 10
Twenty-two waves in all, with a mean period of 2 hrs. 23 mins.
In connection with the disturbance at Port Elizabeth, the following letter fi'ofn
the Captain of one of the large mail steamers then laying in the bay is interesting,
as showing that horizontal movement^ and that of a rapid character, was taking
place at the time the larger waves began to arrive : —
" The 'Hawarden Castle ' was at anchor in Algoa Bay with starboard anchor and
60 fathoms of chain, the anchor being in 6f fathoms. At about 8 hrs. 30 mins. p.m.
on the 27th of August, wind S.E., moderate breeze with a little sea, ship riding head
to wind, 1 observed the ship suddenly swing with head to N.E., bringing wind and
sea abeam. My first impression was that our cable had parted, but on going forward
I found a heavy strain on the cable caused by the anchor still bearing S.E. from the
ship. So heavy was the strain that the friction brake, by which we always ride, and
which is powerful enough to part the cable, would not hold. I at once dropped the
second anchor, and, on paying out cable, the ship seemed to drift bodily to the N .W,,
her head still pointing to the N.E. When we had an equal strain on both cables, I
had time to remark to the chief oflScer the strangeness of the occurrence, and while
speaking (about 8 hrs. 50 mins. p.m.), the ship again turned round with her head to
wind and sea (S.E.). We remained in this position about 8 minutes, when we again
swung with head to N.E., but on this occasion more slowly than at first. From this
hour till midnight we occasionally headed the wind and sea, but only for a short time,
when back we went again, head N.E., with wind and sea abeam. After midnight
the wind got very light, and at 3 hours a.m. we were heading the S.E. swell in
a calm.
•* (Signed) M. P. Webster."
This swinging of the ship means that a current was setting out from the
Now, the time here recorded, 8 hrs. 30 mins. p.m., is just midway between
the times of arrival of the first and second crests in the series taken for
comparison ; and therefore the water would be retreating from the coast and setting
Table Bay.
This diagram is a good one, but the gauge is evidently influenced by small local
waves. The scale is one inch to the foot, and half an inch to the hour.
The first large wave is well marked, though the oscillation before it, is somewhat
higher than those preceding.
The greater waves are ushered in by small undulations for some hours ; then
comes a large wave, of 9 inches range, at 18 hrs. 42 mins. of the 27th, followed by a
etill larger series of 18 inches. These cannot be followed for more than 12 hours,
interferences preventing identification, though the disturbance continues to 19 hours
of the 29 th of August.
As the 18 hrs. 42 mins. wave falls in very well with the period of the succeeding
series, I have taken it for comparison. The series is of 13 waves with a mean period
of 62 minutes, and a period for the double waves of 2 hrs. 05 mins.
h, m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h, m. h. m.
18 42 19 50 20 53 22 05 23 07 23 58 0 52
ui. m. m. m. m. m» m.
Intervals . .
68 63 72 62 51 54 68
2 00 2 50 3 58 5 00 6 18 7 12
Intervals . .
50 68 62 78 54
There is no interference so far, nor any second series. In this respect the
diagram greatly differs from those of Port Elizabeth and Port Alfred.
The gauge is situated inside the breakwater, and the wave would, in coming into
it, have passed round a complete circle from its original course from Krakatoa.
The tracks followed by the waves to these three South African ports are not
identical, though they do not lie far apart, and are sufficiently near to enable us to
assume that the mean depth passed over by the separate waves is not far from the
same. The Port Alfred wave would give a depth of 2,245 fathoms ; that to Port
Elizabeth 1,505 fathoms; and the Table Bay wave 2,010 fathoms. These are all for
the deep water portion of the tracks, starting from the assumed position of the
1,000 fathom line off the Strait of Sunda, to the same depth off the South African
ports. As imfortunately the sounding of the Indian Ocean is very incomplete, it
cannot be certainly stated from actual observation what the true mean depth is ; but
as all the soundings yet obtained on the line of the wave are over 2,500 fathoms,
it may be assumed to be in all probability not less than 2,300 fathoms. On this
assumption the Port Alfred record agrees fairly with the time calculated from the
formula, but the Port Elizabeth and Table Bay waves are too late.
Fort Molthi.
At Port Moltke, in the inland of South Georgia, a tide gauge was working under
the supervision of the German South Polar Expedition.
The scale is 2'^'1 inches to a foot, and 0'8 inch to an hour.
This position is well open to the sea. The diagram is good, but presents great
After small oscillations of 3 inches, a larger wave of 11 inches suddenly appears
at 14 hrs. 29 mins. of the 27th. This is followed by three other waves with a mean
period of 63 minutes ; after which the regularity is lost.
h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m.
Times . . . . 14 29 15 42 16 45 17 40
m. m. m.
Intervals •. ,. 73 63 55
If the first of the series be taken for th^ comparison wave, it gives an average
speed of 487 miles an hour from Krakatoa, which I cannot but think is extremely
improbable, corresponding as it does with a depth of 3,500 fathoms.
These undulations diminish after 21 hours, but at 1 hr. 45 mins. on the 28th
another wave of 1 5 inches is recorded, which is followed by others for 20 hours.
These waves are complicated and apparently belong to two series of about the same
period. The first series of 62 minutes period is —
b. m. h. ID. h. m. h. in. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m.
Times . . 1 44 2 46 3 47 4 45 5 48 6 51 8 07 9 07
m. m. m. m. m. in. m.
Intervals.. 62 61 58 63 63 76 60
Times .. 10 00 11 08 12 03 12 56 13 55 14 53 16 08
Intervals 53 68 55 . 53 " 59 58 75
The double interval is 2 hrs. 3 mins.
The second series of a mean period of 63 minutes is —
h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h« m. h. in. h. m.
Times . .
.. 2 20 3 25 4 21 5 21 6 18 7 22 8 28
m. m. m. m. m. m. m.
Intervals . .
65 56 60 57 64 66 65
.. 9 33 10 41 11 40 12 39 13 44 14 47 15 55
Intervals , .
68 59 59 65 63 68 65
Tunes ..
. . 17 00 17 55 19 12 20 15
Intervals . .
mi _ J 11
55 77 63
_ • 1 1 • ^ 1 ^ •
The double interval is 2 hrs. 6 mins.
If we take the wave at 1 hr. 44 mins. for comparison, the speed — calculated for
the distance from the 1,000 fathom line off Sunda Strait to the 100 fathom line off
Port Moltke, which is 6,619 miles — is 266 miles an hour. This is apparently as low
as the other speed calculated firom the first large wave at 14 hrs. 29 mins. of the
27th is high ; but the track foUowed by the wave from Sunda Strait passes in one
place south of the Kerguelen Group, where soundings of 160 fathoms have be6n
obtained, and afterwards passes through the pack of Antarctic ice for many miles ; so
that retardation may not unreasonably be assxuned, as the depths are probably not
great on this course.
To what cause the earlier waves are to be attributed I am unable to suggest, as
the duration of a regular series is not long. The period is not unKke that recognised
in so many of the diagrams discussed, and visible in the later series of waves on
this gauge.
Altogether the results from this station are not satisfactory. Dr. Neumayer,
the Director of the Deutsche Seewarte, Hamburg, has assured me that there is no
error in the times used.
Orange Bay, Cape Horn.
The French Meteorological Expedition had an automatic tide gauge at work at
Orange Bay. The photographic copies fiu-nished are very small, but I have had
them enlarged by photography for purposes of measurement.
This is an interesting diagram, and seems to indicate that two distinct series of
waves arrived, one five hours before the other.
The south pole, with its unknown lands, but more or less known icy barriers,
intervenes between the Strait of Sunda and Cape Horn. Thus a wave would have
to travel round these obstructions, and would pass on both sides, the distance by the
west being about 7,520 miles, and by the east about 7,820.
I have come to the conclusion that the earliest waves were those that travelled
the greatest distance, for the following reasons : —
A careful examination shows that the eastern wave is unfettered by islands, and
that the sea from the few known depths is probably deep. By the other route, on
the contrary, the Kerguelen Group is passed, and hereabouts the depths do not
exceed 200 fathoms ; also on passing between the Sandwich Land and South Georgia
a more or less shallow sea is in all probability travelled over.
The course of the western wave is, for the greater part of the distance, identical
with that which reached South Georgia, in which case we have seen that its speed was
probably low. If the early waxes are taken to be those .which passed south of South
Georgia, it will appear that they arrived at Orange Bay 1^ hours earlier than at
South Georgia, which, seeing that the distance is 850 miles greater, seems
The gauge was situated in a bay inside a good many islands, which would tend
to impede the wave and cause irregularities.
The diagram shows small and irregiJar disturbance from the commencement, but
at 21 hrs. 57 mins. on the 27th there is the first of a short series of four waves with
a period of 37 minutes as follows : —
h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m.
Times . . . . 21 57 22 37 23 13 23 47
m. m. in.
Intervals .. 40 36 34
Another wave follows, but at 54 minutes interval. The disturbance then dies down.
but at 4 hrs. 57 mins. on the 28 th there is the first of a second series of eleven
waves, with a mean period of 36 minutes, as follows : —
h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m.
Times .. , . 4 57 5 32 5 58 6 33 7 06 7 46
m. m. m. m. in. m.
Intervals .. 35 26 35 33 40 30
Times .. . . 8 16 8 57 9 37 10 15 11 00
Intervals . . 41 40 38 45
The maximum height of the waves is 7 inches, occurring at the third wave of
the first series. The speed of the first series, taken, as I have said, by the eastern
route, is 347 miles an hour; of the second, by the western route, 251 miles ; which
agrees very fairly with that of the South Georgia wave, and tends to show that
this conclusion is correct. The diagram shows disturbance till the end, viz., until
noon on the 29th, but this is irregular and probably due to local causes.
If these waves are due to Krakatoa, they seem to be again broken up, as the
mean period is roughly half of that noted on former diagrams.
For the second and longer series, the double intervals are : —
61 68 70 81 83, or a mean of 73 minutes.
Colon, Isthmtis of Panama.
The Colon diagram presents features utterly unlike any other of the gauges
under discussion, at a distance from the Strait of Sunda.
Commencing very sharply and distinctly, a negative wave of 5 inches is followed
by a positive wave of 13 inches range, the first of a series of sixteen waves with a
period of 70 minutes, remarkably regular, with no sign of interference, and gradually
dying away in a manner difierent from all others recorded.
The time of arrival of the first wave is 16 hrs. 30 mins., which gives a speed of
026 miles an hour.
As this corresponds to a mean depth from the Strait of Sunda of over 5,000
fathoms, and, over the greater part of the distance, the depth is known, and is about
2,400 fiithoms, — this result may be regarded as out of the question ; and the
waves which disturbed the Colon gauge must be ascribed to some other cause than
As the whole of the coast on which Colon lies is subject to rollers of various
dimensions, which set in from the Caribbean Sea, with no corresponding local change
of wind, it appears that the origin of these waves may be sought in some such
direction, with much less improbability than by imagining that an undulation starting
from Krakatoa could have travelled to Colon in 18 hours, more especially as the
arrival of the wave at Table Bay in 13^ hours necessitates its having travelled the
remaining distance, 6,380 miles, in under 5 hours, or at a velocity of over 1,000 miles
an hour.
This harbour, situated in the Bay of Biscay near the boundary of France and
Spain, is the nearest place to the northward of the Cape of Good Hope at which an
automatic tide gauge was at work. The small photographi3 reductions of the tidal
diagrams have been enlarged three times by photography, and from them the
measurements are taken ; the same course has been pursued in dealing with the
diagrams for Rochefort, Cherbourg, and Havre.
A disturbance, which though small is quite distinct, and fairly regular, appears
at 4 hrs. 50 mins. on the 28th, and lasts 10 hours. Seven undulations can be
followed with a mean period of 39 minutes.
h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. • m. h. m. h. m.
Times . . . . 4 50 5 25 6 13 6 45 7 27 8 04 8 42
in. m. m. m. m. m.
Intervals . . 35 48 32 42 37 38
The range does not exceed 3 inches. Taking the first wave at 4 hrs. 50 mins.,
the speed for a distance of 10,729 miles is 425 miles an hour.
This gauge is situated 10 miles up the Charente River, but the converging
character of the shores of the Basque Roads would tend to magnify the waves.
Four can be traced with a mean interval of 55 minutes as follows, on the 28th
of August : —
b« m. h. in* h. m. h. m.
Times ,.940 1035 1128 1225
in. m. m.
Intervals .... 55 53 57
The range of the third wave is 5 inches. The distance is 1 0,724 miles, which
gives a speed of 414 miles an hour.
The disturbance on this diagram is short. The first wave appears at 9 hrs.
20 mins. on the 28th and is followed bj four others, of an average range of 2
inches : —
h. m. h. m. h. in. h. m. h. m.
Times .. . . 9 20 9 59 10 32 11 07 11 44
m. m. in. m.
Intervals .. 39 33 35 37
The mean period is 36 minutes. The distance from the 1,000 fathom line
off the Strait of Sunda to the 1,000 fathom line at the mouth of the English
Channel, is 10,780 miles. The 9 hi-s. 20 mins. wave gives a speed of 421 miles
an hour.
This gauge, the farthest up the Channel, and at the greatest distance from
Krakatoa of any dealt with, shows very slight disturbance ; but the undulations are
fairly regular, though the range does not exceed 1 inch. Period 33 minutes.
Five of these small waves can be traced as follows : —
h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m.
Times.. .. 1133 12 05 12 40 13 20 13 46
Intervals .. 32 35 40 26
Taking the distance as 10,780 miles, the speed comes out 422 miles an hour.
The original diagram is on the scale of 0'4 of an inch to the foot, and half an
inch to the hour. TTie gauge is situated a long way up the harbour, but the form of
the land tends to enlarge the wave.
A slight oscillation with no regular period begins at 6 hrs. 20 mins. on the 28th,
but at 10 hrs. 43 mins. there is a stronger wave of 6 inches range, followed by four
others, with a mean period of 65 minutes. The intervals are not, however, very
regular : —
h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m.
Times.. .. 10 43 11 35 12 46 2 10 3 05
m. m. in. m.
Intervals .. 52 71 84 55
I take the 10 hrs. 43 mins. wave as the one for comparison ; and the distance
being 11,040 miles, 10,790 of which are in deep water, the speed of the wave comes
out at 380 miles an hour,
The gauge is on the inner side of Portland Breakwater ; to reach which the
wave has, from the entrance of the Channel, to pass for 250 miles over depths of less
than 100 fathoms.
The diagram here is on the scale of 1;^ inches to the foot and 1 inch to the hour.
The indications of disturbance are not very conclusive, as no regularity of period is
traceable in the small indentations which appear on the 28th of August. They are so
small as not to show on the reduced diagram, but they can be seen on the original
from 10 hrs. 15 mins. on the 28th for some hours. Taking the earliest appearance at
10 hrs. 15 mins., a speed of 406 miles an hour comes out.
Portiamouth and Dover.
The gauges here show no sign of any disturbance. Seeing that the distance up
the English Channel in shallow water is much greater than those already dealt with,
and that the disturbances at Havre and Portland are so very shght, this is not
It cannot be considered that the evidence afforded by any of these six gauges in
France and England is conclusive ; the disturbance in all of them is too slight. But,
looking at them collectively, and seeing the fair accordance of the speed of the waves
— which would travel on the same course — the evidence is strongly in favour of the
distm'bances on these gauges being the effect of one and the same cause, and one
which originated at a great distance, or the disturbance would have been of longer
Against the presumption of their connection with Krakatoa is the high speed at
>\hich the wave must have travelled.
In no other case does the depth corresponding to the speed come out otherwise
than under the probable truth ; but the average velocity of 408 miles given by these six
gauges would demj^nd a m^an depth of 2,500 fathoms, whereas it is very improbable,
from the known soundings, that this quantity is over 2,400 fathoms. On the other
hand, the ocean is deep over the whole course, and no checking of the velocity would
probably occur from great irregularities of the bottom. Though the wave had to
round the Cape of Good Hope, it would do so at a greater distance than the wave
which reached Table Bay, and the difference between the speeds — viz., 370 miles to
Table Bay and 408 as the average to the edge of the shallow water at the entrance
of the English Channel — may be accounted for in this way, and also by the difficulty
in tracing the most probable track for the wave in i caching Table Bay.
Noth withstanding, there is a great discrepancy between the speed from Table
Bay to the Channel, and that which the known depth should give by the formula,
V = ^gh. This is the only case in these discussions which atFords an opportunity of
examining the speed of the wave in different parts of its course. In no other in-^
stance do the tracks to different places coincide near enough to allow of a com-
Here we have a time of 12^ hoiu*s from off the Cape of Good Hope to the
Channel, or a speed of 462 miles an hour. This corresponds to a depth of over 3,000
fathoms, whereas the mean depth cannot be over 2,400 at the most, as estimated
from the soundings, which are sufficiently numerous to enable this to be stated with
The tidal wave is 14 hours later in the Channel than at the Cape, which corre-
sponds to a velocity of 412 miles an hour, supposing it to travel from one to the
other. Even this gives, by the formula (supposing the wave to be "free"), 2,500
fathoms as a mean depth, which is, as before stated, more than the depth known
to exist. It appears, therefore, either that the tidal wave which fiills the Channel
does not originate in the South Indian Ocean, or that the formula does not give
the speed with sufficient exactness.
Tidal Diagrams and Eye Observations.
To the eastward of the Strait of Sunda the results are very meagre. The few
tide gauges in Australia are badly placed, up estuaries, and, with one exception, show
very slight and irregular disturbances.
In New Zealand two automatic gauges are at work, but the one at Port Lyttel-
ton, which alone shows much disturbance, is difficult to interpret ; and, moreover, the
waves it has registered, as well as the reports of .eye-witnesses, tend to show that the
waves felt in New Zealand had some other point or points of origin than the Strait of
Sunda. The disturbances marked on the three gauges at the Sandwich Islands,
Alaska, and San Francisco are, as will be seen, also apparently unconnected with
West Australia.
Here there are no tide gauges ; and, as the reports are veiy crude and vague,
not much reliance can be placed upon them.
Cossack^ W. Australia.
At 4.30 p.m. on the 27th an extraordinary tide is said to have set in, which rose
nearly 5 feet, then went out just 98 rapidly, the coming in and going out not occupy-
ing more than SO minutes.
This time gives a speed of 423 miles an hour for the 995 miles from the Strait of
Sunda to the 190 fathoms off Cossack. This gives a depth of 2,600 fathoms —
probably near the truth,
Geraldton, W, Australia.
Here the water is stated to have suddenly risen 6 feet at 8 on the 27th,
and receded sa far that boats anchored in 6 feet water were left high and dry. It
rose again, but not so high as at first, and continued rising and fidling, gradually
getting less and less till about noon the next day, when it ceased.
If this time be taken, it would give a speed of only 170 miles an hour from
the Strait of Sunda. As at this time it had been dark for two hours, it may be
regarded as doubtful whether the wave remarked at 8 o'clock was really the first that
reached Geraldton.
From the rapid rise mentioned^ it appears that these waves were short ones at
both Cossack and GeraldtoOi
Porl Adelaide, S. Australia.
The diagram here shows disturbance, but of so irregular a character that
nothing can be founded upon it.
The gauge is placed inside a bar, and some miles up the river.
WUliamistoumf Victoria.
This bay is situated near the head of Port Phillip. The wave coming from sea-
ward would have to pass ovet 30 iniles of shallow water after getting through the
narrows at the entrance, where the tides are very strong. Nevertheless, there is a
marked disturbance, which commences at 4 hrs. 30 mins. on the 28th, the range being
only 4 inches. This lasts until the 31st, but can be followed as a regular series for
only twenty-seven waves. The mean period is 86 minutes, but it varies considerably.
There is only one series of waves.
A. in* A. m. A. m» a. m. a. al a. ia.
Times , . 4 40 6 40 8 08 9 35 10 55 12 10
H. m. h. Ai. h. m. h.. m. a. 'm. a. m.
Intervals 2 00 1 28 1 27 1 20 1 15 1 30
ii« ID* h* nL Om nia D. in. n. hl. a. in.
Times .. 13 40 15 10 16 35 17 50 19 05 20 10
h. m. h. m. h. m. h, m. h. m. h: m.
Intervals 1 30 1 25 1 15 1 15 1 05 1 30
Times .. 21 40 23 25 1 05 2 08 3 35 5 00
Intervals 1 45 1 40 1 03 1 27 1 25 1 45
Times .. 6 45 7 45 9 25 11 00 12 00 13 42
Intervals 1 00 1 40 1 35 1 00 1 42 1 23
Times .. 15 05 16 20 17 27 19 25
Intervals I 15 1 07 1 58
The distance, measured from the 1000-fi^thom line from off the Strait of Sunda
to the 130 fathoms off the entrance to Bass Strait is 3,130 miles. The 4 hrs. 40
mina wave gives a speed of 232 miles an hour, which corresponds to a depth of 800
fathom& The very few soundings which exist on or near this route are all more
than 2,000 fathoms, from which it appears that if the distiurhance is connected with
Krakatoa the earlier waves must have been so small that they were not recorded on
the gauge. The length of the waves precludes the supposition of any local cause
or undulations caused by gales. The original diagram is on a scale of 1 inch to
the hour.
Sydney, New South Wales.
The record at this port is disturbed, but merely at high water, and no deduction
from it appears possible.
On the subject of the Sydney gauge, Mr. H. C. Bubbell, F.II.S., the Government
Astronomer of New South Wales, writes as follows : —
" I should teU you that there is always a little unsteadiness in the Sydney tidal
'wave at high water, and when the so-called earthquake waves do reach oxu: coast, as
they fr^uently do, they are always greatest about the time of high water.
" Two reasons for the irregular high-water curve have been offered — 1st, that,
when the tide wave rushes into the complex ^stem of bays forming Sydney Harbour,
extending 20 miles in one direction and nearly as much in two others, the water
oscillates till it comes to its level ; and 2ndly, and more probably, that the tide wave
is divided by New Zealand, and that the two branches arrive on this coast at different
"I mention this so that you may make allowance for it in estimating the
disturbances recorded at high water,
*' Again, the common so-called earthquake waves are fairly regular in interval,
from crest to crest, being 25 minutes to 30 minutes, while the best marked of those I
send you have a much longer intervali about 45 minutes.
u 2
" As soon as we heard of the great eruption at Krakatoa I tried to connect our
recorded waves with it, but I found that the velocity for one set was too great, and
for the other, too small.
" I did not hear any explosions on August 27th, nor did I hear of anyone who
heard such noises at that time/'
Tidal Diagrams and Eye Observations.
From New Zealand has been received a report from Dr. Hector, F.R.S., accom-
panied by two tidal diagrams from Port Lyttelton and Dunedin respectively. The
report gives the eye observations at different places. From this it appears that at
10 spots on the coast, disturbance was noticed on various dates between the 28th of
August and the 1st of September.
I opine that none of these could have originated from the Strait of Sunda, the
interval elapsing between the great wave there and the earliest disturbance in New
Zealand being far too great to permit the supposition that that wave could have
caused them. It was at Port Lyttelton, by Dr. Hector's report, that the dis
turbance was finst noticed.
Port LytteltoUy New Zealand.
The tidal diagram here is on a large scale, 2 inches to the foot and 1 inch to
the hour.
The curve is most irregular, and unfortunately at the time Dr. Hector mentions
as that at which the disturbance commenced, the chain was entangled.
It is difficult to arrive at any conclusion as to the exact nature of the disturbance,
from the absence of diagrams of any days when the movement was normal. On all
other days for which diagrams are given, from the 28th of August to the 3rd of
September, abnormal motion appeai-s to be taking place.
This is of two kinds ; small oscillations with an average of about ten minutes,
but with much variation, and larger and very irregular rises and falls.
This is quite unlike the diagrams from other parts to the west of Sunda Strait,
where the disturbance may be considered as undoubtedly due to Krakatoa. No
regulax period can be recognised, and no result is obtainable.
Taking Dr. Hector's statement that the tide ebbed and flowed in an exceptional
manner on the evenmg of the 28th, in conjunction with the broken record of the
gauge at that time, 9. 45 p.m. may be considered as about the hour when the first
wave crest reached the port.
This gives, for the distance from Krakatoa, which, eliminating the shallow water
as before, is 4,772 miles from the 1,000 fathoms off Sunda Strait to the 100 fathoms
off Port Lyttelton, 159 miles an hour; which corresponds to a depth of 377 fathoms.
The true depth is probably not less than 2,300 fathoms.
Dunediuy New Zealand.
This gauge is situated at the head of the long Bay of Otago. It shows a disturb-
ance merely at high water on the 29th at 3 p.m.
Dr. Hector states that at Port Chalmers, four miles lower down the harbour,
the water rose and fell irregularly from 11.30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the 29th. .
Taking 11.30 as the earliest time, the wave would have taken 45 hrs. 9 mins. to
travel from Krakatoa, which gives a speed of 102 miles an hour for the 4,536 miles
from Sunda Strait to the 500 fathoms off Otago. This corresponds to a depth of
150 fathoms, the true depth being probably not less than 2,300 fathoms.
At other places in New Zealand the discrepancy is the same, or even greater.
Thus Dr. Hector states, that at Timaru, "a wave was experienced several
times, and a very marked disturbance of the water occurred on the morning of
the 29th."
" At Nelson, at 8 p.m. on September the Ist, the tide suddenly rose to some
distance above high water-mark, the time for high water not being tiU after 9 p.m.
It fell again about 10 inches, after which it commenced to flow as usual."
" At Thames, at 8.15 a.m. on the 30th of August, the tide, which had previously
been ebbing, suddenly turned to flood, running past the lighthouse at Passage like a
mill race for about half an hour. It then just as suddeiJy turned to ebb again, about
two hoiu^ being wanted to low water. The disturbance was still noticed at the
Thames on August the 31st."
" At Auckland a tidal wave was experienced just before the last of the ebb tide
on August the 29th. The rise was about 6 feet."
" At Russell, Bay of Islands, and at Mongonui, tidal disturbances were noticed
several times in rapid succession on August the 29th."
" On August the 29th earthijuake shocks were felt at Brisbane, Bockhampton,
and Gladstone in Queensland ; also at Patea in Taranaki District, New Zealand-"
" At midnight, August 29th — 30th, a severe shock was felt at Kiana, New South
Wales, about 90 miles south of Sydney."
" On August the 31st a slight shock was felt in South Australia."
Dr. Hector adds, after expressing his opinion that the tidal disturbances were
probably due to Krakatoa, and referring to the great earthquake at Arica in 1868 : —
^' On both occasions we had slight earthquake shocks, produced probably as a
secondary result from the inequality of pressure, but similar slight shocks are not
infrequent, without being accompanied by tidal disturbances."
It will, I think, be evident that no wave that occurred more than 15 hours
(equivalent to a mean depth of 1,300 fathoms) after the eruption at Erakatoa could
be, under any hypothesis, attributed to it ; whereas the earliest of the disturbances
here recorded took place 48 hours, and the latest 116 hours, after the 10 o'clock wave
left Exakatoa.
The diversity o£ times recorded in different places in New Zealand, as well as the
brief duration of aome of the disturbances, seem to point to some local cause ; and it
appears that the earthquakes mentioned by Dr. HsorOB are far more likely to have
caused them than is the disturbance in the Strait of Sunda on August the 27th.
I think that that gentleman will probably agree in this conclusion when he sees
the evidence.
Tidal Diagrams and Eye OnsEBVATioiNs.
We have diagranus from three places in the Pacific, viz., Honolulu ; St. Pauls,
Eodiak ; and Saucelito, near San Francisco.
These all show disturbance, but I do not think that it can be considered to have
any distinct connection with the eruption in Sunda Strait^ as the speed of the waves
deduced is in all cases too high for probability ; nor do the differences of times of
arrival at the three stations agree with requirements of distance by the several
At the first glance at a chart it seems that the undulations to these stations
might have ti^velled throi^h the cl\annels of the Eastern Archipdago, and thus have
gained the Psunfic ; but a dose investigation will show that this is impossible. The
most direct route is vid the Java and Mores Sea and the lltolucca passag6i, and north
of New Guinea* We have already seen, however, that the wavQ travelling to Ujong
Pan^ia— which is om this route — required 10^ hours to traverse the distance, which
is 440 miles. BeyondUjong Pangka is another 200 miles of water of about 40 fikthoms
before the deeper watw of the Flores Sea is reached. This would take another
4 hours, making 14^ hours before the wave was in deep water, and it would still have
5,400 nules to travel before reaching Honolulu. As the first large wave is recorded
on the Honolulu diagram only 11 hours after the great wave left Eiakatoa, it is
obvious that it had not time to proceed by this route.
By the south of Java and vid Torres Straits, we meet with the same di£Giculty,
as, in parsing the latter, a distance of over 700 miles of water averaging 30 fathoms
in depth, must be traversed.
The waves must therefore have passed south of Tasmania.
This diagram, on a scale of 1*7 inches to the foot and 0*9 inch to the hour,
shows a slight disturbance commencing at 17 hours of the 26th. At 3 hrs. 20 mins.
of the 27th a larger disturbance commenced, and lasted, with gradually diminishing
height, until September the 1st — a period of five days. This, then, is unlike any
of the other diagrams. The maximum wave is about 5 inches. The waves are
comparatively short — ^averaging about 30 minutes. Taking the 3 hrs. 20 mins.
wave, we find, for the distance of 8,326 miles, a speed of nearly 800 miles an
hour, which requires a depth of 9,500 fathoms, the actual depth being probably
not above 2,300 fathoms.
St PauFsy Kodiak, Alaska.
This diagram, on a scale of 0*9 inch to the foot and 0*75 inch to the hour,
shows disturbance from 8 hours of the 27th of August. A larger wave is recorded
at 16 hrs. 45 min&, and the disturbance is marked to the end of the 30th. The
waves are short and irregular, and the greatest wave is 3 inches. Taking the
16 hrs. 45 mins. wave, the speed for the distance of 10,190 miles comes out 459 miles
an hour, which corresponds to a mean depth of 3,100 fiithoma This is too much, but
not so startling as the Honolulu result, with which it fails to agree in any way.
Saticelito, San Francisco*
This diagram, on a scale of 1 inch to the foot and 0*45 inch to the hour, shows
disturbance from 7 hours on the 27th. The first large wave is at 13 hrs. 20 mins.,
and is followed for 7 hours by others, when they diminish to a small and irregular
oscillation, which lasts until the 30th of August. The 13 hrs. 20 mins. wave is
6 inches in height. Taking this wave, we find for the distance of 10,343 miles a speed
of 594 miles an hour, which requires a depth of 5,000 fathoms.
It wiU be observed that none of these speeds agree, either with one another
or with the known facts and probabilities of the depths.
Nor is it possible to localise any one centre from which these disturbances could
have simultaneously originated, so that the times of arrival at the three gauges will
An earthquake occurring near the Sandwich Islands or to the south-west of
them would give rise to waves which would reach Honolulu and San Francisco at
times agreeing with the recorded differences of arrival at these places ; but it would
be at St. Paul's six hours earlier than the registered time.
Any other assumed position would make the discrepancy greater. Either the
waves chosen for comparison on the three diagrams are not identical, nor nearly so,
or the disturbances are not due to the same cause.
The main conclusions at which I arrive may be summed up as follows : —
1. That the sea disturbance was probably composed of two descriptions of waves,
long waves with periods of over an hour, and shorter but higher waves with
irregular and much briefer intervals.
2. That the greatest disturbance, probably foimed of both descriptions of
waves, originated at Krakatoa at about 10 a.m., local time, on the
27th of August, and was, on the shores of the Strait of Sunda, about
50 feet high. rot
3. That the long waves of this disturbance, of an original period of about two
hours, were alone marked by the automatic gauges.
4. That the speed of the two descriptions of waves was about the same.
5. That the speed of those waves that can be fairly identified, measured by the
time of arrival of the first large wave, and counting from the 10 a.m. wave
at Krakatoa, was in all cases less than the depth of water would demand
according to theory ; assuming that the waves taken for comparison were
identical with the 10 o'clock wave from Krakatoa.
6. That the first large wave recorded on the gauges was in most cases preceded
by smaller undulations, which did not, however, accord with the period of
the Larger waves.
7. That to the north and east in the Java Sea the long wave can be
traced for 450 miles, but it was at this distance reduced to a very small
8. That to the west the longwave travelled over great distances; reaching Cape
Horn and possibly the English Channel.
9. That the shorter waves reached Ceylon and perhaps Mauritius,
10. That to the south and east of Sunda Strait the propagation of the dis-
turbance was limited ; probably not extending beyond the west coast of
11. That the disturbances, noted both by eye observers and by the gauges in
New Zealand and in the Pacific, had no connection with Krakatoa, but were
the results of other seismic action, and were apparently due to more than
one centre of movement.
lUGUST 26th— 30th, 1883.
Fink Onat WaTe.
Tine of Ware
in known tboBl
depth! by Airy.
Time of
Max. Dii-
after Pint
Time in
Speed in
Mid Ocean.
Mid Ocean.
Miles per
b. m.
h. m.
0 16
, ,
• •
• •
• •
• •
2 80
, ,
0 0
10 46
, ,
0 0
12 22
• •
0 0
18 18
0 0
• •
8 18
• •
26 + 16-41
• •
6 27
, ,
, ,
48 + 16-64
6 18
1 14
27 + 16-48
6 81
0 0
6 89
0 0
6 81
1 30
190 + 16-206
h. m.
0 0
2 00
, ,
, ,
, ,
1 46
• •
• •
, ,
68 + 16-84
12 0
4 46
- • •
• •
192 + 16-206
8 64
10 81
9 + 16-26
» • •
7 12
• •
8 + 16-24
7 08
, ,
82 + 16-98
7 42
, ,
24 + 16-40
11 44
6 00
^ 82 + 16-48
^ 48 + 16-69
4611 -f
12 24
14 24
18 81
1 00
1 00
^ '4
. 100
tUGUST 26th— 30th, 1883.
POK 40
ST. plOO
Flnt Oreat Ware.
Time in
h. m.
18 84
24 61
29 12
22 12
18 11
2 21
8 08
44 06
29 64
,10 26
22 11
17 28
Speed in
Miles per
Time of
Mftz. Dia-
after Fint
Qraat Ware.
11. m.
12 00
1 00
1 00
12 00
6 00
2 'OO
0 88
over 60/
„ 46{
12. That from the great differences, caused perhaps by local circumstances, in the
appearance of the disturbance on the various tidal diagrams, no precise or
close comparison between them can be made, and this doubt of the identifi-
cation of any particular wave at different places, causes much uncertainty
in the result, as far as it relates to the speed of the waves.
It may be remarked that, with regard to conclusion No. 5, Professor Milne, in
his recent work ' On Earthquakes,' finds the same for such other sea waves as have
been traced for long distances across the Pacific ; though the point of genesis has
never been so certainly known as in this instance.
Speed of Free WaveSy by Sir George Any.
Depth in
Depth in
Depth in
Depth in
miles per hour.
miles per hour.
36 8
• 240
• 480
List of Tidal Diagrams.
1 . Tandjong Priok (Batavi.
a) XVII.
Table Bay
2. Ujong Pangka . .
Moltke Harbour
<• .
3. Ujong Sourabaya
Orange Bay
4. Rarang Eleta . .
* •
5. Port Blair
Socoa . .
« .
6. Negapatam
• •
7. Madras . .
• •
8. Vizagapatam
Cherbourg • . .
• •
9. False Point
• •
10. Dublat
Havre . .
* •
11, Diamond Harbour
Port Adelaide . .
* •
12. Kidderpore (Calcutta) .
Williamstown, Port
13. Beypore . .
Sydney . .
• •
14. Bombay . . . . ,
• •
15. Kurrachee
• •
16. Aden
SK Paul, Kodiak
• «
17. Port Alfred .. .
Saucelito, San Francbco
XXX r.
18. Port Elizabeth ..
1 . Sunda Strait, before erupi
bion XXXII.
Java Sea . .
• «
2. Sunda Strait, after erupti
4. Wprld ..
• •
W. J. L. Whaeton.
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0 Noon M-
! i
id Feet
- i:^
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iiat^ xvm.
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"Mallsy &■ Sons, T.irh .
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By ike Hon. F. A. Rollo Russell and Mr. E. Douglas Archibald.*
As this part is necessarily very long, we have found it convenient to divide it
into sections and sub-sections; though even thereby a fresh difficulty and some
repetition are introduced in consequence of the intimate relation subsisting between
the various phenomena. We have, however, finally decided upon the following
arrangement : —
Section I. —
(a.) Descriptions of the unusual twilight glows in various parts of the world,
in 1883-4.
(b.) Proximate physical cause of the unusual twilight glows.
(c.) The blue, green, and other coloured appearances of the sun and moon.
(d.) The sky haze and some of its effects.
(e.) The large corona round the sun and moon, generally known as " Bishop's
Section II. — General list of dates of first appearance of all the optical pheno-
mena (with maps representing the distribution).
* The authorship of the sections and sub-sections is indicated bj the name appended to each.
X 2
Section IIL —
(a.) General geographical distribution of all the optical phenomena in space
and time ; including also velocity of translation of '* smoke stream,"
(b.) Connection between the propagation of the sky haze and its accompanying
optical phenomena and the general circulation of the atmosphere.
(c.) Spread of the phenomena round the world.
Section IV. — Diurnal and secular variation in the duration and brilliancy of the
twilight glows, and the height above the earth of the stratum which
caused them.
Section V. — ^Previous analogous glow phenomena, and corresponding eruptions.
Section VI. — Individual opinions expressed^ and hypotheses suggested, to account
for the abnormal optical phenomena.
Section VII. — General analysis of the connection between the unusual meteoro-
logical phenomena of 1883-86, and the eruptions of Erakatoa in May and
August, 1883.
Descriptions of the Unusual Twilight Glows in Various Parts of the
World in 1883-84.
By the Hon. Rollo Russell.
The Committeb has been favoured with voluminous correspondence, all which has
received careful consideration, and much has been utilized in various sections of this
Part, but only a small portion could be quoted in extenso. The following descrip-
tions have been selected, partly from it and partly from printed sources, as indicative
of the nature of the phenomena in various countries, and are arranged chronologically.
List op Obseevers.
Bishop, Rev. S. E.
Haboraye, Mr. L. . .
:Manlet, Rev. W. R.
Parkbb, Mr. H., F.R. Met.
Mbldbum, Dr. C, F.R.S
Todd, Mr
Gebbeb, Dr. A.
Tebbott, Mr., F.R.A.S
Meteb, HeiT G. . .
Russell, The Hon. Rollo,
Stoddabd, Prof. 0. N.
Met. Soc.
Divbbs, Prof. E.
Baadsb, Herr J.
DupouB, M.
Capello, Captain de Brito
Helmholtz, Prof, von
Hopkins, Mr. Gerabd
Paschwitz, Dr. E. von R.
Latabd, Mr. E. L. . •
MoNTESSUS, M. de . .
Ballot, Mr. John . .
Pelaqaud, M.
Bezold, Prof, von .
Sydney, N.S.W
Ongole, Southern India
Ceylon . .
Adelaide Observatory, South
Australia . .
Windsor Observatory, KS.W.
Vilsen, Hanover
Surrey • •
Wooster, Ohio, U.S.A.
Morges, Switzerland . .
Lisbon . .
Berlin . .
Berlin . .
New Caledonia. .
San Salvador, Central America
Bourbon Isle . .
Munich . •
September, 1883
99 91
99 99
99 99
October, 1883
99 99
November, 1883
99 99
99 99
J'ov. and Dec, 1883
99 99 99
Nov., 1883, and
Jan., 1884
December, 1883
» »>
Dec, 1883, and
Jan., 1884
99 9«
December, 1883
» »
» >i
January, 1884
February, 1884
March and April,
April, 1884
April, 1884
The Eev. S. E. Bishop/ says : —
" I would note three peculiarities of the phenomenon, distinguishing it from
ordinary sunset reflections, and unlike anything I remember to have observed
before : —
" (1). It appears to be a reflection from no cloud or stratum of vapour what-
" (2). The peculiar lurid glow, as of a distant conflagration, totally unlike our
common sunsets.
" (3). The very late hour to which the light was observable — ^long past the
usual hour of total cessation of twilight,
'* To this may be added—
" (4). That the centre of brilliancy was more or less to the south of west."
In a subsequent communication, Mr. Bishop tells us that the after-glow remained
brilliant for some time, and was very bright on September 30. The haze stratum was
visible, as a continuous sheet, at a height far above that of the highest cirrus, a slight
• *Honololxi Safcnrday Press,' September 22, 1883.
wavy ripple being noticeable in its structure, always perfectly transparent ; it was
invisible except under certain conditions. A conspicuous circle of 15° to 20*^ radius
was observed during several days, — " a misty, rippled surface of haze, with faint
crimson hue, which at the edges of the circle gave a purplish tint against the blue
Mr. L. Hargrave, of Sydney, N.S.W., wrote as follows to the 'Sydney Herald'
on September 25, 1883: — "With regard to that pink glow that has been so persistent
at sundown lately, a casual glance will convince most persons that it is not the
ordinary red sunset. Its bearing from S.W. to W., and even north of W., is a fatal
objection to the Aurora Australis theory, so I hazard the opinion that volcanic dust
is the true solution."
On December 29 Mr. L. Hargrave wrote as follows to the * Herald ' (published
January 2, 1884): — "I have observed the sun to set in a cloudless sky, coloured
orange-yellow; the daylight seems to decrease for 15 or 20 minutes after sunset,
when I observe a whitish oval patch of light at an altitude of 20° or 30° ; this rapidly
changes in colour, becoming yellowish-purple, pink, brick-red, and crimson, the
coloured patch of light at the same time elongates and settles rapidly down on the
horizon, this phaae ending about 45 minutes after sunset. A second purplish patch
then appears at about 30° altitude, the horizon turning to a brown colour. This
second patch is more widely diffused and ita boundaries are more ill defined than the
first one ; it changes to yellowish-purple, yellowish-red, brick-red, and crimson,
spreading in azimuth, and settles down on the horizon in about 100 minutes after
sunset, when the last tinge of colour disappears.
The Rev. W. R. Manley* wrote as follows from Ongole, India : — " On September
10, 11, and 12, the sun had a greenish-blue tinge, and was somewhat dimmed by a
haze in the afternoons. At 4 p.m. the colour was bluish. This gradually passed into
a greenish colour, and this in turn became tinged with yellow as the sun approached
the horizon. As the sun sank, bands of smoky haze drifted across its disc. After
the sun was down, bright yellow, orange, and red appeared in the west, a very deep
red remaining for more than an hour after sunset ; whereas under ordinary conditions
all traces of colour leave the sky in this latitude within half an hour after the sun
disappears. At night the moon, just past the first quarter, was surrounded by a pale
greenish halo about 30° in breadth. Aft;er sunset I observed a peculiar appearance in
the haze which covered the sky. It was not of sufficient density to be at all visible,
except where it reflected the direct rays of the sun. There it had a singular
mottled appearance, with a smoky look along the borders of its denser portions,
suggesting clouds of smoke or dust in the upper regions of the atmosphere. . . .
Ou the evening of the 13th the sun appeared to be perfectly clear, but after it was
below the horizon the western sky was seen to be covered with a smoky haze of a
• * Nature,' vol. xxviii. (1883), p. 576.
singular appearance, which became brilliantly illuminated with yellow, orange, and
red, in the order I have mentioned, counting upward from the horizon. These sank
one after another, leaving at last an arc of brilliant red along the west ; the inner
portion of the segment contained by the arc being composed of orange. This disap-
peared in turn, and the whole western sky became yellow again without any distinct
outlines ; and this gradually deepened into red, which remained for an hour or more
after sunset. The latter phenomenon was not unlike an ordinary sunset, except in
brightness and duration. . . ."
The following is an extract from the account sent us by Mr. H. Parkek,
of Hambantota, Ceylon, referring to the various phenomena seen in Ceylon in
September, 1883 : — '* For several evenings previous to the first green appearance
of the sun (September 9) we had magnificent sunsets, the sky in particular
being of most peculiar and varying shades and colours, in which delicate, beautiful,
blue-and-reddish-purple predominated, more like the aurora borealis, but brighter
and deeper in tone than any I have seen in the atmosphere.
" September 24. — Just before sunset we observed the same green appearance in
the sky and over the sun s disc as before, but not so vivid a colour. The greenness
was very noticeable for some considerable distance around the sun, tinging even the
surrounding clouds, which were high. The sun's disc was clearly-defined, greenish-
yellow, but around it the green was much more distinct. . . . There was also a
hazy appearance in the whole sky, especially noticeable just after sunset, when the
general colour became peculiar and blue-leaden, except in the quarter where the sun
had set, where the zodiacal light was whiter. Fully half an hour later the sky
was still of this blue-Jeaden colour, and in the west of a dull orange glow, rather
bright near the point of sunset. The stars afterwards were not perceptibly
obscured. Immediately after sunset there were broad distinct palish streaks
pointing west, beyond the boundary of the zodiacal light, apparently streaks in
the haze.
" On September 25 and 26 the sunsets were similar, the sun in setting
slightly green, then a dull yellow glow near the horizon, and a blue-leaden sky long
after sunset."
Dr. C. Mbldrum, F.R.S.,* says : — " The optical phenomena which have been
observed, generally presented the same features throughout, and do so still. During
the greater part of the day the sun is surrounded by a circular patch of whitish
silvery light, on the outer borders of which there is a brownish fringe, the diameter of
the whole varying from 12° to 24° between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., according to the sun's
altitude and the state of the atmosphere. As the sun approaches the horizon the
silvery patch extends more and more above than below him, until at length it is
entirely above him. It then becomes greyish watery looking ; and beyond it, towards
• * Proo. Met. Soc. of MauritiuB,' October 27, 1883.
N. and N. W. and S. and S, W., the sky has a brownish smoky appearance down to
the horizon.
" At about 4 minutes after sunset the sky becomes slightly purplish at 30° to 45°
above the point of the horizon where the sun has set. The purple soon becomes red ;
below the red are orange and yellow ; and below them there is a bluish band, into
which the greyish watery patch has been gradually converted. Along the horizon, to
the extent of 30° on each side of the point of sunset, there is generally a low
brownish-yellow band, which seems to be partly due to smoke from the sugar-mills.
Between 23 and 26 minutes after sunset the grass, trees, &c., assume a yellowish-red
colour. The red band, which is the most prominent, commences about 19 minutes
after sunset at an estimated altitude of 40°, and lasts 21 minutes, its width and
altitude decreasing until it vanishes on the horizon. At first it extends as an arc
from W. by N. to S.W. When its upper edge has descended to 10° above the
horizon, it becomes fiery red, and when nearer to the horizon, dark red.
" The blue, yellow, and orange disappear in succession before the red.
'* ^ about 10 minutes before the disappe€urance of the red band, the sky above it,
up to 40° or 45°, begins to assume a greyish-green colour, and aft^r the red has
disappeared this large new patch of colour, which is now inclining to yellow, is the
only remarkable feature.
" The upper part of the new patch becomes red about 44 minutes after sunset, at
about 35° above the horizon. This second red band lasts 32 minutes, or till 1 hr.
16 mins. after sunset. At first it forms an arc extending from W.N.W. to S.S.W.
Below ft there are narrow bands of orang3 and yellow, and occasionally below them a
bluish band, all which disappear before the red. The latter is most intense when its
upper edge has an altitude of about 20"^ ; it then deepens into a dark red, and finally
dies out on the horizon.
" In the morning the phases are reversed. The first red band, which commences
on the horizon abo\it 1 hr. 16 uiins. before sunrise, corresponds to the second red band
in the evening, and the second red band in the morning, which commences on the
horizon about. 39 minutes before sunrise, corresponds to the first red band in the
Mr. Todd, C.M.G., reported aa follows from the Observatory at Adelaide, South
Australia, in October,* 1883 : —
" On every clear evening dimng the month a peculiar phenomenon has been
apparent in the western sky. Shortly after sunset a red glow will make its appear-
ance at an altitude of about 50°, being very faint at first, but as the brightness of
the sky^near the horizon dies away with the receding sun the red glow will exp^tnd
downwards, becoming at the same time more brilliant, until at last the whole western
sky will be lit up with a beautiful light, varying from a delicate pink to a very
* * Stmons'8 Monthly Meteorological Magazine,' vol. xix. (1884), p. 78.
intense scarlet, and presenting a very brUliant spectacle. The upper part will then
gradually fade away until the colour is noticeable only 7^ or 8° above the horizon, at
which time the light is at its brightest. Afterwards a secondary glow will sometimes
make its appearance at an altitude of about 50°, and again gradually spread down-
wards until the sky is again lit up. In the secondary phenomenon the sky is
generally more delicate. The whole thing will fade away at about 8 p.m. This
phenomenon has been noticed all over the S.E. portion of this continent, from Port
Augusta to Melboiume."'
In a great part of northern Grermany, on the evening of November 27 and early
on the 28th, a peculiar light phenomenon was seen, of which a correspondent at
Magdeburg wrote* : — " Already, at 5.30 a.m., a reddish glow of the twilight arc was
seen in the S.S.E., which quickly augmented in breadth and height ; the splendour
of coloimg was not quite equal to that of the preceding evening, but towards 6.30 the
whole sky, from N.E. to S., seemed to be bathed in shining pm-ple. At 6.45 the
carmine tint predominated, which appeared in a very distinctly marked flat arc. At
7 a.m. the more elevated arc was of so pale a yellow brightness that one might sup-
pose that the sun had already risen. . . . The sun rose at 7.43. On the evening
of November 27 the time of the visibility of the arc was 2 hrs. 13 mins. ; on the
morning of the 28th also 2 hrs. 13 mins."
Herr Dr. A. Gekb£R wrote* from GlQckstadt as follows : —
" The phenomenon was most fiilly developed here, as elsewhere, from November 26
to December 1, but did not suddenly cease at the latter date, for there was an
unusual colour in the sky for many days, more particularly before sunrise. The
display of November 29 was the grandest and most manifold, and I give a description
as exactly as possible of this one, as its overwhelming magnificence still presents
itself to me as if it had been yesterday. When the sun had set about a quarter of
an hour there was remarkably little red (or ordinary) after-glow, yet I had observed
a remarkably yellow bow in the south, about 10° above the horizon. Soon — ^that is,
after about 10 minutes more, when it was at least half-past fom- — ^this arc rose pretty
quickly, extended itself aU over the east and up to and beyond the zenith. The
sailors declared, * Sir, that is the Northern Lights 1 ' and I thought I had never seen
Northern Lights in greater splendour. After 5 minutes more the light had faded,
though not vanished, in the east and south, and the finest pm-ple-red rose up in the
S.W. ; one could imagine oneself in Fairyland. The S.W. sky was bathed in an
immense sea of light red and orange, and till more than 1^ hours after sunset the
colouring of the sky was much more intense than it is half»an-hour after a very fine
sunset in ordinary conditions."
Mr. John Tebbutt, F.R.A.S., of Windsor Observatory, N.S.W., wrote as
foUowst on November 15, 1883 : —
• * Met. Zeitschrift,' vol. i., p. 185.
t * Sydney Herald.*
**The appearance presented by our evening skies for some weeks past has been
the subject of general remark.
"Last evening, November 14, the sky was almost cloudless after sunset, and the
usual brick-red light again made its appearance along the west-south-west horizon.
It was reflected apparently from an almost invisible and gauze-like cloud in the
higher regions of the atmosphere. About 7 o'clock the red glow was at its maximum,
when a solitary cloud, whose apparent siuface did not exceed ten square d^rees,
presented itself above it at an altitude of 25°, This cloud, which was at first white,
quickly changed to a beautiful green, its borders being of a deeper tint Of all the
cloud phenomena that I have witnessed, it was one of the most remarkable. It
retained its green colour for the space of about 10 minutes, being aU the time subject
to much internal commotion. It soon afterwards resolved itself into several cloudlets
and finally disappeared. Two or three other small clouds were visible at the same
time, and about the same altitude above the northern horizon ; but these were of a
grey colour throughout. The eastern sky about the moon was of that deep blue
which is frequently observed to surround her when rising during the winter opposi-
tions. Shortly after the dispersion of the green cloud the ruddy glow gave place to
the ordinary pale gray of the twilight, but by half-paat seven o'clock the western
sky became diffused with red, but this time of a clearer and more aurora-like tint.
It did not appear, as in the former case, to be reflected from hazy cloud, and it
extended much higher in the sky, This repetition of the ruddy glow on the same
evening is a phenomenon which I had witnessed on several occasions during the
present month. I remember that many years ago (probably twenty-five) a somewhat
similar patch of red light used to make its appearance regularly after sunset in the
west-north-west. This phenomenon occurred previously to the commencement of my
regular meteorological observations in 1863, and was, I think, contemporaneous with
a very dry winter.
** That the present ruddy akies are not merely a local phenomenon is obvious
from the fact that during the past three months they have been regularly observed
over a considerable portion of the Indian Ocean."
Herr G. Meyer wrote,* at the end of December, as follows : —
" The twilight phenomena occurred here from the 26th of November, and lasted
till 5.45 p.m. On the last days of November their course was such that at first a
strong evening redness developed itself, which lasted till 4.30 (and similarly a moruing
redness). At this time the whole sky shone with a yellowish colour, and from 4.45 a
purplish glow developed itself, which attained its maximum at 5, and sank down to
the horizon till 5.30. On other days these periods were not so sharply distinguish-
able. On December 19 the phenomenon was absent. On December 5 the moon had
a large circular corona. The sky is, in a striking degree, never pure, even with a
• *Met. Zeitschrift,' vol. i., p. 161.
high barometer and calm weather ; in weather otherwise clear the sun is surrounded
with a sheen."
The following are local notes taken in Surrey by the Hon. F. A. Rollo Russell
(MS. Register) :—
*' The first sunset which showed any effects of a very striking or extraordinary
character was on November 9, 1883 ; but, on referring to private notes taken daily
during the summer and autumn, I find that as early as September 8 a ' fine red
sunset with after-glow' is mentioned, and this is worth remarking, because I had
never previously used the expression * after-glow.'
" On September 9 a * great succession of small cirrus-like masses ' was noted,
' and fibres, clearly marked ; very high small cirro-cumulus, vastly higher than the
cirrus, also high. Beautiful rainbow colours in cirrus and cirro-cumulus near the sun.
All coming from W. against surface wind.' The remarkable feature in this condition
was the great elevation of the cirro-cumulus above the cirrus, and the colours were
certainly quite imcommon.
" On September 26 there were ' light pink cirrus stripes ' at sunset.
*' On October 3 there was a * red and yellow sunset.'
" On October 20 there was a * fine reddish sunset, with bright isolated cloud
and slight low cirrus.'
" On October 21a' fine reddish and orange sunset.'
" On October 22 ' simset in bath of cirrus ; halo effect, red. Rest of sky
" On October 23 a ' clear sky, but white mistiness on horizon ' at sunset.
*' On October 27 ' fine-weather sunset ; some streaks of soft delicate cirrus in
irregular patches, turning fine pink at sunset ; glow from horizon.'
" On November 8 a ' fine sunset, with straight horizontal lines of cirrus (?) and
very slight bank. Long after sunset, and till nearly dark, a pink glow fi:om some
very high filmy cirrus."
The foDowing is transcribed fi^om the notes taken on November 9 : — " Series of
ripple cirrus in web-Uke uncrossed strise, transverse ; well-defined morsels of high
cixro-cumulus ; some cirro-stratus. At 7.30 a.m. there was some high pink filmy
cirrus, Uke last night. 11.20 a.m. — Blue sky, but some large patches of very high
cirro-cumulus, one overhead ; smallest fleeces ; part consisting of re-curved waves or
bars, smalL . . . Heavy shower 1.50 to 2.5 p.m. Fine after this shower ; sky
cleared of cirrus and cirro-cumulus, and general appearance quiet. . . Sun set in
very slight haze bank or cirrus ; remarkable whitey-greenish opalescence above sun
at sunset. About 15 minutes after sunset the sky in W.S.W., from near the horizon
up to about 45°, was of a briUiant but delicate pink. Below this a very curious
opalescent shining green and sUghtly greenish-white, the pink opalescence going
off into bronze-yellow, and that to the green tint. The coloured portion of the
sky spread out like a sheaf from the horizon, and apparently consisted of a very
high thin filmy cirrus disposed in transverse bands, or ripples, close together, and
very delicate in form, outline, and tint. At sunset some morsels of cirro-cumulus
were lighted up with a light red fading to a deep red, but this soon passed off.
What remained seemed not to belong to clouds, but to glow of itself, like some
super-atmospheric film. The bright pink colour continued, and even increased in
brightness, and at 5 o'clock cast a fine glow over the east hills and on objects
exposed to it. The moon was shining brightly. The colour now began slowly to
recede towards the horizon from the part most nearly overhead, and left a clearly
visible filmy ripple of cirrus (apparently) of a soft grey. When, however, at 5.25,
the greater part of the colour was gone, and it remained bright only near the horizon,
it began to grow again, and in a short time (5.32) the whole extent of the film was
again glowing bright pink, producing a very striking effect in contrast with the
silvery moon, dark sky, and bright stars in the north and east. It was now almost
dark, except for the moonlight and the cirrus glow. The pink light then slowly
withdrew towards the horizon, remaining bright and deep-coloured there till 5.50.
At 5.58 the last pink colour disappeared.' The sight was, altogether, a very extra-
ordinary one, and unlike any in the writer's experience. It was remarkable, first, for
the light filmy character of the cloud (if cloud it was) ; next, for the wavy form of
Fig. 13. — Diagram of Sunset Colours
Blue -^ ^ -~^^^^\/:_L^^~ '-^ Slue
Sky ^^'^^^A^'^'^^-^ll .^^mZ^^ Ski/
V WAtU ■ -w^
Bright opalescent Jillout
^^^^^ andWute Grten
Gtttn Bright Green Green
Green ha^e Pink
the clo\id ; thirdly, for the bright green glow near the place where the sun set, and
the strange yellow light above the green ; fourthly, for the very long endurance of
the whole phenomenon. It was supposed to be due to cirrus or a high kind of cloud,
because (l) similar clouds stretched in long streaks southwards and over the S.E.
horizon, and the glow remained long in these streaks ; (2) when the light retired it
remained visible as silvery-grey cloud ripples before the second after-glow re-kindled
it ; (3) because the colour became (but very graduaUy) darker as time went on, and
the recessions towards the west followed the sun. There was no apparent movement
of the cloud during the time of the display ; the form remained the same throughout,
and was distinguished by the clear demarcation of the film towards W. and E., the
cessation of the cloud and the glow towards the zenith, and the long streaks stretch-
ing apparently horizontally near the horizon. The sunset light of the sun was
peculiarly yellow. The ripples of the luminous film were transverse to the
sun's rays.
" On November 10, at 6.20 a.m., there was ' a pink sunrise light in the extreme
east,' the rest of the sky being cloudy. During the afternoon, about 3.30 p.m., and
later, * a very thin high cirrus ripple haze became visible in parts of the sky, especially
S.W. About 4.32 this became more distinct as it began to glow with the light of
the clear sunset (4.18), and became bright pink, lasting till 5.10. As the light faded
off it, it entirely disappeared in the deep blue sky. The ripple was very small, close,
and fine, and lay to the left, or south of the place of sunset, up to about 25° from
the horizon.*
" On November 11 there was pink cirrus in the E. at 6.10 a.m.
*' On November 17 the simset was clear.
" On November 19 there was a ' clear sunset with white mist.'
" On November 23 there was * sunset in cirro-stratus or cirrus bath.'
" On November 24, ^ after sunset yellowish-green striae in W.'
" On November 25, * sunset in amorphous indistinguishable cirro-stratus or cirrus
haze. Green light above sunset, and bright greenish-white growing from about
10 minutes after sunset. Above the greenish -white pale red or pink. Lasted about
45 minutes after sunset. The sky shone somewhat as on November 9, but much more
" On November 26 similar phenomena occurred more strongly, and lasted nearly
an hour. Also on November 27, lasting till 5.20.
"On November 28 the glow began about 25 minutes after sunset, and was
succeeded by a faint brass-coloured secondary glow.
" On November 29 a similar glow was seen through breaks in the clouds, and
the newspapers gave an account of an extraordinary redness in the sky from 5.30 to
7.30 a.m.
" On November 30, at 6.5 a.m., there was a fine deep red glow in the E. This
spread quickly upwards, and had turned yeUow by 6.40. At 6.24 the faint redness
extended to the zenith. There was no cirrus visible, but some cirro-cumulus remained,
tipped with duU red from 6.5 to 7.44, when the sun rose.
" On December 4, when the sky was again clear, the first redness appeared in
the E. at 6.5, and at 6.10 'was quite bright, like the reflection of a fire.' It
appeared continuous and without defined shape. By 6.30 the red had slowly changed
to a saffron colour, and being seen less in perspective, seeraed less concentrated. The
reflecting matter, or a part of it, was now seen to consist of ill-detined streaks and
patches of misty cloud of some sort, in which, after long watching, no motion oould
be detected. At 6.45 some of these streaks were illuminated nearly overhead south-
wards of a pale straw colour and bluish-white, and their outlines were distinct. Most
of the streaks stretched about W.S.W. to E.N.E., and towards the N.E, the
appearance was like a fretwork of the lightest wavy mist. From 6.30 to 6.50 the
glow was of a sickly yellowish-green, with a pale pink towards the zenith, and a
rather ghastly white glare below. At 6.53 a second glow, much brighter than the
first, appeared in the E.S.E., of a deep red colour, quickly turning to orange. This
glow was in a bank or arc much better defined along the top than the first. At
7.10 it had turned quite yellow, and had grown up to about 15°. At 7.16 the
last star disappeared m the bright light which was now cast on all objects towards the
W. ; the clear sky, as the light touched the thin high mist, appearing progressively
veiled. Just before the advent of the second glow the thin cloud streaks had nearly
vanished, but as this new light grew and changed to bright yellow they became again
illuminated. At 7.12 the upper part of arc No. 2 was yellow, with a greenish-white
central part below. At 7.20 the part below the arc, and along the horizon south and
north for some distance, was a peculiar steely bluish-yellow, and the upper (at an
altitude of about 50°) pink. These effects slowly diminished, but the steel colour
remained tiU sunrise. At 7.23 the sky overhead and towards the W. was faint pink,
with large billowy streaks and patches like murky cirrus, without fibrous structure.
This cloudy appearance was sufficient to hide the blue sky, when the cloudy matter
wafi illuminated from below ; but in fuD daylight only faint traces remained. At
7.50, and for some time after, this cloudiness was again made plainly visible by the
rising sun, as by the first and second glow. Twelve minutes' careful watching failed to
discover in them any uniform progressive motion, though their shape slightly changed.
The sun rose at 7.55, of a red colour, but in about half an hour was pale steely-bluish
white, and surrounded by a silver- white sky, with a slight bluish tinge. During the
day the billowy high mist was faintly visible, but the sky was bright blue. As the
sun was setting (3.53) this high haze became so white by reflection that the sky
looked quite clouded with it. Nothing otherwise remarkable appeared till 4.12, when
it was evident the phenomenon would recur ; the central spot above the sun's place
being bright steel or lead colour, and the parts round it a metallic pink, this has
been the usual preliminary. The sky in the east was rosy. The rose colour quickly
passed over towards the west, and about 4.20 the whole sky between the western
horizon and the zenith was flushed with red. At this stage the forms of the haze-
billows and streaks seemed to be lost in the uniform rosy glow ; this glow slowly sank
down to the horizon as usual. At 4.25, or thereabouts, the crescent moon appeared
blue in this pink haze, but in a few minutes was left behind and appeared much as
usual. The small stormy scud from N. was lighted up pink against a deep blue and
green sky towards the E. and overhead, and in the S,W., near the moon. As the
glow sank westwards the sky seemed perfectly clear, without a trace of the billowy
haze. At 4.35 the bank of light was very bright. About 4.45 it was lost to view
behind low clouds; as it approa)3hed the horizon the sky again became mottled with the
reflecting haze, which assumed a straw-coloured tint. This pale light again sank
westward and vanished soon after 5 ; the moon and stars gave no indication of a haze
canopy. It seemed to be without motion, and was disposed in ver}^ large billows,
their length lying about S.W. to N.E. on both sides of the glow, but crossed in some
parts by a thick streak nearly at right angles.
"On December 5, * exactly at 6.5 a.m. the first faint red blush grew up
quickly from the E,S,E., and in 7 or 8 minutes had increased largely in brightness
and extent. The night was very fine and clear and the soft crimson .glow banging
above the horizon in the darkness produced an interesting efiect. It grew rapidly up
towards the zenith, and at 6.18 formed an arc, of which the highest point was about
40** from the horizon. After this it quickly changed to orange and yellow, and the
colours went off. The arc was more southerly than yesterday, and the peculiar light
reached from S.S.W. to N.N.E. At 6.55 the second glow began ; and rising up quickly,
produced a fine red arc, less bright than that of yesterday morning. At 7.6 the arc
was olive-green below, yellow in the central, and pink in the outer parts, and hardly
any cloud structure could be discerned. What there was, however, seemed to
resemble the film of yesterday. The upper edge of the glow, as it advanced, was
pretty well marked, and at 7.12 it crossed the zenith and passed north-westwards,
covering a bright star in that direction with a thin pink veil, This star continued
visible till 7.21. The sky after this time was pale yellow, and little of an uncommon
character remained, except the greenish light in the east, Sunrise, 7.51, red sun,
turning sUvery-white later, Sunset, 3.50, in hazy striae. At 4.15 yellow glow
appearance began and went through usual changes, The light was pink overhead
about 4.25, and the margin (ulterior) passed over about 4,26. The glow grew more
and more red, as usual, in sinking down, exhibited spokes of rays, and disappeared at
4.45. The second illumination was brightest about 5.5 and disappeared a few minutes
later. At 430 the moon looked blue, like yesterday, in a pink haze. The horizon
was misty. The crescent moon shone all the evening with a greenish light.
" On December 7 it was remarked that the reflecting matter in the west after
sunset first shone with the rays of the setting sun between 20 and 29 minutes later
than the cirrus above which it floated.
" On December ] 1 the sky was perfectly clear and cloudless about an hour before
sunrise, except a little detached scud. At 7.21 a.m., as the light of the primary
glow spread to the zenith, the sky was seen to be striped with very high filmy streaks
in the S.E. At 7.32 this appearance extended over the N.W. Obtaining a good
view of the streaks in the S.E., I tried to discover their motion. After about 10
minutes' watching, one of them showed a translation from W.N.W. of about half an
apparent solar diameter in that time. At 7.35 and 7.40, the whole sky being covered
with these long thin stripes, like the " billows " of a few days before, but not so wide,
it was found that they extended on aU sides from south to north or S. by W. to K.
by E. One point seemed worth special notice. Those' in the extreme west, that is,
10° or so above the horizon, as weU as in the east, did not appear, like ordinary cirrus
lines, to radiate from a point on tbe horizon. On the contrary, they were all seen
CO be lying in the same direction, and the stripe furthest to the west gave nearly
as good an idea of its true direction as a stripe overhead. The eye made the
necessary allowance for such appearance of convergence as there was ; and they were
at once seen to be parallel. At 1 p.m. the streaks of sky-haze reappeared, stretching
from S.S.W. to N.N.E., and were watched without any motion showing itself, though
when looked at after the lapse of 15 or 20 minutes they seemed to have moved a little
transversely eastwards. Their very indefinite appearance in the daytime made exact
observation difficult, and at times the strong sunshine seemed to obliterate them
altogether. . . . At 2 p.m. a stripe of upper haze in the S.S,E. was watched
for 10 minutes, and no motion discovered, either transverse or longitudinal. The
stripes were observed through dark glasses, which increased their visibility. At 4. 1 5
green spot about 10** above horizon. Pink up to and beyond zenith, and on both
sides. Small cirri from sunset till 4.10 pink, then light dusky green. Whole sky at
4.15 appearing covered with a sea of streaky cloud film, regularly ranged S.S.W. to
N.N.E. ; no appearance of a radiant point. At 4.20 spot of green being closed in by
bright pink all over western sky ; 4.23, pink seemed to pass zenith. . . . At
4.30 pink edge about 22° from horizon. Green sunk beyond horizon. At 4.36 pink,
about 15^ Sky blue. At 4.41 edge of red glow about 10° above horizon. Sky
beginning to be lighted up from below, and to appear cloudy again. At 4,48, blood-
red to about 7°, Cirri in E. peculiar dull pink. Moon very slightly bluish. 4.55
last red disappeared. Second glow just past zenith. Usual phenomena of second
glow, like first over again, but less bright. At 5.18 red arc very fine. Almost gone
5.30. Just visible 5.33.
" On December 15 there was ^ a yellow glow in the S.E. at 6.18 a.m., which grew up
as usual. Very fine clear sky with bright greenish moon (full) in the W. Not the
slightest halo or corona by the moon during night or morning. Greenish light above
sun at sunrise, kc. Sky now (7.40) seems to be streaked with haze billows (length
S.S*W. to N.N.E.) as on previous days. The western sky showed this marking very
clearly at this time, but it quickly became less and less visible towards sunrise. It
remained visible, however, over the S.E. for a long time, and after sunrise for at least
three quarters of an hour. The western sky, at 7.40, looked as if covered with a
cloud of a streaky cirrus character, only more regulai'ly disposed in bands, like a great
ocean covered with regular billows. There were, however, some spaces clear. At 8
all this (in the west) had melted into blue again. From 8 to 8.30 a.m. I watched the
distinct streaks in the S.S.E., the branches of an oak giving the means of discovering
motion in any direction. Half an hour's watchiug failed altogether in detecting the
slightest general movement, though there was a slight change in the breadth of one
of the streaks. After the sun had risen about a quarter of an hour, the stripes in
the W.N.W. again grew quite distinct, but did not .obliterate the blue sky as
In fiirther daily notes on the sky-phenomena, the following points may be
mentioned : —
'* On December 21, the clouds remained red 1 hr. 15 mins. after sunset. At 4.22
p.m. the cloudy matter or high haze very unexpectedly appeared in the west and
nearly overhead, the sky not having seemed transparent enough to show it. It was
in the form of a hazy, white ripple, the waves close together and regularly disposed,
but not all in the same direction in different parts of the sky. Some were stretched
from S.W. to N.E., others from W. to E. and S.S.W. to N.N.E.
** On December 23, the evening glow was exceedingly beautiful, exhibiting radiant
spokes. About 4.30 the clear sky between the zenith and the horizon became as if
veiled with a very delicate, thin, structiu*ele8S mist, which completely hid the blue.
This was at first greenish-yellow below, and then turned to a very fine amber below
and pink above. At about 4.35 the glow may have been at its highest point, about
35*^ or 40° above the horizon. It sank below the horizon at about 4.52. At about
5.5 the secondary glow extended to the zenith, and remained an exquisite faint pink
(near the horizon) till 5.25. On both sides the sky near the horizon was clear blue
or green.
" On the last days of December, which were foggy and cloudy, a pinkish light
affected the mist as early as 7.30 a.m., and sometimes after sunset.
'* The glow continued during January. On January 24, the hazy stripes were
very plain over the western sky, and during the whole morning, in the neighbourhood
of the sun, making a sort of sheen close to the sun ; their motion was imperceptible
in ten minutes' watching. After sunset the ulterior margin of the glow passed
overhead about 4.57 ; set at 5.20. Second glow about 25° high at 5.40.
'* There was a marked diminution of all the effects at the end of January, The
sun was sxnrounded during the day by a brownish-pink, faint, and ill-defined circle,
and between this and the sun there was a bluish-white sheen or glare.
" In February, the duration and intensity of the glow decreased further, and it
was of a yellow colom*, or faint green and pink.
*' On March 6, there was a slight repetition of the sky-illiunination, lasting only
30 minutes, but during March the glare completely vanished, and no illumination
whatever appeared in a clear sky after sunset. During the remainder of the year
the siuisets were uncommonly free from colour, even promising skies turning grey
Boon after sunset, and no redness of an ordinary character remaining along the
horizon after sunset, except on a few evenings and in a few localities."
Local Notes taken at San Remo, Italy, and Cannes, France, from January 5 to
January 14, 1884, by the same observer : —
'' On January 5 and 6, the glow was visible but not striking at San Remo. The
hazy streaks lay from S. W. to N.E.
" On January 7, there was a fine yellow after-glow, lasting about an hour.
** On January 8, there was a fine cleax sunset with the sky-haze very distinct in
billows or streaks exactly as in England, but very faint, S.W. to N.K Duration
about an hour, chiefly yellow.
" On January 9, the sunrise was extremely clear and fine. The time from strong
•twilight to sunrise was 61 minutes, from the primary glow at about 5*^ to sunrise
41 minutes. Before sunset the streaks again appeared in an intensely dear blue
sky, about S.W. by W. to N.E. by K About 10 minutes after sunset the sky was
beautifully rosy in the east and slightly rosy in the north, and towards the zenith
in the west. In the west bright peacock green. At 23 minutes past sunset the upper
margin of the pink passed the zenith. The west now turned bright yellow. At
35 minutes past sunset the red was lost in the yellow western sky. At 37 minutes
the edge was about 10^ above the horizon. A beautifiU secondary glow appeared at
55 minutes, the evening star looking blue through the pink haze.
*' On January 10, the air, sky, and horizon were perfectly clear. At 22 minutes
before sunrise a beautiful piu*plish^pink film extended between about 40° above the
eastern horizon and the zenith. Below this in the east was a green sky, and along
the horizon an orange band, which no doubt was the ordinary effulgence of simrise.
All the sky colour soon went except the strange green i^ the east. The sun rose like
a gush of white-hot iron, instantaneously brilliant, fron^ the sea line. Corsica, over
100 miles distant, was very clearly defined. The streaks in the sky appeared as
usual before sunrise, and were lying StW. by W» to N.E. by K, obliquely to the rays
of the rising sun.
" At sunset all the atmospheric conditions were absolutely perfect for separating
the sky-glow from all accidental interference. The sky was transparent and
cloudlesa After sunset came the bluish-white arc. At about 22 minutes after
sunset the condition was as follows : — Orange ordinary glow in S.W., near
horizon ; above this a greenish-bluish white arc, then a beautifrd yellow band ; then
up to the zenith a very beautiful lUac tint. AU these colomrs were of extr^ne soft-
ness, and though not so striking as in some of the sunsets in December, in point of
beauty they were quite unsurpassable, and of superb magnificence in their further
progress. The pink, piu^ple, or lilac, now retired in the most steady and regular
manner towards the horizon, and were visible to the end ; 35 minutes after sunset the
arc was formed of the inner part, which from steel-blue had gone through olive-green
to yellow, the middle, yellow, and the outer, purple. Through the fringe of this,
Venufl shone beautifully. The horizon (about a quarter of the circle) was deep yellow.
The purple part being the smallest was flooded, except at the edge, by the orange
light, which shone in a grand arc for a long time with great splendour, casting
shadows. In about 54 minutes the primary glow was gone, having sunk in a deep
red band. The eastern sky during the first part of the display was a glorious deep
blue, then very dark purple-blue, and lastly only illumined by the silver moon.
The secondary glow was very visible, as the thinnest pink or lilac film, 1 hour after
sunset. It disappeared on the horizon about 1 hr. 20 mins. after sunset. The sky
streaks were less distinct than usual
" On January 11, the simrise was not so fine, but the sunset (at Cannes) gave
magnificent e£Gects. About 22 minutes after sunset the ulterior margin (well-mai'ked)
of the primary passed overhead, leaving the east deep azure. As the green gave
way to the yellow, the yeUow to pink and violet, and the final deep red band shone
out by itself from above the Esterel Hills, the most enchanting effects succeeded each
other in slow and regular order. Last red, 50 minutes ; secondary glow 30° above
the west horizon at 65 minutes past sunset, but had been very apparent up to and
beyond the zenith while the primary was still bright, its first effect being a curious
discoloration of the eastern sky. At 70 minutes, very fine, dull red, in west ; just
disappearing behind hills 82 minutes after sunset. The glows were seen on the
following days, and in travelling through France on the 14th, 15th, and 16th."
Prof. O. N. Stoddakd/* of Wooster, Ohio, writes as follows respecting the sunset
phenomena at that place : —
" The main features of the exhibition here have been the crimson glow— the
first and after-glow with other accompanying colours, closely corresponding with
those in England and the continent of Europe. I have on record seven cases, which
were nearly all that the weather would permit one to see. These occurred on
November 27, December 9, 10, 25, 28, and January 13 and 17. The first and second
glows have extended in two or three instances, though faintly, to the zenith, and the
first has occasionally been reflected on the eastern sky. On December 28, the most
brilliant exhibition in the series, an arc was formed in the east, the colours red and
yeUowish-green, very soft, and much blended. The crimson glow on the sky flooded
the western sides of buildings with an unearthly light, and cast faint shadows across
the snow. The appearance of the after-glow, when the sun had reached a certain
angle, fiavours the view that it is a reflection of the first. K this be true, it is not
necessary to admit so great an elevation of the reflecting matter above the earth. . .
The glow has been seen without the slightest trace of cirrus clouds behind it. Three
times faint ribbon-like stripes of cirri appeared in the first glow, but in the second
the gorgeous crimson has generally been projected against the clear blue sky."
* 'Nature,' vol. xxix. (1884), p. 355.
z 2
Prof. E. Divers, of Japan, says,* in a letter dated December 12, 1883 : — " On
some days there is round the sun, even whUe it is still high, a considerable area
of silvery glare, 40° to 50° in diameter, and bordered by a lurid reddish-brown or
purplish-brown halo. A similar lurid turbidity lies on the horizon, and as the sun
descends the halo blends with this below, while above the sim it attenuates and
disappears, the silvery glare remaining undiminished. When the sun sets there is
stiU a nearly circular area of this intense glare, with a diameter of about 12°, On
other days there is, before sunset only, a thin silvery light round the sun, diffusing
away from it, and only about and after the setting is the more defined area of strong
light strikingly visible, and on these days the horizon also shows little of the dull
redness mentioned above. Besides the above-mentioned peculiarities the sun
preserves its whiteness much more than usual, so as to be only golden-orange when
setting. Now follow the more remarkable phenomena. The white glare, or patch
of silvery light, gradually sets, spreading out along the horizon as it does so, and
passing through the sunset colours until little more than a red line one or two
degrees deep remains. This happens at about 20 minutes after sunset. At this
moment, on the grey curtain of twilight appears a white luminosity, which rapidly
intensifies over the sunset and shades away over almost half the visible hemisphere.
The brightness over the sunset becomes vividly brilliant, and at the same time
delicately coloured. Over a somewhat depressed circular area, about 12° high and
15° broad, it assumes a pale green tint. Above this comes an equally dazzling pale
yellow-orange, and again above this a soft rose colom* melts away to the zenith. The
revival of the light, or return from commencing twilight, is peculiarly striking.
Buildings become brilliantly illuminated, and strong shadows are cast. All this
out-glow occurs in no more than 5 minutes, and then continues for about a
quarter of an hour ; but the brilliancy gradually contracts in area and sets with a
magnificent display of sunset colours, reaching about 120° round the horizon, until,
by 50 minutes aft)er sunset, this light also has gone down to a red line of about
2° elevation. I should not have omitted to say that the green light passes to
*' By this time night has fairly well come in the eastern half of the heavens, but
already another but more delicate silvery whitening begins to show itself on the
western curtain ; and this also diffuses very rapidly up to the zenith and round to
north and south. It also then goes through a process of contracting, intensifying to
considerable brightness, and gradually passing through the sunset colours. Night is
now full — with or without moonlight, according to date — and from the west, or
rather from a point well to the north of it, spreads a delicate but brilliant light,
having an almost perfect resemblance to the bimiing of a vast distant city. The
last crimson light of this reflection does not disappear till an hour and a half after
* *Natare; vol. xx\x. (1884), p» 285.
Herr J. Baader remarks* as follows, respecting a morning twilight at Marburg,
in Steiermark : — '* When I woke on December 1 towards 6 o'clock, I observed at once,
through my window towards the west, an intense red ; mountain and valley were
covered with a marvellous glow. The vineyards towards north and east, the
Matzelgebirge, south and north-west, the snow-covered hills of Bacheon and Posruck,
all was, including the whole sky, a sea of fire, the f<^ in the valleys like molten
metal. About 6.45, on going out I saw, to my great astonishment, in the E.N.E, an
arc spanning the sky, which was yellowish and in parts pure blue, up to about 20^
The boundary of the coloured space was sharply marked off from the blue firmament,
and moved with great speed towards W.S.W., although there was hardly a light
current of air. In a short time nearly the whole sky up to the zenith was free
from the phenomenon — only in the far west a sharply defined arc appeared for a
short time."
M, DuFOUR, in his pamphlet,t states the following facts regarding the twilight
glows as seen at Merges, in Switzerland : — " They were first noticed in Switzerland
on November 26 ; they diminished considerably at the beginning of December,
increased greatly at the end of December, and were remarkable during the whole of
January. They diminished dining February, but did not altc^ther vanish ; till the
end of 1884, when the weather was favourable, the sky was illuminated in the
morning and evening as by an aurora borealis.
" On January 10, 1884, the redness began to appear at 6 a.m. ; at 6.30 the glow
was in all its splendoiu* ; at 6.45 it began to diminish ; at 7.5 there was a green zone
above the mountains, red higher up ; at 7.15 the zone near the horizon was livid
green, the red above it ; at 7.20 there was no appreciable redness.
** In the evening, at 5 p jn., the sky was yellow"; at 5.6 the red was conspicuous ;
at 5.40 shadows were cast ; at 6.15 the redness disappeared.
**0n January 11, at 5 p.m., the sky was yellow ; at 5.23 aU the horizon was
coloured red, even in the east ; at 5.25 there was a carmine zone in the west ; at 5.36
the red became very intense in the west, in a sector of which the sun seemed to
occupy the centre ; at 5.45 the Alps lost their red colour, but there was intense glow
in the west ; at 6.16 the last glow disappeared."
Capt. DE Bmto Capello sent a report, published in the * Standard ' of December
26, 1883, as' follows: —
" Captain Capello, of the Lisbon Observatory, has sent us a succinct account of
the late crepuscular phenomena of the rising and setting of the sun. In the first
place, he remarks that they have been seen in feebler degree from October the 15th
* * Me*. Zeitschrift,' yol. i. (1884), p. 162.
t * Bibliofch^qae Uaivei-selie, Geneva, Archives dee Sciences Physique etNatui-eUes,' Tome XI II. —
Pebraary 15, 1885.
to the 23rd or 24th of that month, showing themselves in a region or segment of
parabolic form in the west-south-west, the vertex inclining towards the north-west.'
This region was red*orange coloured close to the horizon ; following this was a rose
tint, more or less faint, and again an elongated region of very delicate pearl-white.
The white region appeared to be formed of very fine cirrus and cirro-stratus, like
skeins of white silk ; the cirrus was not noticed before the setting of the sun,
neither had the solar halo been seen which is always produced with the cirrus xmder
normal conditions. According as this region moved down towards the horizon,
the white light lost much in intensity, and disappeared, leaving, as in ordinary
circiunstances, a red-orange band close to the horizon. The red coloration elevated
itself sometimes to the height of 30° to the west-south-west, and was seen an hour
after sunset. The 18th October seems to have been the maximum of these
" In the last days of November, and in the early days of December, these
phenomena were observed in much greater intensity on some days, both at the rising
and at the setting of the sun. Over and around the region of very vivid pearl-white,
the colours of the twilight, very bright and exaggerated, the crepuscular and anti-
crepuscular arcs, which, under normal conditions, are arcs of a circle, have shown them-
selves in parabolic form. The redness of the sky (red and red-violet) showed itself
sometimes for two hours after sunset, and spread itself in very grand force to 60° and
70° of height. The duration of the coloration of the sky is most considerable at
elevated points. Thus, at the meteorological station of Serra da EstreUa, 1441
metres in altitude, they have observed the redness of the sky up to nine o'clock at
night. It should be remarked, also, that during all these days the sun was encircled
by a region of whitish light, fringed with pale orange-rose colour. This region never
appeared circular; one could not well define the figure it presented, as it had
irregular borders, something like the corona of the sun in total eclipses. In the first
days of December (1st and 3rd) these crepuscular phenomena showed themselves with
greater intensity, and on the 3rd and 4th there was, at 4.45 p.m. Lisbon mean time, Bome
minutes after the actual setting, on the side opposite to the sun (east-north-east), a
segment which elevated itself from the horizon in parabolic form inclined towards the
north. On the side of the west-south-west, where the sun went down, there was
seen another much larger segment, affecting also the parabolic form, with the red,
orange, and pearl-white colours, at first feeble, but augmenting rapidly in intensity.
After a little while, towards 4.55, the pearl-white region showed itself silvery, and
with the greatest splendour, the other colours preserving nearly the same relative
positions, only between the white and the orange a band of very clear green showed
itself Then, at 4.58, there began to appear rose and clear violet colour encircling
the white ; and at 5 p.m. the rose elevated itself to the height of 50°. All the
eastern side of the town was illuminated in a peculiar manner, and this illumination
lasted for about 12 minutes. This rose tint, more or less violet, went up to the
north, during which, in the south, one saw a broad band of orange-yellow. On the
east side, the pale yellow at 4.55 p.m. was augmented in intensity, and showed itself
very high (maximum elevation) ; the other colours presented themselves nearly in the
same relative positions. After 5 p.m. all these colours of the east-north-east
decreased rapidly in extent as well as in intensity, and in a little time (5.5 p.m.)
there remained only a violet arc from north-east to south-east. Towards 5.3 p.m.
the pearl-white region (west-south-west) sank little by little in the direction where
the sun had set, losing its brilliancy, whilst above, a new region of yeUowish-pinfc
rose to 75^, extending from north to south. The sky at the zenith was then of a
deep azure, almost black, and the moon showed itself of a green colour. A little
later, 5.8 p.m., the exterior rose region presented itself streaked by different blue
rays, which diverged from the point where the sun was below the horizon. The
phenomenon was very like aurora bore^lis. Little by little the colours chauged ; the
white region became very narrow, and, sinking towards the horizon, It assumed, at
5.15 p.m., a red-orange, bordered with gold. Soon after, the phenomenon ceased.
At 5.18 to 5.20 p.m. the red coloration, more or less violet, extended itself rapidly all
over the horizon from north to south, reaching, on the west, to 60° of elevation ; and
this red coloration maintained itself up to 6.30 p.m., that is, for an hour and forty
minutes after the setting of the sun. Since the 3rd instant these phenomena have
lost much in intensity, bqt all the characteristic points have been preserved — for
example, the parabolic form of the crepuscular and anti-crepuscular arcs, and the
white and coloured spaces. On the 12th, the redness of th0 sky was observed up to
6.20 p.m. During the whole period the magnetic curves have presented nothing
extraordinary, apart from some little perturbations very common during the maxi«
mum of solar spots."
Professor von Helmholtz* wrote from Berlin on December 1 : — " The pheno-
menon called cloud-glow in your last numbers, was seen also at Berlin on the three
evenings of November 28, 29, and 30. As far as 1 qould observe the sky, the details
were almost the same as your correspondents describe them : a greenish sunset at
3.50 ; an unusually bright red sky with flashes of light starting from south-west.
An interesting physiological phenomenon, which we call ' Contrast/arben,' was there
beautifully illustrated by some clouds, no longer reached by direct sunlight ; they
looked intensely green on the red sky. At 4.30 the streets were lighted by a
peculiarly pale glare, as if seen through a yellow glass. Then darkness followed
and the stars became visible. But half an hour afterwards, at 5 o'clock, the western
fiky was again coloured by a pink or crimson glow. Persons who were not quite
sure about its direction mistook it for an aurora ; others spoke of a great fire in
the neighbourhood. . . At 6 o'clock all was over."
• 'Natui-e,' vol. xxix. (1883), p. 130.
Mr. Gerard Hopkins, of Stonyliurat College,* notes the following difference
between ordinary sunsets and the displays of 1883 : —
"(1). They differ in their time and in the place of the sky where they
" (2). They differ in their periodic action or behaviour.
" (3). They differ in the nature of the glow, which is both intense and
" (4). They differ in the regularity of their colouring. Four colours in particular
have been noticeable, orange lowest and nearest the sundown; above this and
broader, green ; above this, and broader still, a variable red, ending in being crimson ;
above this, a faint lUac. The lilac disappears, the green deepens, spreads, and
encroaches on the orange, and the red deepens, spreads, and encroaches on the green,
till at last one red, varying downwards fi-om crimson to scarlet or orange, fills the
west and south.
*' (5). They differ in the colours themselves, which are impure and not of the
" (6). They differ in the texture of the coloured surfaces, which are neither
distinct clouds of recognised make, nor yet translucent media."
The above is merely an abstract of Mr. Hopkins's letter, to which he subjoins
a very lucid description of the sunset of December 16, 1883.
Herr Dr. E. von Rebeur-Paschwitz v«Tote,t on December the 19th, from
'Berlin: — "Yesterday, December 18, the twilight phenomenon, though much less
grand, was very well seen. Soon after sunset, the western sky, which seemed to be
covered with a very fine vapour stratum, but otherwise was cloudless, assumed a
greenish-white colour. At about 4.15, at some altitude above the horizon, the
first reddish sheen was observed ; and it soon expanded over a larger oval space, and
increased in intensity. This space filled with red light did not reach to the horizon,
but was separated from it by a narrow streak of white of intense brightness. At
last the whole horizon in the west shone with a beautiful orange colour. Yesterday,
as on the 17th, a fine striation of the bright part of the sky was noticed. Broad
streaks, inclined to the horizon, and nearly parallel, covered the western sky.
The inclination of the streaks was variable ; on the 19th they were nearly parallel to
the horizon. This striation of the sky has been seen on three successive evenings,
and also on the first days of December. Through an opera-glass the streaks looked
like fine clouds, but could hardly be described as cirrus. At 4.53 the red glow was
all but gone ; at 5.2 there was another weaker redness, more towards the north than
* 'Nature/ vol. xxix. (1884), p. 222.
t * Met. Zeitsohrift,' vol. i. (1884), p. 160.
before ; at 5.5 a sudden renewal of the red glow ; at 5.20 there was a diminution ;
and at 5.30 the glow had disappeared."
Mr. E. L. Layard* wrote as follows, on January 6, 1884, from Noumea, New
Caledonia : — '* As soon as the suns disc has disappeared, a glow comes up from the
west like that of whit^-hot steel, reddening somewhat as it mounts to the zenith, but
changing the while to blue. From the zenith it passes into the most exquisite green,
deepening as it loses itself in the east. As the sun sinks lower and lower, the red
tints overpower the white-hot steel tints, and the blue of the zenith those of the
green. At 7 p.m., or a little after, nearly the entire western half of the horizon has
changed to a fiery crimson : as time goes on, the northern and southern areas lose
their glory, and the greys of night contract, from the northern end first, most rapidly ;
the east is of the normal grey. The south now closes in, and presently, about 8 p.m.,
there is only a glare in the sky, just over the sun's path, as of a distant conflagration,
till the fire in the west dies out. I have been attempting to describe one of our
cloudless evenings, of which we have had only too many, having just come through
a fearful drought that has lasted all this while ; but who shall paint the glory of
the heavens when flecked with clouds ? — burnished gold, copper, brass, silver, such as
Turner in his wildest dreams never saw, and of such fantastic forms I "
M. de MoNTESSUS, writing, "Sur les lueui-s cr^pusculaires observ^es k San
Salvador (Am6rique centrale)," t under date February 9, 1884, says : —
" The remarkable sunsets have been seen here since the last days of November,
1883. About half an hour after sunset, and an hour before sunrise, the horizon is
gradually illuminated with a magnificent coppery -red tint, very constant in colour,
very intense, and lasting on the average 20 to 25 minutes. The phenomenon is not
produced except in a cloudless sky. If there are a few strati on the horizon in the
evening it is not produced ; in the morning it may occiu: with a few strati, and
especially with high cirri. The illumination extends, horizontally, at least 70^ to the
right and left of a plane passing vertically through the sun and reaches up nearly to
the zenith ; consequently, nearly half the hemisphere is filled with the splendid red
glow. The moon, when circumstances allowed of it — that is, when her altitude did
not exceed 15°, was coloured a magnificent emerald -green, and it was extremely
beautiful to see it at the epoch of grey light {lumiere cendree), when its disc was of a
pale green, with its crescent horn deep green in the midst of an immense crimson
curtain. Venus only was able to penetrate the curtain, and was also green. Stars
of the first magnitude could not be seen ; and those which at a sufiiciently great
altitude, such as the small comet, were clearly distinguishable, were also green.
The phenomenon rapidly acquired its maximum intensity, which it retained 3 or
* 'Natnre,' vol. xxix. (1884), p. 461.
t ' Comptes RendnB', xcviii. (1884), pp. 761, 762.
2 A
4 minutes only, and then as rapidly disappeared, after lasting altogether about 25
minutes. I did not at first note down the dates of the first appearances. There
were two or three before November 30. Subsequently they were — November 30,
December 1, 2 ; January 3, 4, 7, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 ;
February 4, 6, 7. Yesterday the overcast sky allowed us to see it only at intervals
for a few minutes. At Panama some of the old men report having seen similar glows
before, but they could not recollect the precise year. The magnetic needle was
quiet. There was nothing unusual recorded by the meteorological instruments. The
centre of the glow seemed to be in the vertical plane of the sun. The zodiacal
light was absolutely annihilated."
Mr. John Ballot, of Roefontein Wakkerstroom, Transvaal, S. Africa, in a letter
dated March 10, 1884,* says: — "The exact date on which the glow made its first
appearance in this country, I am not in a position to give. It is, however, certain
that it was observed as early as September 5, 1883. From about September 7, it
had already become a very noted peculiarity after sunset, even to the most imob-
servant. The colour of the light was at first of a sickly greenish-yellow, but deepened
into a copperish-red as the evening advanced ; the light was strong enough to cast a
deep shadow against a wall or anything else, if an object was held close to it. • . .
The greenish tint of this glow seemed to me to prove that it was caused by light
reflected and refracted by an atmospliere heavily charged with water vapour."
Therefore Mr. Ballot predicted heavy rains and the disappearance of the
glows. The rains came, but the glows, nevertheless, continued to March 10, the
date of writing.
" The glow remained visible almost every evening whenever there was suflEicient
clear sky to reveal it. . . . One evening it would attain to a greater altitude
than another, or be more brilliant. As time went on, the general colour of the light
seemed to deepen to a darker copperish-red or muddy-orange, with a shade of rosiness
diffused in its remoter parts. . . . The general tint is cei-tainly much deeper
than it was at first. The conditions most favourable to a grand display and cloud
effect are a clear sky towards the time of sunset, with a few detached clouds floating
about, and a slightly cloud-streaked horizon. When such has been the case I have
frequently observed innumerable rays of the beautiful glow darting out from behind
the cloudy horizon to great altitudes, and in every direction, the intervals between the
rays being comparatively dark. , . . That the reflecting medium producing the
glow is situated at greater altitudes than the general cloud layer is proved by the fact
that these cloud masses appear quite black when projected against the rosy back-
ground. The thinner edges of such clouds frequently acquire a dark olive-green
colour ; while at other times I have seen them slightly rose-coloured by the reflection
* ' English Mechanic/ May 2, 1884, p. 185.
of the glow, the cloud itself remaming a dark mass. . . A few concluding remarks
will be devoted to the order in which the glow is generally formed. A rough diagram
is annexed, simply to enable the reader better to understand the description.
Fig. 14.
"h h, the horizon; A A^ fading portion of ordinary twilight, with the point of sunset heavily shaded; B B, the
brownish belt of glow due to denser lower strata; C C, vacant spa^ce between, the two glows^ above
which the second glow begins to form; D, the bluish-white glare; E E, the copperish-red gloxo;
K, where the purplish tint is brightest, fading into violet at j.
" Soon after sunset, the usual twilight appears, which remains visible for a short
while ; as it gradually contracts and fades, everything seems to be settling down for
the approaching darkness. The rosy glow over the point of sunset rapidly contracts,
only a thin rim of red remains visible on each side, with a small arc of red marking
the point of sunset. The observer will now begin to notice a peculiar bluish-white
glare forming a few degrees above the arc of red, and extending some distance
upwards. The white glare increases a little, when again a slight reddish tint makes
an appearance round about the white. When once commenced, the red light spreads
rapidly upwards and in a horizontal direction, but does not seem to make much
progress towards the horizon. The fading rim of the first twilight forms itself into a
long, narrow, brownish belt, stretching along the horizon, caused, no doubt, by the
denser layers of haze and vapour lower down. Immediately above this belt, and just
below the bluish-white glare, there remains an apparent blank ; this blank is but
slowly filled up by the new glow. It seems as if the reflecting media in that belt are
below the line of reflection as yet. As the glow spreads outwards above the white
glare, it seems to acquire a strong tinge of purple, which gradually fades into a violet
near the borders of the spreading luminosity. The arc of bluish-white gradually
gives place to a very strong copperish glare. But as the evening advances the light
assumes a more uniform colour. The purple and violet entirely disappear, and the
enttt^ luminosity contracts towards the point of sunset, where it finally disappears at
from one to one-and-a-half hours after sunset. . . . The glow generally has a much
greater extension round the southern horizon than round the north-western. It
fi-equently extends more than 90° round the southern, whereas it seldom exceeds 60°
round the northern. Taking everything into consideration, there seems to me
2 A 2
decided proof, from these observations, that aqueous vapour plays an important
part in producing the after-glow."
Again, he says* that during March and April peculiarities were strongly devdoped
which had not been noticed before: — " All throughout March I frequently observed it
in broad daylight, especially one or two hours before sunset* But as the sky was
generally covered with broken cloud I thought it peculiarly favourable to reveal the
illuminated dust haze beyond, the sun himself being covered from view at times.
April, however, brought a clearer sky, yet the glow forms an easily-detected daylight
phenomenon. About 3 minutes after sunrise it is plainly seen on each side and along
the horizon, even above the sun. The sides and lower portion of glow ai^e of a
brownish-grey, while above, or preceding the sun, it is wbitish-grey. The sun with
the surrounding glow resembles in shape a huge comet, of which our luminary forms
the gigantic nucleus, the head and part of the tail alone having risen above the
horizon. This glow gradually contracts about the sun, being always much elongated
on the side nearest the horizon. About midday a faint white glare alone is visible ;
but towards afternoon the same phenomenon as at sunrise occurs, only reversed iu
direction. Some moments after sunset the bluish -white heart-shaped glare forms
itself; on each side, a dull brownish-red arm of light is seen stretching northward and
southward along the horizon. Some minutes later, and just about when the heart-
shaped bluish-white glare attains its brightest, an arc of light is formed in the eastern
sky, resting on the band of light or band of glow which now surrounds the horizon.
This arc resembles in shape a small segment of a rainbow, and rises to an altitude of
about 50° to 60°. Inside there seems to be a blank or want of light. Meanwhile
the secondary glow is beginning to form in the west at an altitude of about 40°, and
just over and round about the bluish- white glare. A few minutes later and the whole
sky seems to show a feeble illumination, while the arc of light in the east rapidly disap-
pears. The secondary glow has now reached a deep rosy-red tint, as before described ;
at first seemingly floating some degrees above the horizon, but gradually sinking lower
and acquiring more uniformity of textura The regions near the horizon pass through
bright yellow to dark orange very deep in tint. About 45 minutes after sunset this
secondary, and most magnificent glow, contracts towards the point of sunset and
settles on the horizon line. As soon as this happens, the arms of light and general
luminosity of the sky mentioned above entirely disappear. Stars of smaller magni-
tude become better defined, and the twinkling of the stars in general seems to
become more decided. Everything settles in for night and darkness. When, lo 1
the seemingly expiring glow in the west is again seen to increase ; about 45° above the
horizon a similar duU glow is forming, which increases in Uke manner as the secondary
glow. The pale glow over thehprizon assumes a peculiar greenish-yellow, which
gradually deepens into a muddy fiery red. A third glow appears, and behaves much
* ' English Mechanic,* Jane 6, 1884, p. 296.
the same as the secondary glow, only its general tints seem duller. This glow has
but little reflecting influence on the now rapidly-darkening sky, situated further
eastward, which produces a strange effect of contrast. It seems to me that this
glow may be caused by reflection from dust haze situated at a greater altitude
thaji the dust haze of the secondary glow. In other words, there are two layers
of dust floating in the upper strata of the atmosphere, but at very different
altitudes ; while in between them there can be but little diffused dust floating
about, hence the interval between the glows."
M. Pelagaud writes, on AprU 14, 1884, from St. Paul, Bourbon, as follows : —
" NouveUes observations d'illuminations cr^pusculaires kl'ile Bourbon.* Our twilight
glows have passed into a new phase, the intermittent phase. Some days they almost
entirely disappear and are represented only by a slight phosphorescence ; then the
next day they recur with renewed intensity.
" On April 4, they were admirable and as beautiful as ever ; and again on
AprU 1 1 ; but they did not have the same arrangement as at first. Then they
consisted of three large tricoloured zones, which extended from the west to the
zenith, and were sometimes separated from one another by three wide coloured
bands of blue sky. Now they are usually glories which shoot up in divergent
rays to 50® or 60° At 7 or 8 minutes after sunset a pale luminous lilac spot
begins to be defined at 10° or 12° above the point where the sun has disappeared ;
its diameter may be about 15°. To the right and left are two smoky walls like the
smoke from a large town, seen as a transparency against the red horizon of the
setting Sim. Then these walls vanish, the lUac spot disappears ; and just above it
there begins to appear, about 15 minutes after sunset, a luminous haze of scarlet
pintle and crimson hue, and of a discoidal form, which gradually widens to 15° or
20°, increasing in intensity of lustre, and, soon after, shoots upwards the great
rays above-mentioned. At the moment when these rays appear the lower margins
of the disc retract, and take the form of an arc of a circle resting on the horizon ; but
all the margins are indefinite. Sometimes obscure rays are observed between the
bright ones, especially on the south side. * All this lasts a quai-ter of an hour or
20 minutes, and then gradually fades away untU, at about 6.35 or 6.40, there remains
only a yellow band on the horizon, which also soon disappears. I am induced to
think that the phenomenon is electrical. Cyclones have been unusually prevalent, and
these exclude all hypotheses as to the suspension of fine particles in the higher
atmosphere for upwards of six months. On the other hand, I have seen (once only,
it is true) a roseate haze start from a very high cirro-stratus."
Prof, von BKZOLD,t of Munich, observes that : — " Besides the extreme brilliancy
and depth of colour some other points may be specified as abnormal : —
• * CompteslRendTis,' xcviii., pp. 1301, 1302.
t * ZeiiBcHrift fur Meteorologie,' 1884, p. 72.
1. " While, in ordinary conditions, after sunset or before sunrise, an increase
of brightness is observed in the neighbourhood of the sun (near the horizon),
having the form of a weakly illuminated disc with a spot above the sun for
its centre, this appearance has lately been far more striking than usual.
2. "Immediately before sunrise, or after sunset, the illumination of the sky,
particularly with a hazy atmosphere, turned to a peculiar yellow, often of a sulphur
colour, such as is not seen in ordinary twilights.
3. "The illumination of the whole sky was unusually diffuse, so that the
boundary of the so-called earth shadow could never be clearly recognised.
4. "The first purple light, of which the maximum appeared from 30 to 35
minutes after sunset between Januaiy 8th and 1 3th, was much more extensive
and less well defined than usual. Whereas usually it appears as a defined disc
above the bright yellow segment, so that its lower part appears to be covered
by the yellow, and whereas it very seldom reaches to the zenith and never beyond
it, in the recent twilights the greater part of the sky was frequently flooded
with purple light.
5. " Quite abnormal, too, was the extent and intensity of the second purple
light. It reached its maximum about 70 or 80 minutes after sunset, as in a
normal twilight, but was incomparably brighter, and much more strongly coloured,"
F. A. RoLLO Russell
Proximate Physical Cause of the Unusual Twilight Glows
IN 1883-4,
By the Hon. Rollo Russell.
The condition of atmosphere most favourable to the visibility of the complete
and undisturbed fore-glows and after-glows of 1883-4 was freedom from clouds, and a
transparent lower air. Any haze of an ordinary kind in the upper or lower air
greatly interfered with the characteristic phenomena. Also when the unusual
haze which accompanied, and, as we shall show, probably produced, these phenomena,
was present in sufficient quantity to cause an appearance of mist on the horizon and
to obscure the sun before setting it was unfavourable to the observation of fine displays.
This latter condition prevailed in Surrey on November 23, 24, and 25, 1883,
the sun vanishing in a misty film of striae resembling indistinct cirro-stratus.
The sunset on those days was followed by appearances detailed in Section I. (a),
pp. 152-178. The sun as it sank into the haze was peculiarly white, but not well-
defined, being surrounded by a kind of halo and having a green light above it. This
haze seems to have been very similar to that which, three months earlier, obscured
the sim in the tropics near the equator ; while, further from the equator, where the
lofty haze was less dense, brilliant after-glows were seen. Several observers
in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans, described the sun as disappearing at
some altitude above the horizon.
The white haze described in Section I. (a), when distinctly visible as a stratum
at a great altitude, was favourable to the production of fine displays, and preceded
the most brilliant and extensive after-glows. At Honolulu the sky was seen to be
covered with a very light wavy mist, and in many parts of the world a lofty striated
haze was seen previous to the red illuminations of the sky. In England it was
noticed by several observers. In Italy, in January, 1884, the white gauzy veil after
sunset was the surest prelude to a display. In Europe, as stated in Section I. (a),
the stratum in fuU daylight was white, apparently nearly motionless, and almost
invariably arranged in parallel streaks stretching from about south or south-west to
north or north-east. It gave the impression of lying at a very great altitude ; and
this impression was strengthened when it was found that, for more than two months,
through all kinds of weather, it persistently preserved its peculiar character and
apparent immobility, even when high cirrus clouds were moving rapidly ; that after
sunset and long aft;er the highest clouds in the neighbourhood had lost their colour, it
seemed to be illuminated by direct sunlight ; that it was accompanied by the appear-
ance of a corona round the sun during the day, much better visible at altitudes of
10,000 feet than lower down ;* that the streaks of which it was composed converged
to a radiant point much below the horizon, and gave the impression of being really
parallel, and that though the duration of the morning and evening glows gradually
diminished, the stratum did not, for some months, reach a level affected by the
currents of the cirrus region.
We may thus fairly conclude that a stratum of matter, not usually discover-
able, was present in the upper atmosphere of a great part of the globe during the
autumn and winter of 1883-4, that is, during the period when the remarkable
glows were conspicuous. The first remarkable sky colorations of long duration
were observed at several places in the Indian Ocean on August 26 and 27, and
rapidly extended in various directions, but chiefly W. and S.W. Lines drawn from
place to place in the order of dates, if prolonged backwards, meet somewhere near
the Strait of Sunda, which must therefore be taken to be the place of origin of the
cause of the glows. On the same days the ocean was covered to a long distance,
especially westward, with a very fine dust, consisting chiefly of pimaice, floating lightly
on the surface ; and this fine dust was noticed to fall from the sky as far as 1,175
♦ FoRBL, in Switzerland (* Comptes ' Rendua,' xcix., p. 423) ; and Hetde, at Kailong, Lahoul,
India (MS.) ; and Backhouse (* Nature,' Au^st 14, 1884).
English miles west of Java on A^ugust 28, and at 3,754 English miles W.N.W. on
September 8. This also, by the order of dates, showed an origin near the Strait of
Sunda. A whitish or yellowish sky and a blue or green sim were seen on the same
days, August 26 and 27, and first in the neighbourhood of the Strait of Sunda ;
so that all these phenomena depended on some agency at work in that quarter.
The widely-extended-fall of dust from this yellowish sky, and the long-continuance
of the haze in the upper regions, make it reasonable to assume that the lofty stratum
consisted of exceedingly fine dust, projected by some cause to a height above that of
the known atmospheric currents.
The great eruption of Krakatoa on August 26 and 27 appears to be an adequate
cause. And its potency can hardly be doubted when w^e compare ite effects with
those of two other years of great volcanic activity, namely, 1783 and 1831, which
were distinguished by similar coloured suns and red after-glows.* The redness of the
sun in 1783, which was more frequent than the moon-like appearance, may be
attributed to the density of the volcanic haze in the lower and intermediate air ; and
this condition had its counterpart in 1883 in the Indian Ocean, wherever the lower
as well as the upper air was unusually hazy. The haze which caused the blue sun
in the tropics did not lose its properties as it spread northwards ; for in Europe the
sun appeared whiter than usual at low altitudes, the moon was occasionally
slightly greenish during the night, and the stars were less yellow and more
green. As in the tropics, the red after-glows accompanied the red-arresting or
blue-sun haze, when not too dense. If the influence of the lower atmosphere
could have been eliminated, there can be little doubt that a greenish tinge would
have slightly predominated in the sun half an hour before sunset. In China, for
example, the sun was seen green in November, and the fiery sunsets took place
soon after.
In order to realize the effects of absorption (so-called) at heights beyond the
paramount influence of the lower air, let us place ourselves in imagination in the
middle of the lofty dust-stratum, and observe the appearance of the sun as it
approaches the horizon. When it reaches a point at which it is shining through a
maximum length of the stratum, it must appear greenish or bluish ;t then, as it sinks
lower, the proportion of intermediate lower air increases, and the solar disc may
appear white,+ an equivalent portion of the violet end of the spectrum being now
arrested. Still lower it wiU appear yellow, orange, and red in succession, as the lower
and more vaporous strata relatively increase in effective power, these colours being
far more brilliant than we are accustomed to see at low levels, owing to the smaller
* See Section Y., pp. 388 and 396.
t For the atratnm is sapposed to consist of particles similar to those which caused the bine sun in
the tropics. The real colour of the sun at great altitudes is here assumed to be white, though, according
to Prof. Lakolst, it approaches violet.
proportion of gross vapour, dust, and impurities, and the greater length of inter-
vening air. The red colour of the sun, when seen at sunset on a clear day from
a mountain top, is brighter and purer than when seen through a dense mist at
midday to leeward of a large town which bums smoky coal. The red tints
reflected from the loftiest Alpine summits and high clouds at sunset show more
brilliancy than those reflected from lower clouds, partly, no doubt, owing to the
contrast of the increased darkness and the absence of other colours in the interme-
diate air.
Now, instead of occupying in imagination the position in the middle of the dust-
stratum where these changes in the sun's colour would become apparent, let the
observer watch the stratum from the surface of the earth from a few minutes after
sunset. If the stratum be supposed to contain a multitude of small coloiu'less
particles, and to be only moderately dense, the colour-changes before observed in the
fiolar disc will be seen by reflection in the vault of the sky, and will only be masked
by the blue effect of the ordinary sky particles where the white surfaces are seen
least obliquely, as overhead. The maximum effects of colour wiU occur where the
influence of perspective, unimpaired by atmospheric opacity, is greatest, and the
light strongest in comparison with that of the intermediate air. The whole sky
will be illmninated by diffuse reflection of the sun's rays, if the reflecting particles
be opaque, and the order of colours will be uniformly greenish-blue, green, white,
yellow, and red in succession, each colour appearing first in the east, and passing
over to the west. Even if the surfiices were tinted, somewhat similar colours
would be observed, as may be seen when a bright yellow or red sun, in setting,
tinges all objects with the same hue. This effect is especially noticeable when the
air is clear after a heavy shower, and when diffuse light from the sky is intercepted
by clouds.
But, do these contingent phenomena correspond with what actually took place
over England in the glows of December, 1883 ? On some few occasions the
resemblance was close, but usually the strong coloured illumination was confined to a
part of the sky between the horizon, near where the sun set, and the zenith ; and
frequently the sky towards north and south remained of the usual blue colour. From
December to the beginning of February the arc of colour contracted in area, and
occasionally the luminous cloud shaded off rapidly into deep blue at the edges.
The luminosity of November 9 was sharply defined, but on that occasion the matter
concerned seemed not to be spread over the sky, but separated into distinct cloud-
like masses. At the end of November and beginning of December, the whole sky
was illuminated with yellow and red, in the manner that might be expected on the
foregoing assumption. The blue and green did not, however, appear clearly in the
east before reaching the west, probably owing partly to the amount of bright and
mixed colour in the still strongly illuminated intermediate air soon after sunset, lliis
general redness, seen in the first fortnight of the remarkable series of after-glows in
2 B
England, always occurred when, in a favourable light the white layer of matter was
noticed to be particularly dense, and never occurred when the layer was previously
almost invisible; though brilliant glows might then be seen between the western
horizon and the zenith.
The hypothesis, then, by which the glows were assumed to have been wholly
due to the action of small ojyarjue particles of mineral dust distributed in a stratum
of still smaller particles, fails to account for the moderate extent and peculiar
character of the coloured arc on most occasions. It fails to account for the
opaline whiteness of the sheen soon after sunset, for the great brilliancy of the
orange and red colouring in the late twilight, and for the metallic cast of the
But let it be assumed that instead of ordinary opaque particles of matter, most
of the larger particles in the stratum consisted of glass-like laminae or very thin
fragments and spherules, and the peculiar characteristics of the after-glows admit of
fuller explanation. The small dust of the glassy particles must be imagined to lie
in all kinds of positions and at all angles, according to their form and centre
of gravity. The majority would presumably be horizontally disposed, or, if curved,
would have their convex side downwards. Whether lying horizontally or hanging
vertically, the situation directly above the observer would clearly be unfavourable
for reflection vertically downwards. Some time after sunset, the maximum bright-
ness would take place between the observer and a point vertically above the sun,
by regular reflection from smooth horizontal surfaces, and the part of the sky
next in brightness to the western arc would be the east, where the effective
reflection would be from nearly vertical surfaces and from spherules, for water
particles in clouds near the eastern horizon are strongly luminous at sunset, and
vitreous particles would reflect in a similar manner. The sky in the north and
south would be little affected by direct reflection from such particles, and
might sometimes appear greenish-blue by repeated reflection and scattering of
light from beyond through the red-arresting stratum, but close to the horizon a
certain amount of redness, less than ordinary, might appear, owing to scattering
and sifting out of blue rays by the lower strata and to secondary reflection by
ordinary dust. A greater density and preponderance of spherules and fragments,
would cause the whole sky to be bathed in red or orange, as it is occasionally with
extensive cirro-stratus. For, when a thin high ordinary cloud spread over the sky
except in the direction of the setting sun, is illuminated after sunset, the
spherules of which the cloud is composed will reflect the sun's rays in every
plane, so that a red colour is observable in all directions.
The failure of the red glow to appear overhead, except when the stratmn
was at its densest, would be due (l) to the less favourable angle for reflection,
(2) the less depth of matter in the line of sight, and (3) the greater intensity of the
blueness of the sky which would neutralise the red. A Nicol prism revealed to
Mr. AiTKEN* the red light overhead before it appeared in the west after sunset,
even when quite invisible to the naked eye.
Now, let us examine the grounds on which the assumption that the lofty stratum
actually consisted of glaasy laminae may be based,
We have, above, stated the reasons which favour the theory that the stratum had
its origin in the projection of a mass of fipe dust from the volcano in eruption in the Strait
of Sunda, \fhen the remarkable long-ejiduring sky-illuminations were first observed.
All reports agree in stating that the fine dust collected at great distances from the
volcano consisted chiefly of fragments of pumice blown into very thin transparent
plates ; and Mr. STANLEvt found that the dust which fell on tha Arabella at 1,127
English miles west of Java Head, on August 28, contained small irregular plates of
pumice, a vast number of which seemed to be broken shells of pumice bubbles, of
thicknesses varying fron^ '001 to '002 mm. Many of these small pieces wpre nearly
square and curved, but there are types of all forms incidejit to fracture. A large
number of thin plates are thicker on one edge than on the others, having the form pf
wedges. Thje volcanoes of Java produce these thin glassy plates of pumice through
enormous steam pressure in the interior and the sudden expansion of the masses
blown out into the atmosphere. J Professor Bonney found the *' glass foam " of
Krakatoa to be more expanded by internal steam pressure than the glassy dust of
the Andes. The fragments of bubbles woul(j, therefore, be thinner and finer than those
which fell 65 mjiles away after an eruptign of Cotopaxi, pf wl^ich Mr. Whymp^r found
that fi:'om 4,000 to 25,000 were required to weigh a grain. Those T^hich did not
fall so soon would of course be far thinner and smaller. Messrs. Muri^ay and
Renard § have found by a microscopical examination of Krakatoa pumice that its
fracture has probably been o\^ng to a tex^sion like that observed in Rupert's drops.
The particles have ragged edges which show disruption of a vacuolated or bubble-like
structure, A rapid cooling and decrepitation must take place in the passage of the
heated pumice masses through the air ; and thus a vast quantity of extremely finely-
divided matter be carried ii^to the higher atmosphere.
Crystals in granitic rocks and some lavas contain great numbers of excessively
minute cavities, often filled with liquids. It has been estimated that in some
instances the number of these minute liquid caviti^ amounts to from one thousand
miUions to ten thousand millions in a cubic inch.||
Dr. Flogel's researches IT on the dust which fell on May 21, 1883, on board the
Elisaheth, near Sumatra, also showed that by far the greater part of the asji is a
* * Proc. Roy. Soc. of Edinburgh,' Jnne 2, 1884,
t * Quar. Jour. Roy. Met. Soc.,' vol. x., p. 187.
X Bonnet, *Proc. Roy. Soc.,' 1884, p, 124.
§ *Proc. Roy. Soc. Ed.,' Feb. 4, 1884.
II JuDD, * Volcanoes,' pp. 61-62.
t *Met. Zeitschrift,' vol. i. (1884), p. 81.
2 B 2
colourless glass, which seems to be broken into all imaginable forms. All these glass
fi^gments contain either innumerable air bubbles or they are full of needle-Uke small
crystals, or they combine these two.
The thickest fragments of burst bubbles and the heavier particles fell at or
within such distances as the Arabella was from Krakatoa ; but the lighter and
smaller particles were carried much further, and would remain longer in the air in
proportion to their minuteness. Besides this, the proportion of glassy matter, which
was the lightest of the ejected products, was found to increase continuously with the
distance from Krakatoa.
As the pumice ejected by the Java volcanoes 'consists of an aggr^ation of vast
numbers of minute glassy vesicles, an unknown proportion of these vesicles would burst
on suddenly reaching a much lower pressure at a great height in the atmosphere ;
many, however, might still preserve their vesicular form, owing both to the tenacity
of their substance and to the condensation of the steam within by great exterior cold.
The sudden cooling of the exterior crust of a large pumice stone prevents the
disturbance of the honeycomb atructi^re within, and similarly the cooling of the
surface of a very small particle may prevent the diminution of pressure from affecting
the minutest bubbles in the interior. We may therefore suppose that the small
amount of vapour or gas which had existed within at a very high temperature and
pressure was, by cooling, condensed to a very small bulk. Some of these small
particles would accordingly float in the upper air aa microscopic, nearly vacuous,
perfect balloons.
The extreme tenuity of volcanic dust has been proved on this as well as on
other occasions. No watches, boxes, or iQstruments were tjght enough to exclude it
from their interior.* Thus we may conclude that both in the form of vesicles and
of fragments of vesicles, an immense volyme of glassy pumice dust of microscopic and
ultra-microscopic minuteness was pi ejected into the atmopphere on August 26 and 27. f
Now, what would be the order of phenomena seen from the surface of the earth,
assuming the existence of a stratum thus composed at a height of from 80,000 to
120,000 feet above the surface of the earth ? The general tendency of the matter
being to deprive the sun's rays of a portion of their red, as shown by observations at
Batavia, Ceylon, Labuan, Cape Coast Castle, etc., the colour of the sun some tima
before setting, when shining through a great length of it, would a{^)ear green or blue,
or else less yellow and red than usual, according to the density of the matter. When
the stratum was less dense, as it was after the lapse of several months, the sun would
only be rather less red than usual at and before sunset. After sunset, the excess of
• See the ElisahetJCs experience (Veebbek's * Krakatau,' p. 89). See also Whtmper's ezperienoe on
Chimborazo during the eruption of Cotopaxi. Bonnet, * Proc. Roy, Soc./ 1884.
t Mr. Goodwin, of Kingston, Canada, found the most characteristic objects in residue from snow
on January 13, 1884, to be minute transparent grannies scattered in thousands over the field of the
green rays produced by the passage of the solar light through the stratum would first
be reflected from the suitably disposed particles east of the observer ; but these would
be partially neutralised by transmission through the lower air, and by the ordinary
reflection of reddish rays from dust-particles in the middle air, where the sun would
be much earlier setting than in the stratum. Then the sky overhead would turn
somewhat green, but the strong blue colour of the still illuminated upper air below
the stratum would mask it. In the west, the green would in a few minutes
become visible, yeUow would follow, and orange or pink next, owing to the greater
persistence of the rays of larger wave length ; but as long as the whole air below
the stratum was strongly illuminated by the ordinary twLKght, the effects would
not be very conspicuous. The first colours would be bright only in the west, where
horizontally floating pumice particles would reflect the sunlight more directly towards
the observer. Then a reddish glow would appear in the east, caused by the reflection
of sunlight from those of the particles which were nearly vertical, from small irregular
fragments, and from spherules. As the sun sank, this redness would pass across the
zenith, where it would be often masked by the strong blue sky colour, and would then
become conspicuoifQ towards the western horizon, reflecting the last rays of the sun
setting at its level. The red arc would sink slowly on the horizon, becoming
deeper red owing to the gifting out of the more refrangible rays by the lower air ;
but, when still «|,t some height above the horizon, the green portion, now below
the horizon to an observer on the earth's surface, but which would not yet have
sunk out of sight from a point of view at the level of the stratum, would be sending
its rays eastwards, and wo^ld affect the dust particles at that height with a tinge
of green, or with a mixture of rays producing a dingy colour compounded with the
blue of the sky, The next colour to appear in the east opposite the place of sunset
would be yellow, by reflection from the reflecting arc in the west, but this, again,
would tend to becon^e reddish as seen from the earth, owing to the great length of air
through yp^hich it had passed. When, after crossing the zenith, the yellow appeared
in the west, it would be tolerably bright, but would be modified by the fact that the
under sur&x^e of the stratum would be receiving different shades of colour from the
differently coloured bands of the first arc overlapping one another, and the tendency
would be towards orange, both from the rapidly growing redness of the first arc as
the yeUow band sank out of sight from the point of view of the high level, and from
its own descent, and consequ^nt interference of the lower strata. The next colour in
the east would be red from reflection of the last red band of the finst arc ; and this,
too, would soon appear with greater brilliancy in tbe west, and would deepen in tint
as it followed nearly the course of the first arc. With a deep red on the western
horizon, the second after-glow would end. The fainter and less defined character
of the second glow would be' owing to its being a reflection from the first arc of
glowing haze, and not of direct sunlight.
Such might naturally be taken as the succession of phenomena which would
occur by transmission through and reflection from a stratum composed of small
reflecting dust, partially transparent and partially opaque, or else consisting of
a mixture of transparent spherules and fragments, having the qualities described ;
and such, on the whole, was their normal course, though there were differences
from day to day, depending on the density and other qualities of the film, and
on the distribution of clouds and vapour. The yellow was, perhaps, less conspicuous
than might have been expected ; but we must remember that the red would of
necessity be the strongest colour near the horizon in ordinary conditions of the
air, for, a white light near the horizon becomes reddish by transmission, and that
the sun, when shining most on the imder surfaces — that is, just before sunset
at the high level — would be rod. Before sunrise the yellow frequently covered
a large part of the sky, and lasted many minutes, succeeding the red in the primary
and secondary glows. The succession of colours, which took placQ slowly at the
high l^vel, appeared in a corresponding manner on the lower clouds in November
and December. Small detached cumuli overhead turned green, while the sky
above them was first blue, then pink or orange, showing that the green light in
the we^t still shone on their lower surfaces, forming, as it were, their secondary glow,
while the sky above was reflecting direct sunlight. Sometimes they remained pink
for an hour or more, reflecting the light of the reflected red on the horizon, and
uns^ffected by the colours too high above the horizon to shine on the under surfaces.
This persistent tint is evidence of the mere preponderance of certain transmitted
parts of the spectrum in producing bright colorations, and of the power of the lower
stratum of air to change the preponderating transmission from green to red, The
anjount of colour, when there was little redness left on the horizon, even probably
at the level of these cumuli, showed the effect of a small quantity of light p^ clouds
in a dark sky. If the stratum of dust had been of a density comparable to that
of light cumulus, and more transparent, the illumination of the secondary glow would
have been much stronger than it was.
The striking predominance of red in the fore-glows and after-glows was owing,
first, to its greater contrast with the blue sky ; secondly, to the greater surrQunding
darkness when it appeared ; thirdly, to the lower position of the sun favouring
reflection from the lower surfaces of the stratum to the earth ; and, fourthly, to the
red being the last colour, and therefore less mixed with others. To these may be
added the better penetrating power of red through the lower strata of the atmosphere.
In several descriptions of the after rglows the red coloration is described as
appearing in the west and then extending upwards towards the zenith ; and this was
frequently observed in England. In the magnificent after-glow of November 9, in
Surrey, the colour grew upwards both in the primary and in the secondary illumina-
tion. As a matter of fact, the red light must have been passing from east to west,
but the position of the part of the stratum situated over the western horizon would,
owing to perspective and the more favourable angle for regular reflection from
most of the particles at a small altitude above the horizon, cause the faint beginning
of the glow from the lower surface to appear to the observer before a stronger reflec-
tion would manifest itself at all nearer the zenith. Frequently a certain amount of
redness appeared between 10° and 40° above the horizon some before the
whole western sky was illuminated ; but on other occasions the red reflection moved
steadily from the zenith to the horizon, and before sunrise on the days of maximum
colour it rose from near the horizon to the zenith and passed westwards, leaving
the east of a light straw colour or green.
On some occasions the southern, and on others the northern > part of the sky was
more strongly illuminated than the rest In many of the observations in the southern
hemisphere this peculiarity was noted, which would merely seem to indicate a greater
density of reflecting matter in one direction or anothen When, after some months,
only the finer particles remained, the arc of colour was seen more regularly extended
over the place of sunset, while the sky, towards north and south, remained blue.
The capability of vitreous surfaces to reflect powerfully the light of the setting
sun is experimentally verified by the reflection from distant window-panes eastward
of an observer, as they glow with an intense brilliancy hardly distinguishable from
that of the sun itselfw The character of the appearance quite coincides with that of
the after-glows, though these were, of course, softer and less dazzling. The Crystal
Palace, viewed at a distance of 8 or 10 miles at sunset, resembles a great fire, and
small windows, at shorter distances, flame out with surprising intensity. The helio-
graph is an example of the use to which vitreous and metallic reflection has been put
in conununicating through great distances. When it is remembered that the after-
glows took place when the intervening air was no longer in sunshine, but in deep
shadow, their brilliancy is by no means disproportionate* Panes of glass suspended
in mid-air westwards would certainly display a similar luminosity from their under
surfaces. In like manner a rippling sea or lake reflects dazzlingly the rays of the
setting sun, the waves presenting to them a great variety of inclinations. That a thin
and previously almost invisible film of transparent particles can reflect conspicuously
the red light of the setting sun is frequently proved by light cirrus streaks floating
at altitudes between 30,000 and 40,000 feet. The much greater brilliancy of the
coloration in the west than in the east in the after-glows would be due partly to
the position of the fragments, for, the great majority would be floating horizontally,
but the same eflfect takes place with the spherules of water in light clouds.
Taking the refractive index of pumice as about the same as that of glass, viz.,
1 "50, the small laminae would show, more or less strongly, the colours of thin plates,
if tolerably equal in thickness, at thicknesses less than about 70^00 of an inch ; but,
beyond about 3W000 ^^ ^^ inch, would not reflect much light falling upon them, and
beyond 2000000 ^f ^^ ^^^^ would practically reflect none at all.
Probably the particles varied greatly in thickness, and would in white light
reflect a variety of colours, so that the general effect would be colourless or white. If
an effect of coloration had been due to interference, a part of the sky high above the
horizon would not quickly have changed in regular order from red to yellow and
green, as it did, before sunrise and conversely after sunset. The colours of thin plates
may, however, have had something to do with the opalescent effects occasionally
noticed above the setting sun and after sunset, and the persistent faint pink and
green tints sometimes succeeding the brighter colours before sunrise.
On the theory of mere reflection of the sun's colour by vitreous surfaces as the
cause of the twilight phenomena, we must still assume the particles to have been not
less than about soq^qoo of an inch in thickness, in order to reflect much light, coloured
or white, and since particles which fell on the Arabella at about 1,140 English miles
west of ELrakatoa were between ^aooo ^^d 35^^)0 of an inch in thickness, the proba-
bility is that the mean thickness of the much finer particles in the glow-causing
stratum lay between gg^^o and ^oo\)oo ^^ ^" i^^^^- Particles thinner than ^ooooo ^^
an inch would not be effectual in reflection, except, perhaps, from their edges, but might
absorb some portion of the spectrum. In this way the light reaching the reflecting
particles may have been altered by transmission through the smaller dust. As before
stated, the microscopic examination of pumiceous matter reveals remarkable facts
regarding its constitution. High microscopic powers show in a slice of lava cloudy
patches, which can be resolved into distinct particles only by still higher powers.*
These particles seem to consist of very minute crystals or embryo crystals. The majss
of matter ejected from a volcano like Krakatoa and disseminated in the upper air
may consist of similar vesicles or fragments blown out without the opportunity of
conglomerating in the liquid state, and the size of the particles would correspond
with that required to produce the atmospheric effects.
The after-glows of 1883, when at their maximum, presented certain features
which indicated that they might be due not wholly to transparent reflecting surfaces,
but partly to small dust of a more ordinary kind. Thus the visibility of the glow
over a large part of the sky, and its occasional appearance even at the zenith, might
be produced by diffuse reflection, and not by the regular reflection of vitreous particles.
These non-transparent particles might be much smaller than the regular reflectors,
and still reflect any light which fell upon them; t while even smoke has some reflective
power in strong light. But opaque dust is not necessary, and would hardly have
been adequate to produce all the observed effects ; and here, again, we may note that
thin and lofty clouds reflect red light after sunset, from all parts of the sky.
The question of the floating power of small particles, such as those which pro-
bably composed the haze in the present case, is dealt with in Section VII., p. 441.
The capacity of the stratum largely to reflect light of all colours is shown by
the change of colour of that part of it which was overhead, from rose tint to pink,
orange, yellow, and finally white, just before sunrise, and by its occasional appearance
• JuDD, * Volcanoes.'
t Fabadat, * Researches in Chemistry and Physics, Bakeriau Lecture. 1857.'
as a white rippled haze in daylight, soon after sunrise and before sunset, in England.
The green coloiu* never appeared overhead just before sunrise, probably owing to
the masking effect of the blue sky, which was then strongly illuminated. The
sky is at all times much greener towards the horizon than overhead, where there is
not a sufficient thickness of lower air to cut off the more refrangible rays.
A very interesting consideration is suggested by the disappearance of the white
stratum in full daylight in most parts of the sky in November and December, though
cloud-like in apparent density an hour before sunrise. It seems that as long as light
shone upon a veil of dust at a great altitude, and not much upon the air below it, the
greater part of the matter which makes our sky appear blue was ineffective ; but
when the sun's rays traversed the whole intervening region, the blue-scattering
particles became a veil for the white above. It is known by observation on the
high Andes that, at 20,000 feet, the blue of the sky tends to become dark blue
or black, thus showing that a large proportion of the colouring matter lies below
that altitude. Thus we may assume that nearly the whole of the matter concerned
in producing the ordinary blue sky was below the stratum, and if this assimip-
tion be a true one, the disappearance of the white stratum in full daylight is
The silvery, glare in the western sky soon after sunset, with its remarkable lustre,
would be produced by regular reflection from glassy surfaces, while the sun as viewed
from that altitude was still several degrees above the horizon. Almost everjrwhere
the sky tints were noticed as strange, unearthly, ghastly, weird, or awful, and not
resembling the beautiful sunset colours so frequently tinging the upper and lower
clouds. In accounts of the phenomena from places widely separated, and from
August 26, 1883, to January, 1884, we have remarks on the colours of the sky as
resembling lead, copper, brass, steel, and silver. Common dust would not, so far as
we know, produce these metallic colours.* During 1885 there was not one sunset or
sunrise which exhibited any of the strange tints seen in 1883 and 1884 in England,
and, as a rule, the sunsets even when clear were almost colourless. Taking all the
evidence into consideration, the twilights of 1883, 1831, and other years seem to
have owed their specially brilliant character to the minute subdivision of pumiceous
matter by the disruptive force of steam at high pressure, and for this reason some
submarine volcanoes may have produced atmospheric effects disproportionate to their
size and altitude.
The colours of the western sky, 20 minutes after an ordinary sunset in England,
are commonly as follows : dusky brown near the horizon^ above that dull red,
reddish or orange, pale yeUow, dull greenish-blue, blue ; these colours being either
duU and ill-defined, or very pale and clear. The colours are very seldom anything
but pale and ill-defined when there are no clouds, and often there is scarcely a trace
of anything but grey and blue. At the maximum of the glow phenomena the above
* KiESSLiNG experimentally produced similar met-allic tints with transparent minute particles.
2 C
order was nearly reversed, the colours were far more vivid and prolonged, and of an
unfamiliar character. There is no record of an order of colours corresponding in com-
pleteness to that of the glows of 1883.* Von Bezold's description of normal twilight
does not at all accord with what was then observed. In these glows the ordinary
colour on the horizon, when visible, was perhaps less bright than usual. No dark
segment like that described by Von Bezold appeared in the east. No feebly
illuminated circular disc, sinking fast, was observed. The after-glow occurred when
the sun was 4° or 5° below the horizon, and sank only slowly. No " second dark
segment '' appeared in the east, unless the absence of colour other than blue, and
the gradually increasing darkness, may be described as sucL A slight re-illumina-
tion of the east occurred when the first after-glow had sunk rather low, and then this
ro-illumination appeared conspicuously in the western sky as the secondary after-
glow. The differences between the abnormal and the normal twilight may have
been largely due to the difference of altitude of the reflecting particles concerned
in them.
It may be desirable to compare the order of reflected colours from common
clouds in an ordinary sunset with that observed during the twilight glows.
On January 31, 1886, the air was clear in the afternoon, with a strong west
wind and a blue sky, flecked with a few small masses of cumulus. The general
state of the air at sunset was not unlike that of November 9, 1883, except
that there were only a very few clouds on that occasion. But on January 31,
1886, the condition of the upper air was normal, and therefore served well for com-
parison with the strange developments of colour on November 9, 1883. The sun was
nearly white about 25 minutes before setting, then light yellow, yellow, orange, and
red in succession, setting behind a very low and slight bank of clouds. About 10
minutes before sunset the small cumuli in K, N., S., and W. were light yellow or
buff on their under surfaces, and gradually turned into a pinkish-yellow and pink or
red in correspondence with the sun's colour as seen from the earth. They lost their
colour just after sunset, showing their low altitude. A long, narrow cloud in the west
was much brighter directly above the place of sunset than towards north and south. The
sun set at 4.45. At about 4.50 the little cumulus masses in the east began to timi
ashy green,t in correspondence with the brighter and clearer green of the sky above
the place pf sunset. At about 4.56 the eastern sky, beyond the little clouds near the
horizon, began to show a slight, dull, pink flush ; and this grew up, and at about 5.7
showed itself on the western horizon, and then the greenish colour of the ciunuli east-
wards was succeeded by a'pale pink which attained its maximum with the maximum red-
ness on the western horizon, which was never more than a pale and weak illumination.
* See LiAis's acconnt of a voyage to Rio Janeiro in 1858, * Comptes Bendns,' t. xlyiii., p. 109.
t The " Ix)ichenfarbe " of observers in the Alps, where the high snowy tops turn red soon after
sunset, then ashy pale, and then again red (see Db La Rive, ' Bibliotheqne Universelle,' xxiii., xxiv.,
1889, and Necker, * Annales de Chimie et Physiqne,' 1839.)
There was a slight pinkish light still in the west at 5.30, and a very faint pro-
jection of pink rays. The deep blue sky overhead, at 5.20, shaded towards the west
into blue with the slightest visible tinge of purple. The succession of colours, there-
fore, with cumulus is not unlike that in the sky diu-ing the strange glows, but
the duration is very much shorter. In both cases the phenomena seem to be due
mainly to reflection of the sun's changing colour in setting, and next, of the light
reflected by the sky in the west, when the rest of the sky is already darkened.
In the case of a high stratum of gauzy cirrus which occasionally, though
rarely, covers the sky, some changes of colour occur similar to those of 1883, though
the duratioQ of the colours is much shorter. Thus, on December 16, 1885, at Rich-
mond, in Surrey, the eastern sky was suflfiised with red 40 minutes before sunrise, and
afterwards with yeUow ; but the green and the metallic tints were absent, and the
areas of colour were far less definite.
Cirro-cumulus covering the sky, with the exception of a clear space in the west, at
sunset, produces splendid effects when the sun sets clear red, the sky appearing like a
sea of fire, but the condition is of short duration.
A possible cause of the pinkish light which is occasionally seen in the sky
after sunset in summer and autumn in Switzerland, may be the presence, at a
high level, of Sahara dust, which could travel the distance in a very short time, and
is known to affect the atmosphere far out in the Atlantic, sometimes even to the
extent of being visible and collected as dust. Off the west coast of Africa, near
the Cape Verde Islands, when a certain wind blows from the land, the air is filled
with fine dust, which is deposited hundreds of miles out at sea, and the sun then
sets deep red, or disappears in a kind of bank at some altitude above the horizon.
At the edges of the area thus affected, or where the dust is less thick, a red
coloration is sometimes seen in the sky long after sunset.*
The red twilight of Egypt and North Africa, and on the borders of the desert,
prevails especially in the summer and autumn, and appears to be caused by the rays
of the sun, which has set red at the earth's surface, stiU illuminating the minute dust
which pervades the air up to a considerable height at that season.
ARAGOf explains as follows the prolonged twilights of 1831, which accompanied
the dry fog of that year : — " If the fog reflected that light, it necessarily occupied in
the atmosphere, or beyond its limits, regions extremely elevated, but yet not so much
as would be deduced from the ordinary calculations of twilight ; which calculations,
in effect, are based on the hypothesis of a simple reflection ; whilst it can be proved
by recent experiments, of which it is not possible here to give an exact idea, that
♦See LiAis, in *Comptes Rcndus' xlviii., p. 109, respecting phenomena in Atlantic, July, 1858.
See alao Howard's * Climate of London,' vol. iii., pp. 48, 49, 192. Also the log of the Viola, May 24th,
27tb, 1883, quoted in Section II., ' General List,' p. 265.
t Arago, * On Comets.' Translated by Gold, 1833, p. 85.
2 C 2
oompound or multiple reflections play the greatest part in all the phenomena of
atmospheric illuminations. When it is agreed that the fogs shall be considered high
enough to explain from them the existence of the strong nocturnal lights which were
observed in Berlin, Italy, &c., the red colour of that light, however intense it is
supposed and has really been, causes no farther embarrassment to the naturalist, and
I shall not be delayed by it."
On December 13, 1856, during a fall of ashes from Cotopaxi, 30 miles distant,
a purple sky was noted.*
The remarkable skies of Peru and the Pacific westwards, the arrebol of the
coast of Brazil, and other unwonted twilight colours, are noticed in Section IV., p. 342.
The following observations made in Ceylon tend to confirm the supposition that
the after-glow3 owed their colour to reflection of the sun's setting light : —
" Neither we, nor any who have yet recorded their observations, can remember
the zodiacal light being coloured green. There was the persistence of the colouring for
three successive days, too.t . . .
" The sun seems to have quite recovered his brightness, and all signs of the
peculiar green or bluish appearance he presented a few days ago have vanished. For
the last evening or two, however, a remarkable lurid glow, as from an immense con-
flagration, has been noticeable all over the western sky long after 8unset."J
Thus, while the sun remained blue or green at setting — that is, from September
9 to 12 — the sky seems to have been coloured green after sunset, and when the sun
resumed its red colour the red after-glow became conspicuous.
'* On the 13th and 14th [September], at about 7 in the evening [about an hour
after sunset], the western part of the horizon was lit up by an unusual brilliant
red light. It lasted for about a quarter of an hour or so, and then gradually
disappeared. "§
" Yesterday morning, when the sun rose a little above the horizon, it looked very
beautiful, being of a soft greenish tint ; and as it set, instead of the golden streaks it
leaves behind, we saw only a sort of greenish light. It still continues the same."||
Other observations, however, in both hemispheres show that on several occasions
the sun towards setting was blue or green before a brilliant red or orange twilight
coloration. On September 3, at 7° S., 33** W., the north horizon was very red at
4 a.m., and at 7 a.m, the sun was pale blue. On September 3, at 3° 6' S., 27° 4' W.,
the haze was fiery red before sunrise, and the sun, when it appeared, was white. On
September 10, at Bellary, for three-quarters of an hour before setting, the sun was
green ; after sunset, for fully 40 minutes, the whole western sky was lighted up by a
* * Nature/ vol. xxix. (1884), p. 612.
T 'Ceylon Observer,' September U, 1883.
X '* Star-gazer," in letter dated Pallai, St^ptember 14. * Ceylon Obsei-ver,' September 20, 1883.
§ * Times of Ceylon/ September 20, from Jaffna.
II 'Times of Ceylon/ September 28, 1883.
brilliant red glow. At Poochin, on September 10, a pale green sun and red sky are
reported. On September 11, in the Red Sea, the sun was green at rising and setting,
and there were bright after-glows, the order of colours from the horizon being yellow,
orange, red. At Madras the sky, on September 12, 1883, was of an intense reddish-
yellow colour at 5 a.m., and at 5.26 a.m. the east was deep red, and the rest of the
sky greenish-yellow. The sun rose at 5.50 of a bright yellowish- white colour. Thus
there can be no question that a white, green, or blue coloration of the sun near the
horizon was not incompatible with an antecedent or a subsequent red coloration of
the sky. Conversely, in England, the sun, immediately before sunrise and
sunset, as a rule, rose and set red or orange, and yet a part of the sky was coloured
green or greenish-yellow.
But, as a rule, the fore-glows and after-glows were far brighter and redder where
the haze was not very dense and where the sun rose and set of the usual colour.
Good observations in Ceylon and elsewhere make it plain that the sun in declining
changed from blue to green and greenish-yellow, and conversely from yellow to blue
on rising, so that we may fairly assume that at a great altitude, where the setting and
rising sun would be shining through a much greater length of lower air, the colour
last at sunset and first at sunrise would sometimes be red. In fact, it is clear that
the maximum comparative influence of the foreign stratum, which tended to make
the sun blue, would be exerted, not at sunrise or sunset, but some time after sunrise
and before sunset, at the lower surface of the haze at the high level. On very many
occasions the sun was not seen on the horizon at all from the earth's surface during the
period of blue-sun phenomena, and therefore, as its last visible colour was green, it
would be described as setting green. But where the view was unobstructed, and
when the haze was not so dense as to hide the sun altogether before it reached the
horizon, the last colour in setting was frequently yellowish -white or yeUo wish-green.
There is no instance of the sun setting or rising blue on the ocean (where the view of
the true horizon was unobstructed), and being followed or preceded by a red glow ;
but there are several observations recording a white, grey, blue, or leaden sky before
sunrise or after sunset, when the sun appeared white, blue, or leaden. Even if the
sun, as it sank to near the horizon of the high level, became obscured, as it often did
on the earth's surface, by the density of the haze, the diffused light transmitted might
be blue, green, yeUow, and red in succession, for, its declining rays would progressively
pass through a much greater comparative length of lower blue-arresting air than in
setting, as seen from the surface ; and the red would become manifest by reflection
from elevated particles, though the sun had been seen to set green on the earth's
surface. Only in the early period after the eruption, and where the haze was dense,
would the red-arresting particles overcome the effect of the ordinary blue-arresting
particles of the lower air in a line through the atmosphere from the high level to
the setting sun.
These considerations may account for the fact that red after-glows were
undoubtedly seen in a few places, when the Bun, not long before eunset, had been
seen blue or green. In one or two cases the effect may have been owing to the sun,
after sunset took place on the earth, having passed beyond the overlying stratum and
having reached, from the point of view of the stratum, a clear space in the far west
as yet unaffected by its absorptive or scattering influence, whence the sun would cast
its usual ruddy light on the particles at a great altitude above the western horizon.
This may have been the condition producing the red illumination at Trinidad on
September 2 ; and the fiery redness of the sky before the sun rose dazzlingly white
{Qv£en of Cambria, 3° 6' S., 2T 4' W.), on September 3 may have been owing to
the sun, before sunrise, having from that position been beyond the eastern limit of
the great haze stratum. It will be noticed that usually the sky was not seen red,
but white, grey, or blue before a white or blue rising sun, and after a white or
blue setting sun; and the exceptions may have been due to the reasons above
North and south of the path of the main body of haze within the tropics, the
red glows were conspicuous.
With regard to the objection that a very large quantity of dust would be
required to be spread over the upper air to produce the glows which covered simul-
taneously so great an extent of surface, no good ground can be adduced why very
small particles illuminated on a dark background, and seen through darkened air,
should not combine to produce a conspicuous effect ; a continuous film, not thicker
than 0*000,005 of an inch, would be sufficient to reflect a considerable proportion of
white light. One cubic kilometre of fine dust spread over the upper air would pro-
duce a continuous thickness of 0*002 mm. = 0000,078 of an inch for the whole
surface of the atmosphere,* or 0*000,156 of an inch for one hemisphere, which is
probably a greater surface than was covered at any time by the glow phenomena.
And a sheet of fine cloud spread like this dust in a lofty stratum over the atmosphere
would occupy, a« water, a very small cubical volume, but would be capable, in a finely
divided state, of producing a visibly red sky with the sun several degrees below the
The tails of comets have been calculated to be of so great a tenuity that the
matter contained in a tail of 100,000,000 miles in length and 50,000 miles in
diameter, if compressed, would scarcely amount to a cart-load : the matter causing
the blue colour of the sky may possibly occupy a still smaller volume.t A strong
optical effect may thus be produced over a vast space by an extremely minute
quantity of matter ; whUe the distance of the stratum from us cannot be compared
with that of comets.
There appears to be very great probability that a quantity of fine dust pervading
♦ Ybrbeek's * Krakatau,' p. 157.
tTTNDALL, "Scientific Use of the Imagination,** * Fragments of Science/ p. 122. See also
IlEKScnsL's ^ Astronomj.*
the upper regions of the air would, according to the experiments of Mr. Aitken,
condense upon itself the vapour with which it came in contact, and that, with this
augmentation in size, the particles would become visible, as thay were in the twilight
phenomena. In the present case, however, spectrum observations and the nature of
the corona, as well as other considerations, do not support this view, as representing
what actually occurred. Moreover, we have had experimental demonstration on a
grand scale of the competency of dry dust to produce ^(JuaJly remarkable atmospheric
effects. In 1783 Europe was covered with a dense dry haze for several months
during the summer, and the sun was shorn of its rays during a long period of dry
weather. The haze extended from the sea-level to an elevation higher than the tops
of the Alps. It followed a great eruption in Iceland. Any stratum of this haze — say
5,000 feet in thickness — would probably have produced twilight effects like those of
1883 if it could have been raised to a sufficient height and the lower air had been
clear. The air was too dry at that time to permit the supposition that the dust
particles were loaded with water vapour. The particles do not seem to have been
large enough to be visibly deposited and to be examined with a microscope. In
fact, they seem in character to have greatly resepibled the particles of the haze
which succeeded the eruption of Krakatog, in 1883, when the dust particles were
carried to a height where the dryness of the air would be extreme and where
clouds are never formed.
Although we do not think that diffraction through the haze-stratum accounted,
without the factor of reflection, for the series of brilliant colours witnessed in the
twilights of 1883, it nevertheless played a very important part, just as it does in the
case of ordinary sunrises and sunsets. According to the law ejaun^iated by Lord
Raylbigh,* " When light is scattered by particles which are very small compared with
any of the wave-lengths, the ratio of the amplitudes of the vibrations of the
scattered and incident light varies inversely as the square of the wave-length, and
the intensity of the lights themselvea as the inverse fourth power." Consequently,
the blue rays are scattered laterally, and an increased proportion of red rays is
propagated in the direction of incidence. The particles of the haze^stratum were
large in comparison with ordinary atmospheric blue-scattering particles, ayid scattered
rays of the other end of the spectrum. The remarkable phepomejia of the glows
therefore resulted from the inter-action of these two oppositely-working layers upon
transmitted rays, with the aid of a lofty reflecting di^strcloud not usually present.
Thus we may probably conclude, that the haze which followed the eruption
of Krak^toa, and produced the twilight glows, w^s compQse4 mjg^inly of very fine
dust, and that this (Ju9t at a great altitude reflected the light of the setting or
rising sun after diffractioiiL through the stratum and diffraction and absorption by
the lower atmosphere, and secondarily reflected again this reflected light.
* 'Phil. Mag.,* vol. xli. (1871), p. 111.
Tlie foregoing remarks may therefore be summarised as follows : —
1. The fall of dust, chiefly pumiceous, at great distances from Krakatoa west-
ward, on the days following the first appearance of the red twilight.
2. The existence of a white haze at a great altitude during their prevalence.
3. The great effect produced by small vitreous surfaces in reflecting sunlight
when the intervening air is darkened.
4. The failure of the spectroscope, on the whole, to indicate an increased
strength in the lines due to vapour.
5. The structure of the haze, more resembUng that of smoke than that of the
highest clouds.
6. The resemblances and contrasts between reflection of sunset rays from
thin high clouds and from the haze stratum, both in the first and the
second after-glows.
7. The sequence of colours con-esponding with what might be expected to be
the changes of colour due to the sinking or rising sun at the altitude of
the stratum.
8. Previous effects seen in years of great eruptions, especially 1831, and in
places affected by an excess of dust in the air. {See also Section V.)
9. The extreme lightness of pumice dust and the theoretical floating power of
fine particles, {See also Section VII.)
F. A. BoLLO Russell.
Professor Kiessling*s Theory of the After-glows *
Herr Eiesslino has made a number of laboratory experiments largely based on
the discoveries of MM. Couijer and Mascart, and of Mr. Aitken, regarding the
power of dust to attach vapour to itself, and has extended his researches to the effects
produced by small particles on rays of light. He states that fog consists of watery
spherules, the difference in their sizes making it colourless by the overlapping of
numberless diffraction rings. When only a few cubic millimetres of common dusty
air are introduced into a vessel containing dust-free saturated air, a silvery trans-
parent mist forms, and when the sun or the electric arc is looked at through this mist
it appears surrounded with a bluish or greenish briglit sheen with a broad reddish
ring, exhibiting all shades from glowing purple to the lenderest pink. These diff-
fraction colours appear with a peculiar metallic glare. The smoke and dust particles
of the atmosphere would arrange themselves, according to their weight and 8ize,
in layere. As the sun goes down, therefore, the particles above being smaller than
those below, the ring appears larger over the setting sun than under it. The lower
• Abstracted from 'Die Dammerungserscheinungen im Jahre 1883*; see also *The History and \^'oik
of the Waruer Observatory, Rochester, N.Y., U.S., 1883-6.'
layers also absorb Dearly all the light, so that the white spot appears only above the
sun. He says : — " All the twilight phenomena may be explained by the action
of fine equal-sized particles of dust." From his experiments he finds that the
difltaction of the most strongly difiracted red rays does not exceed 25° to 30° from
the direction of the sun's incident rays. The red colour, therefore, would appear
at about that distance, while nearer the sun there could be no colour effect,
because the rays would be passing through layers of dust of very different sizes.
Within the cone of light, that is, in a line drawn to a point within 25° or 30°
of the sun, the rays meet with particles so various as to re-combine the diflBraction
colours. The result would be a white or grey sheen. When the sun has set
on the earth's surface there will be no colour effect so long as the atmosphere
is strongly illuminated, on account of the general scattering of light, which prevents
the action of the upper stratum from becoming apparent. The maximum effect
will take place when the sun has sunk so low that a part of the upper stratum
between the west horizon and the zenith is receiving rays parallel to itself;
and then, the particles being of the same size, the diffracted rays will pass downwards
at the same angle and reach the eye of the observer further east, already in deep
shadow. From this mist zone, which is, in accordance with laboratory experiments,
so transparent as to be usually invisible, coloured diffracted rays proceed, and produce
first an effect of colour east of the observer, where they illuminate the lower
vaporous layers, the colour becoming stronger with growing darkness ; and, secondly,
after about 15 to 20 minutes, an appearance of luminous colour between the zenith
and the west horizon, the diBfraction rays now passing straight to the observer's eye.
The uncommon prolongation of the twilight by the second after-glow seems to depend
on a very diffuse and uniform mist, those strata exercising a considerable diffiuctive
power which are at the outer border of the segment reached by direct sunlight, so that
rosy di&acted rays penetrate into the dark so-called earth-shadow, and light up the
vaporous matter there. The second rosy after-glow, therefore, will be seen when the
background, on which the very weak diffuse light is set off, is quite dark — that is,
when the greater part of the atmospheric arc lighted by the sun has sunk below the
horizon. The extent and intensity of the first and the second after-glow must,
according to experiment, depend very decidedly on the homogeneity of the mist.
When a glass vessel is filled with homogeneous mist — so that, for instance, an electric
light appears as the centre of a green sheen surrounded with two red and violet
rings — and a few cubic millimetres of tobacco smoke are introduced, the splendid
colours are at once lost in a dirty yellowish colour, with a reddish border. [The
suggestion presents itself in connection with the above argument whether the rusty
colour of the moon in a lunar eclipse may not be due to the diffraction of rays which
have passed through the earth's atmosphere.] Prof Kiessung then remarks on the
absence of the defined earth-shadow, during the displays of 1883-4, noticed also by
Dr. VON Bezold. Prof. Kiessung concludes that only two causes, either dust or
2 i>
homogeneous water particles produced by the finest dust, could have given rise to
the after-glows. He thinks it not at all improbable that by the sifting action of
months, the dust of Krakatoa should have become so homogeneous as to account for
all the effects. He has seen the diffraction rings even in cement dust sifted through
fine muslin.
Although Professor Kiessling's theory accounts for the solar corona, which
appeared more distinctly several months after the eruption than at an earlier date, it
fails to explain points of great importance in the twilight phenomena. The glows
were seen on the day following the eruption and continuously thereafter. The
particles could not so early have become sorted into layers of equal-sized dust.
The diffraction ring was often visible after sunset in England, but seemed to be a
distinct phenomenon from the brilliant colorations which followed the paler hues
of diffraction.* Prof. Kiessling accounts for the secondary after-glow by the
reflection of the first glow ; so that he assumes a capability of reflection in the
stratum of considerable effective strength. But if the stratum be capable of
reflecting so conspicuously the sinking arc of the primary after-glow, will it not,
(I foi'tiori, reflect the direct rays of the setting sun ? And if a stratum existed
of density sufficient, as we have seen, to make the sky appear overclouded at
certain stages of the twilight, we cannot avoid the conclusion that this stratum
would be capable of strongly reflecting the red light of the setting or rising sun,
the intervening air being deprived of its masking glare by the earth-shadow. Now,
the time at which the afterglows appeared corresponded with the period after
sunset at which the diffused matter, from other considerations respecting its height,
might be expected to receive the hist rays of the setting sun. And finely divided
solid or liquid matter has firequently been proved to be capable of so reflecting the
sun's last rays. It therefore does not appear probable that difiraction was con-
cerned in producing the principal effects in the twilight phenomena, though some
visible influence would undoubtedly be exercised thereby in minute particles widely
diffused, and in course of time becoming more homogeneous.
Professor Riccd's Views.
Professor Ricc6t has, in one of his valuable articles on the twilight phenomena,
stated the reasons which to him render difficult the acceptance of Professor Kiessling's
theory of the twilight glows as a part of the corona surrounding the sun. He finds,
first, that the outer margin of the diffraction corona should be on the horizon when
• The diffraction colours were occasionally visible when the bright glows were but moderate in
extent and brilliancy. These diffraction colours were seen as very pale pink and greenish-white arcs
before sunrise, moving upwards much less rapidly than the bright colorations from which they were
quite distinct.
f " Riassunto delle osservazioni del crepuscoli rossi,** * Reale Accademia dei Lincei,' vol. ii, Series
4a, Session of January 8, 1886.
the sun is 26° below the horizon. But in reality the distamse of the primary rosy
arc, when on the horizon, from the sun was only 9°. Secondly, the rate of descent
towards the horizon after sunset was much more rapid at first and slower near the
horizon than would be the case if the arc were a part of the corona, which would
descend at a constant rate. Thirdly, the change of form and the dimensions of the
coloured arcs were much greater than can be accounted for by the coronal theory ;
for, the greater obliquity of the diffracting stratum could not produce such a change,
as may be experimentally verified. The rosy arc exhibited a great variety of shapes.
Fourthly, if the rosy arc had been part of a diffraction ring, its colour would have
been produced by the superposition of red and violet in two neighbomring orders ;
and in the spectrum, beyond the maximum of red, there would have been a maximum
of violet, but this was not the case. Fifthly, a corona has frequently been distinctly
seen by Professor Tacchini and by himself, and has been followed by only weak
or ordinary twilight. In a former article Professor Ricc6 had remarked on the
diverging beams as showing that the glow was caused by matter reflecting direct
The Blue, Green, and otherwise coloured Appearances of the Sun and
Moon in 1883-84.
By Mr. E. Douglas Archibald.
Simultaneously with, and closely following upon, the eruptions of Krakatoa on
August 26th and 27th, 1883, we have, from different parts of the globe, chiefly within
the tropical zone, information of the sun appearing blue, green, silvery, yellowish, and
coppery ; and of the moon occasionally appearing green.
In Section III. (a), p. 312, of this report, the geographical distribution in space
and time of these appearances is given in detail.
In the present section we purpose to give a general description of the phenomenon
as it was seen in different parts, and briefly to discuss its physical cause and pecu-
Before alluding to the coloured appearances of the sun which followed the major
eruptions of August 26th and 27th, 1883, we must advert to some which were seen
in the neighbourhood of the volcano during its minor eruptions in May of the same
* In this and sobsequent Sections it should be noticed that positions are sometimes given in English
notation, viz., degrees and minutes, and sometimes in degrees and decimals — the usual symbols indicate
which is employed. Moreover, as on some pages it is impossible to place all the references as foot notes,
it is well here to state that the list of such will be found at the end of each Section. — Ed.
2 D 2
year. Thus, following on the eruptions of May 20-23, we are told * that at Kroe, in
Sumatra, to the west of Krakatoa, the "ashes were so thick that the sun was
obscured by them," but in this case no mention is made of the sun being actually
coloured. The first of these appearances, which is the one most important in its
bearing on the cause of those which succeeded the major eruptions of August, was
observed on board the ship Elisabeth, (^)t When in sight of Krakatoa, at 9 a.m. on
May 20th, a white column of vapour and ashes was seen to elevate itself to a height
estimated at 11,000 metres, or nearly 7 miles, by measurements effected (apparently
by the aid of instruments) on board
" After this followed a rain of a very fine grey-yellowish dust which penetrated
everything, and which continued to fall until the night between the 21st and 22nd of
May. On the morning of the 21st the light was that which prevails during an
eclipse of the sun ; the sky presented the aspect of a large dome of very thin opal
glass, to the vault of which the sun seemed suspended as a pale blue globe. A fall
of dust was still observed at a distance of 345 English miles from Krakatoa " (the
ship was travelling to Singapore). J
Again, on May 20th, the Actcta, in the neighbourhood of Krakatoa, 6° 50' S.,
101° 2' E., reports " a peculiar light green colour was observed in the sky to E.S.E.,
whUe from E. to E.N.E. there was a dark blue cloud which reached from the horizon
to the zenith. About 2 p.m. the day was quite dark, and a very fine dust began to
fall, which covered the ship, and only ceased about 9 a.m. on the 2l8t. The sun
looked like dull silver. At noon on the 21st, in 8° 15' S., 102'' 28' E., the sky
remained of a dusty hue. The sky did not assume a natural appearance until
the 23rd. (*)
Besides these direct observations of a coloured sun in May, we have the col-
lateral observations on board the Belfast (0, from May 24th to July 16th, in
11° 38' S., 31° 44' W., to 8° 52' N., 85° 52' K, of "a prolonged zodiacal %ht
and other optical phenomena." Then, on July 16th and l7th, the Belfast (^
observes " a blue moon after sunset through light haze."
The preceding observations have been quoted mainly to show the relation ot
the few cases of coloured appearances of the sun and moon after the minor eruptions
of Krakatoa in May and June, to these eruptions, and their analogy to the extensive
series of coloured suns in particular, which were observed after the major eruptions
of August 26th and 27th.
Here again we have a few observations near the volcano, in which the
occurrence of a green sun is mentioned, viz., on August 27th, at Batavia,§ the
sun was observed to be green after emerging from the cloud or smoke of the eruption ;
* Vbrbbbk's *Krakatau/p. 15.
t For numbered and letteied references in this Section, see p. 218.
X This passage is a fi'ee translation of one in Yerbeek's * Krakatan,' p. 16.
§ * Batavia Dagblad.' Vebbeek's * Krakatan,* part ii., Notes.
and on the same day, and for several days after, it was observed to be green by the
Hon. F. C. P. Verbkeb, at Labuan Island.*
In the adjacent districts of Sumatra and Java, the sun was probably too obscured
during the greater part of the time to be seen at all, and the inhabitants generally
were too much absorbed in contemplating the other more striking eflFects of the
eruption to notice the colour of the sun ; but the sky was noticed from Serangt to be
the colour of lead, and from Teloek Betoeng t to be the colour of copper in the
direction of Krakatoa. Here we have the first quotation of the colours of two
metals, afterwards employed in more than one description of the appearance of the
Sim from the Pacific Ocean and other parts.
As the geographical distribution of the coloured suns in the tropics is described
in detail in Section III. (a), p. 312, we shall not here follow their appearances in regular
succession, but state generally that the results of this investigation prove them to
have proceeded at first coincidently with, but within narrower limits than, the other
optical phenomena after August 27th, in their double revolution round the globe, and
within a zone bounded finally by the north and south tropics.
Beyond these limits the blue or green appearance does not seem to have
been witnessed, except sporadically, and in many cases only temporarily, and
sometimes merely subjectively by contrast with some adjacent red colour of
the sky.
In the continuous series the last clear account of a green sun, from a ship near
the equator, is that of the OlberSy in 9° S., Sb"" W. on September 28th, 1883 ; but
subsequent to this we have a notice of a pea-green sun at Bangalore^ and again, of
a green sun in Ceylon on November 9th, 1883.§
Also Professor Miohie Smfth, of Madras, seems, after his attention was drawn
to it, to have noticed a green moon on May 14th, 1884 ; but this is alluded to
as if it were merely an occurrence which he had hitherto overlooked, and which
occasionally appears in those latitudes in connection with excessive humidity.
That in the extra-tropics the coloured sun was by no means generally seen, even
temporarily, may be gathered from the following remarks ; —
At Wooster, Ohio, U.S.A., Professor O. N. Stoddard || says : — " In no case has
the sun during the day, or at setting, appeared green."
M. P. J. THiiaoK,§ of Nice, says : — " The blue sun has not been observed in
our high latitudes ; but we have seen the green moon."
Professor Michie Smith T says : — " The green sun was not seen further north than
* 'Nature,' vol. xxix. (1883), p. 153.
t VBfiBBEK*s * Krakatau,' p. 59, Ac.
X 'Times of Ceylon,' October 6, 1883.
§ * Lee Illuminations Cr6pusculaires,' April, 1884; Reprint p. 19,
II 'Nature,' vol. xxix. (1884), p. 356.
t * Nature,' vol. xxx. (1884), p. 347.
Ongole, except at Vizagapatam, Eagamundey, and Simla ; and the dates of observa-
tions at these stations are not preserved. It was observed at Bombay, but was so
inconspicuous that it escaped notice at the Observatory."
In the extra-tropics the coloured sun was seen, noticeably by the following : —
Place. Observer.
Temporary . .
At sunset . .
Temporary . .
F6toulefl,l8^re» .. . . F. Perrin
Kalmar, Sweden f • • • . ' ?
Cracow J Dr. Karlinski . .
Kersal § (near Manchester) 1 E. J. Bles
December 24, 1883.
January 14, 1884.
January 24, 1884.
February 26, 1884.
The moon, likewise, was observed to be green in the higher latitudes by the
following : —
At sunset . .
At sunset . .
Temporary . .
At sunset • •
3 minutes . .
3 minutes . ,
Madrid II . .
Coniston | ..
— 1
Worcester ||
Lesina X
Kalmar jl
Stockholm || ...
F. Gillman
Arthur Severn . .
James Macaulay
J. LI. Bozward .
November 30, 1883.
December 2, 1883.
December, 1883.
December 14, 1883.
January, 1884.
January 14, 1884.
January 17, 1884.
Though in many of these cases, especially those of the green moon, the colour
was evidently subjective in contrast with the adjacent rosy-tinted sky, or to an
eye long accustomed to red light, it was expressly stated by some persons, such as
J. Macaulay, Sydney Hodges, Dr. Tripe, and others, to be green when no red
jis present. In the case of the sun, it was evidently due to the presence of
le same haze which produced the twilight glows and extensive colorations in the
On the occasion of Venus being seen green by Professor Stoddabd,! on
ecember 28th, 1883, and January 13th, 1884, he says that the light of the planet
IS struggling through some invisible medium which arrested the other colours;
d in other cases the presence of the haze is frequently referred to.
* ' L'Asti*onomie,' 3rd Annee, p. 67.
t * Les Illuminations Cr^pusculaires,' P. J. Thirion.
I « Zeitschr. fur Met.,' vol. xix. (1S84), p. 124.
§ * Nature,' vol. xxix. (1884), p. 427.
II * Nature,' vol. xxix. (1883), p. 179.
f * Nature,' vol. xxix. (1884), p. 366.
It thus appears that while the material in the tropical zone was dense enough to
produce a blue or green sun and moon continuously during the first few weeks after
the eruption, it was only temporarily able to do so in higher latitudes, and under
conditions which tended to produce subjective contrast colours.
Besides the blue and green colours so frequently spoken of, we have accounts of
a coppery, a silvery, and even a leaden sun in the tropical zone, and in those parts
which were reached by the material soon after the eruption.
One of the first observations of a coppery sun was that made by Professor
Dixon at Tokio, on August 30th. (') This is especially interesting in connection with
the exceptional transmission of a narrow stream of the haze towards this region, vid
Labuan Island and Fisher Island, since it leads us to conclude that this stream must
have been of some considerable density. Similar coppery colours were witnessed
only close to the Equator, where the main stream which travelled westwards was most
dense. For example, it was seen besides only at
(1) Fanning Island, Sept. 4.
(2) 1^ 20' S., 21° W., on West Coast of Africa {Corona), Aug. 31.
(3) Guayaquil, 2° S., 80° W., Sept. 1.
In the case of one ship, the Frieda Grampp (*), the sun was described as for
days together looking like a leaden plate. Such colours, however, were only
exceptionally observed, and the sun was generally described as being silvery, blue, or
In order to see whether there was any relation traceable between these different
colours and their distribution with regard to locality for the first ten days succeeding
the eruption, we have placed them in three groups below : —
The Sun was observed —
Aug. 27. . ! Kokknlai (*), Ceylon.
,. 28..
„ 29..
„ 30..
» 31. .
Sept. 1. •
11 2, .
Batavia (*).
Bangaey Island
Cape Coaat Castle (*).
Ship lO** 40' N., 26** 30' W.
Bogoti (•), 4° 43' N. .74* 12' W,
Maracaibo, ll** N., 72^ W.
Paramaribo (•), 6* N., 55^ W.
TrinidadC), 10° 30' N., 61° 20' W.
Medellin (•), 6* 2' N., 76° 49' W.
Ecnador (•), 3" S., 76"" 30' W.
Cape Coast Castle.
San Chmtobal (•), 7^ 30' N.,
72** 23' W.
Campano, 10° 36' N., 63° W.
Maracaibo (*).
ZeaUndia, 5^ N., ? 170° W.
„ 6. . I Strong Island (silver bine),
I ("), 6° N., 163** 6' E.
„ 6. . I Zealandia, 6° N., P 170 W.
Cartagena (•), 10*^ 22' N.,
75° 32' W.
Panama O, 8** 59' N.,
79* 32' W.
Panama (^).
Medellin, Columbia.
Jennie Walker(% 8° 20' N.,
155° 28' W.
Ida, (•) l°-3 N., 108°-4 E.
AlbeH BeifMLun (•), 2°-3 S., 4°-7
Maranham («), 2° 30* S., 44° W.
(pale snn), and 2° S., 5° E. (•).
Gaayaqnil (*»).
Queen of Cambria (0, 9° S.,
28^ W.
Varinas (Veneenela), 8°-6 N.,
70° W. (blnish-green 3 p.m.
to 5 p.m.).
Colombo (").
Honolnln (»).
0U>er8 (pale bine), ('), T'2 S.,
33° W.
Snperb, 13° 17' S., 149° W., and
for three days thenceforward
to 5° S., 148^ W.
Tapitenea, 1° 10' S., 174° 50' E.
Papa (•), 8°1 N., 161°-4 W.
(pale as throngh bine glass).
Thenceforward we hear little more of a " silvery " sun, and the colour appears to
have been mainly green. From the above lists it appears that the " blue " sun was
chiefly seen at great distances from Java, especially if Kokkulai be omitted as giving
positive evidence of its having been seen in the Indian area, the word nil for blue
and green being the same in Singhalese."*^ The "green" sun was visible at first only
in the Indian Ocean, but afterwards more generally than either of the other colours,
and finally the " silvery " sun, when at a high altitude, appears to have been almost
entirely confined to a narrow zone near the Equator, and more especially, on its
southern side. If to this we add the cases in which the sun appeared coppery,
dim, and sensibly obscured, we find that they were all t close to the Equator in
each hemisphere.
In several cases the sun was not visible when near the horizon. Thus the
Papa, (•) in 0"" I'S., IGS"" 7' W., reports that the sun on September 9th was hidden
in the yellowish veil up to 7° above the horizon; and in 1° 5' S. and 165° W., the
captain of the same ship says that the sun was still veiled with a yellow stratum.
In other parts, where it was reported to be green • or blue at high altitudes,
it was several times spoken of as being dim and giving little light until it had
reached an altitude of 10° or more. Further irom the Equator, or from the latitude
of Krakatoa, the green colour seems to have been visible only when the sun was at a
low altitude.
Thus, in Ceylon, at Colombo, on September 9th, the sun was observed to be green
when about 10° above the horizon. (*^) Also, on September 10th, the Belfast , in
18° N., 86° E., reports the sun as blue like the moon, at 4 p.m., changing to green at
sunset. (^
On September 10th, at Madras, the sun was observed to rise of a bright blue
colour, and the phenomenon lasted from 6 to 10 a. m. (^^)
On the 9th, from the Pelican, 10° 4' N., 64° 13' E., the sun was noticed to be
gi-een in the morning, (^*) and also throughout Southern India and Ceylon, chiefly
in the mornings and evenings. {^^)
Mr. Ladd, while passing through the Red Sea early in September, 1883, noticed
that the sun, after rising and before setting, and the moon before setting, were
observed to be green at an altitude of 20° to 25° above the horizon ; and he noticed
a point important in its relation to the other phenomena, viz., that on the first
occasion " the green moon was covered with thin cirro-stratus, over which the after-
glow was cast." (*®).
At Madras, on September 12th, it was noticed that the moon, when near the
horizon, became a pale green, and bright stars near the horizon showed the same
tmt. (")
Similar accounts are given elsewhere.
• • Ceylon Observer/ September 16, 1883.
t With the exception of the coppery son in Japan.
2 E
Thus, on September 4th, in the Pacific, the Jennie Walker observed the sun
green at setting. (•)
At Fanning Island, on the same date, the sun was copper coloured, and on
September 17th the Superb^ in 12° N. 146° W., reports the sun when rising to have
been like a green ball. The Scotia 12° N. 51° E., observes "the sun green on
rising " on Sept, 9th.
At Buenos Ayres the green colour seems to have been noticed up to 20° or 30°
above the horizon. (•)
All this leads us to inquire more closely into the question whether the particular
colour observed was not in part a function of the altitude of the sun above the
The following circumstances appear to support this notion : —
At San Christobal, on September 2nd, it was seen to be " silvery at 3 p.m. ;
then it became bright blue, and lastly sky blue. At 5 p.m. everything looked blue." (•)
At Cape Coast Castle, on the 1st or 2nd of that month, the sun was described as
being blue in the morning. It seems that it, on rising, resembled the moon, and that
the clouds which passed over it, from their greater rarity or their density, gave it
different apparent shades of rose colour, pink, and so on. After the passage of the
clouds, its appearance through the haze was white, like the moon. In fact, an
Englishman is said to have taken it for the moon. (*)
At Barbadoes it was observed to be " variously coloured during the day."
The Rev. W. R. Manley, writing (^®) from Ongole, says : —
" On September 14th we had the curious phenomenon of a greenish colour in
the light of the sun. . . • About 4 o'clock an indistinct bluish tinge appeared in
the light. This gradually passed into a greenish colour, and this in turn became
tinged with yellow as the sun approached the horizon. As the sun sank, bands ot
smoky haze drifted across its disc. After the sun was down, bright yellow, orange,
and red appeared in the west, a very deep red remaining for more than an hour after
sunset. At night, the moon, just past the first quarter, was seen surrounded by a
pale greenish halo, about 30° in breadth."
Another similar and important observation (^*) was made in Ceylon by a Govern-
ment oflScer while travelling from Mannslr to Trincomalee, and is dated Puleadierakam,
September 12th. "The sun for the last three days rises in a splendid green when
visible, i.e., about 10° above the horizon. As he advances he assumes a beautiful
blue, and as he comes further on looks a brilliant blue, resembling burning sulphur.
When about 45° it is not possible to look at him with the naked eye ; but even
when at tlie zenith the light is blue, varying from a pale blue to a light blue later on,
eomewhat similar to moonlight, even at midday. Then, as he declines, the sun assumes
the same changes, but vice versd. The moon, now visible in the afternoons, looks also
tingad with blue after sunset, and as she declines assumes a very fiery colour 30°
from the zwith,"
We have quoted the foregoing observations in extenso since they evidently agree
in showing that the colour changed according to altitude, being blue or paJe near the
zenith, and changing thence through a more brilliant blue to green at from 10^ to 20°
above the horizon.
When the sun was below the horizon the rays from it were often in turn
coloured yellow, orange, and finally deep red.
At Medellin we hear of even a violet, as well as a blue and green, colour having
been witnessed. Obviously, then, here we have a case of differential selective absorp-
tion, the colours, from the zenith downwards, being arranged in spectral order. If we
imagine the haze which gave rise to these peculiarities of transmission to be composed
of particles capable of stopping the rays at the red end of the spectrum relatively
more than those at the violet end, the phenomenon admits of a fairly simple explanation.
Up to the present few experiments appear to have been made to determine the
precise tints transmitted by dust of different kinds when exposed to solar light ;
and to ascertain what proportion of the result is due to diffraction and what to
intrinsic absorption. Faraday's experiments* on the colour of gold and other metals
have reference only to matter of intense opacity ; but the matter which gave rise to
the present phenomena had little opacity, and therefore there is little or no analogy
between the colours transmitted by metals or oxides in a fine state of divisioii and
those produced in the present case, probably by some special absorptive property of
the dust.
As the particles which, in the present case, produced the transmissive effects,
may have been different from thosje which fell in the neighbourhood of the volcano, it
is impossible to infer what their optical properties were ; but it is probable that for
the most part they were similar to the highly vacuolated vitreous bubble plates
described by Messrs. Murray and Renard as forming the major part of the ejecta
from Krakatoa and appearing as grey-green pulverulent matter.
Whether such matter possesses special absorptive and transmissive properties
or not we are imable to say, nor can it be determined untU experiments have
been made with specimens of it ; but if the mere question of size would tend to
determine selective transmission, we might suppose that at first, and where the
stream was densest along the Equator, there was a suflficiency of both the larger
red-arresting, as well as of the smaller blue-arresting particles, to produce a general
absorption, and thus a silvery light; that, further off, where the stream was less
dense, at first there were enough of the larger red^arrestipg particles to cause a
blue sun, when the sun was still high in the sky and shining through only a com-
paratively small thickness of the stratum. As the sun sank towards the horizon, and
its rays became more obKque, they would traverse a larger extent of the lower
atmosphere containing more particles of vapour and organic dust, which generally
* * Phil Trans,' 1857, p. 145. .
2 E 2
appear by preference to absorb or scatter the blue rays. When the sun was midway
between the zenith and the horizon, the rays at both ends of the spectrum being thus
cut off,* the colour would become green ; and finally, aa the sun approached the
horizon, and the absorption of, and diffraction by, the lower atmosphere became the
dominant factor, the colour would change, through yellow and orange, to red, as was
generally observed.
Even apart from the influence of the lower strata of the atmosphere, the change
in the thickness of the stratum itself, traversed by the more oblique rays, would help
to produce the same change in the colour of the emergent light.
For on the same assumption that the haze exerted a selective absorption on the
red end of the spectrum, and transmitted the violet end more freely, we should have
with increased thickness of the stratum traversed by the rays, a tendency to a change
in the colour of the emergent rays.
If i li denote the intensities, and a a the co-efficients of transmission of the two
dominant rays transmitted through different thicknesses. We have for the thickness d
where the change of colour would occur,
la' = t a' and.'. 0= ^- ^ , ^ ,
log a — log a
In the present case, if we assume the sun to be blue at the zenith and green at
an altitude of 30^, we have
2= % ^80 - log 168
log a — log a
And approximately a :^ a ^/S.
It is not therefore unreasonable to suppose that the effect of the increased
absorption of the blue rays by the lower atmosphere, with increased obliquity of the
solar rays, was partly assisted by the corresponding change in the thickness of the
haze stratum traversed.
This would accord with the fact that where the haze was most dense near the
Equator or the latitude of Krakatoa, and produced a pale or silvery tint when the sun
was high (owing to its being composed of particles of all sizes, and therefore transmit-
ting light of all colours), the sun was frequently mentioned as being quite obscured
when within a few degrees of the horizon, although otherwise the air was quite clear.J
* That the actual absorption was of this character can be gathered from the paper read by Professor
MiCHiK Smith before the Royal Society of Edinburgh, July 7, 1884, in which he says: — " When the sun
was near the horizon, besides the absorption at the red end, there was also absorption at the violet end,
the spectrum ending just beyond the Jine G."
t Here *' = 480 for green light, a coefficient for green light,
i = 168 for blue light, a coefficient for blue light,
and the value of ^ at the zenith taken as the unit of thickness. At an angle of 30° the thickness
traversed will be approximately doubled .*. ^ is put = 2.
X Vide supra, and various remarks in Section I. (d), on sky haze.
Subsequently, we must suppose that as the stream of material became more
attenuated by spreading into higher latitudes, three factors would come into
play ;—
(1) The horizontal extension of the haze stratum which would tend to render
the selective absorption or obstruction ultimately insensible.
(2) The sifting out by gravitation of the grosser, and therefore presumably
red-arresting, particles.
(3) The elimination of accompanying water vapour, if any, by evaporation.
The combined action of these factors and the changes due to varying solar altitude
appear to afford a reasonable explanation of the diurnal and secular variations observed.
The ultimate attenuation of the stratum would partly account for the fact that
the sun was only rarely seen coloured at all in high latitudes, and then only near the
horizon, being also assisted in this respect by the time taken by the material to
spread into higher latitudes, and the sifting out which must then have taken place
of a considerable proportion of the larger red-arresting particles.
We have omitted to consider the possible effects of water, either in the state of
vapour, water-dust, or ice-dust, ejected along with the pumice-dust, because : —
(1) There is no reason to suppose that it would act selectively on light in a
different manner from aqueous vapour in ordinary circumstance, which
generally stops the blue, and transmits the red end of the spectrum.
(2) Evan if it acted like the ice in a glacier, we should have, by analogy, to
admit the presence of much more vapoiu: than could possibly exist at
such an altitude.
On the whole, it appetars most probable that the dust stratum, when the sun
was shining through it nearly vertically, affected the light by selective absorption
chiefly of the raj^s of longer wave length, that as the sun descended, the light
changed in colour, partly through a change in the thickness of the stratum, and
partly by the absorption and diffraction through the lower atmosphere, which
would tend to act in a contrary manner, and eliminate the rays of shorter wave
length. Finaljy, diflraction through the strcttum and the lower dust, and absorption
by the aqueous vapour in the lower atniosphere, would completely overpower the
selective absorption of the stratum, and allow a free parage only to the longer red
Mr. LocKYEB, RRS.j ('') writing on this phenomenon when it was first an-
nounced, says : — " The ejecta from the volcano, however high they were cast into the
upper air, would in the first instances have had so much coarse-grainednass about them
that the light- selecting qualities of the finest among them would have been entirely
over-ridden by the coarser ones, which would be competent to stop light of every
kind .... Let this pall become thin. The sunlight will traverse it in part ;
there will still be general absorption, the sun will be seen white, but dim. Now let
the coarser particles fall from the upper air, leaving behind only those finer ones, the
blue and red molecules to which I have previously referred. Neutral tint will now
give way to green."
*' Let us assume first that the quantity of red molecules was sufficient to over-
ride the blue ones. At sunrise the blue molecules from the volcano would be assisted
in their absorption by the blue molecules of aqueous vapour always present. The sun
would be green when it first became visible. But let the sun get high ; the absorption
of the aqueous vapour being then reduced in consequence of the smaller thickness of
the air as the sun rose, would allow the predominance of the red absorption again to
assert itself, and the sun would be blue at noon, though it rose green." The red-
arresting molecules, being coarser than the blue, would " be the first to fall from the
upper air as dust, so tho^t long after they have sufficiently disappeared to make the
appearance of a blue or green sun impossible, there would be enough floating material
in the air at as high a point as the convection currents could have carried it, to reflect
the sun's light after sunset, and to prolong the twilight in the direct ratio of its
height above the earth's surface."
To give a more detailed account than we have hitherto presented of the
appearance of the green sun in the tropics, we have thought it advisable to append
hereto the following abstract of a paper read before the Royal Society of Edinburgh,
on July 7th, 1884, by Professor Michie Smith, of Madras. (-')
The raritj of the phenomenon of a green or blue sun makes it desirable to record with the greatest
accnracj and detail the observations made during its appearance in India in the course of BeTeral
dajs of September, 1883.
The notes taken at Madras at the time of the appearance will best illustrate the general features of
the phenomena : —
On September 9, the sun, before setting, assumed a peculiar silvery appearance, and its brightness
was so much decreased that for about half an hour before sunset it could be observed with the naked eje.
This was noticed, I believe, though to a less extent, on the two days preceding, but I did not myself ste
it on those days.
On September 10, frpm 5 to 5^30 p.m., the sun could easily be looked at with the naked eye, yet the
limbs were sharply defined. At 6.30 the sun entered a low bank of clouds, and did not fully appear
again ; but a narrow strip seen through a rift in the cloud at 5.43 was coloured a bright pea-green. Round
Madras this colour had been seen in the morning, but in Madras itself clouds concealed the sun till it had
risen to a considerable altitude.
Of the morning of the 11th I hare no record, but in the evening the greei}. colour was brilliant, ai^d
was visible for more than half an hour, being preceded, as on the former night, by the silvery-whitp
appearance of the sun's disk. Qn this evening a large sunspot, about y long, yrm so conspicuous au object
that it attracted the attention of even the most casua) observers.
September 12. — At 10.35 a.m. the moon, 'which was near the horizon, appeared a pale green. Bright
stars near the horizon showed the same tint. From 5.15 to 5.30 the clouds to the east were coloured
reddish-brown. At 5.55 the sun rose with a yellowish-green colour, but was almost instantly lost in
clouds. It reappeared at 6.4^ and i^as then of a bright green colour; this colour i*apidly got fainter, bat
was qaite perceptible till 7 o'clock. In tbe afternoon the phenomena of the previons nights were repeated
and, the horizon being free from clouds, the actual sunset was observed. The entry in my notes is :
'^ 6.3. — ^The sun set as a greenish-yellow ball ; cumulus, stratus, and nimbus clouds near the horizon, but
moon fairly clear ; some blue sky, but hazy." The change from green to greenish-yellow was evidently
due to the great increase in the strength of the low-sun-band close to the horizon, which left the strip of
yellow between that band and the rain-band by far the most prominent feature in the spectrum.
September 13. — In the early morning there was a good deal of distant lightning. The sun rose of a
bright, golden-yellow colour ; no green was seen. In the afternoon there were slight showers.
September 14. — Before sunrise the clouds were blue and grey, with patches of red clouds of all
sorts — cirrus, nimbus, stratus, cumulus, and mares' tails. Two bright flashes of lightning about
5.30 a.m. In the evening there was a slight green tinge, and after sunset the sky was golden-red till
6.50, while Mercury, seen through the red haze, was twinkling strongly.
September 15. — The sun rose golden. In the evening the sunset was very fine : in the west the
colour was golden to orange-yellow, in the east in was greenish ; red clouds remained till 7.5. There
were very brilliant red " rayons de crepuscule,*'
From September 15 to September 20 the sunrises and sunsets were very fine, with red and gold,
for more than half an hour before sunrise and after sunset.
September 21. — Sunset normal.
September 22. — The sun rose as a yellow ball, and showed distinct greenish -yellow afterwards.
From ten minutes before till sunset the sun was greenish-yellow, but the sun was much brighter than
on the 10th and 11th.
September 23. — The sun rose very green. At 5.37 p.m. the sun appeared from under clouds, very
green ; strong absorption in the red end of the spectrum to C ; low-sun-bands weak. 6.45. — Clouds
greyish-purple. There was only one bank of clouds which was near the horizon ; above this was a
peculiar greyish haze. At 6 the clouds were of a marked purple colour ; breaks near the horizon were
reddish- brown. During the night there was a great deal of sheet-lightning in the south.
September 24. — The sun rose bright yellow. The spectrum showed complete absorption up to B ;
the rain-bands a and ^ were very thick, and the low-sun-bands less marked than usual. There was
lightning all night, beginning in the south and working round to the south-east. It consisted chiefly
of sheet-lightning, with occasional zig-zag flashes, but no thunder ; the stars were fairly clear except
near the horizon. Saturn and the moon, when near the horizon, were both very dim.
September 25. — Sunrise golden-green. In the afternoon the shadows cast on white paper were still
quite pink, but the sunset was bright yellow.
September 26. — Much the same as yesterday.
September 27. — Before suni-ise C, p, a, the rain-band and the dry-air-band were very strong, but
the dry-air-band was less than half as dark as the rain- band. The sun rose golden-red. The spectrum
showed signs of clearing up; glimpses of A could be obtained. After dark there was very bright
lightning in the west.
September 28. — Spectrum still showed great absorption. Lightning at night.
September 29. — Spectrum absorption still very strong. After dark there was a display of luminous
clouds specially towards the east. After 11 p.m. there was very heavy rain, with much lightning and
some thunder. ,
September 30. — Sunrise golden. The spectrum on the sun showed A clearly, a was very thick.
October 2. — In the morning, from about 7 to 9, there was a thnnderstorm, in which the thunder
was almost continuous for about an hour and a half, but although the storm was almost vertical,
hardly any lightning was visible. . . . The total rainfall for the day was 4*88 inches.
Accounts were collected from trustworthy observers in various parts of India. All describe the
brilliant sunsets of the first week of September, and record the appearance of a green sun on several
days. It was seen at Muttum in the south of Madras on the 9th, and continued for several days both in
the momiog and in ib« evening. The green coloar was then lost, bnt reappeared from the 22nd to the
28th inclnsive.
At Bellary the sun was seen " emorald-g^en '* at rising and setting from the 10th to the 14th
inclusive. The observations were not carried on longer.
At Coonoor, on the Nilgiris, the abundance of green tints in the sunsets was noted, but the son
itself was described merely as of a '* shimmerj *' appearance.
The Spectrum. — The spectrum of the sun when green was repeatedly observed and photographed
with the large zodiacal-light sp (metroscope, which is furnished with one large prism of dense ^ass and a
very long collimator permitting the use of a wide slit. The main features of the spectrum taken on the
sun when green were —
1. A very strong general absorption in the red end.
2. A great development of the rain-band and of all other lines that are ascribed to the presence
of water- vapour in the atmosphere, more especially of the group C^ of a and of the band at W.L. 504.
The absorption in the red end was of very varying intensity, but when the phenomenon was at its
maximum phase it gradually crept up from about B till past C, as the sun sank towards the horiaon.
On the 12th, when the sun was within a few degrees of the horizon, the absorption was well marked
up to W.L. 621, t.e.y to beyond a, while at the violet end the visible spectrum ended at W.L. 428, or just
beyond G.
The lines A and a were never visible even on the sun when it was green, and even B oould be made
out with difficulty from half an hour before sunset onwards, and before it vanished it grew intensely
prominent, with enormously thick bands on the less refrangible side. The band Cj on the more
refrangible side of C became very broad and black, while the fine line between this and C remained thin
and sharp, and C itself thickened out on the less refrangible side. The rain-band was stronger than I
have ever before observed it on the plains, and even with the dispersion produced by a single prism at
least eight lines could be measured in it, while many more were visible. The low-sun-band was not
very conspicuous, bnt this was partly due to contrast with the very strong rain-band. The line W.L. 568
at the more refrangible side of the low-sun-band was very well marked, and the band itself seemed to
consist of a series of equidistant lines.
The apparently much stronger absorption in the red than in the blue end was a very marked
feature, which became still more conspicuous when a photograph of the blue end was examined.
Since the passing away of the abnormal conditions I have made careful observations of the sunset
spectrum with the same apparatus, and I find that ordinarily A and a are clearly visible as well as B,
though at times they are strongly marked, and a good deal of shading is observable between them ; C^ is
much thinner, and the rain-band is less prominent than the low-sun-band, which, however, does not now
have the appearance of a number of fine Hues. The nearest approach to the green-sun spectrum was
observed recently during a severe thunderstorm, which was accompanied by a fall of about 1^ inch of
rain. A very similar, though less intense, spectrum can be observed almost any evening by taking
advantage of the passage of a small thin cloud over the sun's disc. If a lens be used in front of the
slit of the spectroscope, the absor|7tion due io the cloud will be seen as a band in the middle of the
bright spectrum from the unclouded part of the sun, and owing to the strong contrast, the details of the
absorption will be well seen, just as in the case of the spectrum of a sunspofc.
Meteorological Phenomena. — The electrification of the air was carefully studied during the green
sun period, and the results are rather curious. From September 3rd to Gth the potential of the air was
positive in the early morning, diminished to zero between 9 and 10 a.m., then became negative, and
remained so until the sea-breeze came on in the afternoon, when the charge was positive i^z^n. and
continued so all night. The amount of electrification varied greatly and rapidly. On the 7th and 9th
the potential was positive all day, on the 8th it was negative for a short time. From the 10th to the
12th it varied in the same way as from the 3rd to the Gth, and this state of matters was repeated from
the 20th to the 27th ; the electrometer readings from the 13th to the 19th having been noi*ma1. All the
negative readings were got daring a hot land wind from the west. Between the 6th and 9th of
September a storm of unnsoal violence swept over the Madras Presidency from the sonth-west to the
north-east, making itself felt in different ways at different places. The rainfall for September was
nnusaallj small all over Madras. The average for fifteen stations was 3*24 inches, not qnite half the
average for this month during previous years.
The barometric curves for Colombo, Madras, Belganm, Allahabad, and Calcutta (Alipore) have
been drawn and found to resemble each other closely. All over India there was a minimum between
the 6th and 7th, a maximum about the 18th, another minimum on the 21st, then a rise, and a third
minimum on the 27th.
The first essential in any attempt to arrive at an explanation of the cause of the green sun is to
ascertain the precise dates at which the phenomenon was first observed in various parts of the world. It
is difficult to do this, for peraons are apt to make more precise statements than their observations warrant.
For instance, the sun certainly set with a peculiar silvery gleam, but no greenness, at Madras on
September the 9th, and yet many persons have assured me that they saw it set green there on that
evening. The reason evidently was that after their attention had been arrested by the green sunsets
of the 10th and 11th they remembered having noticed something peculiar about the sunset on the 9th,
and immediately concluded that the sun had been green on that occasion also. In consequence of this
tendency of the mind, the evidence for all the dates given has been carefully tested, and has been found
in all cases sufficient to justify the opinion that these dates are correct.
It appears that in Ceylon, in the south part of the Madras Presidency, and at Ongole in the
north, the sun was first observed to be green on the evening of September 9th, and that over
the east of the Presidency^ when seen at all, it was first seen green on the morning of the
10th. The green sun was reported at Belgaum on the 8th, but although the observer was trust-
worthy, he did not make a note of the fact until afterwards, and it is just possible that it may be a
The captain of the Cleomene reports a green sun and moon on the 9th, 10th, and 11th, when his
position was from lat. 8° N. to lat. 16° N., and from long. 83° 30' E. to long. 88^ 40' E. The chief officer
of the s.s. Pelican saw the moon greenish on the night of the 9th, and the sun green on the morning of
the 10th. The steamer was more than 1000 miles away from Madras, in lat. 10° 4' N. and long. 64** 12' B.,
wind south-west.
Amongst the instances In which the sun has been observed of a blue or green
colour, we may notice the following : —
The sun was seen blue by Professor PiAZZi Smyth on entering the Bay of
Palermo, on March 10th, 1872, during a sirocco laden with fine dust. {^)
Dr. BuDDE, while travelling in South Algeria, in 1880, says that he was assured
by colonists that the sun seen through the fine dust of a Sahara wind had a decidedly
blue colour, a fact which supports the view that the green sun in India and the
paleness of the sun were due to volcanic dust from Krakatoa. (**)
RiOHTOFEN, in his work on China (vol. i., p. 97), notices that the air in
Central Asia is filled with dust, and that the sun seen through it appears merely
as a dull bluish disc.
Mr. G. F. Chambers, at the meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society
January, 1884, stated that the "engineer of some works at Eastbourne, at which
large quantities of sea-beach are crushed by steam machinery, had inibrmed him that
he had frequently seen the sun appear blue through the fine dust which rises into the
2 F
air when the operations are in progress. . . The sun does not usually appear blue
every evening when it sets, owing to the dust particles being too large, and because
the aqueous vapour and other gases absorb more blue light than is dispersed by the
finer particles."*
One of the most remarkable observations of a blue or green sun, and one which
possesses a marked interest in its bearing on the connection between these phenomena
and the eruption of Krakatoa, is Mr. Wuymper's account (") of what he saw duricg
an eruption of Cotopaxi on July 3rd, 1880.
After detailing how the smoke was seen suddenly to rise from Cotopaxi, 65 miles
distant from the party, who were encamped 16,000 feet above the sea on Chimborazo,
he says : —
" Several hours elapsed before the ash commenced to intervene between the sun
and ourselves, and when it did so we witnessed efTects which simply amazed us.
" We saw a green sun, and such a green as we have never, either before or
since, seen in the heavens. We saw smears or patches of something like verdigris*
green in the sky, and they changed to equally extreme blood-red, or to coarse brick-
dust reds, and they in an instant passed to the colom: of tarnished copper or shining
brass. . . . The ash was extraordinarily fine. ... I find that the finer
particles do not weigh the I-25000th part of a grain, and the finest atoms are lighter
still. By the time we returned to our encampment the grosser particles had fallen
below our level, and were settling down into the valley of the Chimbo, the bottom
of which was 7,000 feet beneath us, causing it to appear as if filled with thick
smoke. The finer ones were still floating in the air like a light fog, and so con-
tinued until night closed in." He winds up by saying, " The changes from one hue
to another had obvious connection with the varying densities of the clouds of wh
that passed.^^
Opinions REOARDiNa the Coloured Suns of 1883.
Mr. A. C. Ranyakd expresses himself to the following effect (^) : —
As to the suggestion that the blue suns were due to aqueous vapour, the
heavens in such a case would be covered with cloud ; but the blue suns are not described
as having been seen through cloud. Many observers expressly state that there was
no cloud. • . . The blue colour of the sun is easily explained on physical con-
siderations. In ordinary circumstances there is not enough dust to affect the colour
of the sun ; but if the amount were greatly increased, the intensity of the dispersed
light would be increased, and the blue colour of the light dispersed from the part of
the atmosphere between us and the sun would sensibly affect the colour of the sun.
Mr. J. Norman Lockyer says (^*) : —
** Theory had led me to suspect that, with the enormous thickness of air available
* ' Knowledge/ March 14, 1884.
in India^ abeorptioB at the red end of the spectrum by aqueous vapour would be eeea
as well as the absorption at the blue, which is so common with us. Seeing the siui
a vivid green through th^ steam of the little paddle-boat on Windermere first led me
to inquire into the possibility of aqueous vapour following the same law as that which
I think we may now accept in the cases of the vapours of metals. As in these
experiments with vapours, absorption of the red end alone was seen, as well as
absorption at the blue end alone, the assumption that these two absorptions existed
in aqueous vapour at once accounted for the green sun.*'
The same writer says : —
" Aqueous vapour is composed of molecules capable of stopping both blue and
red light ; other substances also will stop the red. In ordinary circumstances the
red molecules of aqueous vapour scarcely ever come into play ; but, if they or any
siibstance capable of acting in this way should be supplied, the sim would as often
look green as it does now red.''
Professor Michie Smith says (^) : —
" That the green sun is entirely due to water vapour I am not prepared to affirm,
for, some observations of Dr. Schuster point to an influence produced by suspended
matter in the air.
** Why should vapour if present give green tints ? To settle this point I made
spectroscopic observations, and, though I have not yet reduced them, I find that they
indicate a very marked absorption in the red end of the spectrum, extending nearly
to B, with a great development of the rain-band near D on the red side, accompanied
by a decided deficiency of the band on the green side, called by Piazzi Smyth * the
low-sim-band.' Hence we have less red than usual and more green. This is due, in
part at least, to the sun s light passing through a more than ordinary dense stratum
of aqueous vapour, for we know that the thicker the stratum of vapour the more is
the red light absorbed. But this is not all, for we have quite as much vapour
without this green colour ; but in these cases the sun is, I believe, not seen at all, but
we get strips of green sky, which are often seen. The atmosphere, then, I believe,
contains at present a large amount of vapour existing actually as vapour, and not
condensed into clouds ; hence even a great thickness of it is transparent, except to
those particulp^r rays which aqueous vapour, absorbs. .
" The green colour can be seen only at a particular altitude, for only there is
the thickness sufficient to produce the necessary absorption. At higher altitudes the
peculiar silvery white is exactly what we are to expect.'*
Mr. Henry Cecil asks (^) whether the green sun, seen at about the same time in
Southern India, Ceylon, and the West Indies, be due solely to the presence of aqueous
vapour,- Is not the air- in these regions noimally surcharged through a considerable
period of every year with aqueous vapour ? And yet this appearance is so unusual as
to create alarm ! . Can, then, so rare a phenomenon be due solely to so general and
common a cause ? When Lockyer saw his green sun through the steam on the
2 F 2
boat, were there not also, mingling with the vapour, sulphurous fumes from the
funnel ?
To this the Editor of * Nature ' appends the following : —
** The sun l)as been seen green through mist on the Simplon,**
Some account of experiments and observations bearing on the subject of blue or
otherwise coloured suns will be found in the following papers : —
(1.) "On the Colours of the Atmosphere" (by Professor Jahes D.Forbes,
F.RSS. L. and E., Edinburgh, 1839), which includes reference to numerous
antecedent papers on the same subject.
(2.) '*Note sur un eflfet de Coloration des Nuages." Par M. J. Fournbt.
(3.) Two papers by M. Fournett In the ' Comptes Rendus,' vols. xlviL and xlviii.,
1858 and 1859, on "The EflFect of Aqueous Vapour in causing Blue
In the first of these, Professor Forbes refers to experiments made by him on the
peculiar orange colour transmitted by steam during a critical stage of its condensa-
tion, and attributes the colours at simset to the presence of vapour in a partially
condensed state. He only incidentally refers to the blue and green suns of 1831,
which he agrees with M. Abago in considering as the effects of contrast with an
intensely red sky.
M. FouBNET found that the presence of water vapour imparted to the atmosphere
a bluish or orange colour. The phenomenon is seen when the sun's light passes
through a cumulus cloud which increases in thickness from the border to the centre.
It appears most favourably when the sun is hidden by one cloud, and the borders of
the neighbouring clouds appear golden or orange tinted. Between this orange -tin ted
region and the sun's disc a bluish region intervenes, and if in this central region the
Sim itself is seen through the cloud- veil with more or less distinct contour, it appears
blue or pale white or orange.*
M. Foubnet apparently attributes this blue colour solely to the effect of contrast
with the red border.
These observations leave it uncertain whether the phenomenon of a blue sun,
as seen by M. Fournet, was a purely transmission effect or partly one of contrast
with the red border ; in which latter case the blue space surrounding it might have
been partly a real colour, due to diffraction. If the sun was really seen blue itself,
both in these cases and in those after the Krakatoa eruption, the colour must have
been due to transmission and not to diffraction.
Finally, Dr. Kiessling, of Hamburg, has made experimentst to see in what
• Professor Kiessling in *Met. Zeitschrift,* 1884, p. 119.
t Described in the *Met. Zeitscbrift/ Marcb, April, 1884; 'Nature,' vol. xxxi. (1885), p. 439; and
in bis pampblet entitled ' Die DammemrigserscbeinnTigen im Jabre 1883.'
circumstances a coloured sun could be produced. He finds water vapour alone, in
dustless air, ineffective. Water vapour in ordinary dusty air, and under conditions
which gave rise to a foggy condensation, produced transmission tints varying from
brownish-red to grey -blue ; but he could not, apparently, produce the green tint
artificially (probably because the yellow transmissions through the ordinary lower
atmosphere were not present in these laboratory experiments).
All thb leads to the conclusions which may be summarized as follows : —
Summary op Part IV., Section I. (c).
(1.) That the appearances of blue, green, sOvery, and coppery sun, seen mainly
in the tropical zone after the eruption of Krakatoa on August 27th, and sporadically
after its predecessor in May, 1883, were produced by the action of a haze which
proceeded from the neighbourhood of the volcano, and was composed either of dust
and vapours mixed, or of dust alone, probably the former at first.
(2.) That the silvery ot pale sun was seen where the haze was most dense near
the parallel through Krakatoa.
(3.) That the coppdry sun was seen either near the Equator, or where a narrow
shoot of the stream occurred towards Japan, and near the eruption, as at Teloek
Betoeng, from which it may be inferred to have been caused by dense, and perhaps
coarse, dust from the eruption, mingled with lower atmospheric absorbing agents.
(4.) That the blue and green suns were seen further from the latitude of Krakatoa
and the Equator, where the stratum was more attenuated.
(5,) That where the sun was seen blue near the zenith, it frequently became
green or yellow on approaching the horizon, and vice versd, and that these changes of
tint were due to changes in the thickness of the medium and of the lower atmosphere
(6.) That similar appearances have been witnessed on former occasions {see
Section V., p. 384), in association with accompanying volcanic phenomena, and in
regions where the air was, during the time, charged with terrestrial dust.
(7.) That Professor Kiessling, of Hamburg, has experimentally obtained a blue
sun (1) with a cloud of chloride of ammonium, and (2) with aqueous vapour mixed
with ordinary dusty air.*
(8.) That while in the tropical zone the coloured suns occurred for the first
month after the eruption co-extensively with the other optical eflfects, the sun and
moon were only occasionally and temporarily seen green at a few places in the extra-
tropics ; and in some of these it is not certain that the appearances were due to
anything more than contrast colours.
E, Douglas Archibald.
• Professor Kiessling kindly sliowed these experiments to tlie writer when visiting Hamburg in
August, 1887.
References in Section I. (c).
Q) * Taglicbe Rundschau,' 1883, Nob. 255 and 256, and a communication to M. Verbeek by M.
Herring, at Batavia.
(») * Mercantile Record/ June 16, 1883.
O 'Nature,* vol. xxix. (1883), p. 196.
(*) Colonel J. Stoddart, Report, MSS., April 10, 1884 {ante, p. 116).
(») * Gold Coast Times,' September 14, 1883.
(•) * Nature,' vol. xxix. (1884), p. 252. From a Dutch paper. E. Metzger.
(') * Panama Star and Herald,' * Nature,' vol. xxix. (1883), p. 152. Hyde (JUrk.
(«) Letter of Hon. Foley C. P. Vereker, of H.M.S. Magpie, dated Labnan Island, October 1, 1883,
(») * Hausa,' January 2, 1884.
(i«) ' Ceylon Observer,' November 9, 1883.
(") Letter from Miss Cathcart, September 8, 1883.
(") 'Nature,' vol. xxix. (1883), p. 7.
(») M. A. T., 'Madras Mail,' 'Nature,' vol. xxviii. (1883), p. 577.
(**) C. Michie Smith, * Nature,' vol. xxx. (1884), p. 348.
(") C. Piazzi Smyth, * Nature,' vol. xxviii. (1883), p. 576.
(") 'Quarterly Journal Royal Met. Society,' vol. x. (1884) p. 153.
(") 'Nature,' vol. xxx. (1884), p. 347.
(") ' Nature,' vol. xxviii. (1883), p. 576.
('•) * Ceylon Observer,' September 17, 1883.
(») 'Knowledge,' March 14, 1848.
(*») 'Nature,' vol. xxix. (1883), p. 177.
(«) 'Nature,' vol. xxix. (1883), p. 199.
(^) ' Knowledge,' March 14, 1884.
(•*) 'Nature,' vol. xxviii. (1883), p. 575, and 'Times,' December 8.
C) 'Englishman's Overland Mail,' September 23, 1883.
(«) ' Nature,' vol. xxviii. (1883), p. 612.
(•) ' Met. Zeitschrift,' February, 1884, pp. 49-65.
(^) M. E. Marence, in ' L' Astronomic,' by C. Flammarion.
(«) J. Norman Lockyer, F.R.S., * Times,' December 8th, 1883.
(*) 'Nature,' vol. xxix. (1884), p. 549.
(•) Beuf, ' Comptes Rendus,' vol. xcviii., pp. 498, 549.
(') Ship's log, preserved in the Meteorological Office, London.
(«) " The Equatorial Smoke Stream," * Hawaiian Monthly.' By S. B. Bishop. May, 1884.
(»») ' Ceylon Observer,' November 2, 1883.
The ''Sky-Haze" and some of its Effects.
By Mr. E. Douglas Archibald.
Nearly all the observers of the twilight glows, coloured suns, corona, &c., agree
in attributing them proximately to the physical action of a peculiar and quite
abnormal cirri-form haze which appeared concurrently, and at a great altitude, at first
in the Indian Ocean, whence it spread round the Equator, and ultimately towards
the poles.
It is especially important to notice its earliest appearance, which, like those of
the other phenomena, seems to have occurred shortly after the minor eruptions of
Krakatoa in May, 1883.
Thus on May 26th, from the log o^ Her Majesty, (^)* lat. 3° 8' S., long. 90^ E., at
9 p.m., we hear of a " thin haze over the sky through which the larger stars shine.'*'
By itself this latter observation might not be thought to refer indubitably to
kaze similar to that which appeared after August, but when it is compared with the
descriptions of the latter, and the " blue moon seen through light haze" on the Belfast y
on July 16th and 1 7th, (^) referred to in Section I. (e), we can hardly doubt that
it was a similar manifestation.
After this, the next notice we have of the haze was from the ship Charles
Baly on August 22nd, after a minor eruption of Bjrakatoa, in which it reports, in
15° 30' S., lOS** E. (not very far from the volcano):—" In the E. and N.K there was a
strong white haze or silvery glare." (^) The words "silvery glare " are several times
used subsequently by other observers.
On August the 27th, the day of the grand eruption, the Barharossa, in 2% S.,
62*°9 K, after mentioning the unusual silvery sunset on that day, reports : — " The
sky was covered during the night and Ukewise hazy, although we had no signs
On the same day we have the observation on ])oard the Sea Witch, when ashore
on the bar of Sourabaya, Java, of the sun " appearing dim and smoky, while sounds of
heavy cannonading were heard, and the barometer was unsteady." (*)
On the same day the Simla, 5° 35' S., 88° K, reports :— " Air very hazy." (^)
On the same day (27th) Dr. Mbldrum (^) says that the sun was obscured at
Kodriguez and the Seychelles, the sky at the latter being reported by Mr. Estridgb
to be hazy all day, and followed by a gorgeous sunset. At the St. Brandon Rocks
" the sky at sunset had a peculiar smoky appearance, which extended nearly to the
zenith in an E.S.E. direction." At Diego Garcia, from August 27th to 31st, the suu
• For numbered and lettered references in this Section, see p. 230.
was obscured during the day ; while at sunset a deep purplish-red glow appeared
until 7.15 p.m. At Mauritius, on the 27th, the sky was overcast during the day and
the sunset was smoky in the west ; and on the 28th the sunset was gorgeous. On
the 28th the ship Charlotte, r^'S S., 106-°2 K, reports, "hazy air,"(») and Captain
LoYSEAU of the Salazic, lat. 9° 15' S., long. 93° E., talks of encountering blinding
showers of sand, while the sun was reddish and the sky white C)
On August 28 th the haze continued at Diego Garcia, Rodriguez, the Seychelles,
and Mauritius, and was observed by the Simla, 6** 12' S., 88° 17' K, "At 2 p.m.,
sky very hazy, a fine white powder falling in a constant shower like snow. At
8 p.m., sky still very hazy and dust falling." (^)
On August 29th the Simla, 6"" 26' S., 87"" 52' E., reports:— "A very large
quantity of dust fell in the past night. Very hazy still, and dust falling. At 5 p.m.,
sun completely obscured 15° above the horizon, owing to haze ;" and at 8 p.m., " still
dust." (^) On the same day, the Coppename, 15° 30' N., 57° 30' W., says :—
" Clouds appear dry, smoky, and indescribable, at 8 p.m. At 4 p.m., hot looking
stratus in N.W. ; " (^) and from August 28th to 30th the Ida, in l-°3 N., 108-°4 K,
not far from Java, reports : — " Uninterruptedly hazy air.'' (•) The British Empire
2° 37' S., 79° 52' E., also remarks : — "A pale yellowish haze accompanying a fall of
dust like Portland cement." (*)
On August 30th and 31st, we have the observation at Tokio, Japan, referred to
elsewhere, of a " yellowish-grey haze." And on the latter date the observations on
board the Corona, 1° 20' S., 21° W., " at 8 a.m. a metallic sort of haze over sky, sim
shining through it quite coppery ;" and on board the Olbers, in 3° 5' N., 27° W., of
** light clouds visible towards sundown " (very similarly worded to the description of
the haze subsequently in the extra-tropics).
On September 1st, the Queen of Cambria, in 9° S., 28° W., at 8 a.m., notices "a
peculiar thin haze in the air, through which the sun is seen with a clearly defined
circumference, and almost white in colour ; at 8 p.m., stars dimly visible through
haze.'' (^)
On September 2nd, the Olbers, 4° 41' S., 31° 10' W., again reports :—" The
sun obscured at intervals. At 5 p.m., the sim visible through clouds, pale
blue." t^)
On the same day we hear of "a long belt of vaporous sky" at Medellin,
in connection with the coloured suns and glows in that part of South America, and
a pecidiar grey sky through which the sun shone faintly was seen by the
Frieda Grampp, 10°-2 S., 27°'2 W. ; the Rosario, 3°-7 N. ; and the Argentina,
12-°1 S., 36°'9 W. (•)
On September 3rd, the Queen of Camhna, 3° 6' S., 27° 4' W., reports :— **Before
sunrise the haze that is still in the air was fiery red, and the sun, when it appeared,
was of a dazzling white colour." (^)
On the same day the Scotia, 1° 37' N., 71° E., reports " hazy overhead ; " and on
September 6th the same ship, 5° 52' N., 58° 55' E., reports " very fine sand deposited
in places exposed to the wind." (^)
On September 3rd, the Euterpe^ 14° S., 7°'9 W., reports : — " During the last few
days there is above the cumulus and stratus clouds a uniform grey cloud mass which
frequently covers the entire sky." (*) A similar stratum was observed by the
Argentina, in 8°-2 S., 34°-6 W. («)
From September 1st to 5th we have the observation, referred to in Section I. (k),
of the "sun being surrounded by a delicate atmospheric film, through which the
sun could scarcely shed its hght," C^)
On September 4th and 5th a similar appearance was noticed by the Euterpe
and Argentina, and by the Papa, in 10° 19^ N., 161° 21' W., which reports :— "The
sky in the morning is covered with a thin white layer. The sim comes through. The
air looks yellow and watery." (•)
On September 6th, Eastern time, the same ship, in 8° l' N., 161° 4' W., remarks : —
" The entire sky is covered by an even yellowish-red, high layer of cirro-stratus.
The sun pierces through, but looks pale, as when seen through a blue glass,
with sharply marked edge, nice for observations, well tolerable to the eye, without
nimbus or halo. At night the stars were dimly visible." (•)
Thenceforward we have with Uttle intermission, accounts worded in very similai'
language, of the sky being " covered with a light haze ; " (®) " the sun, when
green, stands out from a smoky sky," S"" to 16° N., 87° 30' to 88° 44' E. (®)
Together with the accompanying phenomena of the blue and green suns, it
appeared after the first revolution of these round the globe, at higher latitudes
than on its first journey. Thus, while on August 27th, at Mullaittivu and Kokkulai,
in Ceylon, the sky was " murky, and the rays of the sun obscured to the
east," i}^) it does not appear to have been generally observed in Ceylon, or to
have reached Madras and other places north, such as Ongole, until its return on
September 9 th.*
At Ongole, on September 10th, 11th, and 12th, "the sun was blue, green,
and yellow. After sunset a peculiar haze covered the sky. It was not of
suflScient density to be at all visible except where it reflected the direct rays
of the sun. Then it had a singular mottled appearance, with a smoky look
along the denser portions, suggesting clouds of smoke or dust in the upper atmos-
phere." (11)
Again, on September Xlth, at Pallai, Ceylon, we hear that " the last day or two
have proved very hazy, and the sun shines with a bluish tinge. I followed the large
spot on the sun this afternoon without even the aid of smoked glass, the sun's
=* From this observation it appears that the northern edge of the dnst-stream from Krakatoa, just
skirted the northern edge of Ceylon when starting on its first revolation. Krakatoa being in 6° south,
would make the semi-width of the stream 14°.
2 G
brightness being so dimmed by the dense masses of blue haze in which he eventually
disappeared." (^^)
A communication from an observer in 10° 48' N., 78° 52' E., September 10th,
states that " The sun was shining with a subdued light in a distant and hazy, but
otherwise cloudless, sky. It could be looked at steadily with the naked eye. The
appearance was decidedly as if the ordinary sun was screened off by a thick stratum
of vapour which cut off some of the component rays of white light and made it look
green." (»)
At Poudicherry, September 12th, ** This is the third time the sun has been
dimmed. It is as if it were covered with a thin gauze veil of tender Prussian
blue." (A*)
It also seems to have lasted in these places for some considerable time. Thus,
Mr. Parker, at Hambantota, Ceylon, says, October 11th : — "There is still haziness
night and morning. In the morning for about an hour and a half after sunrise, and
in the evening for a similar length of time." (*^)
The same stratum afterwards spread over extra-tropical regions, and was
chiefly observed by Messrs. Russell, Perry, Bozward, and Glydk, in England,
and MM. Krone, Thollon, Ricjcd, Janbsch, Pockels, and Lecher, on the Con-
The Hon. Rollo Russell, who observed the phenomenon very closely, thus
describes its second appearance near London on November 9th : — " There was a
slight haze on the horizon at sunset, having a greenish-white and yellowish-white
opalescence at its upper border. About 15 minutes after sunset the sky was pink,
and below the pink a shining green and white opalescence, like a luminous mist.
The coloured portion of the sky was fan -shaped and resembled a very high thin
filmy cirrus. . . . The illuminated portion seemed not to belong to clouds
but to glow of itself, like some super-atmospheric film; and yet the idea of
an extra atmospheric cause could not be entertained consistently with its later
behaviour." ('*)
Herr Pockels, in Brunswick, writing December 31st, states that after the glows
of November 27th, 28th, and 29th, **The almost cloudless sky was covered with
exceedingly filmy, wavy, and woolly clouds, which could be seen only near the
sun." 07)
Mr. Glyde (Torquay) speaks of it as " a greyish mist, but tinted pink near
the sun, and covering the sky all day. It was higher than the most elevated
cirrus." {^^)
Professor O. N. Stoddard (Wooster, Ohio) says that it is "not an ordinary
cirrus-cloud." (^®)
Prof. Hazen, in Washington, speaks of the sun, in an otherwise cloudless
sky, " as shining through a dense haze ; " a similar haze being seen round the
moon. (^^)
Rev. S. J. Perry, F.R.S. (Stonyhurst), says that the haze " bore no resemblance
to ordinary haze/* (^^)
M. Thollon observed the same haze at Nice from November, 1883, onwards,
and attributed to it the coronas round the siin and moon, as well as the lack of
definition in astronomical observation. (^^)
Professor A. Ricc6, of Palermo, speaks to the same eflTect, and describes the
haze as being "minutely and irregularly channelled, as if composed of cirro-
strati." n
M. C. MousELLE, of Auteuil, photographed the vicinity of the sun in 1884, and
says : — "These photographs show a corona of diffused hght about it, the intensity of
which depends in part on the degree of transparency of the very filmy clouds, having
a hazy or stratified appearance, and which seemed to be the sole or principal cause of
the corona."
The similarity of the foregoing to the remarks of observers within the tropical
zone is suflficiently obvious, and raay be further corroborated by a perusal of the Table
of First Appearances in Section II., p. 263.
Peculiar Features of the Haze.
(1.) There seems to have been a difference in the quality of the haze as it was
first seen near the Equator, and more especially in the Indian Ocean, and as it after-
wards appeared in higher latitudes.
Thus, in the former regions the haze seems to have been yellow, reddish, smoky,
or white, to have covered the entire sky, and to have been visible at midday,
and it is only in these regions that it appears to have been thick enough
to cut off some of the component colours of the spectrum, and produce blue and
green suns at high altitudes. In these regions it was also dense enough to hide the
sun entirely when the latter was within a few degrees of the horizon.
On the other hand, in higher latitudes it appears to have been generally thinner,
only partially visible and more like a gauzy cirro-stratus.
Thus Professor Stoddard, in Ohio, says : — " It was invisible everywhere except
near the sun ; " and Mr. N. S. Shaler * speaks to a similar effect.
Mr. Bishop says : — " Even at Honolulu it was always perfectly transparent and
invisible except under certain conditions."
The Hon. Rollo Russell says : — " It is visible (except when very dense or in
the neighbourhood of the sun) only about the time of sunrise and sunset. During the
day not the faintest trace obscures the clear azure, whereas ciiTus becomes more
distinct with more daylight." (^)
In England, then, the haze was probably too thin to produce coloured suns, but
* * AtlanUc Monthlj/ April, 1884.
2 G 2
thick enough to be seen and to cause a glow by reflection, when the solar rays fell
upon it at a small incident angle.
It is scarcely necessary to remark that the thinning off of the haze in the extra-
tropics is exactly what might have been expected if it had its source near the
Equator, while the march westward, conciurently with the other optical effects, which
it cannot be doubted were proximately due to it, leads us back to the Indian Ocean
as the source, and August 27th as the dat«, of its first appearance in any great
(2.) It had generally a rippled or striated structure, somewhat analogous to cirrus
or cirro-stratus.
Several observers testify to this, including Messrs. Perry, Bishop, Rioo6, Sealer,
Russell, Rebeur-Pasohwitz, Bozward, Krone, and G.A.N. ("), and it seems to
have been noticed from the very first. Thus, in 3°'2 S., 16°"4 W., the s.s. Carola
notes that " the atmosphere appeared to be full of very small uniformly distributed
clouds." (•)
The Rev. S. E. Bishop talks of " a wavy ripple " observable in its structure.
Mr. Shaler, in the 'Atlantic Monthly,' remarks that the haze is "stratified;"
and Dr. Rebeur-Paschwitz, on December 18 th, notices "strise dipping at different
angles." {'')
The Hon. Rollo Russell, who carefully observed the haze very closely in
Surrey, says that it was more analogous to cirro-stratus than cirrus, but to cirro-
stratus seen at a distance, for cirro-stratus seen overhead presents features not seen in
the cloud-haze. In fact, none of the icsiuil characteristics of the highest clouds were
apparent in the earlier phenomena of November and December, 1883. The haze
usually resembled simply a haze or smoke, in bands of greater and less density,
without Jibres or angles, but later on, some cross striations became visible in the
bright part of the sky after sunset, and these closely resembled the striated cirro-
stratus. At a distance, i.e., when seen on the horizon, the resemblance to cirro-
stratus seems to have existed fi'om the first in the tropics. The total absence of
cirrus forms, such as mares' tails, is remarkable.
Again, he observes : — " It showed the sort of stratification in thin streaks, which
often appears in cirro-stratus, but its elevation was evidently greater than that
common to this cloud." (**)
This stratification was not constant, and on some days the structure was
Messrs. Russell, Shaler, and Bozward testify to a motion being observable
in the streaks, though they differ widely in their estimates of such motion,
the two latter making the streaks move rapidly in a north-east direction, while the
former only once or twice observed an apparent and very slow movement eastwards
after long watching on several occasions.
Accoixiing to the Hon. Rollo Russell, the direction or axes of the streaks
generally lay south-west to north-east, both in England and in Italy. Professor
Ricc6 confirms this,* as well as the indications of a motion in the same direction.
(3.) Its presence peculiarly afiected astronomical definition.
On this point we have pretty general testimony, including that of Messrs.
Saxby r), F.RA.S. (^), W. C. WiNLOCK,t Krone, Piazzi Smyth, &c.
Mr. Saxby says : — "An auroral haze of similar appearance to the red sunset haze
will often improve the definition of celestial objects, but this haze shows a decidedly
opposite tendency ; and a Herculis was so blurred as to be scarcely recognisable at
altitudes at which any ordinary haze would have transmitted a tolerable result."
It was found, by the party deputed by the Royal Society to photogi'aph the
solar corona on the Riffel, under the charge of Mr. C. Ray Woods, that the year
1884 was exceptionally unfavourable for the work, "in consequence of an unusual
want of transparency in the higher regions of the atmosphere, this made it impossible
for Dr. HuGGiNS to obtain any photographs of the corona that year in England."(^)
Mr. John Ballot, in the Transvaal, noticed on the 7th April, 1884, that "the
sky seemed clear and the stars bright, but on using the 6-inch on Jupiter, the planet
presented most of the time just a luminous blurr with spurious images flapping on its
sides, which seemed to me to be caused by the glow-producing medium.*' (*^)
Dr. Krone noticed that at midnight the haze obscured all stars below the 4th
or 5th magnitude (*^), and
Mr. WiNLOCK reports : — ** Stars of the 3rd or 4th magnitude, which have
frequently been seen on a good observing day, it is almost useless to try for now, the
phenomenon is evidently not local."
(4.) The peculiar efiects witnessed during subsequent lunar eclipses.
There have been since September, 1883, only two total eclipses of the moon, and
there was one large (0*88 of moon's diameter) partial one.
Of the first, April 9th, 1 8 8 4, no record has been found. The second, that of October
4th, 1884, attracted considerable attention from the abnormal obscurity of the moon.
The facts are given at large in several papers in the * Monthly Notices ' of the Royal
Astronomical Society, but the following extracts sufficiently indicate its exceptional
character : —
Total Eclipse of the Moon, October ith, 1884.
Bodcliffe Obs., Oxford.— M.r. E. J. Stone, M.A., F.R.S., saysj:— "The eclipse
was much the darkest that I have ever seen."
Dun JEcht. — Mr. J. G. Lohse says : — " During the totality the moon was very
faint, and the copper tint, so conspicuous in other eclipses, was seen only occasionally,
and then only faintly."
* In his paper quoted in Sections I. (b) and I. (e).
t " The Long-continued bad Seeing," * Science,' vol. iv., 1884, pp. 94, 96.
X * Monthly Notices,' vol. xlv., p. 34.
Stonyhurgt. — The Rev. S. J. Pkrey, F.R.S , says : — '' The usual copper tint of the
eclipsed moon was not perceived except towards the close of the eclipse, and then it
was only very slight." ^
Bristol.— Kt. W. F. DsNNrNO says : — *' The most noteworthy feature in con-
nection with the phenomenon was that the moon at the total phase appeared far
less luminous than usual." . . . . '^ The firmam^it grew dark as on an ordinary
night when the moon is entirely absent."
Bridpoi'L — The Rev. S. J. Johnson says : — ** At 9 h. 10 min., the whole of the
lunar circle began to be seen through the telescope, but without a trace of the
ordinary coppery redness — to quote Keplbb, respecting the lunar eclipse of June,
1620 — ^wie omni nibedine."*
Clapham, London. — Mr. Edmund J. Spitta* says : — " During totality the moon
was, generally speaking, exceedingly faint — indeed, at times barely visible to the
naked eye — and presented none of the coppery colour usual on those occasions."
The only other subsequent lunar eclipse of importance, that of March 30th,
1885, was not visible in this country, but was observed in Tasmania by Mr. A. B.
BiGGS.(^') He says that, at the time of maximum eclipse, "All within the shadow
was utterly obliterated — ^lost in the dead slaty tint of the sky. I could not
distinguish a single crater after once it was fairly within the shadow. Not the
^lightest trace of the coppery tint was visible throughout."
This peculiar absence of the coppery tint ordinarily visible, and m circumstances
which are described as having been very favourable for observation, " the sky being
free from clouds, and the moon in full view during the whole period of the eclipse,"
seems to favour the notion that the haze not only exerted a general absorption, but,
as the appearance of the blue and green suns show, a selective absorption, more
especially of the red end of the spectrunut
(5.) The radiant point of the wisps or streaks of the haze when the glows were
at their best, and the structure of the haze when noticeable, lay apparently some
distance below the horizon.
This was particularly observed by the Hon. Kollo Russell.
(6.) Though somewhat analogous to cirrus, the streaks of haze never presented
a curled or twisted appearance, but were, apparently^ long parallel bands.
• * Montlilj Notices, Boy. Aat. Soc.,' vol. xlv., p. 154.
t [Since this was in type an article by Professor Dufoue has appeared in Flammaeiok's
* rAstronomie ' (January, 1888), in which he strongly supports the theory that the almost complete
invisibility of the moon in 18d4> was due to Krakatoa dnst, and he refers to M. Flahmariok ha\ring
expressed the same view. On turning to M. Flammabion's original statement (* TAstronomie,* 1884,
p. 407), it will be found that he refers to the eclipses of April 25, 1642, May 18, 1761, and June 10, 1816,
as previous analogous cases. On comparing these and that of 1620, observed by Kepler, with Part lY.,
Sec. v., of this volume, it will be found that in each of these four instances there had been an eruption
in the previous year — that of 1815 being the great one of Tomboro. — Eo.]
This was generally observed, and appears to indicate that the haze was at too
great an elevation to be affected by the vertical, or other movements, which accom-
pany cyclonic and anti-cyclonic systems at lower altitudes.
(7.) At sunset the haze began to shine with a red light soon after the cirrus had
ceased to shine ; about 20 minutes according to the Hon. Ex)LLO Russell,
(8.) It had a definite lower boundary. (Aitken.)*
This also was noticed by Mr, BiSHOP.f
Sbculab Dubation.
The cloud-haze not being so conspicuous as some of the other phenomena,
except near its origin within the tropical belt, has not been so closely observed.
At first it was seen generally throughout the tropics in connection with the coloured
suns, corona, and twilight glows, and subsequently with the two latter in the tem-
perate zones. In the former region it was distinctly noticeable, apart from the
attendant optical phenomena. In the latter, it was noticed at first only near
sunrise and sunset in connection with the twilight glows ; but subsequently it
was noticed more generally in* connection with the corona surrounding the sun
in the daytime.
The Hon. Eollq Eussell, at Richmond, Surrey, when observing the glows, and
writing on January 22nd, 1884, says; — "It has been visible on every clear day for
more than two months, and has been quite independent of wind and weather."
The same observer, when in Italy between January 3rd and 4th, says : — " The
intensity or thickness of the reflecting stratum was certainly much less than at the
end of November." Further on he says : — "In the glows of December, 1883, and
January, 1384, the m^-tter concerned seemed to become thinner."
The Rev. S, E. Bishop, writing from Honolulu in April, 1884, says: — "The
haze, with its glows and opslescenfc corona round the sun, is still being constantly
seen." {«)
After this we do not hear much of the haze independeniily of the other
phenomena, though it certainly continued to be seen whenever the conditions were
favourable for a twilight glow, while its prolonged presence is attested by various
observations — ^spectroscopic, astronomical, and polariscopic.
Like the corona, it survived in a modified form the more brilliant phases of
tlie twilight glows ; and, like it, appears to have become almost imperceptible towards
the close of 1885.
* Second note on remarkable sunsets, * Proc. Royal Soc. Edin./ 1883-84.
t * American Met. Journal,' August, 1886, p. 129.
The Connection of the Sky-Haze with the Erufhon of Krakatoa,
The remarkable haze which we have juBt described, and to the peculiar physical
properties of which the other optical effects are attributed, both by those who only
casually observed them and by those who subjected them to a more prolonged
scrutiny and analysis, appears to have been nothing more or less than the smoke
(so-called) of the eruption, attenuated into a semi-transparent film.
It appears to have been manifested sporadically after the May eruption, as well
as generally after that in August, the observation on Her Majesty on May 26th, 1883,
in 3° 8' S., 90° E., at 9 p.m., of " a thin haze over sky through which larger stars
shine/' being worded very similarly to those which were noted afterwards in such
In many oases in the Indian Ocean it was reported simultaneously with falls
of dust on ships ; and in most cases wherever it appeared, especially in the
Indian Ocean, it was accompanied by coloured or silvery suns and by glows at
On the other hand, there are few detailed accounts in which, where glows, &c.,
appeared, either haze or a lofty cirro-stratus, or a delicate atmospheric semi-trans-
parent film, or a " peculiar," " smoky," and " indescribable *' cloud-stratum is not
mentioned as a concomitant.
For the first two or three days after the eruption which ended on August 27th,
it appeared over the groups of islands in the south-west part of the Indian Ocean,
represented by Diego Garcia, the Seychelles, St. Brandon, Rodriguez, and Mauritius,
and by the ships Barbarossa, Simla, Charlotte, Salazic, British Empire, Scotia, and
Ida — the former representing an area embracing 20^ of longitude and 20^ of latitude,
and the latter a different one covering 29^ of longitude by 14® of latitude, and
between them the larger part of the Indian Ocean. Later on we hear of its being
observed, like the other phenomena, not only over widely distant localities along the
equatorial belt, but for days together through considerable ranges of latitude by the
Queen of Cambria and Olbers in the Atlantic, and the Papa in the Pacific, showing
it to have been of fairly uniform extension, as well as of general occurrence.
The remarks on board the Corona on August 31st, and Queen of Cambria on
September 1st, in particular, are clear in showing its appearance in the Atlantic area
soon after its general spread over the tropical part of the Indian Ocean, to have been
of a precisely similar character to that observed in the latter ocean, and the following
observation on the latter ship on September 13th, in 14° N., 26° 42' W., accentuates
this general uniformity as well as peculiarity of appearance : — " I don't know what
to call the stuff that is seen in the upper regions, thin cirro-stratus or haze ; it
was like that seen south of the Equator, first early on September 1st and last on
September 5th."
That the haze was the proximate cause of all the other optical phenomena is
amply testified to, both by the direct statements of observers, some of which we have
quoted in the present section, and also by numerous cases in which its presence is
indirectly associated with that of several of the other phenomena.
This fact being once established, forms one of the strongest arguments in favour
of the dependence of all the optical phenomena, following both the minor and the
major eruptions of Ejrakatoa, upon the finer material ejected during those outbursts.
Moreover it is plain fi-om the earlier records, some of which are quoted in Section II.,
p. 264, that the haze began close to where the thick voliunes of smoke, seen near
the volcano, ended.
Mr. Elleby, F.R.S., of Melbourne, and one or two other writers, suggest that the
haze itself may have been a secondary chemical or physical effect of the eruption ;
but there does not seem to be any evidence to show that the intrusion of volcanic
ejectamenta into the atmosphere would introduce notable chemical changes into its
composition, or that these would extend over a wider area than that embraced
by the ejectamenta themselves.
Summary of Part IV., Section I. (d).
The preceding paragraphs present an outline of the chief facts in connection with
the cloud-haze, and lead to the following conclusions : —
(1.) That soon after the grand eruptions of Krakatoa on August 26th and 27th,
a remarkable dimming of the sun took place in the immediate neighbourhood of the
volcano, together with haze and fctlls of dust on ships, which in one case (the Scotia,
September 8th, in lat. lO"" N., long. 53° E., " still a deposit of sand found ") extended
no less than 62° to the westward, and more than 3,700 English miles from the volcano.
(2.) That this haze was propagated mainly westwards, concurrently with the
other optical phenomena, from the neighbourhood of Java. (In Section III. (c), p. 337,
the exact rate of transmission is worked out.)
(3.) That most observers agree in considering it to be the proximate cause of
the other optical effects, including the twilight glows, coloured suns, and large
(4.) That it was densest in the Indian Ocean and along the equatorial belt, where
it was often thick enough to hide the sun entirely when within a few degrees of the
horizon, besides sensibly colouring its rays when at greater altitudes. In the extra*
tropics it was much less dense, and was generally visible only at sunrise and sunset ;
though even there it peculiarly affected astronomical definition in a manner different
from ordinary aqueous haze.
(5.) That while, in some of its features, it partook somewhat of the character of
a lofty cirrus or cirro-stratus cloud, it yet differed in many respects from an ordinary
aqueous cirrus.
2 H
(6,) That it appeared to be far above ordinary cirri, and exhibited an absence of
the curls and twists by which such clouds are usually characterised, and which are
usually attributed to local atmospheric movements at their level. (Its height being
that deduced in Section IV., p. 340.)
(7.) That while it was at a height where the temperature is always far below the
freezing point of water, no trace of true ice-halos was observed, and that while it
produced some effects, such as coloured suns and glows, which might, in certain cir-
cumstances, have been caused by aqueous vapour, the general evidence shows that it
contained something besides ordinary aqueous vapour, and that it was either entirely
fine dust or a mixture of frozen vapour of water or other substances with dust.
(8.) That the spectroscopic evidence referred to in Sections I. (c), p. 199, and
I. (e), p. 231, tends to show that the haze was not gas, but a cloud of solid particles,
either ice or dust, which at first cut off the red end of the spectrum relatively more
than the violet, and subsequently exercised a general absorption, which was more
noticeable in the less intense rays at each end, than towards the middla
(9.) That it appeared on former occasions (1783 and 1831) in association with
pale suns and twilight glows, which were at that time ascribed to contemporaneous
E. DouQLAS Abchibald.
References in Section I. (d).
(*) All obserYations referred to thns are taken from Dr. Nemnajer's article in tlie 'Met.
Zeitschrift,' February, 1884.
C) All obseryations referred to thus are from ships* logs preserved in the London Meteorological
O ' Ceylon Observer,' October 12, 1883.
O * American Journal of Meteorology,' vol. i., May, 1884.
C) 'Proc. Roy. Met. Soc., Mauritius,' May 22, 1884.
C*) * Comptes Rendus,' vol. xovii. (1883), p. 1101.
C) ' Ceylon Observer,' October 2, 1883,
C) * Japan Gazette,' September 21, 1883.
O 'Nature,' vol. xxix. (1884), p. 366.
O * L'Astronomie,' Flammarion, February 1, 1884.
C) * Honolulu Advertiser.'
(•) * Indian Daily News,' September, 1883.
O Colonel J. Stoddart, MSS. BepoH, April 10, 1884. (See p. 116 et seq.)
(") ' Nature,' vol. xxviii. (1883), p. 576.
(») ' Ceylon Observer,' September 15, 1883.
C*) * Ceylon Observer,' October 26, 1883.
C*) • Ceylon Observer,' September 21, 1883.
(^) H. Parker. MSS. Letter dated Hambantota, November 18, 1883.
(") ' Quarterly Journal, Royal Met. Society,' vol. x. (1884), p. 139.
(") • Met. Zeitsohrift,' March, April, 1884.
CO ' Standard,' December 26, 1883.
C*) ' Nature,' vol. xxix. (1884), p. 356.
(*) * American Journal of Science,' vol. xxviii., March, 1884.
(^) MSS., dated Stonyhurst, March 6, 1884.
(») < Comptes Rendus,' vol. xoviii., p. 760.
C") • Comptes Rendus,' vol. xcviii. (1884), p. 1299.
(»*) ' Quarterly Journal Royal Met. Society,' voL x. (1884), p. 139.
C*) ' Science,' vol. iii. (1884), p. 4.
C^) ' Met. Zeitsohrift,' March, April, 1884.
(") * Observatory,' vol. vii., p. 19.
("•) • English Mechanic,' June 20, 1884.
(«•) ' AthensBum,' May 9, 1885, p. 602.
C') * English Mechanic,' May 29, 1884.
(") * Launceston Examiner,' Tasmania, April 1, 1885.
(») *Met. Zeitsohrift,' July, 1884.
(^ ' Hawaiian Monthly,' May, 1884.
2 h2
The large Corona round the Sun and Moon in 1883-4-5, generally known
AS ''Bishop's Ring."
By Mr. E. Douglas Archibald.
With the possible exceptioQ of some observations on board the Belfast, between
16^ 31' S., 31° 40' W., and 11° 3' N., and 85° 53' E., from May 26th to July 17th, 1883,
the first indications of this phenomenon were observed immediately after the great
eruption of Krakatoa in August, 1883, and it continued visible until the spring of 1886.
After the grand eruption, on the 27th of August, 1883, the first notice we
have of the "corona" is that given in the * Japan Gazette,' September 21st, in which
it is stated that shortly after noon on August 30th " the sun seemed to diminish
in power, and a uniform yellowish-grey haze, gradually deepening in intensity,
spread over the sky, and at two hours before sunset the sun's rays were blended
into a faint halo emerging from a globe of light no larger than the full moon."
A similar, though less definite, observation is that of M. Mareuse, at Guay-
aquil, who reports* that the sun on September lst-5th was surrounded by a light
atmospheric film of a coppery hue, through which the sun could scarcely shed its
light ; it appeared like silver set in gold.
The first detailed observation of it was, however, made by Mr, Bishop at
Honolulu, on September 5th, simultaneously vdth that of the twilight glows and
cloud-haze, which first reached that place on this date.
It is important to notice his description of it, since we are thus enabled to
establish its identity with the phenomena witnessed in Europe, America, and other
regions, more than two months subsequently. He says (^) : —
" Permit me to call special attention to the very pecuUar corona or halo extending
from 20° to 30° from the sun, which has been visible every day vnth us, and all day, of
whitish haze vdth pinkish tint, shading off into lilac or purple against the blue. I
have seen no notice of this corona observed elsewhere. It is hardly a conspicuous object."
Since this event it has generally been known as " Bishop's Ring," in honour of
its first discoverer.
Next we have an observation on September 8th, on board the Sbotia, in
10° N. and 53° E., of a "partial halo forming at times round the sun."
The Thesmlus, on September 16th, in 28° 29' S. and 81° 45' K, reports "a
red haze round the moon all night."
On September 15th, the Carola, in 14°-8 N., 20°-8 W., mentions "a halo as
* * L'Astronomio/ Flammabion.
visible round the moon, having a deep red outer margin" (^) This observation on
board the Carola is very important in showing that the ring round the sun was not
the ordinary ice-crystal refraction halo, in which the red band is innermost, but a true
diffraction corona, in which the red occurs on the outside border. This reddish or
coppery border was frequently observed without its ring-character being specially
noted. Thus, on September 16th, Mr. Maxwell Hall, in Jamaica, observed "an
unusual copper colour in the sky near the sun, which was afterwards very strongly
marked."* On September 15th, the Superb, in 10° N., 146° W., noticed a "halo " (?)
45* in diameter.
On September 16th, from the Coppename, 42° 0' N., 39° 29' W., a halo was
observed round the moon at 8 p.m., which may or may not have been the same
phenomenon. After this, we have some observations within the tropics in October,
which point distinctly to the same corona which was afterwards observed more generally.
Thus, on October 2nd, the Orissa, in 18° 17' N., 86° 44' E., notices a red glare or
halo roimd the sun, from 25° to 30° in diameter. On October 1 4th, the same ship, in
11° 37' N., 82° 57' E., observes, from 8 p.m. to midnight, "a halo or circle round
the moon 45° in diameter ; " while on October 17th, the Glencaim, in 13° 34' S.,
91° 32' E., notices '^ a very broad ring round the moon of a dark reddish colour ; "
and, in addition to these, we have, on October 10 th, Mr. H. Pabkeb's observation in
Ceylon of a limar corona, the sun being normal (i.e., the green tint had gone), but
dimmer than usual at sunrise and sunset, and on October 1 8th, at Oakwood, California,
the s\m was seen encircled by a white ring on the day immediately preceding the
first appearance of the twilight glows in that locality ; while on November 1st, the
Rev. A. W. Hbyde observed, at Kailong, Lahoul (Himalaya), a white circular sheen
round the sun, of from 40° to 80° in diameter.
Thenceforward we have frequent evidence of the appearance of the corona in
Europe, America, Asia, and other parts, in association with the glows and other
phenomena in November, December, and January, and everywhere of substantially
the same physical aspect, size, and order of colours.
Regarding the order of the colours, while there seems to be some degree of
divergence as to the precise quality of the tints, especially of the interior part,
there is a general consensus of opinion as to the order being blue or white on
the inside, and red at the border, or the reverse of that in the ice-crystal
A high authority. Dr. Meldrum, F.R.S., who was one of its earlier observera in
the tropics, spoke of it at the October, 1883, meeting of the Mauritius Meteorological
Society, as " a whitish silvery patch surrounded by a brownish fringe, with a radius of
from 12° to 24°, according to the position of the sun."
Other observers describe it as follows : —
• * Jamaica Weather Report/ November, 1883.
C) Not. 1
Eev. A. W. Heyde • .
Kailong, Tiahoul,
White inside and red outside;
never seen before.
O Nov. 26
Miss Annie Ley
White, with broad halo of a pale
pink colour.
Whitish light, fringed with pale
(») Nov, (end of) and Dec.
Gapt.DeB. Capello..
orange-rose; region not cir-
(•) Nov. 27 and Dec. 15 .
T. W. Backhouse . .
Pink outside, with bluish centre ;
never observed previous to
Nov. 27, though a constant halo
observer for 26 years.
C) Nov., 1883, to Feb.,
Hon. Bollo Russell . .
Richmond. •
Inner part white, outer pale red
or lilac.
C) During the same time
E. D. Archibald . .
Tunbridge YiTells..
Inner part milk-white and outer
(•) Nov. 30
Herr Wulst . .
Silver coloured, with brownish
(")Deo. 1
Dr. von Bezold
Munich . .
W hitish in centre, with brownish
coloured border.
(")Deo. 12
Professor Divers • .
Silvery glare, bordered by a dasty
reddish-brown or purplish ring.
(»)Jan. 2
Herr Metzger
Flensburg . .
A bright blue spot with a reddish
(") Dec. and Jan.
Dr. Galle ..
Breslau • •
The periphery was weak, brownish
pale red, and inside a white
gleam ; inner diameter 20*^,
outer diameter 40°.
COFeb. 8
Professor Le Conte . •
Calif omia . .
Whitish glare of 20° to 25=^
(«) From Nov., 1883, to
M. ThoUon . .
Glowing white, very slightly tinted
July, 1884.
with red outside and blue inside.
(") May 19, 1884
Prof. Ricc5 . .
Palermo . .
Outer rim violet.
(") Deo., 1883, to May,
(") Sept. 22, 1884 •.
Dr. Assmann
Outer rim brown-violet.
Prof. A. Comu
Order of tints of corona from
within outwards, blue, neutral
grey, brown-yellow, coppery-
red, purple-red, dull violet.
The preceding descriptions, which by no means exhaust the entire category, but
which we have casually selected to exhibit their general similarity, and the universal
character of the phenomenon, show that the sun was surrounded by a white space
bordered by a (circular or elliptical) reddish rim ; and though there are considerable
differences in the description of the precise tint of both the interior and the border,
the substantial identity of the phenomenon in different parts of the world cannot be
Persons differ much in their estimates of colour, and when one speaks of the
interior as blue and another as white, we are inclined to suspect that the colour in
the first case may have been partly due to contrast with the border, which would
naturally first attract attention, and also be more likely to retain it, than the
intensely brilliant inner space. It is probable, however, that in the present case the
bluish tint spoken of in some cases (though the majority make it white or silvery),
may really have had an objective presence, and that the order from within outwards
was more that which was minutely described by Prof. Cobnu, viz. : blue, neutral grey,
brown-yellow, coppery-red, purple-red, dull violet — analogous to the order of the
spectrum colours, only flatter in tone.
The average size of this coronal appendage may approximately be gathered from
an examination of the different angular measurements (some evidently rather rough
guesses) of its radius or its diameter by different observers.
The following list gives nearly all we have been able to collect, including one
or two roimd the moon : —
the Sun.
40° [to 60°]
From September
5, onwards . .
Bev. S. E. Bishop . •
Rev. A. W. Heyde . .
40° to 80° (?)
November 1 . .
Noyember 25 . .
J.E.Clark ..
NoTember 25 . .
Miss Annie Ley
40° to 46°
December 5 . .
E. Marchund
St. Genis.
January 13
W. G. Brown
40° to 44°
• •
Dr. Kiessling
(«) L2O''
33°. J
• •
Dr. Ejremser, .
40° to 50
Jannary 24
Prof. Divers . .
40° to 60
February 8 • •
Prof. Le Conte
(») 20°
March 24
B. W. S
44° to 46°
April • •
B. Douglas Archibald
Tunbridge Wells.
(») 21° 36'
max. intensitj. outer.
30° 20- 42° 52'
May 19 . .
Prof. Ricc6 • •
(») 24°
40° to 44°
May and June *
Dr. Assmann
middle of outer
July 23 • .
D. A. Arcimis
red. margin.
(") 14° to 20°
24° to 28° 36° to 44°
F. A. Forel . .
n 23°
Dr. von Bezold
* 'Inserted here after the means had been taken. In computing the means, the extreme value is
the outer diameter, and the average or single value for the inner.
Table II. — (continued.)
Angpalar Diameter of Corona round
the Moon.
interior. exterior.
C) 15°
r) - -ts"
C) 30°
(«) 36°
September 16 . .
Ootolier 14 . .
January 4
January 4
S. Oarola ..
Prof. Hasen . .
Dr. Eremser
120°48' W.
f 11° 37' N.
182° 67' E.
K we take the averages, excluding the doubtfully large value found by
Rev. A. W. Heyde, at Lahoul, and Dr. Kbemser's, we find the following values for
the corona round the sun : —
Inner diameter.
2r r
Outer diameter.
45^ 33'
These averages accord very fairly with those of Professors R1006, Assmann,
and FoEEL, which appear to have been the most carefully measured of the entire
We shall, therefore, aa a probable average, take the inner white portion to be
21^, and the entire ring up to the outer red to be 45° 30' in diameter. The diameter
of the Ixmar ring appears to have been generally smaller, judging from the few
observations, and this seems to be natxuul in consequence of its inferior brilliancy,
which would tend to render the extreme red border invisible. From the obser-
vations in the Table, there does not seem to have been, and indeed from such
a comparatively limited series of observations it would be difficult to infer that there
was, any sensible alteration in the size of the " corona" during the first twelve months
of its appearance.
Since the preceding paragraphs were written, a pamphlet entitled 'Beobach-
tungen tiber die Dammerung und seine Beziehungen zum Bishop'schen Sonnenring,'
by Dr. Albert Riqqenbaoh of Basle (1886), has appeared, in which the author gives
some later observations of the diameter of the corona (Bishop's Ring), when the sun
was at a high altitude, and a further list during 1885 of its dimensions at sunrise
and sunset.
From the first list we extract the following :-—
Year. Month
Diameter of Ring.
1884r-ATig. 7 ..
Aug. 22, 23
1886— Jan. 3-5 . .
May 9 ..
Jtdj 3 . .
14° to 20°
■ 12°
26° to 34°
24° to 30°
36° to 44°
32° to 34°
36° to 40°
Flogel . .
Kremser ..
Biggenbach, in the
' Das Wetter,' Bd. i., p. 221.
'Archives de Geneve,' xii.,
p. 175.
'Met. Zeit8.,'Bd.ii., p. 142.
'DasWetter.'Bd-ii, p. 116.
20° 12'
27° 40'
41° 48'
The means from these observations do not sensibly differ from those derived from
our former list, though there appears to be a slight falling off in the size of the inner
and outer diameters. The individual observations, however, differ so much inter se,
that no importance can be attached to this circumstance. The means from the entire
series of twelve high-sun observations, from November, 1883, onwards, given by
Biggenbach, are as follows, with our former ones for comparison : —
Diameter of Corona.
Former List.
Inner ,
Middle of the red
21° 7'
28° 10' (2 obs.)
45° 33'
The values will be seen to be very fairly accordant, especially when it is remem-
bered that they were measured for the most part by different observers. The second
Table gives the diametera of the corona at sunset from sixty-three observations taken
at different dates in 1885, and arranged for different solar zenith distances, in order
to exhibit the dilatation of the ring with increasing solar depression. The means are
as follows : —
Zenith Distance of Sun's
Diameter ♦ of
Inner bright
Brightest part
of red.
Outer limit of
60° to 78°
81°-6 to 88°-9
89°-l to 92°-3
* Converted from radius as originally given.
Dr. RiGGENBACH then gives a list of the angular distances of the brightest
portions of the purple sunset glow from the sun, at different zenith distances of the
latter, in order to show the close connection of the shape and extent of the glow with
those of the corona. The mean of thirteen observations of this portion of the glow,
gives it a radius from the suns centre of 18°* 6, or a diameter of 37^*2, the sun's
zenith distance varying from 92°'l to 93°'8.
The brightest part of the purple glow, in fact, commences about the middle or
brightest part of the corona when this has reached its greatest dilatation.
A few single observations of the corona and the purple glow are placed together
for direct comparison : —
Solar distance of the brighteet part.
Purple glow.
September 15
II 16
17 .. ..
1) A«5 • • • ■
The relationship between these two phenomena will be considered further on.
Diurnal and Secular Duration of the large Corona.
The corona round the sun appears to have continued everywhere with little
change in its character, and only a gradual decrease in its brilliancy, from the date on
which it was first observed up to the spring of 1886, and although not observed (or
perhaps noticed) so soon as the twilight glows, it was subsequently seen wherever
these occurred, and in proportion as their brilliancy waned it came more and more
into popular notice. It i^ possible, indeed, that near the Equator, where the matter
causing the appearances seems to have been densest, the corona may have been some-
what modified, so as to appear merely in the form of a glare (such as was noticed by
the brig Hazard and other ships, to surround the sun), and without the red border
which was generally observed beyond the tropics.
It may also possibly have been this fact which caused the remarkable absence of
notice of the corona all over the northern parts of South America and at other
equatorial places, when the blue and green appearance of the sun was attracting
public attention, and that, as Mr. Bishop remarks concerning the twilight glows,
which were more noticeable at Honolulu than at Fanning Island, the corona came
* Radios of the inner limit of tlie red.
out in its best colours only where the matter waa less dense, and therefore, probably,
more homogeneous.
The following remarks regarding its secular duration at different places will show
something of the nature of its persistence, and we have further evidence that in most
places where it was noticed, either simultaneously with, or shortly subsequent to, the
glows, it has continued to be seen whenever the conditions were favourable, such as a
clear atmosphere, or a cloud which hid the sun's direct rays.
Period of Continuance.
Observer or Authority.
(^) All through September . .
(*) September 6 to December 15, 1883
C^) November, 1883, to April 3, 1884
(*) November 11 to 21
(*) November, onwards
(*°) Several weeks previous to De^
cember 24
(") December to February, 1884
(*») February 20 to March 24 . .
n April .. /;■ ..
(^) Beginning of March to end of
May 14, and for weeks back
June and July
May 18 to September 6 (inter-
(«) July 29 to August 3
(*•) July 22 to August 4
C"*) November, 1883, toNovember, 1884
Brig Hazard , .
Rev. S. E. Bishop
T. W. Backhouse
Dr. Neumayer . .
Maxwell Hall . .
F. Perrin
Hon. F. A. Rollo Russell
Dr. G. F. Burder
Rev. S. E. Bishop
Dr. Kiessling
C. L. Prince
C. L. Wragge
J. Gledhill
Prof. F. A. Forel
Rev. A. W. Heyde
Pacific, from New Hanover to Honolulu.
All through the Hawaiian Archipelago.
Mont Fetoules. (The
bad been seen.)
Richmond, Surrey.
guides said
Clifton, Oloacestershire.
Honolulu.* (Seen constantly since
September 5, 1883.)
Crowborough, Sussex.
Halifax, Yorkshire.
Lahoul, Himalaya.
And thence Professor Forel carries on the observations almost up to date
(October, 1886) in the following list, which he has forwarded to the Committee,
and which ^ves all the dates on which he has seen the corona since the summer
of 1884:—
♦ Another observer, Mr. C. J. Lyons, carries it on to May 29, 1884, at the same place.
2 I 2
22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 3i
i, 2, 3, 4, /«. /», 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 30, 31
1884 ..<
1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
October . .
26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
3, 4, 8, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 27, 30
December . .
2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 18
Jannaiy . .
4, 5, 8, 12, 13, 27, 29, 31
Febmary ..
1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 23, 24, 26, 27
March ..
7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 17, 19, 23, 31
I, 7, 8, 14, 15, 22, 24, 27, 28
5, 7, 8, 9, /0, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29,
5, 7, 14, 15, 19, 21, 23, 25, 28
1, 4, 10, 13, 19, 21, 27
2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, //, 13, 15, 22
4, 5, 6, 10, i3, i4, 15, 18, 24
October . .
2, 4, 7, 9, 15, 16, 22, 27, 30
November. .
1. 2, 3, 27
December . .
1, 2, 9, 29
January . .
Februaiy . . , .
March . .
2, 10(?) 29(?)
June . . . .
• •
August ..
Note. — The figures in italics represent observations taken during ascents above 1,000 metres ; tbe
rest were taken in Swiss valleys at 400 metres above sea level.
The letter is dated December 4th, 1886, and Professor Forel makes the follow-
ing remarks : —
"While up to October, 1885, I have noticed the appearance of the ring on the
average ten times per mensem; in November and December, 1885, I have seen it only-
four times per mensem. In the first months of 1886 I have only nine observations, of
which three were doubtful, and two were taken in ascents of mountains.
"Lastly, since July, 1886, 1 have no longer observed the phenomenon. Moreover,
though I have been in conditions favourable for observation, and have resided during
July and August, 1886, in the Alps of the Valais, at an elevation of over 6,000 feet,
and have sometimes attained the altitude of 9,000 feet, I have not observed the
slightest indication of " Bishop's Ring." My friends, who permanently reside between
9,000 and 12,000 feet above sea-level, have informed me of the complete disappearance
of the coloured circle. The sole observations which I have received during the last
• In a recent letter to * Nature,' vol. xxxv., p. 601, Professor Stonb mentions the corona as invisible
during the summer months of 1886, but visible again on October 15, since which date it has not been
six months are (1) that of July the 19th, 1886, duriog the ascent of Mount
Pleureur, 3,706 metres (12,159 feet), by MM. Kundig and Ischam, of Geneva; and
(2) that of July the 26th, 1886, on the Col d'Herens, 3,460 metres (11,352 feet),
by Mr. CouN Campbell, of Dundee."
Professor Forel concludes as follows : —
"Bishop's Ring has appeared continuously in our country from November, 1883,
up to October, 1885. From November, 1885, to July, IS 86, it has been observed
discontinuously. At the end of 1886 it has become no longer visible."
Professor Ricc6, of Palermo, has also forwarded a list of observations, which,
though it does not embrace so long a period, is interesting, as showing that the
phenomenon w;as a universal one, and that the gaps in Professor Forel's series were
chiefly due to local conditions, such as unfavourable weather, &c. Thus, the ring
was observed on the following dat^s :^
1886 ...
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 20, 26, 27, 29
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 26, 27
2, 3, 6, 6, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28
If these dates be compared with those of Professor Forel it will be found that
only ten coincide.
Professor Ricc6 has also furnished a table of the intensity of the phenomena
from its commencement, measured by an arbitrary scale of 0 — 10. On taking
monthly averages of these, where there are enough observations, we get the following
results : —
Mean Intensity of Corona.
1883.— December, 6-5.
1884.— January, 8*0; February, 8'0; March, 8*4; April, 8'6(max.); May, 5*1 ;
June, 6'0; July, 6*3; August, 7*5; September, 6*8; October, 7*5; November, 8 '4.
1885.— April, 2-9 ; May, 2*0 ; June, V7 (min.).
In examining the results of this latter table we must remember that the figures
are not all intercomparable, owing to the observations having been made in different
localities. Thus, up to May, 1884, they were made at Palermo ; in June, at different
places while travelling from Turin to Modena; from July to the end of 1884, at
Castelvetro, south of Modena ; and in 1885, again at Palermo,
Taking, then, the first six and the last three months, we find a gradual rise
up to a maximum about April, 1884 ; and since then evidence of a gradual decline
down to June, 1885.
This agrees with other casual evidence in making the maximum of the
corona in Europe in the spring of 1884, and about three or four months after
the maximum of the twilight glows in the same latitudes. Taking all the facta
together regarding secular duration, we find that while the twilight glows
ceased to attract attention after February, 1884, the corona survived them with
remarkable persistence, and that even up to the spring of 1886, or nearly three
years from the time at which it first appeared, it still remained a conspicuous
Its diurnal duration in favourable circumstances seems to have been continuous.
Thus, Mr. Bishop speaks of it as being ** visible every day and all day," (^) and Mr.
T. R. Clapham, of Lancaster, remarks that the corona can be seen any day at
mid-day when the sky is clear.
Dr. Meldrum (^^) notices that the corona is visible " during the greater part
of the day;" and others, such as Professor Le C!onte (California), M. Thollon,
C. L. Prince, T. W. Backhouse, Dr. Assmann (Magdebiu-g), Professor F. A. Forel
(Merges), C. L. Wragge (Adelaide), and the writer, show by their statements that
this was the case all over the world. It was best seen when the lower air was free
from dust, as, for instance, after rain, and especially when a dark cloud hid the sun
and allowed the red rim to be seen round its border. In such circumstances, as
Professor Forel substantially remarked, the lower strata of the atmosphere are in
a shadow, and, therefore, the white light, which they usually disperse, no longer
obliterates the delicate tints of the corona. (^^)
One point deserves to be noticed in connection with the secular duration of the
corona, viz., that while in November there was apparently a great decline in the
brilUancy of the twilight glows at Honolulu, Mr. Bishop observed that the corona
continued unaltered. (^^) The same fact was observed during the temporary abate-
ments of the glow phenomena in Europe, showing evidently that the physical cause
which produced the corona was independent of certain circumstances which regulated
the development of the glows at sunrise and sunset. Since the glows have disap-
peared, the survival of the corona lends additional support and importance to this
The general constancy of the corona under various meteorological conditions,
both secular and diurnal, accords with the evidence aflforded elsewhere of the
elevation of the stratum in which it was generated, far above ordinary atmospheric
disturbances, though probably not above upper aerial currents of a continuous and
general character.
Peculiar Features of the Corona.
It remains for us to notice certain peculiar features which were exhibited by the
large corona after it fii'st became visible in Europe, in November, 1883 ; and also to
point out those ia which it appears to differ from all ordinary phenomena of a similar
(1.) It was noticed that while the corona, during midday, and when the sun was
at a high altitude, was nearly circular, as the latter declined towards the horizon the
corona lengthened out, and the sun, instead of occupjring the centre of the ring,
hecame excentric to it, towards its lower boundary. This was noticed specially by
W. G. Brown, of Virginia ; (*') Prof. A. Kicc6, of Palermo ; 0«) Dr. Kiessling ; («*)
T. W. Backhouse, of Sunderland ; Prof Coenu, and Dr. Meldrum. {^^) Dr.
Bjoessung explains this excentricity as follows : —
" At sunset the sun has constantly become excentric near the lower border of
the central area [a diffraction field], so that when the sun has been at about 10°
altitude a strikingly bright glowing blue spot has appeared about 23° to 22° above the
horizon from which, when the sun has sunk lower, the first purple glow has been
suddenly developed. These observations clearly show that the problematic purple
glow is simply the upper portion of a very excentric diffraction image, such as can
be experimentally formed by allowing the edge of the cloud molecules to act on a
vertical plate of glass, the size of which molecules rapidly increase from above down-
This, however, does not tally with the fact noticed, amongst others by M. Cornu,
that the lower part of the diffraction ring widens out as the sun approaches the
horizon ; whereas, if the above cause were alone in operation it should become
narrower and more curved at its lower edge.
Prof. Cornu says (^®) : —
*' The concentric reddish corona is the simplest form of the phenomenon. It
appears in this geometrical form only when the sun is at great altitudes in the midst
of a sky sufficiently clear ; but when the sun is lower, the lower arch of the corona
widens and becomes more intense. Below this, on the horizon, arises a band of the
same colour, which also widens towards the corona as if attracted thereby. This band
gradually spreads in every direction, reaches the corona, and resolves itself into a
sort of globe. During this metamorphosis the brilliant inner space, of a slightly
bluish-white, remains sensibly circular, but, by an easily explained illusion, the sun
seems to be excentric towards the lower side."
It seems to us that this latter is the more probable interpretation of the two ;
though, in favour of the former acting to some extent, we have the d pi^iori
probability that dust would tend to arrange itself in the order of the sizes of
its component particles, increasing from above downw^ards.
Dr. Zenker, in an article on the corona,* has mathematically exhibited the
eUipticity of the corona as the solar altitude decreases as follows : —
Let ^ = the angular altitude of the sun above the horizon.
* ' Met. Zeitsch; (1885), vol. ii., p. 400.
2 p = the vertical angle of the cone made by joining the exterior rim of the
corona to the eye.
a, 6, the major and minor axes of the section made by this cone on the dust
stratum when the sun is not in the zenith.
Then we have
a COB p
h s/ Bin (^ -h p) sin (^— p) *
When the sun is at the zenith, <}> = 90° and a = h, and the ring is circular.
When the sun is on the horizon, <f> = p and ^ = oo , and the curve becomes a
parabola. Finally, when <^ is < p, j becomes negative, and the curve is an
Dr. A. KiGGENBACH, in his pamphlet already referred to, thus explains the
widening of the corona as the sun approaches the horizon * : —
" The widening of Bishop's Ring, which begins about half an hour before sunset,
and reaches its maximum soon after sunset, arises solely from the reddening of the
sun's light by its absorption in consequence of its longer path through the lower
atmospheric strata ; and is to be conceived as a transmutation of the diflfraction
image from a white source of illumination into that from a monochromatic red. At
the same distance from the sun where, shortly before the disappearance of the
ring, the maximum brightness of the red lies, the purple glow first makes its
From this and the preceding extracts, it is evident that considerable diversity
of opinion prevails as to the cause or causes of this particular phase of the phe-
(2.) Another feature of the corona was its variation when seen at different altitudes
above the surface of the earth. This has been noticed both by Mr. T. W. Back-
house, of Sunderland, and by Professor Forel, of Merges. Both observers concur in
finding the corona more brilliant when seen through a clearer atmosphere, such as
exists at lofty altitudes. The former describes the phenomenon as being far more
striking on the summit of the Gomer Grat, 10,289 feet above sea level, than down
below, and even at a height of 4000 feet it was more definite than at sea level. (^')
Professor Forel says C^) : — " I verified the influence of altitude on the corona.
Starting from the hospice of the Grimsel, 1870 metres (6135 feet), where the red circle
was well defined, I saw its intensity gradually diminish as I descended into the valley
of Hasli; at Innertkirchet, 625 metres (2051 feet), the red was imperceptible, but it
reappeared on ascending to Rosenlaui ; and at the Grand Schiedeck, 1960 metres (6431
feet), the corona was in its full lustre. I never saw it more brilliant than when on
the high nSvls of the F^e, 3000 metres (9843 feet), Kh6ne, 2800 metres (9187
* ' Beobacbtungen iiber die Dammernng,' Ac., p. 16.
feet) or Lower Aar, 2550 metres (8366 feet), glaciers," And again: — "I saw the
corona in the Alps of the Valais and Berne from August 18th to 26th. As soon as
I reached 1000 metres (3281 feet) the phenomenon reappeared ; at 1500 metres
(4921 feet) it was very distinct; at 2000 metres (6562 feet) to 3000 metres
(9843 feet) its hrilliancy was extraordinary."
These observations are important as showing that the phenomenon essentially
belonged to the upper aerial regions, and are easily explained by the fact that the
dustier and the smokier air of the lower strata would tend to overpower by their
diffused light and perhaps also to absorb the delicate mono-chromatic tints of the
corona more than would the purer and more translucent air of the upper regions.
Although, as we have before remarked, the corona was observed from places only
slightly elevated above sea level to be substantially independent of weather changes,
it was noticed to be more brilliant with certain phases of weather than others,
especially after rain, and when the lower strata were less hazy and smoky than usual.
In fact, the smoke of large cities, such as London and Berlin, seemed to render it
almost invisible. Such vari^ttion, however, was plainly local and confined to the lower
atmosphere alone.
Certain secular changes of colour, however, independe^tly of those due to the state
of the lower atmosphere, appear to have been noticed by a few persons, amongst whom
was Professor G. H. Stone, of Colorado, who, in a paper presented to the Colorado
Meteorological Association,* notices that the corona, or " sun-glow," as he terms it,
was orange in November and December, 1883, pink or reddish-brown in April, 1884,
and then diminished in intensity, becoming slightly orange again in the autumn of
the same year. Since then it had become dull reddish-brown,
** It was least intense during July and August of 1884 and 1885, It was most
intense during November and December, 1883 and 1884."
The same writer notices likewise certain variations of intensity with particular
phases of weather, the inaximum of brilliancy occurring during cold weather, and
especially before a cold storm, and he subsequently endeavours to trace a causal con-
nection between the two ; but as the sun-glow, or corona, was in all probability formed
in the same haze which caused the glows, and which evidently, both from its height
and behaviour, had very little connection with the ordinary currents and movements
of the lower atmosphere, this was mainly owing to the lower air being clearer at such
In support of this, Mr. Helm Clayton, writing to the same journal in June,
1886, says : — " Observations bavebe^n taken for several months on the visibility of the
ring and of distant mountains at Blue Hill Observatory, and there has seemed to be a
close parallelism between the two in New England. The ring has always appeared
brightest when the mountains were clearest, and has disappeared when the mountains
* ' American Meteorological Journal,* vol. ii., No. 11, March, 1886.
2 K
disappeared from view." Professor Stone's last communication, which again combats
this view, is appended : —
Disappearance of Bishop's Ring in Colorado.*
" The reddish ring about the STin first distinctly appeared here (at the base of Pike's Peak) on
Noyember 22nd, 1883. For several dajs before that date, a faint discoloration of the region about
the sun had attracted mj attention. This gradually grew more intense, and, on the day mentioned,
became unmistakable. The subsequent history of Bishop's Ring as seen at this place is, in brief, as
follows : —
'' The colour was most intense during the winter of 1883-84, and diminished in brightness from that
time until its disappearance. At first it was visible almost all the time. Later, it appeared only at the
time of cold storms, which were accompanied by great vertical movement of the air, or when, for any
reason, the clouds reached to a great height. It was, on the average, bright-er during the winters than
in the snmmers ; also, it was brighter when the sun was near the horizon. Many times in oold weather
there has been not a trace of the ring, although the air was so clear that peaks a hundred miles distant
were distinctly visible from the heights behind this city. At other times the ring has been very bright
when the air was so hazy that the mountains only 10 miles away were hardly visible. During the later
months of 1885 it was invisible most of the time, but suddenly flamed ont in wonderful intensity at the
time of the great norther of January 9th-llth, 1886. Then for about two months it frequently
appeared in the morning, or towards evening. During the warm months of 1886 it was not seen. On
October 15th it appeared distinctly. About a week later it appeared very faintly a few times, and
since then I have not been able to see a trace of it. My observatious have been made at elevations
of from 6000 to about 18,000 feet, and there was bnt little apparent dilEerence in intensity at the
different elevations. It is well known that the atmosphere here is, in general, very dry and trans-
** The difFraction -ring was often mora coppery, almost rosy, in tint at the time of the northers, and in
the thickening haze in the upper air preparatory to hailstorms. The great intensity of the colour at
such times, and its peculiar tint, and that, too, irrespective of the amount of haze in the lower
atmosphere, makes it probable that the ring was in part due to difFraction on ice-particles. If so, the
ice-particles may themselves have been due to precipitation on dust-particles. The fact that no difFrac-
tion-ring has been seen around the sun during the past winter is not conclusive, for we have had no great
northers, the season being unnsually mild. But the disappearance of Bishop's Ring for so long a time
makes it certain that, even if there can be a circum-solar glow due to diffraction on ice-particles, yet
the proper conditions for such a ring are realised only rarely, except when there is a great amount of
volcanic dust in the air."
♦•G. H. STONE."
" Colorado College, Colorado Springs."
Regarding the almost continuous change of tint of the corona from orange to
dull reddish-brown as time went on, it appears that this was most probably due
not to any special change in the matter which caused it, such as the introduction of
ice coating the dust, as is suggested by Professor Stone, but was simply a result of
the corresponding decline in intensity, allowing the less brilliant colours to be more
absorbed by the lower air. This explanation agrees with what has already been said
regarding the effect of change of altitude on the brilliancy of the phenomenon.
There seems, therefore, to be no general evidence to show that any sensible variation
• 'Nature,' vol. xxxv. (1887), p. 581.
took place in the appearance of the phenomenon, as it would have presented itself
from day to day to an observer on a lofty mountain, other than a gradual decline of
brilliancy as time proceeded. This fact appears to be of considerable importance in
relation to the proximate physical cause of the phenomenon.
(3.) Another peculiarity of this corona is, that while ordinary coronae of small
dimensions are frequently observed during the temporary passage of a cloud across
the sun's disc, this large and nearly constant corona does not seem to have been
vritnessed previous to its appearance in 1883, even by those ordinarily accustomed to
scan the heavens.
Thus Mr. Backhouse says : — " It has been habitual for me to scan the
neighbourhood of the sim for halos during 25 years, and I never observed it
previously to the date mentioned It is, therefore, very difficult for me to
believe that the corona was visible in this country much, if at all, before last
November." {^^)
MM. Thollon and Perkotin (^) speak to the same eflfect, in that, while they
had previously always found the sky clear, they "have, since November, 1883, found
the sun surrounded by a circular zone of glowing white, very slightly tinted with red
outside and white inside."
The Rev. W. Clement Ley, a world-renowned sky observer, says that the corona
was " unlike anything he ever saw before." And numerous other observers testify to
the same effect.
Professor von Bezold says that he noticed a white glare round the sun in former
years, but had never before observed the brown ring. (®^)
Obviously, then, we have-here a phenomenon which for size, brilliancy, univer-
sality, and protracted duration, appeal's to be unique in the annals of Optical
The Connection between the Corona, or Bishop's Ring, and the Unusual
Twilight Glows.
From the simultaneous appearance of these two phenomena in 1883, it has been
supposed that they were not only due to a common cause, but were merely different
manifestations of the same physical effects.
The gradual blending of the former into the latter, and the similarity of the
colour of the outside of the ring, which would be the last to survive after sunset,
to that of the final tint of glow when near the horizon, tend to support this notion,
which has been upheld chiefly by Dr. Riggenbach* and Professor KiESSLiNG.t
The former refers to the connection as follows : —
* * Beobachtungen uber die DammeniDg.'
t * Die DammeraDgserBclieiiiungen im Jabre 1883/
" The purple light begins to brighten up at that part of the sky where, at the
sudden disappearance of the sun, one would perceive the brightest part of Bishop's
Ring. After two or three minutes, when the extent of its area has become measure-
able, it grows similar to the extension of the ring in size and width. Then the
purple light increases both in the direction of the sun and in the reverse, but more
especially in the latter, beyond the boundary of the ring, and attains its maximum
area simultaneously with its maximum brilliancy, when the solar depression lies
between 3 J° and 4^°. At this time the purple glow occupies the whole of the western
sky, from about 6^ up to the zenith, and its seat is in the atmosphere from 5 to 13
kilometres (16,400 to 42,700 feet). After some time, when the extent of surface
covered by the glow has ceased to expand, the purple quickly withdraws towards the
sun, and it disappears, on an average, when the whole atmosphere below 6*4 to 9*5
kilometres (21,000 to 31,170 feet), visible from the place of observation, lies in the
shadow. The lower part of the purple phenomenon remains after the maximum of
light at nearly the same distance from the sun, and it is visibly nearer the sun
than the inner part of the ring. At the brightening of the purple glow still
higher portions of the atmosphere (perhaps up to 22 kilometres = 72,180
feet) may emit red rays, in which case the exterior part of the purple glow
shrinks before extinction to about an amount nearly equivalent to the interior
part of the ring."
Prof. KiESSLiNG has closely investigated the cause of the various phases
included under, and exhibited during the prevalence of, the unusual twilight
phenomena of 1883-4, and appears to attribute them all, with the exception of the
second after-glow, to diffiaction through the elevate cloud-haze, and to consider
them to be continuous modifications of the physical conditions which gave rise to
Bishop's Ring throughout the day.
He includes the ring as part of the twilight phenomenon, and after explaining
the excentricity of the sun with respect to its circumference as it approaches the
horizon, to be due to diflfraction through layers of particles increasing in size from
above downwards, attributes the sudden appearance of the purple glow near the
centre of the deformed ring to accumulated diffraction, principally of the red rays,
through a part of the cloud stratum which receives the sun's rays horizontally for
some considerable portion of its length. According to this explanation, we should
have to regard Bishop's Ring as representing symmetrical diffraction through the haze
which, when the sun sinks below the horizon, gradually merges into a special form of
mono-chromatic diffraction by horizontal rays, and still conclude that conditions which
might favour the development of the one phase would not necessarily promote the
brilliancy of the other ; for, the ring, during the day, would represent the effect of the
general diffraction through the entire layer, and would reach its maximum brilliancy
when this layer reached its highest general homogeneity ; whereas the glow proceed-
ing from some definite stratum or boundary of the haze might be subject to certain
influences* which would affect portions of the haze without altering its general
This might account for the non-simultaneous occurrence of the secular maxima of
the glows and of the corona, as well as for the fact that on single days, " when the
twilight glows were most striking, the ring was not exceptionally conspicuous/'t
At the same time, Professor Kiessling's theory leaves out reflection and trans-
mission, which are shown in Section I. (b), p. 198, to account for the main features of
the glows, especially of the secondary glow, which was the chief feature of the
present series.
In Opposition to the Views of Drs. Riggenbach and Kiessljng.
Professor Ilico6,J in a careful rSsum^ of his observations of the twilight
glows and attendant phenomena from December 3rd, 1883, to April 30th, 1884,
concludes that the corona and the primary glow are not only separate phenomena,
but are not physically related to each other in the manner indicated by Professor
His reasons may be summarised as follows : —
(1.) From calculations, taking account of refraction, the mean solar depression
at- the disappearance of the primary glow on the horizon is 9°'5. On the other
hand, the distance of the sim from the region of maximum brightness of the red in
the corona is 15°*2, and from that of its exterior boundary 26°'4.
(2.) The appearance of diverging crepuscular rays in the primary glow which
the author, following other authorities, attributes to interception of the horizontal
rays near the earth's surface by distant mountains, shows the primary glow to be
due to direct and not to diffracted light.
(3.) The unequal rate of descent of the edge of the primary glow, which on the
average is about 1° in 1 ^ minutes, and the constant rate of descent of the corona,
which follows the sun and descends from O'^'l? to 0°'18 per minute, or 1° in about
5^ ininutes.§
The equation expressing the variation in the height of the rosy twilight is thus
expressed by Professor Ricc6 : —
V= 37^-13 sin ^K,
* Such as those mentioned in Section lY.
t Dr. AssMANN, *Met. Zeits.,' vol. i. (1884), p. 196.
J ^Biassanto delle osservazioni dei crepnscoli rossi,' Nota i., ii., iii., 1884-5-6, R. Aocademia
dei liiacei.
§ Professor Ricco does not saj what happens to the corona when the snn goes below the horizon.
Most observers saj that it fades away — whether subjectively or objectively does not seem quite clear.
where V represents the variation per minute, and K the angular height of the edge
of the glow above the horizon.
The radius of the corona is found to vary according to a totally diflerent
empirical law expressed by the following equation : —
R = 26° - 7°16 sin f K.
In fact the radius of the corona becomes 26° when the sun is on the horizon, as
observed by Riggenbach * and others.
(4.) The fact, already noticed, that in April, 1884, when the twilight glows were
weak and rare, the corona was at its maximum intensity. Moreover, in January,
1885, when the extraordinary glows had for some time ceased, the corona was observed
several times very distinctly.
(5.) Professor Ricc6 observed a special development of the corona, viz., the brown
arc surrounding the sun at sunset from December, 1883, to December, 1884, fifteen
times strongly marked (intensity ^ 8), followed by weaker twilight glows (intensity
^ 5) ; and Professor Tacchini similarly observed, from January to December, 1884,
the brown arc strongly marked and followed by weak displays of the twilight glows.
Also the former observed the arc four times, and the latter fourteen times, not
followed by twilight glows.
(6.) The descending corona is not able to change, except in a slight degree, its
form and its dimensions through atmospheric refraction. The greater obliquity of
the diffracting stratum is not able to produce a change in the form and dimensions of
this coloured ring, as may easily be experimentally verified with a glass sprinkled
with lycopodium powder, and held with varying obliquity between the eye and a
source of illumination.
(7.) If the rosy arc (of the twilight glows) formed part of a diffraction ring, its
6olour would be produced by the super-position of the red and the violet of two rings
of a neighbouring order ; and in its spectrum, besides the maximum in the red, there
should be also a maximum in the violet, which is not the case.
Professor Ricc6, in fine, considers the extraordinary glows to have been super-
posed on Bishop's Ring, but not produced either by it, or by diffracted rays, but, as
far as the primary is concerned, by the direct solar rays.
Professor Rtcc6's arguments appear to demolish in great measure Professor
Kiessling's view that the primary sunset glow is entirely due to diffraction, and
until they are effectively met by the latter, we incline to the view already put
forward in Section I. (b), p. 199, in which some further considerations are urged against
the purely diffraction hypothesis, and in favour of that which accounts for both the
primary and the secondary glows at sunrise and sunset, mainly by reflection
of rays already tinted by diffraction through, and absorption by, the same stratum,
* * Beobaclitang^n iiber die Dammemng.'
and the dust and vapour normally existing in the lower atmosphere. Regarding the
disappearance of the ring at sunset^ Dr. Ass2(ann says : — ^' The ring was always*
fainter a little before sunset, and soon after was quite invisible." And again, Prof.
CoRNU* says : — " After simset the corona has the appearance of a slight haze,
and gradually vanishes ; the colours blend with those of the setting sun, but generally
in the higher regions, and they remind us of the finest roseate hues of the last
winter's evenings/'
General Opinions regarding the C!orona.
We shall here give a brief rSsumS of some general remarks by a few of the lead-
ing observers regarding the character and causes of Bishop's Ring.
Dr. AssMANN,t referring to certain phenomena witnessed during an ascent of
the Brocken, says : — " These rings and wreaths certainly gave one a strong impression
of the existence of a thickly distributed dusty material sweeping along in close con-
tiguity to the earth. That no form of aqueous vapour could have caused this ring is
evident from its optical peculiarities, as also from the instructive combination which
occurred on January 13th between 12 and 2 p.m. in the form of a portion of a regular
solar halo and of a luminous mock-sun near the brownish-violet haze circle, the
mock-sun being at least 2^ beyond the circle, The connection of these coloui-ed rings
with the abnormal twilight phenomena is very probable,"
Professor H. Krone, in an article in the ' Met. Zeitschrift,' J says of the red
region surrounding the twilight glows ; — '* This red region seems to be identical with
the ring seen by Fai^l. I cannot, however, agree with Fall in placing this ring in
the category of solar and lunar halos, that is to say among the interference phenomena
which are wont to accompany light when transmitted through ice-needles
This ring is uo other than the red region of the less refracted rays, yellow, reddish-
yellow, and red, caused through refraction of the sun's rays by the atmosphere,
especially with high atpaospheric pressure. . . ."
Professor von Bf:zoLp, ip a letter to Professor Kiessling§ (October 24th, 1884),
says : —
** I have observed for years the bright glow during a high sun, and the bright
spot above it when it is below the horizon. I was, therefore, so far inclined to doubt
the argument which Clausicjs brings forward in his treatise on the colour of the
atmosphere, that no water globules, but only water vesicles, were present in it,
because, in the first case, the sun would always be surrounded by a large pale sim
image of nearly 60°, which is not the fact. I often said to myself, * Such" an image is
* * Gomptes Rendus,' vol. xcix., p. 490.
t * Met. Zeitschrift,' vol. i. (1884), p. 197.
t lUd,^ vol. i. (1884) ,p. 277. * Bericht iiber die vulkamsche Ausbniche des Jahrea 1883,* von
Dr. Neumatkr.
§ ' Das Wetter,' 1884, p. 178.
actxially present, although its extension does not quite correspond with the conditions
of the theory ; and I have for years inferred a connection between this glow and the
purple light, but since no one took any interest in my twilight observations I let the
fact drop, and confined myself to occasional observation.
" On the other hand, in spite of the close attention I bestowed on this bright
shine, I have never before observed the brown ring, which surprised me for the first
time on December 1st, 1883, the same day on which the unusual twilight glows
appeared, and which I have now very often, particularly during this autiunn, seen
with wonderful development. I have also for the first time observed the reddish
colours in the interstices between the clouds [in daytime] during this last winter."
Professor Le Contb, of California, (^^) regards the ring as a difiVaction pheno-
menon, but mixed with an imperfectly developed ice-halo, and hence accounts for the
feebleness and blending of the tints.
M. Thollon {^) says that the phenomenon was visible at Nice from November,
1883, to July, 1884, and that, as he was quite certain he had never observed similar
phenomena in former years, he concluded that some remarkable change had occurred
in the atmosphere &om that date in that locality. He says also that the corona is
evidently produced by diffraction through some light powder.
Professor Forel, (®^) from an examination of European records only, concluded
that an immense dust-cloud existed suspended in the air over Central Europe.
Prof. CoRND* remarks that, in favourable circumstances, the order of the colours
in Bishop's Ring is as follows : —
*' Proceeding from the centre outwardly, clear azure blue, neutral grey, brown^
yellow, orange-yellow, coppery-red, purple-red, and dull violet, which is analogous to
the succession of the colours of the first ring of diflfraction coronse presented by
thin clouds. We can often make a direct comparison. These vivid hues are not
always produced when the spaces open on the corona^, as a second condition is
necessary, viz., that the hazy reds seen shall be in the shade, otherwise the colours
are flooded with white light. This condition is evident when we follow the sun's
beams across those spaces, since it is only beyond the reach of these rays that these
red tints of fiery lustre are observed. These observations seem to indicate that the
phenomenon has its fifeat far above the cumulus (perhaps above the cirrus), and that
it acquires its most extraordinar}> intensity when viewed from spots where there is
no terrestrial haze."
Professor Piazzi Smyth says {^) ; — ** That such appearances [those noticed by
him on September 3rd, 1884, and by Mr, Backhouse, in the Alps,] were produced by
solid particles in a cold state, and not by any new gas introduced into the atmosphere,
seems to be borne out by three sets of rather extensive solar spectroscopings which
I have lately cai:ried out; for while there does not seem to be a single new line
amongst the thousands of old ones, as far as I have yet examined the observations,
* * Comptes Rendus,* vol. xcix., p. 490.
there is only too abundant evidence of a continued dulling of the light of the sun's
continuous spectrum along its range.
"This effect is, of course, more conspicuous in the faint regions at each end
than in the bright middle, and appears to be testified to undeniably by the following
differential observations, viz., that with a prismatic apparatus wherewith I could see
lines in the bright regions, say, of B, C, and D, rather better than I could with
somewhat similar but darker prisms in 1877, I could not see Brewster's line Y, and
its companion groups in the very faint ultra-red, so well as I did then ; and could not
see the further-away line X at all, though in 1877 it was not only clear enough, but
far fainter lines on each side of it were visible, and micrometrically measurable.
Neither in 1884 have I been able, with the same eye, and instrument, to see anything
at the violet end of the spectrum of the grand banded lines H and K, though they
formed a daily subject of observation in 1877. In 1856, I remarkably appreciated
that an ascent to 1 1,000 feet on the Peak of Teneriffe enabled H and K to be seen
with pecuUar distinctness and fine resolution of much of their haze at lower levels
into sharp lines," &c.
These observations are evidently important, not only in their negative bearing
on the cause of the corona, but in their positive bearing on the general absorption
exercised by the haze.
Prof. KiESsrjNG has studied the diflfraction phenomena in the laboratory and
also in the operations of nature, and we shall here quote the results of some of his
experiments and remarks, as they have a very important bearing on the cause of the
corona as well as on that of the entire range of optical effects which began in August,
His experiments * (a detailed account of which is appended to this section, p. 258)
lead to the following conclusions : —
(1.) That when the particles are of the same size, a condition which is not
ordinarily .fulfilled in smoke and cloud, either dust, or dust and vapour together,
transmit with solar light coloured coronae ; but that when the particles are of different
sizes the diffraction image is colourless.
(2.) That when the air is filtered from dust, and vapour is introduced into the
diffraction chamber, and the temperature is lowered, no trace of diflfraction rings is
visible with transmitted Kght.
(3.) On introducing ordinary (and therefore dusty) air into the chamber, and
lowering the temperature and pressure, a ring with a bluish interipr and a broad red
border is obtained, very similar to the corona of 1883. The finest effects are
obtained by starting with a maximum of vapour tension, the colours changing as
the temperature and pressure are lowered, showing two marked stages.
* Partly described in the * Meteor. Zeitschr.,' vol. i., 1884, and partly in his pamphlet, • Die
DftmmemngsergoheinungOD im Jahre 1883/ Leipzig, 1885.
2 L
In the first, the order is as follows, from the centre outwards : — "Pale lilac, pale
bluish-violet, bright blue, bluish-green, emerald-green, yellowish-green, greenish-
yellow, bright orange, dark orange, pale scarlet-red, pale purple-red."
In the second, when the temperature and pressure are much lower, the order of
the colours from the centre is as follows : — " Pale purple-red, stone-green, luminous
olive-green, yellowish-green, luminous bronze-yellow, orange."
To obtain a bluish central field with a broad reddish-brown ring, a little smoke
must be added to the vapour.
As Prof KiESSLiNG considers the entire series of optical effect.s which began in
August, 1883, to be due to diffiuction, we cannot here refer to his general views
regarding the connection between tliese and the eruption of Krakatoa ; but may
notice, with reference to the corona alone, that, according to him, the phenomenon
may have been produced either by diffraction through dust alone, or through a
homogeneous cloud formed round the finest dust particles.
The necessary homogeneity in the former case, he thinks, may have arisen from
the heavier particles of the dust clouds ejected from the volcano having been sifted
out by gravitation, leaving the remainder so nearly of the same size that they were
capable, by themselves, of producing the coloured difiraction phenomena. He
mentions, also, having produced clearly coloured diffiraction rings with finely sifted
and pulverised cement.
Regarding the general question as to whether the haze, or whatever produced
the corona, was solely dry dust or smoke, or partly or entirely minute ice spiculae
formed, as Aitken would tell us they generally are, round dust nuclei, the corona
alone does not give us a decided answer, since diffraction through such spiculffi
might produce a corona of the same angular dimensions as that produced by dust of
the same size and shape ; and the fact that the angular diameter of the corona in
the present case was almost exactly the same as that of the refraction halo for ice
prisms, viz., 45°, might be thought a suflScient reason for the absence of the latter.
Dr. Assmann's observation, however, quoted above, of a solar halo appearing on
January 13th, 1884, seems to make it plain that if there had been a halo produced
in the haze, which was the seat of the ring, it would have been at once detected
as a separate phenomenon. If, therefore, the corona was formed by ice prisms sur-
rounding dust nuclei, it seems strange that, while the corona was always visible,
there was no trace of a refraction halo in the same stratum, as we should be led to
Besides this negative evidence, there are many other considerations in favour of
the notion that the haze which caused all the unusual optical phenomena was
composed chiefly of dry dust. Some of these have been already noticed in Section
I. (b), p. 195, in which certain peculiarities presented by the glows appear to find
their explanation solely on this hypothesis.
We may here add a few more : —
(1.) The fact that in cirrus, or cirro-stratus ice-haze, in which alone refraction
halos are seen, coronse are seldom if ever observed. On the other hand, in the lower
clouds, where water occurs in minute spherules (water dust), coronae are frequently
obsei*ved* Kaemtz * says : — " CoronsB occur in the middle of cumulus, halos in cirrus/'
Now, it can scarcely be doubted that any water vapour which occurred in the cloud
haze would, at an elevation of from 60,000 to 120,000 feet or more, be entirely frozen
into ice-spiculae resembling those in the cirrus. We should, therefore, by all analogy
and experience, have expected halos rather than coronae to prevail in this elevated
stratum. Instead of this, however, we find no traces of halos in the haze, but a per-
sistent brilliant and immense corona such as has never before been witnessed. In the
absence, therefore, of any special evidence to show that ice-spiculae could be formed
and continue at such an elevation (which on meteorological and physical grounds is
very improbable t), and of so minute a size as to produce so large a corona, or that
they should give rise to a corona in preference to a halo, contrary to what occurs in
the cirrus and cirro-stratus, the constant occurrence of this large corona for two
or three years must alone be considered as evidence in favour of the haze being
composed chiefly of dust.
(2.) The remarks of Mr. Attken, in his paper referred to in Section IV., p. 346,
as to the sifting rather than absorbing influence of the haze, which he proved by means
of the polariscope.
(3.) The peculiar effect of the haze on astronomical definition, and the effects
witnessed diu:ing lunar eclipses (Section I. (d), p. 225) ; and
(4.) The general evidence from Mr. Verbeek's report, that the ejecta from
Krakatoa during its eruption on August 26th and 27th, were mainly fine and dry
pumiceous dust, the rain of mud occurring only locally and temporarily, more than
20 hours after the principal explosions had commenced. |
Summary of Part IV., Section I. (e).
Taking all the facts regarding the corona, or Bishop s Ring, together, we arrive at
the following conclusions : —
(1) That the date on which it was fii-st distinctly seen was September 5th, 1883,
by Mr. Bishop at Honolulu, after which it appeared at most places where the other
optical effects were witnessed :
(2) That its principal colours were bluish-white in the centre, shading off into
a reddish-brown border, the diameter of the inner space being about 21^, and the
entire ring, to the external boundary of the red, about 45° 30'. Round the moon the
♦ 'Meteorology,* translated by Walker, p. 431.
t See " General Analysis,'* Section VII.
X This point is further considered in Section VI T.
2 L 2
only colour distinguishable was a pale-reddisb circular boundary, the apparent diameter
of which was somewhat smaller than that round the sun :
(3) That when it was visible it appeared all day from sunrise to sunset under
favourable conditions :
(4) That it reached its maximum intensity about the spring of 1884, since which
time it gradually declined in brilliancy and visibility, down to June, 1886. Since
this latter date it has not been seen even by one of its most careful observers,
Professor Rioc6 :
(5) That it was best seen at great altitudes ; and near the earth it was best seen
on days when the air was free from ordinary dust or smoke :
(6) That it appeared to be independent of all ordinary atmospheric disturb-
ances :
(7) That it was most probably formed in the haze stratum, which proximately
caused the twilight glows and other optical phenomena :
(8) That though a white glare, resembling its inner portion, had been observed
in previous years by Professor von B£Z0LD, he had never before seen a corona of tho
same size and with the marked reddish border :
(9) That it was a diffi*action corona produced by the accompanying haze, and
that its great size proves this haze to have been composed of exceedingly small
particles :
(10) That the order of 'the colours shows it to have been most probably a
diffraction ring of the first order :*
(11) That the occurrence of a corona in so elevated a region, as well as the
general absence of accompanying refraction halos, tends to show that the particles
through which the difiraction took place were solids, and dust rather tbm ice :
(12) That while the corona was associated with the twilight glows and coloured
Sims in being produced by the same elevated haze, it was physically distinct firom
either, and probably contributed only very slightly to the glows, after the sun sank
below the horizon :
(13) That, from Dr. Kiessling^s experiments, it appears that exactly similar
phenomena can be produced on a small scale by diffraction of the sun's rays through
minute dust, or vapour momentarily condensed in ordinary dusty air.
Thb Size of the Particles which Produced the Large Corona, or
Bishop's Ring.
The size of the particles Jias, by two observers, been estimated as follows : —
Millimetre. Inch.
(«7) Professor FoREL at -003 = -00011
(«8) Herr Flogel at '001 = -00004
• See Prof. Cornu, p. 252, and Professor Ricco, in his paper already quoted.
The writer of the present section, taking the mean value of the inner and outer
diameters of the corona to be 21° and 45° 30', and taking the former to represent the
position of the bright violet and the latter that of the red ring, obtains the following
results : —
The formula employed is —
where —
d = the diameter of a dust globule ;
D= the angular diameter of the ring of the particular colour chosen ;
X = the wave-length of the colour ;
N= a constant whose values for the rings of the first and second orders are
07655 and 17571 respectively.*
We shall give the values for the first and second orders, though everything
points to the probability of the entire corona, as seen, belonging to the first order.
The radius to the middle of the ring is taken to be 15° 10', the value given by
Professor Eicc6 for the position of maximum intensity. Since in diffracted spectra
the middle of the spectrum coincides with the position of the rays of maximum
intensity, this will give us values more probably correct than either the radius to
the inner or to the outer boundary, both of which were less definitely marked.
Diameter of the Particles (supposed Spherical) causing Bishop's Ring.
• •
• •
Isfc Order.
2nd Order.
Inner diameter 21°
Middle „ 30° 20' . .
Outer „ 45° 30' . .
•00165 mm.
•00162 „
•00160 „ •
•00379 mm.
•00376 „
•00346 „
•00159 mm.
= •00006 in.
•00367 mm.
= •00014 in.
It will be noticed that these values are very fairly accordant, the discrepancies
showing that, if anything, the internal radius was measured somewhat too small or
the outer too large, but the total difference is very little.
K we take the mean of both the values from all three diameters for the first and
second orders, we get "0001 inch, which is the same as that given by Professor
FoREL ; but as we take the ring to have been of the first order, we shall adopt as
the most probable value '00006 inch.t
E. Douglas Archibald.
* For the yalnes of these confltants the writer is indebted to Professor Stokes, P.B.S.
t This is about three times the mean length of a wave of light. Some of the particles, however
maj have been smaller than the length of a wave of red, and perhaps even of violet, light.
Discussion and Account of Experiments in Connection with Diffraction Coronce, and
Bishop's Ring, by Pro/essai^ Kiessling.*
When the sun's rays are passed through a cloud formed of sulphate of ammonia, formed by
sulphurous acid and ammonia vapour, an image is formed, which rapidly changes in colour from a
dark copper, through violet and crimson, to a brilliant azure blue. In a moist air these chaoges
are more rapid than in dry. Clouds formed of phosphoric acid, sal ammoniac, and gunpowder
smoke give the same results. In the case of the sal ammoniac cloud, steam intensifies the blue,
and causes it to occur earlier; a steam or aqueous vapour cloud in air gives rise to colours between
brownish-red and dark grey -blue. The green colour could not be artificially produced. Laugikb
made an observation on the island of Ouessant [apparently a blue sun] (* Comptes Rendus,' vol. 39) in
1854, which prompted the accurate research into the action of aqueous vapour in causing blue sun,
made by Foubnbt in 1858 and 1859 (* Comptes Rendus,' vols. 47 and 48), and by Lissajous, March,
1858. FouBNET found that the atmosphere was never pure white when aqueous vapour was preaeut,
but was always more or less orange or blue. Cumulus clouds, increasing in thickness from the cir-
cumference to the centre, showed successive phases of the phenomenon as the wind wafted them
along. In most cases, if the sun was covered or dimmed by clouds, the borders of the neighbouring
clouds were gilded, and the clouds themselves coloured orange. Between the orange-coloured zone and
the sun's radiating disc is a blue space ; and if the sun passes behind a cloud-veil with more or less
sharp contours, these become blue or dull white, or orange, according to the density of the obscuring
cloud. (See also ' Phil. Mag.,' vol. 58, 1821, p. 234.) [He then refers to the dimmed and coloured suns
seen in 1831 and 1883, which, he says, were apparently due to volcanic dust clouds.]
If the diJSraction chamber be filled with moist air which has been thoroughly filtered and freed
from dust, and the temperature be lowered, then a cloud is formed which is visible only in direct
sunlight. It consists of very minute, very scattered, cloud particles, which do not produce the slightest
trace of coloured difPraction rings with transmitted light ; evidently because there are too few of them in
the chamber. A slight cloud is formed in dustless air, which resolves itself into small rain without cloud.
On introducing a little ordinary air into the chamber, a smoky cloud is formed at once, in
addition to the large drops of rain. If through this mixture of cloud and rain we look at a screen of
tissue paper placed immediately behind the diaphragm of the heliostat, which is about 2 cm. broad, a
yellowish-brown halo, with reddish-brown boundaries, is formed, just of the colour and size of the
ordinary lunar halo. If a diminution in pi*e88ure be made to occur simultaneously with a sadden
lowering of temperature, then larger and more distinctly coloured diffraction rings are formed,
without the already existing diffraction image being in the slightest degree altered. Hence it follows
that in the above-described process of condensation, the first formed cloud -particles are not vesicles
but true water droplets ; for if, under ordinary atmospheric pressure, the first cloud- formation
conaisted of vesicles, a rapid decrease of from 80 to 120 mm. of pressure would necessarily cause
a rapid expansion of the vesicles and a correspondingly rapid decrease in the diameter of the first
diffraction nngs formed thereby. But it is not so. At the first moment of decrease of pressai-e
there is a broad central space which becomes a trifle smaller only during rapid colour changes, whereby
it forms a group of concentric distinctly coloured rings, so that in the course of one or two seconds,
two diffraction figures appear, one over the other, differing greatly in size and colour (the second being
the less vivid of the two). With continued decrease of pressure the diameter of the two ring systems
gradually diminishes simultaneously. Clausius has thoroughly discussed this subject in his 'Die
Lichterscheinungen der Atmosphare ' (Leipzig, 1850, pp. 392, 396; *Pogg. Ann.,* vols. 76,84, and 85); and
* Abridged and translated from * Met. Zeitschrift,' vol. (1884;, pp. 117 ei srq.
Bubichabt«Jbzler has more recently (*Pogg. Ann.,' vol. 145) endowed the vesicnlar theory with decisive
importance. The formation of bright diffraction colours is in complete accordance With Fraunhofeb*8
theory, that they necessitate clouds formed of particles of, as nearly as may be, the same sise. This
presupposes the presence of a fine dust, which is ordinarily existent in the air of rooms, and in the
atmospheric layers nearest the earth, and appears to be most efficient in acting upon light when the air
is saturated.
This is most readily effected when the air has passed through water at 30° to 40° C, before being
introduced into the difiraction chamber, and when the decreased pressure causing a redaction of
temperature is spread over at least a minute. When these conditions prevail, the development of colour
is so intense that a sectional figure of the cone of diffraction rays emitted by the bell-glass is formed
upon a screen of white tissue paper, placed at a distance of 1 metre . . • the colours of which, in
specially favourable circumstances, that is, when the constituent particles of the cloud are as nearly as
possible of the same siae, rival in intensity those of a solar spectrum of large dispersion viewed objectively.
The amplitude of this, depending upon the size of the cloud corpuscles, varies between 10° and 30°.
In consequence of the intimate dependence of the intensity of the light upon the uniform structure
of the colour-producing cloads, great care is required in the objective representation of intensely bright
diffraction images ; since only dull colours are formed when the water is too hot or too cold.
The diffraction image undergoes a remarkable change of colour when the pressure is continually
diminished. This, however, occurs only in the incipient stage of cloud formation, and generally
presents two periods, at the termination of which the colour remains constant ; yet the last phases of
the first period are so constant under some conditions, that there is no change of colour with a decrease
of 10 to 20 mm. in pressure, and consequently of 1° to 2° C.
The rapidity of the succession of colours depends upon the degree of humidity, and upon the rate
at which the temperature is lowered, which would be materially influenced by the walls of the relatively
small diffraction chamber. The dependence of the colour tone upon these two factors is very close.
An accurate determination of it will require further investigation. The colour changes are perceived in
the central area, as well as in the surrounding concentric rings. This can be distinctly observed —
objectively by means of the image cast upon a transparent screen, or subjectively by direct observation
of the sun's light which has passed through the diffraction chamber, or by interposing a transparent
screen of tissue paper about 2 cm. in diameter, in front of the heliostat. The observation of the colour
development in direct sunlight is attended with difficulty, partly because the eyes suffer from making
such observations, but mainly because the images are so transitory, owing to the formation of air-layers
of different temperatures which mix together, that the originally coloured concentric rings of the
diffraction image are soon lost in the brighter but distinctly coloured reciprocally penetrating cloud-
image. On this account I have investigated the colour changes in the last-mentioned ways only.
The colours then always appear less bright, and also undergo a modification, but not an important one,
in the higher tones of colour, namely, the yellow and the red shades. In the presence of the electric
light the development of colour is especially interesting in modifications between blue and violet.
At the very commencement of the depression of temperature there is originated a white, silvery
shining, excessively thin, and thoroughly transparent cloud, of which the first, very transitory, colour
appears to be a dull violet ; the diameter of the central field varies according to the amount of
vapour present, between 15° and 60°. Then the following colours rapidly succeed each other in the
central area : dull lilac, dull blue-lilac, brilliant clear blue, bluish-green, emerald-green, yellowish-
green, greenish-yellow, bright orange, dull orange, dull scarlet, and crimson-red. This closes the
first period. Each sacceeding colour appears to spread over the preceding one, which then contracts
in diameter, so that an image is formed composed of richly coloured concentric rings. This
encroachment of colour, however, does not proceed uniformly, but some rings sometimes become so
narrow as to be indicated only by a transition tint, so that the succession of colon rs in the spectrum
is apparently interrupted. I have not yet been able to ascertain the cause of this abnormal occurrence,
which must stand over for future investigation.
All the colours are mixed, but are suffused with such a peculiar soft glowing light that it is
exceedinglj difficult to represent them hj means of water-colours. The estimation of the colours in the
several phases of the development is rendered especially difficult, partly because the ooloar is rapidly
dulled in consequence of the formation of fresh cloud-particles from the continuously wet walls of the
diffraction chamber, and partly because a constant change is proceeding in the rings as well as in the
central area, owing to the changes of temperature. A stationary condition first supervenes at the end
of this period. This is pre-eminently the phase of the colour development, during which the omtral
fijld is orange, the first ring a bright green, and bluish-green ; and the second, if of moderate breadth,
comprises all shades between blue-violet and crimson-red. The whole aperture of the cone issuing
from the diffraction appears to be nearly 40°, and in especially favourable circumstances, that is when
the cloud is very homogeneous, it amounts to 70°. If we allow sal ammoniac clouds to rise within
this cone, then these appear to be green-blue or pnrple-red, as soon as they catch the rays of light.
This phase also is nearly stationary ; dull crimson in the central area, surrounded by a broad green
and a narrow blue-violet ring. This phase may often be watched for 15 or 20 seconds without
showing any change.
The second period of coloar-change in the central area shows a much nanx>wer rang^ of colom^
which now always partake of the character of mixed colours overlapping one another. The colours
are : crimson-red (with an approximately violet glow), stone-gray (with an approximately green glow),
bright olive-green, yeHowish-green, bright bronxe-yellow, and orange. If the decrease of temperature (as
a consequence of diminution of pressure) be continued, the orange becomes more red and bluish in
tone, so that there is a sudden renewal of the colour which characterises the beginning of the second
period, crimson-red ; then a repetition of the second period sets in, but in gradually fading colours,
which become less distinct as the density of the cloud increases.
As aforesaid, the development of colours is closely dependent on the humidity ; so that when there
lias been a reduction of temperature after the introduction of rapidly succeeding streams of diy, dusiy
air, and of air supersaturated with moisture by passage through hot water, there is often a parti-
coloured mixture, lasting 10 to 15 seconds, glowing with all the colours of the spectrum, and forming a
vortex of cloud particles, in which the contrast between purple-red and emerald-green interpenetrating
cloud masses is quite sharply defined on opposite sides of the cloud mass. This seems to represent the
same condition of things as occurs in the well-known Brasilian twilight phenomenon called ^' arrtbolj"
which has been fully described by Bubkhabt-Jezleb.
The dependence of the colours upon the specific nature of the medium is particularly well displayed
if the upper part of the diffraction chamber be warmed by means of a gas flame. This checks the
formation of the large cloud pai*ticles in the upper part of the glass. If, now, the temperature be
lowered, and the diffraction image be such that the central area has the colour of the final orange of
the firot period, the upper part will be green at the base and blue at the top, and will allow of the
recognition of sharply defined colour-changes of distinctly larger radius.
If this warming be continued so that a space at the top of the chamber at least 10 cm. deep is
brought to a temperature of about 50° to 60^ C, and there is on the floor of the diffraction chamber
(which must be so connected with the air-filter that all differences of pressure brought about by the
warming and subsequent cooling may be equalised) a cold and wet sponge ; then a cloud forms itself,
which first originates at the boundary between the upper warm and lower cold air, and rapidly spreads
from below downwards, while the upper part of the glass gradually becomes clear. This is a condition of
things which Alluabd regularly noticed on the Puy de D6me, in the winter of 1879-80, and especially in
that of 1881-2, where, for example, he noticed V'S C. at Clermont and 8° C. on the Puy de D6me. If the
sun's rays be allowed to enter the diffraction chamber parallel to this boundary, successive cloud layers
will be seen which are distinctly marked off, one from the other, by the size of their constituent molecules,
sharp demarcations, and distinctness of colour. The colours come out particularly bright if a reduction of
temperature be superinduced upon that caused by diminution of pressure, and a bluish glowing cloud
appears at the top of the chambei; to vanish again in a few seconds. The colour-changes in the several
layers follow the same order from above downwards (as has already been described), in the central
area with a continued fall of temperature. These colour-changes seem to have been observed by
Alluard on the Puy de D6me, when he reports (in * Comptes Rendus/ vol. xcviii., p. 162), that " at
sunrise and sunset we saw all the colours of the rainbow successively appear on the horizon in every
direction." A splendid picture of cloud structure is given in the * Leipzig illustrirte Zeitung * for March
the 8th, from a sketch by Plumindon.
If the colour-producing cloud-layer has great vertical dimensions, diffraction rings will form round
the sun and moon, especially when at low altitude. The difiEraction rings round the sun may be
observed, even when only faintly developed, by pasting a black disc about the size of the sun*s image,
on the back of a blackened glass, and looking at the sun with one eye in such a way that the sun shall
be covered by the black disc.
PoLARiscopic Observations by M. Cornu.*
The corona has a considerable distui*bing influence on atmospheric polarisation, especially near the
neutral points. Since the appearance of the corona, the relative positions of the three neutral points
have undergone considerable changes ; moreover, four new neutral points have appeared which are
situated in symmetrical pairs about the sun's vertical, nearly at the altitude of the solar and anti-solar
centres. The two neutral points right and left of the sun can be readily seen by placing a piece of
red glass between the polariscope and the eye (the face and the other eye should be well shaded) ; they
are situated outside the red corona ; a green glass shows the neutral points less distinctly, and a cobalt
blue glass brings them close to the sun. The intensity of the perturbation decreases then with the
refrangibility of the emitted light; the analysis of the polariscopic phenomenon, compared with that of
preceding years, shows that the perturbation corresponds in each point to the superposition of a beam
polarised in a plane perpendicular to a plane passing through the sun.
The new anti-solar pair of neutral points are, on the contrary, difficult of observation ; it requires a
double glass {rouge a vitrail), so as to work with a light as monochromatic and refrangible as possible.
The field of view is dark ; nevertheless the coloured bands are quito distinct when the sky is clear,
but they can be seen for only a few minutes before sunset. There is a similar perturbation in the
point of maximum polarisation, that is, at 90° from the sun in the vertical line. The maximum of
polarised light, which on fine days might usually be represented by 0*75, has never exceeded 0*48 ; an
accidental diminution in the amount of polarised light generally corresponds to a simple increase of
haze ; but the persistent low proportion which has prevailed under all meteorological conditions, taken
in connection with the other disturbances, appears to indicate the existence of some cause which acts
like haze in diffusing neutral light and diminishing the apparent polarisation of blue sky. Photometric
measurements in the neighbourhood of the sun point to the same conclusion.
Polarimetric observations made with a red or a cobalt-blue glass show that the proportion of polarised
light is less for the red than for the blue rays ; here again the degree of disturbance diminishes with the
refrangibility. This very summary account will not warrant any rigorous conclusions as to the cause
of the phenomenon, but it suffices to show that it is probably related to the eruption of Krakatoa.
References in Section I. (e).
0) * Nature,' vol. xxix. (1884), p. 260.
(*) «Met. Zeitschrift,' vol. i. (1884), p. 58.
(») MSS., dated December 8, 1884.
* ' Comptes Rendns,* vol. xcix. (1884), p. 491, et seq.
2 M
(*) • Nature,' vol. xxix. (1883), p. 103.
(•) ' Standard/ December 26, 1883.
(•) • Nature,' vol. xxix. (1884), p. 251.
C) ' Quarterly Journal, Royal Met. Soc.,' February 20, 1884.
(•) « Met. Zeitecbrift,' vol. i. (1884), p. 185.
(*•) * ZeitBcbrift fiir Met.,' Bd. xix., p. 72.
(") 'Nature,' vol. xxix. (1884), p. 283.
(») * Met. Zeitscbrift,' vol. i. (1884), p. 184.
(") « Met. Zeitscbrift,' vol. i. (1884), p. 194.
(") 'Nature,' vol. xxix. (1884), p. 403.
(**) * Comptes Rendns,' vol. xcviii., p. 760, and vol. xcix., p. 446.
(") * Comptes Rendus,' vol. xcviii., pp. 1299, 1300.
C) *Met. Zeitscbrift,' vol. i. (1883-4), pp. 196-198.
(^•) * Comptes Rendus,' vol. xcix., pp. 488-493.
(") 'Nature,' vol. xxix. (1884), p. 260.
(») ' Nature,' vol. xxix. (1883), p. 130.
(") 'Nature,' vol. xxix. (1883), p. 103.
(") * Comptes Rendus,' vol. xcvii., p. 1515.
(«) ' Nature,' vol. xxix. (1884), p. 309.
(»•) 'Met. Zeitscbrift; vol. i. (1884), p. 117.
(«) 'Nature,' vol. xxxi. (1885), p. 548.
(«») 'Nature,' vol. xxix. (1884), p. 503.
C) * Quarterly Journal, Royal Met. Soc.,' vol. x., April, 1884, and personal.
(") * Comptes Rendus,' vol. xcviii., p. 1299.
(») 'Nature,' vol. xxx. (1884), p. 324.
(") * Comptes Rendus,' vol. xcix., p. 423.
(«) * Zeitscbrift fiir Met.,' vol. xix. (1884), p. 72.
(») 'Met. Zeitscbrift,' vol. i. (1884), p. 58.
('^) Sbip's Log.
(**) ' Am. Journ. Science,' vol. xxvii., Marcb, 1884, p. 204.
(*») ' Met. Zeitscbrift,' vol. i. (1884), p. 57.
(") ' Nature' vol. xxx. (1884), p. 54.
(») ' Met. Zeitscbrift,' 1884.
(*) * Jamaica Weatber Report ' for November, 1883, p. 5.